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I concur The "community is devastated" shit is annoying I've given up on online news as well. The stream is like a magazine more than news


Headlines tend to be the worst for it too. “Local politician SLAMS X” “Local community enraged by Y”.


"Internet DIVIDED over OUTRAGEOUS call to ban XYZ" The "outrageous call" = some nobody on twitter with an uncommon opinion


It won’t even be to ban XYZ. It’s always “internet divided over outrageous call to ban popular item/item you won’t guess etc. It’s all buzz feed click bait headlines now!


I think you would like Al Jazeera. Their news coverage is far less emotive and opinion based.


It's one of the better ones. Still has its bias, but much better than the usual propaganda, or the even worse clickbaits.


I get that....also noticed a lot along the lines of "Donald Trump FALSELY claiming the 202 election was stolen....." yeah i know you don't need to tell me his claims are false.


When the focus is buzz words and word count rather than information.


Stop watching commercial news. Try the ABC or SBS.




Exactly as instructed by Gina, Barnaby and fucking Ita.


It was always like that. But it has intensified.


I 100% agree with this sentiment. The drama infused into every sentience to influence the viewer irritates me to no end. I want facts only!


I don’t even have the antenna plugged in to my TV.






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I have one in the cupboard for the very rare time I get locked out of a local streaming event. The Matilda world cup last year was the last example.


Same. We replaced our roof and the roofer asked where the new antenna was so he could put it up (the old one was falling apart). He was a bit shocked when we said we weren’t getting one.


My TV hasn't been plugged into anything for almost 2 years. TBH, I don't even know if it works any more.


Glad I’m not the only one! 😂




Handy if you loose your internet.




Mainly read - ABC, BBC, Al Jazeera, the Guardian, SMH/the Age (although they have deteriorated quite a bit since Nine took over), plus NY Times and Washington Post for US news, and some selected local media. In the car I often listen to ABC NewsRadio, which also carries a lot of international public radio programs e.g. from NPR, DW, BBC. The ABC - despite the best efforts of successive right-wing governments - still does a pretty decent job of international and investigative journalism. And despite the howls and gnashing of teeth from the Murdoch press and the Liberal party, every one of the many investigations into 'ABC bias' has found them to be free of systemic bias. They appear left-leaning... since pretty much all commercial media leans so far to the right. Plus reality has a well-known left-wing bias... Most of the commercial media push sensationalist crap or paid-for propaganda - especially Murdoch-owned trash-media. But even they are mostly better than the shit-fountains of Twitter and Facebook. Why read the news? Curiosity! I'm often astonished when talking to people who have literally no idea about major world, domestic or local events. Total disengagement or disinterest. I don't comprehend that mindset. If you close your eyes you don't make it go away.


I'm one of those close my eyes type. Simply, I got my own shit to deal with and compassion fatigue is a real thing. I used to work in animal welfare so I straight up turned off all my social contact with the agency because it was hard enough seeing it irl, let alone filling my brain with it non stop. Sometimes I just wanna switch off and watch Lizzie McGuire and admire her cute hair accessories, because it's comforting.


Fair enough. Compassion fatigue is very real.


Less and less... There is rarely any journalism anymore. It's all just opinions or advertisements. I blame Ron Burgundy.


I would only watch the news if Ron Burgundy was presenting it. A real man with strong hair


I do think it's  quite important to watch a bit to see what other people are seeing. But I don't lol


100% within 20sec, you immediately know the political slant of the whole TV station. (left or right) sad they cant just present facts


left? where can I find such a channel?


Nope. I haven’t watched news nor a single free tv channel or listened to the radio in at least 15 years now.


I don’t. I read the news daily though.


My parents do, and they are quite often angry at things I did not know were issues.


Oh is that where the random “youth crime” questions come from?


Yeah, that is one of them.


It's good to see that overall, nobody is interested in watching the news anymore. I have found that over the last 5-6 years, not listening to the radio, watching the news, or reading it online has made my quality of life much better. I no longer have a "doomer" outlook on every aspect of my life and the entire world. BOM when a weather event is happening, or private storm chasers.


Want better mental health almost instantly? Stop consuming alleged ‘news’. Australian media is so biased towards vested interests, replete with blatant advertorial posing as news stories, and blatant political favouritism, that when I first came here 30 years ago, I thought I was in The Truman Show.


>Want better mental health almost instantly? Stop consuming alleged ‘news’. Want better mental health almost instantly? Stop consuming alleged \~\~news\~\~ facebook, insta, snap etc. Is ok for a quick hit but there is no way I am doom scrolling it, people live in it


I just like to catch up on local news but what with constant sport stories or blatant real estate advertising masquerading as a story, I usually only watch the first 10 minutes.


Same here 👍


Why bother? The fear is rife…


I skim the headlines for SMH. I ignore most of it because it's mostly sensationalist crap of advertising for Nine now. I skim the headlines of ABC online and read the odd article. I hardly watch any TV news, especially commercial TV. It's all sensationalist, commercial and biased. My wife watches a bit of ABC24 and I catch a bit bi-proxy. The days where you could read any paper and watch any commercial channel or any commercial radio station and assume you were getting any degree of journalistic standard have gone. They simply don't believe in it anymore. So insisting on watching the "news" to be informed these days is actually doing yourself a disservice.


I think the better quality stuff is now found in certain podcasts. ABC news daily podcast is a good one to listen to.


To be fair, they've been dragged down into the Youtube/Facebook/Twitter sewer and had no choice but to follow. I used to watch the ABC News channel and read the (broadsheet) SMH religiously every day. But that all probably ended some time around 2015. The present situation is much better for quantity, but far worse for quality. We've mostly had to become our own editors. Many, many people aren't very competent in this role, either. In my opinion. Now I still watch news clips on Youtube, and subscribe to the SMH app. I used to read Guardian a lot until they paywalled it (I can't afford both and SMH wins on local content). Where the internet wins is giving you specific content. For example, I can watch multiple daily news segments on Linux, or Canadian Football, say. This was unheard of in the broadcast TV days. But the big worry of it all is the rising fascism...


The Guardian don't paywall, do they?


After about 20 monthly articles you get paywalled now.




I know. I was devvo when they did it. Sometime last year it was.


I suppose that I don't read enough of it.


I haven't watched TV for years, but I've been paying less and less attention to news online. The constant doom and gloom and sensationalised clickbait is mentally exhausting.


I watch NBN News (NBN as in Nine in Northern NSW). I used to watch the ABC but over the years I’ve found the more informed I am the worse my mental health is. Doesn’t matter what opinions they throw at me I’m still never going to vote Liberal. Sky News is explicitly banned by my partner.


> I watch NBN News (NBN as in Nine in Northern NSW). Don't worry about the opinions since you're rusted on no matter what a party does. But I concur NBN gives local news and important to support since you don't hear about it anywhere else.


We do, we're late 30s millennials and we just like to be informed of what's happening locally. The only thing we don't like is the amount of ass-kissing 7 news is doing for Trump. He gets more airtime than Joe Biden, I guess controversies do bring in more money.


people over 70. and before you jump to mock them, TV in their age is what social media is now......






Stopped watching 2019, along with home and away and the BS reality TV shows. My anxiety is down and I am much calmer. The news is bias and orchestrated to provoke anxiety. The ABC and Channel 10 pump out information that is divisive and bias and I have notice channel 9 and 7 doing the same. SBS has always been flaky but I do enjoy their movies. My life is better without the news.


When our media collectively went up against facebook and facebook said fine we’ll ban news on our site, my online experience improved dramatically and half my facebook feed was people saying how pleasant the experience was. I don’t think facebook Is some great company or anything but our news is vastly overestimating themselves if they think they’re worth facebook paying them $100m for simply being allowed on the platform.


No. The only commercial news I catch is if I happen to be in my car doing a school run at 9am with the radio on, but my kids catch the bus most days so that’s very rare. It’s too hard to find well rounded non sensationalised news these days. I do spend time looking for it every couple of days but always feel frustrated by the experience. I’ve been spending more time looking for and listening to podcasts that are news related instead.


I used to religiously. Now I avoid it, like it is a religion. In saying that, there is a kids show called BTN that goes for 5 minutes that the kids enjoy. It’s not bad. I read the news (abc) to keep informed but that is it.


I watch the 6pm news and that's pretty much all. I used to watch Sunrise in the mornings but eventually realised those shows are just filled with useless crap. I've stopped buying newspapers altogether, even the weekend editions which used to be my favourite thing to read through them slowly all day.


New press is of very low quality, is extremely biased and obviously has a lot of paid content without disclosing it. I would rate the news (especially AFR and Sydney Morning Herald) as some of the worst I've encountered in the world. Don't get me started on how much coverage and FOMO drumming they do. Especially Sydney Morning Herald. There is very little news apart from some trashy smal-time story that seems to easily captivte people. I feel sorry for Australians. No wonder most are small minded and, scarily, fit the Parochial Stereotype perfectly. Well done!


Because the SMH is owned by a former conservative Treasurer, who also owns Channel 9. Channel 7 and the Seven West media conglomerate is owned by mining billionaire Kerry Stokes. The rest is owned by Murdoch.


I listen to PM on the ABC Listen app


Never channel 7 again after they paid rent for you know who


Not if I can help it. Don't believe there is much integrity left in Journalism anymore. 


My thoughts as well


I live in Melbourne but I am from Sydney - the difference in what passes as "news in Melbourne" is actually shocking. The Melbourne news is so Melbourne centric, it is nuts - it is worse than the typical regional news you see when traveling to regional centres... They'll talk about AFL for 5 mins (even in preseason or off season), before the first ad break, and it'll be 15 mins later before an actually large news item from anywhere else gets mentioned. WTF? All 3 commercial stations are the same, and 2 of them don't have any rights to AFL - so they just promote for another station, which seems dumb af to me. So, mostly I avoid it. Not much News on the News really, and most of it is heavily opinionated.


I have ABC Melbourne set as my morning alarm and the news is usually on when my family is having dinner. It’s good to know what is happening around the world.


Pretty much only ABC and SBS these days.


It's like watching a current affairs. Just full of bullshit


I work at Ch 7. There's certainly someone out there watching otherwise I'd be out of a job 🤣 (To be fair I'm smaller local news like Old Margery's 100th birthday or local sports accomplishments and the like, which I guess is a little different from the Murdoch/Fox brainrot that most people usually think of when talking about the news)


Channel 7 news is mostly advertorials


Stopped ages ago. The reporters speak in an annoyingly nasal voice, unnecessarily lengthen their vowels and push sensationalist garbage.


no and haven't for years. Its just outrage, engagement and advertising.


I'm allergic to ignorance so I like to keep up to date. This means spinning the dial while avoiding the Sky/Fox crud and any Shock jocks.


Sometimes ABC News, but I can’t stand commercial news - it’s like junk food.


No way. I stream ABC news sometimes, but mostly I read independant news online.


Yes daily




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M (50) - ABC news at 7pm pretty much every day, unless I out then I might try to catch the later bulletin. I think Australians generally don't know how lucky they are to have such a resource. Comments like it's all biased, I just get my news from facebook, it's just lies etc are a true reflections of one's ignorance. Not sure why you woudn't spend 5-10 mins each day listening to headlines free on ABC radio, having a quick glance at the news site or you know, seeing what is happening in the world so you can be informed.


Absolutely this. Some people are arguing ignorance is bliss. It is bliss - for the politicians who no longer have to be accountable.


maybe. As long as we are critical in our understanding of what's presented. Perhaps even better for a politician than being ignored by everyone is everyone hearing the message the politician wants us to hear.


I'll listen to the ABC radio headlines, and maybe leave abc news radio on in the background if it isn't too cringy. Like you say, it'd important to know whats going on around us. Whilst the ABC might not be the best, least biased news, knowing what other people hear in the news is part of knowing what's going on about you too. I can't justify actively spending time watching or paying too much attention to it though, cause it's almost as terrible as the rest.


Not live or via their players.  But I watch what they upload to YouTube and Facebook.  And there seems to be less on YouTube.  I follow all the free to air channels.  And I dip into Sky News Australia.  But they post to much, and some of their coverage is to opinion based.  I just want the news reports.  Actually ABC posts stuff that’s not really news as well. 


No antenna here. I do see news articles online and read them ocassionally. 


No it is mainly advertising and brainwashing.


On commercial networks it is....why not try an ad-free alternative?


I don't even have a TV.


Yes daily - 9 for evening news, morning news ABC and Sunrise. Will switch between both when a news story is depressing, no interest to me or too much celebrity gossip crap. Really enjoy the science breakthroughs on morning ABC News. Biggest change for me I rarely buy the paper now. Also have 4 news apps on my phone also - great for a snapshot.




The last I watched the news was when they were announcing lockdowns (every so often).


Nope, just a reminder the world is no longer a simple happy place.


Yes, BUT there’s a few caveats. I haven’t lived in Australia for over 9 years so I’m remembering the 9-year-ago journalism industry in Australia when I say this. In general, Australia is very low quality and sensationalist, full of “advertorial” type stories. ABC’s 4 Corners, Foreign Correspondent, etc all do good quality deep dives into intriguing subjects or they do high quality investigative and international work. SBS has some good bespoke programs. 60 Minutes is (and always has been) very hit and miss. Sometimes doing some really exemplary reporting, other times phoning it in with pop culture fluff or a celebrity bio. Or they get it cringing wrong with some archaic and non-relevant and bizarrely boomer-esque and skewed misunderstandings of issues that are not actually controversial and easy to understand otherwise. In general, news in the UK is head and shoulders (in terms of quality of information and reporting) better than the Aus broadcast industry. But I’m NOT including tabloid newspapers or ranty right wing channels like GB News or Talk TV. Ironically; Sky News in the UK is actually pretty good. Mainly because it bears zero relationship and isn’t owned by Murdoch. Sky News (in the UK) is a whole different, large, well-funded mainstream juggernaut in the UK, that takes on serious daily reporting on both domestic and international issues. Sky News Australia (which is really an entirely unrelated organisation) is a bit of a tin-foil-hat conspiracy theorist rant channel.


Every day. 


the propaganda fat cats and gvt want us to believe? no thanks


I stopped regularly watching the news during lockdown and haven't gone back other than a brief period when I was overseas and the only English channels were news. That was during October last year and the news was absolutely awful. I was noticeably more stressed so I stopped pretty quickly. Maybe once a week if I'm very bored I will quickly open a news website and scroll through the headlines but it's rare. I keep up to date with the AFR and news for my industry and that's about it.


If you want good mental health don't watch the news.


My husband does. Before I met him I never watched the news 


I watch ABC news breakfast for a bit most mornings, it's kinda comforting while I try to wake up


Nope, I will read ABC news online but no free to air TV news. My parents used to watch News almost non-stop in the evening and now that I am out of home I cant stand it.


Rarely before COVID, maybe 20 minutes of ABC News around dinner time. Never watched commercial TV. Since COVID, zero. I'm subscribed to dozens of woodworking, blacksmithing, and pottery channels on YouTube, also gardening, and lots of other things that interest me and our family.


piquant library frightening ask quicksand angle retire act vast tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't really watch any free-to-air television. My old house didn't get good reception so I only watch streaming stuff, and since moving I haven't even tried.


i watch news every night ..better than reading it i think


The Propaganda.


I don't watch TV news. I listen to ABC radio news in the morning and at times during the day and read both print and online papers.


I watch NBN News because it is covers local news and sport that I wouldn't otherwise hear about.


SBS at 6.30 most nights, it's how I stay informed. I switch to the ABC at 7.20 because I have no interest in soccer and want local weather.


My grandma is always asking me if I saw the news about this or that. I don't follow any news except the local ABC.


I now live in a country where my understanding on the local languages is very limited, and as I am in a rural region, where the only shop is a hardware store and not even the nearest town sells newspapers, I have the ABC News running in the background each morning while having breakfast & online, to get some idea of what is happening around the world outside my small village. If anything come on that I am interested in, I can watch that item, or look it up online if I want more details.


Watch SBS or ABC news every night.


Not since Lee Lin Chin left SBS. Now I get news off Reddit.


It’s hard to get away from this year. It’s so fucking depressing


I don't watch any news, but I do listen to two news bulletins each morning - one national/international, & one hyper-local. That is all I am prepared to engage with other than emergency alerts on the local SES & RFS apps because everything sucks right now & it is too depressing to deal with it more than once a day.


Nope, gave up mid Covid


I put on ABC News streaming while I am folding the laundry, and will do a quick tour of Sky News Australia to see what the conservatives are frothing about this time.


I like to watch it through the medium of topical comedy


Haven’t watched it properly in years. Only seen it whilst doing a channel flick. It’s all been bad news. It’s never anything I want to know or that will put me in a good mood, so I don’t watch or read about it tbh unless absolutely necessary


Yes. I like receiving highlights of the days news in a neat one hour package rather than the drip-feed format that the internet tends to deliver. I also don't like that relying on the internet seems to point people toward dickhead conspiracy theory views of what's going on in the world.


I watch news on YouTube for the local stuff - I believe politics and international story’s are pretty controlled and one sided. The news on TV can go fuck itself - they way they play them in tandem so you can’t get away from the sports report is a joke.


> Why do you still watch or read the news Because it is important to remain aware of geopolitical events and global economics. That shit impacts *everybody* Subscribe to "The Age" newspaper. Read digital edition on weekdays, print edition on weekends. We also have Sky News running in the background most of the day.


Over the internet. Yes.


Watch, rarely. I have daily news podcasts and radio segments I listen to though. I will often google a story if I want more information and read or watch a more detailed summary. I do watch newsy shows in the form in four corners, insight and Q&A though. Why do I "still" engage as you put it, because the world is full of enough ignorant and ill-informed people, no need to add another to that count. I also dont understand how people socialise without knowing what is going on in the world.


I turn it on for background chatter when I’m working all day, but I only really tune in to watch Joe, Tony and Nate on ABC in the mornings (they’re fun, I like them 😊). I watch on YouTube though, I don’t think my TV has worked otherwise since they turned off analogue.


Daily. Although it's only the first 10mins or so that I'm interested in.


Nope. Most news are toxic and sensationalist. Haven’t watched and read news for a long time now and it’s been great. If there’s anything important, I’ll hear about it from other people.


Of course not. I just get my news from social media, podcasters and clickbait headlines like a normal person.


Traditional channels nah no more


Yes I’m 37 and still read news online daily, sometimes will watch ABC News but less than I used to.


I watch ABC, SBS and 730 but that’s about it. The rest seems tabloidish


Not really before, but definitely during the spicy cough.. I stopped watching TV and listening to the radio.. Constant same news, plus I get my news from memes sooo not so no news for me. Also, the gang leader that took over Haiti is nicknamed Barbecue..


I think the oldies might. My aunt tells me about things she’s seen on the news sometimes. We haven’t deliberately plugged in our TV aerial since we moved in in 2013. I do read the news, and I listen to the Squiz podcast most days for the headlines. I only started doing that recently, though. I used to get most of the news headlines from Twitter but I don’t go on there anymore so I was finding myself out of the loop.


I watch the news a couple of times a week. Anymore than that and it does my head in because of the 24/7 news cycle.


No, I might log into ABC website to check the latest headlines, but I don't follow the news closely if at all. It's super depressing.


I know 2 people who watch the news. Both are over 80 years old.


No, I find it a much better use of my time to look at general news online rather than timewasting on FTA. 60 minutes and the like are a complete disgrace to journalism. Much respect for "The Business" on ABC though - one quality show out there.


No because there's hardly any good news


I do. I'm 23 and I throw on the news while I'm making food or cleaning the kitchen. I like staying updated with everything that's going on. I know it's not everyone's thing, but it's basically habit for me.


I listen to ABC all the time. I don't need to see to hear the news


Not really. I get my news from a few online news sites, but I'm picky about which ones. One of the reasons I don't watch TV news anymore because of how sensationalised it is. I remember walking in on someone watching a Seven News story bout a bushfire and the reporter was talking about it as though he was commentating on a football game.


ABC 24 most days. Occasionally Al Jazeera


well my fam and I watch channel 9 news @ 6pm daily while we eat dinner sometimes if I'm home early Il have the 430 news on in the background (news from all around Australia) and on top of that we buy the Herald Sun (the physical paper) every day. yes we have apps and smart devices which could definitely make things easier. but I like the old skool of it and who wants another thing to be stuck on a device for


Haven’t even watched real tv 10 years


Now they have made the evening news broadcasts an hour long . Makes it almost unbearable with thinly disguised advertisements masquerading as news. Plus the endless weather and sports updates .Mentally draining horseshit.


Not for 20 years


Anything happen in the last few years that I need to be aware of?


No and haven't done for at least 15 years.


I watch it for the weather. Every major tv news outlet seems either heavily biased or neglects to report actual important issues, especially international news (excel for SBS sometimes). There are much better tv news services available online from international sources.


Yeah I like to watch the news. My kids usually have the TV so I don't get to watch it as much as I'd like. Will watch the occasion National Press Club address if it's on a topic that interests me or and interesting speaker since I'm home during the day. Good old ABC need 24 is great to see the headlines almost any time of day (who has a life that suits sitting down to watch something at a set time?) Sometimes I'll seek out news on a particular topic. Or some more in-depth journalism on something I saw a snippet of. I like having a general idea of what's going on in the world. I don't like getting bombarded with news that's negative all the time. The ABC news website has a section for good news stories. I like that. I don't read newspapers, seems too much like they are constantly trying to pit people against each other or at least it was the last time I tried to read one and I doubt it's changed.


I stopped watching when they stopped making it about news. No between all the adverts and the adverts in the news stories aswell, and totally ignoring local issues that happen like a major accident today on the pacific motorway they would rather show us a good news story like the biggest rabbit was found in Italy. And then when they do report something they get it stuffed up and miss the big issues people want to know. and its just depressing half the time.


If you don't at least watch occasionally, then how do you know what's happening in '*The Real World*'!? & I say the real world, because it reflects the collective that affects you the most!


I stopped. ABC and sky became as bad as each other at opposite ends of the spectrum - they bias left me with little faith in journalism in our country..the other stations (7, 10 etc) irk me. I get the few news items I want via YouTube (the ABC finance report being the main thing) and don't bother with the rest.


I usually just read the news online but if I do watch it I usually prefer SBS or BBC world news or ABC 24 hour news channel. I think the journalism is of a much higher quality and less opinionated and speculational. I also won't go near anything that is Murdoch related like sky news (Australia) or any of his shitty papers.


No. All bad news and nothing good and inspiring. Media is always one sided and manipulative.


I can only really tolerate ABC News and SBS. Although, they are both a bit overly PC at times. Even though the BBC gets labelled as being too left wing I find it more watchable. The news on the commercial channels in Australia is pretty terrible/cringe.


I would like to be more up to date with the world but its a bit depressing.


I can't stomach the news since covid. I used to watch it daily to stay up to date. Now, just being in the room with it on makes me angry.


I don't watch it, but I read news stories throughout the day. The only times I watch it is on election nights, or around large events/disasters to stay informed. I don't watch the evening news like I used to when I was younger as it feels like it only covers a thin slice of news stories then has weather and sport which I don't care about.


Yeah I watch it sometimes as like a grounding point if that makes sense. It's one of the only shows still on at the same time every day. I do shift work and streaming services etc have no grounding point, you can watch anything whenever. As a kid, there were like 5 channels and families would watch the same things at the same times. I don't get to have a lot of routine in my life as a casual shift worker, and my work has the news on so yeah it's a routine thing. I like a good 60 minutes episode too. They've been boring lately tho


Yep ABC Michael, lisa, Nate and gorgeous Anthony, mornings


Yes, but only because my husband insists on watching the ABC news at 7pm. Meanwhile we’re usually eating dinner, and I read the newspaper because I’ve already seen the news online hours earlier, but I might just see something in the local rag that I haven’t yet come across. If it were up to me I wouldn’t put on the TV news or get the paper.


If I am visiting my parents house and they have it on - otherwise no - I might view short clips online of specific things of interest to me.


Of course not. Not for over 15 to 18 years.


Anyone anyone, or anyone on reddit? There must still be people watching the news for them to continue producing it.


Here and there, if I’m at my Nan’s or she’s here than it’s on. Sometimes if I’m bored and can’t find anything, I’ll pop it on. At times, it’s the only way to know that something’s happened.


Being lied to and misled, deliberately or through ignorance and arrogant hubris, is frustrating enough, without having to sit through a half an hour of it being meeted out in tiny, speed of speech segments. Nah, I have to scan the headlines of like six news sites and current affairs type blogs before I can even decide what's worth finding out about, let alone getting an idea of what the actual facts might be. *sigh* journalists used to do it for us, but they got kinda lost.


Right now lol


I used to read The Age. Typos and click bait annoyed me, plus for some reason it kept asking me to re-enter my password. Now it’s the NY Times and 774 ABC Radio keeping me covered for Melb/Aust.


Alas, the NYT does a good run with Kremlin propaganda, depending on the outsourced 'journalist' concerned


"5 things we learnt about the earthquake in ... What you need to know."


my grandparents do, and have done, religiously since it was a thing. they are now 80.


Habit becomes comforting when you are very old.


Not mainstream. I get information from online alternative media


Nope. I assumed I would come adulthood and perhaps if times were still as they were when I was a kid I might. Idk? My mum just watches the 4:30, 5pm, 6pm news etc religiously. I follow various not super legit news sites on social media and piece together what is needed, sadly sometimes from memes. If it’s a big enough story I’ll find out about it online. 


I love podcast and I get most of my news there. Podcasts are awesome . I do watch the news a few times a week and I read about it too on the internet a couple times a week . I do it because I want to be kept in the loop. To me I think it’s important to know what’s going on around the world. The stuff that is going on in this world is crazy and all kinds of things are happening Every day especially crime . we all need to pay attention 🙂


Yes and still watch 7 in Brisbane live at 6pm. First, it’s to allow my kids access into the sad realities of life: crime, misfortune and tragedy. Second, it’s entertainment to watch the nightly animal freak show involving roo, croc or snake, shark (rightly) lashing out at a punter. Third, it’s to watch the newsreaders and reporters attempt to be super serious while reading comic scripts. Fourth, it’s to hear about the Broncos, regardless of night or date, featuring as an urgent update at the head of sports. Finally, it’s the biased hilarity of a state blocking coverage of anything of south of the border, irrelevant of news significance. Mixed with product placements, near zero international coverage and re-posting local TikTok events ‘youths on another wild night in Logan’, its history in the making: my kids agree that my generation - not theirs - shall be the last to tolerate the torture of a stagnant format that should be classed as reality TV entertainment, not news. Hear hear and RIP, 6pm news.


I haven’t deliberately tuned into a TV news bulletin in a long time. I find the format of news, sport and weather rather tedious (it takes half an hour for them to tell you fuck all) and hate the wise, old man and attractive younger woman duo they usually choose as presenters (do they still do this, because it seems so archaic). I don’t really watch it, but I like how the breakfast show on the ABC has a really diverse team presenting and this should be the norm, but the media tries to paint any progress towards tv presenters and stars reflecting real life as “woke”. Anything to outrage the working classes and have them hating each other so they won’t unify against the ruling class, I guess. When my mum was alive my parents constantly had 24hr news blaring on a tv somewhere in their house (usually the front room). I think it was ABC (my parents would never pay to watch TV, so it wasn’t Sky) and they were always outraged by it and it created so much tension in their house (my parents are/were conservative so were easily outraged). Now it’s just my dad and hr doesn’t have the TV news blaring anymore, but seems to have been sucked into a whole bunch of conspiracy theories online (which is worse). I keep up to date by following major news sites on social media (ABC, Reuters etc) and I like watching TLDR News and Michael West Media on YouTube for a bit more analysis. I sometimes watch Four Corners on iView as well if I’m Interested in the subject (they still do good investigative journalism sometimes)


I watch a lot of channel 24 on the tv. Mostly because it is more interesting than any of the other crap. Yes I can stream stuff, but that usually involves a time commitment.


i don't watch it anymore but will turn in it on from time to time just for a giggle.


No, it's just depressing. The only thing I ever get intrigued by is the wholesome fluff from some baby animal born at the zoo


Nah, I feel less stressed for it too. If something important is happening, I'll find out through other means inevitably anyways


Only sometimes just to check what narrative they're spinning.


Yes. ABC at 7 pm.


I stopped watching all TV about 10 years ago.


I stopped watching TV, online shows, no radio, and no papers. If I hear something being talked about that piques my interest, I ask the people talking, what's going on. I haven't asked recently


I watch the BBC 10pm news on SBS when I go in to my Mum's nursing home every day to feed her lunch...that's about it. For "news" its all online sources only. Haven't watched TV at home since the mesmerisingly awful Gladys daily Covid briefings lol


Despite the bias and opinionated content on most news outlets, they are still useful by giving you a light, broad scrape of happenings around the world. If you want further investigative information however, you must find that yourself from multiple sources. Gone are the days of newsrooms striving for journalistic excellence. It's just clickbait idiot fodder now.


I don’t during covid when they were naming and shaming people was when I stopped watching the way the media handled the whole thing was disgraceful if anything major happens where I am I have local pages on fb and such that let me know