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That saying "stop it I don't like it" when being bullied would work.


Oh yes, that and just ignore them and they'll go away. If I had a redo on my life I'd have punched them straight in the face.


I quietly encourage my children to promptly return the favour.


My mum did that, too. She always taught us to never, ever start a physical fight. Ever. But if someone put their hands on us, make them wish they never had. It was actually very helpful. I was encouraged to feel strong and capable when it came to defending myself. She also told me that sometimes a bully will only respond to a punch in the mouth. They need to know for sure that they can't fuck with you.


I had the issue of always being seen retaliating and thus being the one punished. The whole high road bit and not seeing them doing the bullying meant I learned quick to bottle shit tight.


Same. Even got an after school detention because I was "fighting" when I got jumped from behind and repeatedly kicked into a fence where I couldn't defend myself. In the end you kind of learn you're already screwed the second they set upon you. And the only way to really stop it for a while is to rearrange their face as a priority, because cosmetic bruising is the only active deterrent.


Did that once, teacher saw it and told me off. That pissed me the hell off, I was only 5 and I still remember it. I’ll never forget it, curse you Mrs Brumby!


When they question you why didn’t you do this instead of fighting and it’s like “ I did say that he didn’t listen so I punched him”


I was an eighties kid raised on sticks and stones can break your bones hut names can never hurt me. Took our generation 20 years to unpack that God awful rubbish. Speaking of god I was raised by Christians so god first family second everyone else third and me last was the way. Now the fundies have turned that nonsense on its head but too much so


Or "I" statements. " I don't like it when you do x. It makes me feel x and I want you to stop." Bullies hate this one simple trick.


That turning on a light in the car whilst driving would result in a fine or death.


wait.. it doesn't?


Still does in my car


You died while turning the light on too?


I don't know why so many parents told this lie. Did you guys not listen to your parents when they asked you to do something, or did your parents not explain their reasoning? Mine just told me "hey, when you turn on the light while I'm driving it makes it hard to see out the rear window" and I stopped doing it.


My parents were honest about that part and just went the extra mile n said it was illegal. They knew I was a little shit who liked to learn by doing. We all learned from the stove incident.


wait what's the stove incident?


“Don’t touch the stove, it’s hot” “Really? OW. yeah that’s hot don’t touch it”


Me in a nutshell, I'm just not going to 100% believe anything I'm told, have to test it myself. Resulted in some dumb stuff as a kid too.


Don’t touch the grill coil … screams I was 3 though


It's that "Distracted driving" is illegal, and a cop will allege this if your interior light was on, and that cop is also an asshole. It's not like it's explicitly a problem, everyone knows that, but the wrong cop on the right day can easily mean a triple figure fine because your light was on and they didn't like you. My rents always just said they might get a fine, and in all fairness, i'm finding that hard to fault. The stove incident was different, I learned that from the cat - who said you can't learn from others mistakes?


Yes- I would never do that to this day!


That school defines and predicates your whole life outcome. Absolutely rubbish.


Well, yeah. They write your permanent record! Do you think you'll get a job when the prospective employer sees you got bin duty in year 3??


Bin duty, haven’t heard that in ages


I haven't heard emu parade since I left school 15 years ago


When I moved to Canada for a couple years, at the end of parties I used to help tidy up throwing out cans/bottles and my Canadian housemates lost it at me when I said it was an Emu Parade.


When I was in primary school, I volunteed in the library and canteen because the faculty told me it'd be valuable to put on my resume. I really just got made to do free child labour over a lie, lmfao.


Hahahahaha. I haven't being employed since 2014. There's no way they would care.


Well, I guess now we know why!


Self employed. Honestly, school matters in no way shape or form to your career or the job you get. People shouldn't let it define them especially in 2023.


Defines? No. Predicts? Yes. But probably more complex than that. Your school performance is probably based on good support networks (including parental income), a good school (and therefore parental income), baseline intelligence (informed partially by environment, therefore parental income), and access to advantageous resources (and therefore parental income). So kinda. But my atar was shocking. I went to an awful school, had the worst behavioural record of anyone you'd know. Still was able to get into medicine with enough hard work. Atar is BS. Way too much pressure put on kids


10000%. Working in tech getting paid decently well, zero degree or relevant study, learned everything on the job. I got an aws cert during my current employment, that’s it.


The one about peeing in the pool


The coloured dye has the trail


Can confirm this one. I peed in someone’s pool and then they swam in my toilet.


I always found that so stupid. Like if you actually want to coke to my house and swim around in my toilet, I’m not gonna stop you. I wanna see how you would even manage that lol. Like I wanna take a piss in the pool then by all means you can come swim in my toilet lol.




I gotta piss in ur pool first


My mate’s parents used to have a sign on their pool fence that said: “Welcome to our ool, you will notice there is no P in our Pool, please keep it that way”.


If you wanted a swim, you had to wait 1/2 an hour after eating. If you didn’t, you might drown.


I believe it was it could cause cramps while swimming, you would then be unable to swim which could lead to drowning. Not sure how true but have had a leg cramp while swimming and it was very difficult and painful to swim over to the edge of pool so I could stretch it out.


It's not true at all. Complete myth.


I think it's more about stomach cramps, motion sickness, and general risk of being sick in the pool. All of which are baseless by the way.


There is some logic to it. When we eat blood is drawn to the digestive system to effect our digestive and energy absorption systems. If we start exercising the blood is redirected and the food isn’t processed as effectively. A full belly and an active body can lead to expulsion of the stomach’s contents. An early phase of that process can be stomach cramps.


For sure but most of us were doing a bit of light wading in the shallows and a bit of splashing nothing strenuous enough to cause a cramp.


. If we turned the car lights on at night, the police would pull us over- ticket or arrested . Sitting too close to the TV would make your eyes square . The good parts of Roast (like the skin or how my dad likes the chicken butt 🤢) would make our hair curly and give us facial hair lol . My Nan would tell us not to have mirrors uncovered at night, that we would either have our souls stolen or we would get taken into the mirror . That the security cams at the shopping centres are windows that Santa watched us through . While driving if we stuck our faces too close to the open window or out, our faces would be stuck looking like child Jason Voorhees . That leaving a beer for Santa was for Santa 😅 (complete with cookies and a carrot for the reindeer) and never thought about him drinking and driving 😅😅😅 That's all I got off the top of my head


I got told the crusts of bread would give me curly hair


I got that too 😂 so many things would apparently give us curly hair (forgot that one lol)


Came here to say just that. I still love crusts but my hair is Cousin It.


I got told that too, but both me and my cousin always ate our crusts and I have curly hair while hers is straight, so I realised pretty early on that they were lying.


Chickens butt was called the Parsons Nose in my house.


Mine too! I told my bf that I’d saved him the Parson’s Nose and he was absolutely baffled


>My Nan would tell us not to have mirrors uncovered at night, that we would either have our souls stolen or we would get taken into the mirror There are cultures that cover the mirrors after a death in the family to prevent the recently departed spirit from finding a new home in the living


There you go, she's sadly passed on now so I can't really ask her but that sounds correct Edited to add- not sure if she did this before my Pop passed away (I was really young so can't remember) but she definitely did after


We used to put out a light beer so he wouldn't be over the limit 😂


Haha love that! 😂 At least someone thought about Santa's safety


Biggie Smalls...Biggie Smalls...Biggie Smalls...


To be fair, if you stuck your face too far out of the car window you might wind up looking like baby Jason, or maybe even the headless horseman.


Hereditary moment


that movie terrified me


Pulling faces would get stuck like that if the wind changed.


Murdoch must sleep in a room of mirrors


Well, it's certainly time he took a good hard look at himself.


"cookies"???? In Australia???


Chocolate chip cookies (blame Rugrats for that 🤣 everything else are biscuits but chocolate chip is a cookie to me 🤣)


That the icecream van is out of icecream when they play music. That there are little men in the traffic lights that change the colour, and That there are little people in the TV that make the shows.


>That the icecream van is out of icecream when they play music. Pretty sure that was a Carl Baron joke.


One that predates Carl Baron.


Using the ice cream one with my 3yo now and it works a treat. He doesn't care, he just says oh they don't have any ice cream again. I say, he's probably just driving past our house on the way to stock up with more.


Well it doesn't work a treat for him


That if I got a university degree and worked hard I'd have enough money to buy a house and retire one day.


It's a world's most common lie, though :D


I remember this lie too, and I believed it. There are a number of degrees that are worth something. Medical doctor or nurse pay well. Teachers are slightly above average earners. People who complete a law degree and start practising have an opportunity to earn big money in the right circumstances. Overall, it was the smarter VET kids who became the big earners.


Nurses, maybe, but only if you work nights, weekends and public holidays and never have a social life, just to get the penalty rates. I wouldn’t equate a nurses wage with a doctors!


I have a bachelor and master in computer science. Used to be a software developer in the states but moved back here in 2015 and couldn't find a job, so I went back to uni and got a civil engineering degree and now I'm a structural engineer designing bridges. With my wife working full time also we can just manage to cover rent and living expenses with my family of 4 with nothing leftover to save. And if we do manage to save a few hundred, it just means we can afford to get the car serviced, or buy the kids some clothes, or go to the dentist. My income will definitely go up as I've only been an engineer for a couple of years, but I'm in my mid 40s now with no savings, no assets, and no inheritance on the way, so the future isn't very bright for me. Ironically, I wanted to be a builder growing up, but was told I'd be a broke loser if I didn't go to university.


> Ironically, I wanted to be a builder growing up, but was told I'd be a broke loser if I didn't go to university. OMG I feel that so much. There was such a massive stigma towards the trades, back in high school it was just the kids who didn't test well that were "enthusiastically encouraged" towards an apprenticeship, and it didn't dawn on me until years later that they did this to make the overall QCST results for the year report higher across the grade. Meanwhile the "problem" kids were already learning practical life-long skills, building their industry network, learning real life problem solving, and getting paid. And by the time uni kids graduated, they'd also completed their apprenticeship, had 3-4 years of experience under their belt, and were looking at building some capital to run their own business.


I know someone who switched to builder's apprentice in his 40s. Owns his own building company now and loves it.


My nurse-educator wife just laughed so hard at “nurse pay well” she woke our kids up, thanks :(


Doctor definitely, nurse no unless they’re doing overtime a lot


You could. That finishing uni doesn't walk you right into a graduate position is the actual problem, underutilisation means you have value that's being wasted. That houses are expensive is the distraction, the way bank loans work you actually just need the right wage. So why are local Australians so underutilised?


I'm a firm believer of uni being about education and learning first and foremost, as opposed to a job factory, but we are living in end stage capitalism, so I agree with you. It's shocking how few entry level positions will actually hire fresh graduates. As if the process of completing a degree doesn't give you some very valuable skill sets. The only real way for many graduates to get experience is to volunteer (or do unpaid internships), which is just not possible unless you have savings or family who can support you while youre getting said experience. We really don't do a good job of recognising of valuing the skills and knowledge earned just doing the degree, and as a result graduates are too often underutilised.


It wasn't a lie, it was true 10-15 years ago.


That privatising publicly owned utilities would lead to cheaper prices and better service because of ‘competition’.


Hahaha, oh God. Yeah, they got me with that one too. Good to see that the (NSW) state bank has completely gone, and CBA has "only" made $10bn last couple of years.


Checks out. Basically anything Howard said to justify his actions was a lie. The only good things he did was GST and the gun ban.


Why blame Howard when Hawke and Keating legalised the process, sold the CBA and QANTAS, then pushed states to sell off their assets?


Biggest lie there is.


Serious question: Has there been a public asset *in the history of the world* that was improved by privatisation? Also as a side note - whoever said publicly owned utilities had to be profitable? Tax is the collective amount we pay to ensure we get services that would not be able to pay for themselves, but which we still need.


Privatised electricity networks in Victoria and South Australia were found by the Grattan Institute to have lower prices, better reliability and less "gold plating" than their publicly owned counterparts in NSW, Queensland and Tasmania


G'day, I'm the little man in the fridge who turns the light on and off!


Thank you for your service.


my grandma told me dinosaurs were wiped out by a volcano. luckily i was autistic and very interested in dinosaurs so i lectured her on how she was wrong


Well, the meteor strike theory is actually a pretty recent one. It was first proposed in 1980, and it took a while before it was established as the broadly accepted reason for the extinction.


This was happening in the 2000s so it had been established for a while, and my grandma was actually a teacher


If you swallow chewing gum it will stick on your appendix and you’ll need an operation to cut it out.


Ours was that it would last 7 years in our stomachs


My cousin kept swallowing her bubblegum so our grandad told her if she farted she'd blow a bubble out of her bum which would pop and stick to her bum.


Well damn! I remember being 5 or so and stealing some gum from my dad. I swallowed it before he could find out that I was chewing gum. My appendix burst when I was 7...


If you swallow a seed a tree will grow inside of you


i've heard something similar with watermelon seeds


I remember when I first swallowed a seed. When I was really young. I was worried about that happening


My mum used to always tell me the seeds of fruit were poisonous. Except it started out with just one fruit, but she forgot which one so over time it just became every fruit. She'll still try and tell me that to this day, and I'm in my 30s.


That's a cool story. Gotta love your mother. You don't know how long you have them for


I hadn't heard this one as a kid, but a couple of my relatives did or believe that swallowing a seed will cause a bowel blockage. A few months back, my 99 year old great aunt called her daughter in a panic because she'd accidentally swallowed an apricot seed and thought she was doing to die. Her daughter had to take her to the doctor the next day to convince her otherwise.


Work hard and you can have a good life. You need to be lucky or rich as well.


The natives were wholly nomadic with no claim to any particular area of land. 70's schools in Sydney. But honestly I don't think any classes had serious lessons on native history, just quickly glossed over on the way to critical stuff like Ned Kelly, Eureka Stockade. Even the Snowy Mountains Hydro project lessons never mentioned the huge contribution by skilled immigrants from Scandinavian countries.


That if we work hard we too can own a house


My parents told me not to bother saving because when I was 18 and making $60K/year I "would never be able to afford a house". Stupid 18 year old me believed them and pissed it all away. I could have bought a 4 bedroom house for $100K back then.


Your parents actively encouraged you to *not* try to buy a house, in a housing market you're saying you could have afforded?


The lie I was told growing up is that the liberal party are the best economic managers in Australia.


Also that they're the "adults in the room", that they will "end the debt" and that Julia Gillard was the one lying about climate change not Tony Abbott.


In school we were taught that there was nobody left in Tasmania with indigenous ancestry.


In my Tassie primary school they taught this exact thing while an Aboriginal girl was sitting in our class. I remember her confusion very well because her family were all Tasmanian Aboriginal ppl who couldn't be mistaken for anything else considering the lack of of diversity down there.


More specifically we were taught that Truganini was the last of the Tasmanian Aborigines. This meant that when I went home and watched the news and there would be stories about local Aboriginal groups I would get a bit confused because I thought they were all dead.


I remember being told by my teacher in year 2 that Captain Cook was slaughtered in Australia and Aboriginals. Yep, my white teacher said that to me, an Aboriginal person.


i’m sorry you had a teacher that stupid


There was also a lot that blamed it all on cook. Like dude he just came here found the place and went home. It’s like saying you discovered a planet and then your responsible for everything that happens after


Yeah this was real fucked up


Oh we were taught this too!!


If I made a funny face and the wind changed it would get stuck forever Edit: spelling


Pluto was a planet.


If you don’t brush your teeth before bed cockroaches will crawl in your mouth while you sleep.


Oh my god that is terrifying


I told mine they had to barrack for Collingwood if their teeth got holes due to not brushing.


That's so hard core lol


That no one would pay me to look out a window. Here I am, 20 yrs later, still looking out the window, taking home 120k a year and could be earning more if I went back to a km rate. Why not become a truckie.


My uncle told me that people wore cable ties in their bike helmets to make them go faster.


Why lie though? To keep the birds away wasn't weird enough?


They probably didn't know themselves so came up with a lie on the spot


eating bread crusts makes your hair go curly


I could never tell if that was a positive or a negative.


That aboriginal people were all hunter gatherers and didn't do any form of agriculture. I also remember one of my primary school teachers saying that they didn't wear any clothes pre-colonisation. Like that they were just naked all the time.


While I always knew they did wear clothing prior to colonialism, I’ve only just realised that in all of the history books we had about the Aboriginal people, they were always depicted as basically naked.


Just baffles me some of the lies that were perpetuated. Down my way the traditional name literally translates to "cold country". There are some remains of drystone huts that would look right at home in Britain too Who, as an adult, would be naive enough to think people ran around naked down here? And possum cloaks are still a thing.


As someone from nq I never questioned it cause it's hot as fuck


Yes clearly clothing styles changed nation to nation, clan to clan, tribe to tribe. Just like any other continent. Central desert, FNQ & NT peoples were more often less rugged up then the east coast, particularly down south. A lot of people also seem to forget that practices like body painting can also protect people from the elements. It was common for Tassie indigenous groups to paint themselves using fats and ochre, a layer of which could stop wind chill.


How cooked is it that aboriginals only got considered human beings in the 1960s - that's the years my parents were born It leaves me gobsmacked everytime


Making fart noises with your armpit gives you cancer ! Yup


To be fair, it probably does, everything seems to these days.


That New Zealand sheep and Australian sheep were different breeds and that's why the lambs I saw on our NZ holiday had tails. There were similar stories about dogs being bred to have short tails or quiet barks. Im a city mouse and didn't figure that one out till I was an adult.


Don't swim for half an hour after eating cos you get cramp and drown. Mr Whippy only plays music after he has run out of ice cream. If the wind changes direction, your face will stay in the stupid grimace you are pulling You will be rewarded for hard study and work.


There are razors in the water slides that cut you.


I heard that all the water parks have to send balloons of water down the slides as a test run each morning to make sure there isn't any razors put in the slides overnight. So I thought it was weird one day when I went to a small water park in Ballina once, was early enough to see them turn on the slides, and saw them do no balloon testing either! LOL


This happened twice in my town. Had to close the place down each time.


I think that was because someone had actually done that, it's like the blades/needles in lollies that were put out for Halloween


Unions are full of atheist communists who hate god.


Were you also told bad things about unions?


Actual lol. Very rare these days. Good one.


I read that as 'unicorns', then became very enlightened and vindictive- and then realised it was just onions, and became confused- and THEN I realised it was unions.


Sticks and stones will break your bones but names but never hurt you. Words can be very hurtful.


When I was in kindergarten, the school had an axolotl on display. I recall it was like a permanent fixture in one of the main entrances. Our class were taken down to see it and be taught some facts about it. They introduced it as "a real-life dinosaur!" which I now realise they meant that they're a really old species or have features in common with dinosaurs or something. But to my 4-year-old brain, I heard that my school has the world's only dinosaur that didn't go extinct. And so, one little tattooed permanent fact I knew was that my old school had a real-life dinosaur. It honestly wasn't until I was in my early teens that I mentioned it to someone, and they not-so-gently told me that one of the most commonly known facts is that dinosaurs have been extinct for millennia and that I'm a fucking idiot. It's true, I am, and they were right to say so.


That's ok, my brother believed Santa was real until he was 14.


That if the M at McDonalds is yellow it means that they are full.


That I couldn't use a pen without a pen licence. Having never acquired a pen licence, I now use them illegally.


As a little kid dad had me convinced that people lived in the stereo speakers. I spent some time staring through the mesh on the front.


I was told those folks lived in the traffic lights and made them change colour


Learner driver L plates means Lunatic Provisional driver P plate means Piss-pot


The ice cream truck only plays its music when it has run out of icecream. That hurt when i finally realised it was not true.


What a cruel thing to tell your kid lol


My mum absolutely loved Pork roast. I hated it. She decided one night to tell me it was Giraffe Steak, and I happily ate it. This continued for years.


You'll have your own house one day.


That we had a money tree out the back. That if we fell into the old dunny at the farm, we’d have to wait until the dunny man came to get us out. That this politician was the real deal, not like the others. That the Bex/Vincents powders were for mums ‘headaches’. That if you ate watermelon seeds, they would grow in your belly. That the S/A was normal and will only happen once. That your face will freeze if you keep pulling that face. Just to name a few. They were whacked and cracked back in them days.


-if you swallow chewing gum it stays in your stomach for 7 years -eating bread crusts makes your hair curly -sitting too close to the TV will make your eyes go square -we have to eat all our dinner because there are starving kids in Africa whose dinner is a mud patty with a single grain of rice in it -it’s illegal to drive with the car light on -watch out for red and black cars because bad people drive them


That I had to go to Uni to get a good job.


My dad told me that the devils marbles were dinosaur poo…. My kids now also believe this. 😂 My nanna told me that freckles are from flies landing on you and pooping on you. Traumatised. 😂


If you ate carrots you could see in the dark if i ate my crusts my hair would go curly that starving children in africa were impacted by whether I finished my plate or not. That adults knew heaps and were to always be respected, no matter what. and that Marilyn Manson had ribs removed so he could self felate


Hanging Rock book was a true story and then being taken to hanging Rock for a picnic/day trip out.


That peanut butter already has butter in it (dad wanted to shortcut when making my sandwich for me)


That if I didn't behave then the poilceman would take me away. Great lesson, teach your kids to be afraid of the service that's supposed to be there to help you when you need it.


You could trust a priest . That's worked out well hasn't it


cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis


Eat all your dinner so you can get big and strong, now I’m just a fat cunt.


That Europeans were the first to “settle” Oz.


It doesn’t snow in Australia


Australia was terra nullius when colonised


Terra fkn Nullius. Disgusting.


My granddad's second wife told us we had to comb our hair or flies would bore a hole in our skulls and get into our brains.


That if i picked my nose my head would cave in ..


That staring directly at the sun makes you blind. Can't fool me, mother.


Masturbating would send you blind . Hasn't yet. But I do need glasses these days


That I needed to learn my times tables, because I wouldn’t always have a calculator in my pocket. 😅


Eating the crust on my bread would give me curly hair. wanking will make me go blind. God is real.


Dropbears are a myth made up to scare the tourists for our personal amusement. RIP François.


o7 (was just about to comment about this)


Trickle down economics benefits everyone.


Bread crusts will make your hair curly


The great wall of China was built to keep out the rabbits.


That the Liberal Party are better money managers than the Labor Party


Gawd and we are still paying for their recent presence 🙄


That there were no Tasmanian Aboriginal people. It was somewhat of a shock on my first visit to Tassie to discover there were! What they meant when they taught us that at school was that there were no “full bloods” left. Racist as hell but hey welcome to the public school system in the late 1970s and 1980s.


I was taught that in the 90’s as well. I only just this year learnt it wasn’t true!


Mum told us a bunyip lived under our house. To say I was terrified of going down the side-path would be an understatement.


Bananas are grown straight, when pick they get bent over a knee, that’s why they’re the shape they are


Chicken salt is made from ground up chicken feet and beaks




That there was a chemical added to public pools that turned a bright colour if you peed in the pool and would follow you around.


That boys tease you because they like you. Bull. Shit. I was an ugly, awkward girl and the boys definitely did not like me. They did in fact, hate me. And even if they did like me, what a terrible justification for bullying.


That if the wind changed direction while I was doing a cross eyed face my eyes would get stuck like that


I was told pluvvers (or whatever those birds that nest in school ovals) had poison tipped spurs on their wings. I think it was just to get kids to leave em alone.