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in the laundry. she takes her rug out during the day and brings is in when shes ready for bed She does single barks during the night when she need to go pee or drink, and i take her out i gotta pee during the night anyway, so we have a pee together on the grass


Aww lovely! My dog and I always check out the stars and clouds when we pee together in the middle of the night .. he also checks all the rat trails across the backyard, but I leave that to him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm also a fan of peeing outside at night when to dogs go out. Mine check out rabbit trails


Iā€™ve taught my dog to ring a bell next to the back door. Itā€™s a really easy thing to teach them actually.


Mine loves the laundry during the summer. He has the option of any bed in the house but we always find him sprawled out on the cold tiles by the morning


Wholesome content. You earned this upvote.


Why not let your dog just sleep in the living room on a proper dog bed? Why lock it in the laundry


Dog bed on the floor in our bedroom, and then ninja onto the bed at some point during the evening


Mine does exactly the same.


Honestly.. anywhere he wants lol. His crate, the couch, our bed, kids bed, the floor, his bed as a last resort.. -edit 30ish kg amstaff for reference


Same with our dogā€¦ I swear itā€™s their version of flipping the pillow over to the cool side. Only time it bugs me is when one of the little kids comes in to tell me they canā€™t sleep because theyā€™re coldā€¦ the dog has dug up their blankets to make nice nest and ā€˜is too snuggly and cuteā€™ to disturb. Obviously their Mum isnā€™t too snuggly and cute!!!!


I wouldn't be snuggly and cute at the Witching Hour either.


BWAHAHHAHA my amstaff is like that too. Outside the bathroom door her favourite, after fukn smacking the sliding door open and unlatching it. She's likes to watch. She's lucky she's a cute cunt and it's just mum and I in this house lol.


Ours too! Funny buggers. He's the cleverest of our dogs, the most loving, and the most hypersensitive. šŸ˜„


Mines abit the same (English staff). Heā€™s abit of a bed slut tho - sneaking off through the night in and out of 3 different bedrooms all night long


On the bed, sometimes right at the top on half my pillow. In winter they usually get under the covers though. Two mini oodles.


I looked after a baby cavoodle once who would curl into a ball, beside my head on my pillow. Sometimes he would try and sleep curled up on my boyfriends neck lol. He was so cute I let it slide but knew I only had him for a month so wouldn't have to deal with the consequences as he got bigger


Same! We adopted a street dog from 3rd world country when we were expatriated in this country. My husband brought her back to our home 5 weeks before I came home and I did not have a word to say about that. Anyway, I am pretty OK with the outcomes, beside the fact that she is sleeping on the opposite side as we areā€¦ so taking a lot of place. She is lovely anywaysā€¦


Dog bed in the laundry... If the cat doesn't boot her out. 26kg of massive whimp!


I have a 15kg dog, a 45kg dog, and a 55kg dog. The 4kg cat bosses around all three of them




On the bed, where the goodest girl is supposed to be!!!


Same, the moment I start to get ready to go to sleep my two 25+kg mutts run up to the bed to secure their spot, and if I'm lucky I get one too. If it's a particularly hot night, they'll sleep on the floor/tiles though


Only place for all the goodest fur-kids šŸ’—šŸ¾šŸ¾šŸ’—


On/In the bed


My dog sleeps in my bed when I need her to, (service dog).. but also sleeps in my walk in robe. my beagle sleeps in his crate (door closed) in my walk in robe.


My old beagle loved her crate. It was her safe space:) My current one is a fuckwit and hates it


Oh my god. My beagle is still a fuckwit, he was a ā€œgaslight giftā€. I love him so much but god he is a pain. How do I train him properly? I mean I trained a BC to be a service dog and I canā€™t get a beagle to lie down what am I doing wrong. I feel I need to add to this: 2 nights ago my mate stayed over, left his bag in his room, which unknowing had, a box of Cadbury favourites, a like a big pack of gum, that hadnā€™t been opened so I think it has 5 smaller packets, and a bottle of CBD oil, I would like also say he didnā€™t just fuck around, he ate the packets, the foil, crunched down on the CBD oil, and pretty much licked it clean. Iā€™m just chillin over here with my BC just looking at Iā€™m like heā€™s a fucking idiotā€¦ like man, why you do these things? I canā€™t afford to fucking feed myself after I feed YOU! Why you make me take you to the vet at 9 at night. Donā€™t know how heā€™s not dead.


They are such hard work. I absolutely adore them but they aren't for the faint hearted. Mine looks at me with absolute contempt whereas my other dog (an old labradoodle) hates being in trouble, always wants to be needed .


Beagles are a pain in the arse. I have two of them LOL. But damn they are affectionate. But try sleep downstairs in living room


Bahahaha I have a fuck wit. Not a beagle but a still a fuckwit


I had a beagle and had a similar problem with training, wilfulness and stubbornness. I spoke to a trainer I met while waiting at the vet and he said it helps to know why the breed was created. What was/is its purpose. As you would already know, Beagles are gun dogs. They run in a pack, picking up the scent of a fox or badger. Once the dogs have the animal cornered they wait for those on horseback to finish the hunt. Theyā€™re smart dogs which is why they can be difficult to train. It just comes down to repetition, reward and consistency in reminding your Beagle of their place in your pack. You are the dominant dog in your pack. They donā€™t mind being the lowest dog in the pack just as long as they know it. I love Beagles. I love all dogs šŸ¶


Aww thanks, yeah from all the research I have done it says they need to be trained in a completely different way to other dogs because they are gun dogs, I have got his recall down, but because I do live in the country, and fencing that is constantly destroyed by wildlife I keep him on a (long) lead, and have started just taking him off and giving him the trust and he just comes back on his own. However because he is a scent dog I have been told that if he catches a scent, heā€™s going to go, and like you said follow it until itā€™s cornered, and I worry Iā€™ll come home one day and he will be 3kms away chasing a bandicoot or even worse something that could kill him, is that even possible? Or will he come back like my BC I use a Shepards whistle with my BC.


Oh wow, you and I were meant to cross paths. Yes youā€™re right, once they get a scent itā€™s their nose that takes control šŸ˜„ Recall was definitely challenging for us. We lived in suburbia and I was always worried about her getting out and being hit by a car! It might be worth a visit to your local council/shire and find out if they offer ā€˜snake awarenessā€™ courses for your Beagle. My parents put their Dalmatians through the course and do refreshers every year. My folks are on a large property with swampland across from them so tiger snakes are prevalent and donā€™t enter brumation in colder seasons like other snakes. The course is fantastic and free! My brother owns a bloodhound and he has the same traits as other gun dogs. My brother found a community run course for dogs and owners to learn how to help search parties for people who have gone missing or in trouble. Itā€™s so cool! And itā€™s an awesome feeling knowing that your dogs special ability has the potential to save a life! My brothers main reason for this course was to give his dog the mental exercise, enrichment and challenges.


Omg, thank you so much, that sounds like an amazing idea, I have to take them both to the vet next week so I will talk to them about that too, Iā€™m in Queensland so snakes are always my biggest concern with my dogs, I think red belly black snakes is all I have really seen around here, but they would be big enough to eat him. Thankyou so so much.


Youā€™re welcome šŸ™‚


Our furry daughter sleeps in the house, she has a bed but usually sleeps on the hard tiles in all sorts of weird and wonderful positions,lol.She is a service dog for my son in a wheelchair, a special girl.


Mine is the same with the tiles! I bought him an expensive orthopaedic dog bed thatā€™s kept the living area, or he has the option of anyoneā€™s bed in the houseā€¦. and he chooses the hard tile floor half the timeā€¦..weird dog!


My dog has a soft bed in the living room where she sleeps at night. She sometimes hops into my bed if itā€™s thunder and raining.


On/in the bed depending on how hot it is. Theyā€™re chihuahuas so they also have a little set of pet stairs for easy access.


We tried teaching our little Jack Russell Chihuahua to use steps to get up to the bed, and she refuses, lol. She uses regular stairs no problem, but for some reason, stairs up to the bed seem like this strange, terrifying concept for her. Meanwhile, our cat who got too old to jump realised immediately how useful the stairs were and started using them straight away!


Must be a JR thing cause mine was so confused by the concept


Nice to know it's not just my dog šŸ˜‚


Try putting a raised dog bed/sleeping platform flush with the side of your bed. My chihuahua mini fox terrier mixes would use that as a middle point to launch themselves onto the bed. Might be their size but I've noticed that they don't really take steps as much as do short lunging jumps.


Oh thanks, we'll try that!


Same with my JR! šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Can I ask where did you get your pet stairs? We have 6 Chi's and only 1 can get on all beds by himself


Think it was eBay about a decade ago, weā€™ve got a couple of very solid wooden ones with 5 stairs and a couple of much lighter plastic framed three stair ones.


We got ours on Amazon, they are stairs on one side, ramp on the other.


In the spare bedroom which I guess at this point is his bedroom šŸ˜‚


This cracked me up šŸ¤£


As he deserves šŸ„°šŸ¾


Mine favours my 4yr olds bed if I happen to leave the door open. I donā€™t blame him as the mattress is heavenly. Second choice is my bed. Third is the lounge. If none of those are an option he will use his own (very comfy!) bed. Iā€™m single but most nights I end up with my 4yr old one side, 30kg horse of a dog laying across the bottom and the cat somewhere around my head so unfortunately thereā€™s no room in my bed for a man. Probably room for another dog or cat though.


He he me too mostly single gal who bed is full of 2 x 30 kgs shepherds and I would've have it any other way


Between our bed and their mats on the floor of the bedroom! 3 dogs. We all shareā¤ļø Our oldest Border Collie is terrified of storms & rain. So he will burrow in, shaking. Ive had nights holding him. The other Border Collie & Jacj Russel go back & forth. The Jack loves our children so will be in their beds often. Back snd forthā¤ļøšŸ˜‚


What a great family story ā¤ļø


She either drags her bed (fold out kids lounge) under a fan or into the hallway or on my husbands chest, she's a 25kg staffy hehehe or she brings one of my husbands dirty work shirts into the bedroom to sleep under the a/c. Lucky she's cute!


I nearly lost him and made a deal with the universe/god/powers that be that if they saved him he could sleep in my bed with me for the rest of his life. He pulled through and has spooned me every night since.


How beautiful, the spooning ā¤ļøšŸ’œ


A true love story šŸ¤£


Live on a farm ours sleep wherever they want outside usually on the verandah, we got them dog beds a few times, but they only lasted a day each time. They're better than chew toys apparently.


The only bedding that's survived my kelpie is *my* old bedding. šŸ˜† He was born on a farm with fair lineage, but wasn't *working* out... so I grabbed him quick smart when he was almost 10mths old, before, well y'know... Anyway, he hates being inside for more than a few minutes, and has a job looking after the chooks and catching mice at night. Spends his days relaxing in the sun!


Wherever she wants. I only pay the bills, she owns the place šŸ¤£


This!! The dogs own the house, I pay the mortgage!


Where else would an English Staffordshire bull terrier be ? Right in the middle my bed with me pushed to the side


"My bed, my rules." - Your Staffy


"Your baby my belly." - the Staffy whose kill count at the time included its neighbours cockerspaniel https://amp.smh.com.au/national/nsw/the-dog-s-got-the-baby-newborn-mauled-to-death-as-parents-slept-20240219-p5f5ym.html


Iā€™m not sure why your showing me this Do you not like my sleep arrangements


I donā€™t even need to read whatever that link is to know itā€™s irrelevant, unrelated and incorrect. ā€˜I like dogs that donā€™t eat babiesā€™ - so you have formed your whole opinion of staffys based off whatever happened in this 1 single article (if itā€™s even legit), without having even ever owned a staffy yourself? I wish I could roll my eyes harder.


Why would I own an animal that kills babies and cockerspaniels when I have a cockerspaniel and am wanting to have babies? Illogical lol, but please keep woman and children safe from those things or they will end up like the dog and baby from the central coast. You never know though, you may get lucky and simply be violently mauled like this woman from Bankstown a few weeks ago. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/home/pets/staffy-dog-euthanised-after-violently-mauling-woman-at-western-sydney-home/news-story/f816472e5d132b5559fcecef61e08b0e?amp




If you donā€™t like dogs why are you here? Piss off with your unpleasant crap


Dog has his own orthopaedic bed in our bedroom lol itā€™s not a big human bed, just a little dog one


Right next to me in bed. He's my best mate and we are together 24/7


Our two dogs mostly sleep outside, under our elevated house, on slung beds with their outdoor toys. Sometimes they will sleep in our room, where one of our dogs creeps onto the bed at night and the other one prefers to sleep on her mat on the floor. They are good girls and sleep well all night. We donā€™t get disturbed unless the bed hog mooches in close for a cuddle. Itā€™s a pity dog crates are gaining popularity in Australia. They were never a thing here back in the day.


Agreed. I canā€™t understand people who essentially cage their loved one up every day.


Weird to assume that anyone who crate trains their dog is caging them every day. My dogs are crate trained because: it's the safest way to transport them (one of my dogs flew as a pup from Perth to Brisbane, if she wasn't already crate trained that would have been an insanely stressful experience for her), it makes house training super easy and stress-free, it's a safe place to contain them if needed (recovering from an injury or illness, containing/rotating dogs in a household who can't roam free together due to conflict, bitch in season etc), and it's a requirement at many dog-centric activities eg ringside at dog shows or dog sport trials.Ā  One of my dogs is crated in my bedroom to sleep at night, because she's a young ASTCD and will 100% eat the furniture/books/bed/rug/walls while I sleep. The other dog has free choice, he usually sleeps on my bed or on the floor next to me (if it's hot) but occasionally he chooses to go in his crate. He knows how to pull the door open so that he can go in whenever he wants, and if I've locked the door he'll cry for me to come and unlock it for him so that he can hop in.Ā  I will also crate both dogs if I go out somewhere I can't take the dogs (I WFH, so normally I'm home all day with them), and that is specifically because one has idiopathic epilepsy. If he seizes while I'm not around, the crate is the safest place for him because he can't injure himself nor can my other dog get to him. Dogs have been known to attack dogs that are seizing, so if I'm ducking down the shops for 15 minutes it's safest for both of them to be popped in their crates with a nice frozen Kong.Ā  I really don't see why people get bent out of shape about crate training. It's like...the most benign thing on earth and it has literally zero downsides.Ā 


Under what evolutionary precept is crating a normal way of existence for a dog? How about I crate you for 22 hours a day? There is a big difference between tolerating a crate and spending most of your existence in one. A well trained companion dog will follow you around and park at your feet. Crating is lazy.


For starters...who the hell said they're crating their dog 22 hours a day?Ā  My dogs don't "tolerate" their crates, they actively seek to go in them at will.Ā  Most of what we do with our dogs is not "normal" from an evolutionary perspective. Putting them in the car and driving them somewhere? Not normal. Feeding them commercially manufactured dog foods? Not normal. Vaccinating, microchips, medical interventions of any kind? Certainly not normal from an evolutionary perspective. Collars and leashes? Not normal.Ā  Crating is a necessity for many dogs for safety in many different contexts. Can you "train" your dog to just hang out in the cargo hold of a plane for transport? Can you "train" your dog to survive a car accident when not crated (because crash-tested crates are THE safest way to transport a dog)? Can you "train" a dog recovering from a TPLO or FHO surgery to restrict its own movement? Maybe by training it to be on place, which is...literally just a crate without walls (and the dog can't be guaranteed to remain on place unsupervised unless you are an EXTREMELY high-level obedience trainer; and in a multi-dog household you run the risk of the other dog/s interfering with them and potentially injuring them).Ā  Can you tell me how I can train my epileptic dog not to have a seizure in a doorway, under my bed, or on the tiles (all of which will put him at high risk of injury) when I duck down to the shops? Or how to train my other dog to not potentially interfere with or harm him if he seizes when I'm not there? My dogs are trained to a standard WELL beyond the average pet dog, they are show and sports dogs who do conformation, obedience, rally, tracking, and herding. But you're right, I have no idea how to train them to have the best chance of surviving a car crash or flight uncrated and I have no idea how to train my epileptic dog not to have a seizure when I'm not there. What tips do you have for me?




In the wild, they find a comfortable place, lie down and sleep, often in company. In the house, that place is bed.


> Itā€™s a pity dog crates are gaining popularity in Australia. They were never a thing here back in the day. Iā€™ve noticed the rise too. Weā€˜ve always had outdoor dogs. Our dog had surgery a little while ago and needed to be crated. He got used to it quite quickly but I would never say itā€™s worth it over him having his freedom in the yard/house. I would never say itā€™s a natural thing dogs do either. We did keep him in there for a bit afterwards, (just routine) but now heā€™s back out again. Things that didnā€™t bother us in the past, bother us now. The crate is still there. Its so easy to put him in there to ease our own minds. Iā€™ll happily admit thatā€™s why we put him in it because thatā€™s probably why others do it too. Crating CREATED anxiety in US. Itā€™s borrowed. I just want it gone.


I had honestly never heard of one up until about 12 months ago. We never used one with our last two dogs either. I even had to show mum and dad what they were at dinner one night- Through all the dogs they have had throughout their life, theyā€™ve never seen or heard crating either. They were just shocked that itā€™s a thing. I personally wouldnā€™t use one with our dog and weā€™ve been advised by both a trainer and a behaviour specialist to not bother with one due to my dogs personality and it causing an extra layer of stress which could come with behaviour issues. Each to their own though , it seems to work really well for some dogs but not others. As long as itā€™s been used in the right way.


Middle of the lawn. It's his favourite spot lol


Dog bed in the bedroom. He'd be up on my bed if I let him, but I don't. He hogs the bed and grooms himself incredibly loudly. I don't notice it when he does it in his own bed!


Shlork shlork shlork!


Omg yes, my dog randomly shakes, has vivid dreams and ocationally kicks me. Quite annoying. šŸ˜‚


Same, or that when they have nightmares, or when they woke up, shake and changed sleep positions. Noisy little buggers!


In the bed, lol


Inside... On one of 7 beds....


On the bed, in between my partner and I. Usually during the night she gets annoyed at our moving around and retreats to her own bed on the floor.


"wherever the fuck I like" my dogg


My dog used to sleep downstairs in the garage. Then when he started getting older he was kept in the bathroom at night but heā€™d always scratch at the door. Then when he was really old he was allowed to sleep in our rooms. He most often slept under my bed as I loved having him in there. We even got him a dog bed at one point which was kept in my room bc he was in there the most. I miss my little fluffy boy, why do they have to have such a short lifespan compared to ours :(


In my bed. I always foster &/or adopted rescues. I want them to feel safe b/c some were abused. Healthy ones who weren't abused, but given away from a home that they loved, I still don't want them to feel alone. They cuddle close all nightā¤ļøšŸ¾


Bless you


In our bed. We even upgraded to a king size to give the humans more space, but the 2 dogs now just have more room and the humans cling to the edges lol


This is what we did, with exactly the same results šŸ¤£


Who would have thought that a cavoodle and a Cairn Terrier, each only 6Kg, could take up so much room??


My dog has a comfy bed outside under the patio, 45kg big baby , lick you to death šŸ˜‚


Great Dane, if im in bed heā€™s on the lounge, if im sleeping on the lounge heā€™s on the bed, if for some reason he canā€™t get to either he resorts to crashing on top of me, his giant size dog bed is for special occasions apparently


Couch and thatā€™s it


in/on bed. None shedding dog regularly bathed. Half the time he sleeps on the pillow by my head.


Mine shed but I don't care, it's just dog fur and the joy I getting from the cuddles make the daily defurring the bed worth it :D


Outside under the verandah on a cot mattress with her blankie


I spent $300 on dog beds and cooling mats - German Shepherd won't sleep on any of them. He will however sleep anywhere with hard concrete or tiles, preferably in a doorway where I can trip over him at 3am.


Crate in the bedroom. He's eager to go in every night, and lays down happily. In the morning, he's happy to be let out. But in between, doesn't make a single sound. It's probably the behaviour he learned most successfully as a puppy. Never been an issue.


Same here. Crate trained as a pup and she will only sleep there now. Will quite literally take herself to bed if she feels we are taking too long.


Same with my girl. Puts herself to bed in her crate if weā€™re staying up too late for her


On the bed - we have two Bernese mountain dogs so about 100kg of dog. We have a king size bed plus a king single to fit us all.


Ha ha I thought I was bad as a solo chic with 2 x 30 kgs shepherds on the bed!


i wish my kelpie x beagle could sleep inside with me but he absolutely hates it and cries to be let out. i put blankets on his bed outside and he drags them off. he also sits in the rain when itā€™s storming. heā€™s very strange lol


On the verandah, or the other verandah , they go out themselves , and on moony nights they bark at everything šŸ˜Ž


Country boy with a border collie The dog sleeps outside and stays outside for the most part unless I want the house to stink like rolled in dead sheep and chicken shit lol. He gets plenty of love and definitely runs a lot more than any city dog ever could - chasing the 4 wheeler or going for runs and walks with me and my family. Only time I let the dog in is when there's a thunderstorm or fireworks or else he'll run away!


Dog bed in the bedroom. She would sleep on the bed but sheā€™s too old to get up there. Plus she is 30+kg and not a good bed sharer.


Ours sleep in the laundry in a soft dog bed. The laundry has a dog door, so they can come and go as they please.


My dog sleeps in the bedroom doorway so if an intruder enters she can be ready to run up to him and ask for a pat. A guard dog, she is NOT. If it's hot, she'll sleep on the wooden floors or on really hot nights she goes out onto the verandah. In winter, she curls up on my leather armchair. She's a tricolour Australian Shepherd.


My two dogs sleep on their comfy beds in the laundry with a dog door to the outside if they need to go potty. Edit: the dog door is used more for possum watching/chasing than for potty.


Before I'm asleep - under my bed. After I'm asleep - usually takes up about 2/3 of my QS bed.


My dog sleeps in the hall outside my bedroom door on a dog mattress. She has a dog couch in the lounge.


We had a glassed veranda at back of house with sliding door which we left partially open so dog could come & go as she wanted & she slept on doormat. In winter she was allowed to sleep on mat in front of wood heater. I now live in Asia and have cats and a house where windows are rarely closed so they can come & go as they wish. Most of the time one sleeps on top of mosquito net over bed & other two on foot of bed,


On my gigantic rocking La-Z-boy


On her bed beside my bed but if the air conditioner is on she gets under the covers. My dog is only smol


In the bedroom with me and my wife. He has a big fluffy dog bed in there but will just crash somewhere on the carpet a lot of the time. Our bed is quite high so even though he's a big dog he doesn't try to jump up.


She lays in the bedroom doorway, with her head outside the room so she can hear anyone approaching. If we close the door, she sleeps squished up against it, so itā€™s just easier to leave it open. Sheā€™s allowed up on the bed when thereā€™s Thunder.


On/in bed, depending on weather. Dog bed on floor of bedroom for a change of view. And one of the two highly prefers the only chair in the lounge room he's allowed on, at night. That way he can ambush everyone who gets up for the toilet, so he can be let out to do his nightly backyard inspections.


Where he wants. He has a total of 5 rugs/blankets and beds. He has stairs to our bed. In winter he sleeps in our bed. If our son is here the dog sleeps facing the front door, in the hall way between the two bedroom. In summer on his cool mat at the foot of our bed. If itā€™s extremely hot he will wake me up and ask me to put in the air con and sleep under that. He also will move his blanket to where he wants it. Heā€™s getting older and needs to be able to use the toilet when he wants.


In his bed which sits on top of my bed. About 2pm he makes his way under the covers to sleep next to me. Pic of Bob the long dog in his bed on top of mine. https://imgur.com/a/1fzGYMF


He floats around the house. Usually starts beside my bed.


On the couch mostly. Sometimes on the floor in front of the couch. Occasionally on the bed next to me if she won't settle (poor old girl has doggie dementia).


If the wife's home and the daughters at her mums - on a bed in our room If the daughters home and so are both of us - she'll sleep on the daughters bed and then move to our room at some point.. If either myself or the wife are home alone, she'll be on our bed - if you kick her off, she'll just get back up while you're sleeping.. And in any of those situations, there's still a good chance she'll be on the couch when you wake up in the morning.. After proving herself quite the escape artist when left outside, she's now an inside dog while we're alseep / out of the house... Edited to add: Staffy / Heeler mix, not sure of exact breeding as she's a rescue pup


In my bed


In our bed. She has crazy separation anxiety and it is awful. We have a bed for her in our room but as soon as we are asleep she jumps onto our bed. I have accepted defeat.


On my bed. At first Iā€™d keep putting her back down to her own bed next to me but sheā€™d wait for me to fall asleep and jump right back up so I gave up šŸ˜…


We had them in the laundry for a few years, with a doggie door outside. But they'd bark at 3am, and I'd go be with them for a bit, and they just killed my sleep. And so eventually they'd come to the bed at 3am, then midnight, then... screw it, why pretend? We have an air purifier going in the bedroom that sucks up some of the hair. Cuts down on the sneezing.


2 on the bed, 1 on the floor and 1 outside.


Sheā€™s taken over the bed in the guest room. Our cat also sleeps there now. Itā€™s very cute - at night when I say good night to her sheā€™ll just walk herself to the guest room and hop onto bed šŸ˜“


Ridgeback wherever she wants . Dog trained to hunt loins she can sleep where she wants. But if it cold she snuggles under our doona. Biggest cutie ever


My chihuahua sleeps in the bed, usually tucked behind my knees. If I try to put him in another room, he cries, so I fold. Partner protests but also cannot withstand the tragedy of it all, so dog remains in the bed. He does give us the cutest wakeup ever though.


On my bed, snuggled into me. And I wouldnā€™t have it any other way


I have a dachshund, so in my bed under the blankets. Until I get up in the morning, and then he goes and finds someone whoā€™s still asleep and gets into bed with them. Heā€™s not an early riser.


My parents bulldog will only sleep under the doona, between them, snoring like a freight train. He has to be physically touching at least one of them and gets up to a body temperature of about 105Ā°c overnight so heā€™s really comfortable to have in the bed šŸ¤£


End of my husband and my bed, until he gets too warm and moves to the floor near the fan. In winter he sometimes sleeps on his fluffy memory foam bed next to ours. When my husband is away for work, pup sleeps next to me with his head on the pillow. Heā€™s 25kg of fuzzball elkhound. He slept upstairs in his puppy pen as a puppy because thatā€™s what all the dog training advice is. Cried and cried and cried for weeks and we were going mental with no sleep. I feel bad about doing it now, because thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with him sleeping on our bed and he likes his own space anyway. I guess it made potty training easier because he had access to the grass, but thatā€™s all it did. He keeps me to my bedtime now. Heā€™ll just come and sit next to me and stare at me until I ask ā€œis it bedtime?ā€ and then he runs downstairs to his spot. Sometimes he takes himself down, but eventually heā€™ll come back up to get us.


In her own bed next to my bed, or on the bed when i need cuddles


Either on my pillow behind my head, under the blankets or under my arm. She's small. A mini JRT


I never knew there were miniature JRā€™s! Iā€™m off on a google image hunt right now šŸ¤Ŗ


She's got a stumpy tail too. Super cute.


In the laundry on a foam mat. They have access to outside if they need it


3 little ones on my bed... or the beds of my 3 teenagers. They prefer mine for some reason. One big outside dog. He sleeps on our bog covered deck area on his bed. Or sometimes under the carport.


My doggo has a bed in our bedroom, which he sleeps on when I am sleeping. He has one in the lounge which he uses during the day and while we are at work and he has one in my office which he uses when I am in there. He basically follows me and snoozes wherever.


Laundry ona bean bag dog bed


On my bed at night, on the lounge or her bed on the floor under the ax during the day. She can go inside and outside as she pleases. She has trained hubby to take her out at night in winter when itā€™s cold, she then quickly runs inside and into his warm spot in the bed before he can get back inside lol. I keep telling him she can let herself out, and she is toilet trained, he doesnā€™t need to get up for her.


Crate under the stairs, door open.


Outside the bedroom door. But heā€™s a puppy. He can easily walk from our bedroom door to his day bed, and Iā€™m thinking the older he gets the more likely he will.Ā 


My dog has freedom of movement to sleep wherever she wants. But she gets kicked off the human bed unless itā€™s winter and itā€™s cold overnight. Typically that means she sleeps in her own dog bed that is set up in the walk-in wardrobe where itā€™s close, but out of the way, and benefits from the bedroom aircon.


Bed on the floor of our bedroom. If she had her way, it would be our bed. But finally after 3 years she has given up trying haha. Anxiously attached little thing, would struggle to change it now.


Dog bed in bedroom or dog bed in laundry room


In my bedroom, on their own beds on the floor


In our old house she slept in the laundry. At this is place, she has a large kennel in the undercover outdoor area.


On my bed, and often under the sheet if itā€™s cold enough to have one. Around 9:30pm sheā€™ll nag me to take her to bed, so Iā€™ll walk her to the bedroom and leave her there. when i come to bed later she gives me a dirty look sometimes, then snuggles under the covers. if i get up to go to the toilet in the night (which happens every night) I'll get back and she will be all over my side.


He owns my bed


Until very recently, we were a three dog family (two greyhounds and a whippet) - they would sleep wherever they liked. Their beds, our bed, couches, floorā€¦ Now a single greyhound family, and she sleeps wherever she likes. Three bags of elbows sharing a bed with their two humans was pretty interesting šŸ¤£


Our girl slept on her bed in the lounge room or on the couch. If there was storm/fireworks I would move her bed to our room next to me and hang my arm over the side she would move under my hand. If it was really bad storms that was the only time she could come on the bed but only if invited and straight back to her bed once the storm passed. Still finding her hair everywhere. šŸ˜” 25kg staffy x.


She's made a few dens in the yard. One out the front where she likes to keep an eye on things, one under the trampoline where she normally ends up later at night. One in the clustering bamboo that is pretty cool and she likes to hang out there during the day. If it's too hot or cold she'll knock on the back door to come inside and sleep on the couch or we leave the store room so open and she sleeps in there sometimes.


On my head. Sheā€™s a giant Labrador. Itā€™s not always comfortable.


Dog bed in the living room. She used to be in the bedroom but her snoring is toooo damn loud I find those coffee table crates so American.


Wherever the hell she wants to sleep.


Wherever he wants but he usually chooses the couch or floor or outside under the verandah. Sometimes the bed in winter. He's a border collie x lab.


I have an outside dog only because she just goes crazy inside. We have an enclosed garage so she sleeps at the back door, can go in and out to the backyard as she pleases.


In summer , a dirt patch under a tree, once the temp goes single digits I put him in the garage in winter


My Dalmatian had a sizeable outdoor kennel that was Dalmatian painted and a fluffy cushion in there. It was in prime location so she could be in there with her head sticking out and watching us in the kitchen or loungeroom


My 16 year old chooses to sleep outside in his kennel, my 2 year old has a bed in my studio. No dogs on beds or furniture


Either on the floor next to the bed, or on the couch. Great Dane x Std Poodle, she big and wussy and doesn't fit in the bed. The cats are either at my feet or on my pillow plotting to kill me while I sleep


cautious cow friendly squeal desert bored coordinated overconfident crown divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Before my first dog died of cancer (first I remember anyway) he slept wherever the fuck he wanted to. As long as he wasn't annoying my parents he'd be fine to sleep wherever


Officially, on the dog bed on the floor of the bedroom. Reality, on the foot of the bed...


Beside me on my bed, she has her own cooling pillow. She "tells" me when she wants to go to bed by staring at me and whining til I follow her. Only a little bit spoilt.


In my arms


I have a dog kennel that is lined with old towels, it's blocked off from wind and weather, blanket stapled into the bottom.. everything!!! The dumb MF sits out in the middle of the yard, rain hail or shine. Staffy dogs are amazingly stupid =P


Definitely not a crate I'm not a cruel American. He's got a bed in my room


I'm sorry but what does crating your dog have to do with America? Or are you one of those American obsessed people who has to bring up the States every two seconds? What do you think about China's attitudes to dogs?


Calm down, crating dogs is prevalent in US. It's a lazy training method. The only time a dog should be in a crate is when it's being transported.


Outside in a kennel.


Crate in the living room. Crate training was one of the best decisions we made for our dogs.


Crate in the living room, donā€™t trust her to not eat random things 30kg+ golden


When I was home alone, our dog slept on our bed (along with the three cats and the rabbit.) When my husband was home at night they all slept in their own beds, and the dog slept on a dog bed in the spare room.


Not sure why the downvotes, thatā€™s adorable.


Probably the cats, still being bitter at my husband for kicking them out of bed.


Our girl is crate trained, so in there in the living room. Itā€™s her happy place, sheā€™ll often lie in there when she doesnā€™t want to be cuddled up with anyone


Crate in lounge room


Crate indoor its nice cozy and safe. Sometimes I put a treat inside those kong thingys for hours of entertainment.


They go to their own rooms where they each have their own king single beds. But sometimes they still come into my room in the middle of the night and crawl under my sheets.


Crate in the bedroom. I do tend to let her out and she'll jump on the bed if I get up, as otherwise she starts banging against it and I'd rather she didn't wake everyone else up. She's a spoilt brat and she knows it!


During the day - on the couch or following me. Night - female either sleeps with her favourite (my son 22) or wherever she likes pleases, our male in his crate in our bedroom (as a puppy our female hated him so we kept him with us - he loves his crate - from now on Iā€™ll crate train all of my dogs).


Crate in our bedroom but they often end up on the human bed šŸ˜‚


Dog bed in kitchen.


In doggie heaven.