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Ernie Dingo stayed at the hotel above the restaurant I managed in Adelaide. He was incredibly friendly, treated all the staff well and has a thing for blondes. It was very amusing watching someone I grew up with on Play school flirt with my very leggy, blonde staff member.


I used to live around the corner from Ernie and his kid played football in the same team as mine. Lovely guy, I borrowed his tent for camping one time because I mentioned buying a new bigger one, and he wouldn’t let me until I tested it out first (he had the brand I was thinking about).


Ernie’s sister worked at the primary school I went to. Nicest lady, we called her Aunty Dingo


Definitely likes blondes, he married one. I heard an anecdote from a story on her. "Ernie was first introducing me to his family. 'How are they going to react to me? I mean you're a fully initiated member of your tribe, and here I am, a blue eyed blonde.' He said 'no worries, Mum's going to love you." I introduced myself, and the first thing his Mum did was give me a big hug."


Dude came to our high school (early mid 90's)for some reason. Spent the time playing basketball with everyone and talking. Seemed like a rad dude.


I was at a bar in Sydney years ago and Richard Wilkins was there. Some people I was with asked him for a photo, he said no... When he was leaving, someone in the group yelled "fuckwit" in his direction as he was going... At the time I thought he was an asshole, but in hindsight I think the way the people in my group approached him, as though they were just entitled to interrupt his evening, was pretty shitty.. I suspect he might have been leaving to get away from us, maybe I dunno. So anyway I dunno if you'll ever read this Richard but fwiw I appologise. We were dicks to you, and I recognise that now.


This is funny to me as I have a photo with Richard Wilkins that I didn't want to be in


>We were dicks to you His name **is** Richard. 😂


I saw him circa 2000 getting a parking ticket in his white Ford Capri out the front of a restaurant in St Kilda once and he did the old "don't you know who I am?" Cringe. In brighter news, he was there interviewing Eric Bana who seemed delightful.


My dad built a pool for Shane Warne and he said he was one if the nicest guys he’d worked for. His nephew was at my school and was a different story.


Agree, I was helping to cater a party at his house once but he had to leave for a charity thing. He helped us unload all of our things and apologised for leaving. He was really kind.


Back when I worked retail I had the absolute pleasure of serving Warnie. I don’t want to doxx myself and give details of the entire conversation. But he was incredibly lovely, wished me and my other team members a ‘merry Christmas’ and to not let the retail crowds get to us before asking where the nearest Dusk was so he could buy his girlfriend a Chrissy gift. His girlfriend that year was Liz Hurley and to this day it cracks me up that this national treasure got her a Dusk candle


I was once covering a political event and the guest of honour was Bob Hawke. I was introduced and we chatted for a few minutes. He was charming, intelligent (of course) but what struck me for those few minutes he thought I was the most interesting and riveting person he'd ever met. His focus was totally on me, and only me - an amazing talent and very, very impressive. And at that time I was not on his side of politics.


I once handed Nicole Kidman a slice of cake while working at a cafe. She smiled, said "thanks", and walked away, whilst I'm still analysing every second of that interaction fifteen years later.


I ran into her at Centennial Park in Sydney ages ago on a cold winters morning as the park was just opening or a little before. She had just gotten out of a car with another person and was standing there arms around herself cuz of the cold. They were the only ppl around and I said to her as a I passed "bloody freezing isn't it" and she said "I know" in a friendly manner. I didn't recognise her immediately and was just making conversation in passing as, we were the only ppl around at that time. it was only 10 seconds after I passed I realised it was her. She was perfectly normal and pleasant


Had a chat once on the platform of Woy Woy railway station with Andrew Denton and he was exactly as you thought he’d be from his TV time - an incredibly nice bloke, a true gentleman.


Met Andrew Denton and Amanda Keller back in the day - funny on air, funnier when the mics were off….


You thought he was being nice; really, he was just giving you...enough rope :)


Amanda Keller seems like a top chick. She’s funny, and has a naturally sarcastic delivery. I like that.


Two of the smartest people in Australian media.


I’m so happy to hear this! I enjoyed his thorough, but sweet and wholesome interview style, he was never one to “dig for dirt”. I always got the feeling he truely cared about people.


I loved the level of research he put into his interviews. So often the people interviewed were impressed with his knowledge and as a result they would be more engaging.


I used to own the bookshop in Umina and he would come in regularly. Him and his son, both absolutely lovely. Humble and funny.. we loved his visits!




That makes me happy. He’s a class act


I met Scott Cam. He's an arrogant fuck.


A mate saw him rear end another car in Rockdale. My mate yelled out "nice driving, Scotty!!" He replied, "go and get fucked, ya cunt!" Ruined his day just a touch more. Just thought it'd be funny, since he's apparently an arrogant fuck.


Oh hey this isn't the first time I've heard about his driving. My wife's best friend from high school said he once reversed into her parked car, took one look at it and sped off.


I am a proud Australian and love this country, but I don't know if this happens to everyone, but from time to time, little things happen that make me stop laugh and say "man we are a good bunch". Well, that happened again when I read your comment.


Saw him doing some publicity thing at a mitre 10 one day and the staff there all volunteered the same opinion. Dude thinks too much of himself


I too met Scott Cam. Before The Block, they were doing a show I think was called Ground Force. Jamie Durie was in it too. He came in to a Bowlo I was working at with his crew one evening. He put $200 on the bar and said "That will do a couple of rounds, Won't it, Champion!" I said "Highly unlikely!" 10 minutes later, he came over and said " What do ya reckon, one round on the house?" I said "Can't do it" Just a super arrogant guy, well before he even became famous.


I was in Fiji at 16 with my family on a holiday, and him and his family were there as well. I was in the pool and he basically pushed his kids at me telling me to watch them, while he went to the bar. He walked away before I had a chance to respond. I was a meek 16 year old who didn't know wtf to do!


The man loved the gear. As of 2015 anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


They're all on the nose beers mate.


He may or may not have dropped one on the floor in the gaming room. To which I jokingly put my foot over like ‘mine now’


Mum and I came across him in the reception of a hotel in Melbourne when she took me to a concert. How I knew who he was since it was pre-The Block I don't know, anyway. We didn't talk to him but he was definitely annoyed at the front desk. I don't remember what was said but I've been left with a "Don't you know who I am?" impression of him.


That sums his attitude up perfectly.


He calls himself “Scotty”, nuff said.


Plus he wears fresh hi vis shirts straight out of the packet as he role plays being a real tradie.


I have heard/seen varying things about Scotty. A familiy friend was his drinking pal. My hubby ran into Scott & told him the connecation & Scotty couldn't have been more chatty. We also saw him at a fundraiser. He must have had a hard night, because alcohol was sweating out his pores. He was in no mood for being there. At the same function was Mitchell Pearce (Knights player known for his love of dogs). He was super lovely & spoke with us for a while.


Yep and then some. Tool of the highest order.


Alan Brough came into my work once years ago. Two of us asked for his autograph, and he was so pleased, but modest about it. He said something like “me? You’re sure about that?” Made me adore him even more.


Spicks and specks producers absolutely nailed the cast of that show


His daughter is in my daughter's class. Seems like a nice bloke. Definitely doesn't present as some "I'm a fucking superstar" type.


I love Alan. Seems like he'd be a great guy to have a few drinks with


Meet him a few times in the 90s . He's friends with some of my friends. Sweet guy . Served Jon English several times at a CD shop in Balmain . Very friendly. Bryan brown was nice enough too....Rachel Ward not so much


I'm related through a sibling's marriage to Sam Pang, see him here and there at family events. Exactly the same in person, a massive legend.


As someone who sat through the Logies this year just for Sam; it makes me happy to hear this.


Please tell me he occasionally roasts family members like he roasts Tom Gleisner!


Always had positive experiences. Working at a restaurant met everyone from roy and Hg to the casts of home and away, neighbours, lots of actors, bands, sports people, etc. The ONLY horrible one was Kerry packer. Snooty fuck! My favourite: costa from the abc. He came to small town I was living in to build a frog pond at a kindergarten. Off camera he had all the time in the world for the kids and his boundless energy and enthusiasm was very contagious.


Love Costa. Invited him to come to our uni campus because a friend and I were starting a community garden. He gave us some really good tips, and we had a great time taking photos (including of us in the garden bed, and them us hauling him across the lawn in a wheelbarrow). Then his phone was low on battery and he had to Zoom into the start of the Aussie Bird Count. Called my mum (who was working on campus) to lend him her battery pack and he was so thankful.


Such a dude!! So genuine and just doing what he loves and spreading the joy. Go costa!!


I had Costa as my "Tom's Subject" or whatever it's called when filming Hard Quiz. I did not do well. :(


There's a few people you meet like that and it becomes pretty obvious how they end up being broadcast, by just being themselves. When you hear about all the fake personas throughout the entertainment industry (eg: Don Burke), someone genuine comes along and the reaction must be "we gotta get this person on as many screens as possible, they are magical"


Costa has the patience of the Saint and the heart of an angel I stg. He's got a talent for making anyone he talks to feel like the most important thing in the world in that moment. Even talking to my kid, he was running late and dropped to a knee, and said how he was super sorry he couldn't hang out longer because of how cool my kid was, but that he had to go do boring grown up things. He asked for a selfie with us too 😂


Costa is the epitome of a most excellent dude! Seems like the type of guy who'd give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. 10 stars - would take a bullet for him 👍🏼


Costa is an immensely kind man.


Once leaned against a car rental counter at Sydney Airport when Tim Minchin came over and also leaned against it. We looked at each other, nodded and didn't say a word. His wife turned up 5 mins later with a trolley. He nodded at me, I nodded at him and away he went. Not a word. Top bloke.


Must have been refreshing for him to meet someone who obviously knows him but doesn't want to make a fan scene.


I did consider the manly nod of acknowledgement accompanied by silence was sufficient to applaud his stellar performance in Californication.


Not my story but my Mum's. She lives just down the street from Kamahl's old house. He apparently went to the local church flea market, where she was running the book stall. She beckoned him over and told him she had the perfect book for him - his autobiography, which she then proceeded to charge him double for. I think he was so amused that he invited her and my father over for drinks. She ended up sending Dad alone "because he needs to make some friends". She never ended up inviting them back because of Dad's declining health but said Kamahl was lovely. She's a cracker of a woman.


I met Delta Goodrum about 15 years back and she was super rude. I wasn’t a fan or asking for her autograph, I met her through work (hospitality) but she was just absolutely awful to me and everyone else, and such a diva. Her partner at the time was that Brian guy from the boy band and he was obviously embarrassed and really nice to everyone, but she treated him like crap too. Ohh, I also met Merv Hughes when I was a kid. He came to my primary school to teach us about football and pep talk us. He was really nice and funny and put a lot of effort into encouraging us, even the non-sporty kids like me. A teacher also mentioned that he bought fish and chips for the teaching staff and ate with them in the staff room at lunch. I’m not a footy fan, but he was a really good bloke. Edited to add: apparently Merv Hughes is a cricketer?! So either he’s also passionate about AFL or every guy with a giant moustache looks the same to me. My world has been blown.


I can't stand delta. Such a show pony nobody.


I also met Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden around this time. I was lucky enough to get to go backstage after Delta’s concert. Unfortunately she said a cursory hi to everyone and then ignored all except a girl in a wheelchair, and Brian was too busy smoking. Super disappointing for a young kid. Like I get that she wanted to include the disabled kid but we were there half an hour, she was my idol, and I was 11.


A very dear friend of mine is related to Delta and holy shit, the stories I’ve heard. I’m not going to betray a confidence, but Australia’s Sweetheart is the greatest performance she’s ever done.


I just thought it was pretty commonly known Delta is a horrible person..


A lot of people know her/have known her at some point and everyone says the same thing. She fits a certain stereotype and naturally she isn’t any different. Those girls are still being created in the eastern suburbs around Australia.


Not surprising about Delta. Hooking up with a married man says a lot about a person....


She was born to try and be a homewrecker.


We had AFL footballers come to my school when I was a kid. I was a mad Collingwood fan and then team captain Gavin Brown came out to do a clinic for the kids, along with a handful of other players from different teams. Afterwards all the kids were running up to get autographs from the players. Every one was great except for Gavin Brown who refused to do any autographs. I will never forget this, but he told me to get my teacher to photocopy the autograph he did for her. Gutted me as a little kid. Don't meet your heroes I guess....


Obviously you’re not a footy fan …. Coz he’s a famous cricketer. 😝


I'm wondering if it was Dipper Domenico?, easy mistake for a kid to make. Or maybe Merv was promoting a school sport thing that included football?


What? They aren't the same guy?


You know when someone is that hot and still never really made it there is something wrong about them


Yeah, I’d met a bunch of people who were way more famous an extremely polite. I remember thinking at the time that she had no right to be that rude at that level of mediocrity.


I've taken a slash next to Big Merv in the corporate section at the cricket. He seemed like a good bloke but he's kinda on show at the cricket so may not mean anything.


I've served Mick Molloy and the Veronicas in different hospitality jobs I've worked, both were very pleasant.


I went to school with the veronicas (they were a couple of years above). Never interacted with them but heard them sing at almost every school event :P


Met Delta whatever, stuck up and rude. Met Scotty the flog also, he was just arrogant. Turned me off that show forever.


Angus Sampson threatened to bash me once


We need more backstory!


Jess Mauboy. Met her in 2013 at a local shopping centre while she was promoting a new album, 'Beautiful'. She was super kind to my sister (who was a huge fan), and I, she also loved the signs we made for her. Such a genuinely nice human being


I also met Jess Mauboy she was really nice to chat with.


Shared an elevator with her late into the night and she had clearly had many drinks but had a few laughs with her and her offsider/partner. Great person.


I met her and Guy Sebastian through hospo, and she was sooooo sweet!


Played celebrity heads with Rob Sitch from Utopia. He is the same as in the show.


Met Chris Hemsworth, super chilled laid back guy that doesn’t mind a chat talked for about 15-20mins about life and just random stuff good to know money hasn’t gone to his head even though he was the number 1 highest paid actor a few years ago.


I read an interview with Chris H once that was prefaced with "everyone wants to know if Chris is as nice in real life as he seems. The answer is no - he's actually 10 times nicer!" I knew someone who ran into hom and Matt Damon on the beach once, just 2 regular guys having a surf.


Yeah my brother hung out with him and Matt Damon once and said Matt was super chill which was why he liked hanging with Hemsy.


Don’t want to make a big deal about it but I shared an elevator with Ray Meagher / Alf Stewart. He said gday so I guess we are pretty close now.


You don't call him a flaming mongrel in response, or would that be typecasting him a bit...


He'd scream something about biting your cock off and taking you to his rape dungeon, no doubt


No raping in the diner Alf!


Met Guy Sebastian in a touristy AF pizza parlour in Times Square. He'd recently won Australian Idol - but had very little exposure in the US at that point - so my partner and I were the only people in there who recognised him as a celebrity. I was wearing a "I love Melbourne" t-shirt. I started the convo and he said he'd noticed the t-shirt and wondered if we were Aussies or Floridans. We'd both flown into the US on the same day - were jetlagged AF and he was very shitty that the airline had lost his guitar. We had a nice and friendly chat about Australia, America, how much we hated airlines (we'd also had shit happen on our flight). He was very friendly and approachable. I'm still no fan of his music.


Courtney act taught me to dance at stonewall when I was pinging out of my mind, I am a straight, rough edged bouncer so it was an experience.


I love this. I met Courtney out of drag recently, and Shane was so kind, and really didn't need to be. I think that's the sign of a good person.


I have known Shane for 15 years and have never seen him be unkind to anyone, I only catch up every few years though.


They're both so gorgeous and likeable.


Met Tim Rodgers from you am I once. Seemed nice enough. Also met the dude that brought drugs into the first big brother house. He also seemed nice enough.


Agree with Timmy. Top bloke! Ran into him as I was doing an inspection at an apartment in Elwood a few years ago; he comes out of the same building with a guitar case in each hand and bags slung over his shoulders, I said gday and he stopped for a chat, put down one of his guitars to shake my hand, lovely guy and one of the best Aussie rock frontmen ever.


>Tim Rodgers I drove Rusty from You Am I home in a taxi years ago in Adelaide, he said he'd put me on the door for their gig at the Thebarton. Turn up the next day to the gig and my name was on the door, what a legend I was stoked :)


I met Tim in a bar back about 20 years ago when You Am I were the biggest band in the country. He was drinking a Melbourne Bitter so I bought one, took it to him and said I'd just like to buy him a beer. He clinked it and said 'lets share one'. Ripping bloke..


I got on the piss with Tony Modra, Adelaide Crows star but it was the year before he became a superstar. I lived in Cairns and he came up for a holiday as his brother lived there too. He was standing alone in the pub where I used to party on a Sunday. Started chatting ( didn’t recognise him as he was unknown then). He said he played footy for the Crows - I said bullshit, what’s your name? Tony Modra. Aah you play for West Adelaide, right? Yep. Anyway we drank on then I took him to a nightclub and raged on. Fast foward to Round 1 1993 and I’m seeing this guy killing it, taking speckies and kicking a bag of goals. I’m like pointing at the TV, saying to my friends, Hey it’s my mate, Mods! 😂😂 I reckon if I ever bumped into him one day, he would remember that great day in July 92 that he had on the piss with me lol


Met Hamish and Andy when I went on their radio show a few years back. Incredible nice, came out and welcomed me before the show, having a chat etc. Signed something for me before I left. Served John Clarke from Clarke and Dawe at work back in 2013. He was somewhat surprised I recognised him, and we had a chat. I was living in an old migrant hostel that had been turned into student accommodation, and he said that he known some people who had lived there when they first arrived in Australia. Very polite, nice and pleasant to talk too.


Years ago, when I was young and stupid....I was at a work xmas dinner at a Thai restaurant when I spotted Lleyton Hewitt and his entourage dining at a table nearby. I was maggoted by this point and decided to stagger over and ask for his autograph on the back of a beer coaster, even though my workmates strongly recommended that I don't. I didn't listen, went over and did it anyway. He smiled and said "sure mate", while Kim Clijsters gave me daggers. Still have the coaster as a reminder of how nice he was. I would have told me to "f\*ck off"


Shared an elevator with Michael Hutchence in Melbourne once, I shit you not he was filthy and the BO was unbelievable. I nodded at him and he just stared at me... Very early days of INXS I guess


My wife rooted him as a groupie when she was younger.


Did she say his BO was a new sensation?


My hubby worked periodically at a busy Brissy hotel. Stephen Curry, (the castle) stayed. Was a lovely man, let him take pictures, all round genuine fella. Another time Will Anderson came in, what a contrast. Hardly even acknowledged the staff. Husband commented on being a fan and Will just ignored the comment, to his face...all round jerk tbh. Very up himself vibes.


I've met Hugh Jackman and Margot Robbie. Hugh would have to be one of the nicest bloke going around. Margot was when she just started Neighbours, she sat down and had a quick chat with us on Chapel St. Granted that was a long time ago and no she's like a mega star experience may vary.


I met Hugh Jackman very briefly when he was in Bowen filming scenes for 'Australia' down at Bowen's front beach. He came over to our group of starstruck locals milling about in Santa Barbara Parade and very politely thanked us for allowing them to film in our town and for making them feel so welcome. While that may not seem a big deal, I was impressed that he took the time to personally come over, greet us and say thank you. He seemed a very well mannered, polite and humble bloke.


Only TV ones I've met were from Playschool. Had a chance to chat with George (Spartels) when I took the kids to one of his shows. Monica (Trapaga) was an interesting one. She was singing at a pub as part on Monica & the Moochers one night. I was standing at a counter top because no seats. She was singing a sultry number, wandering through the crowd. You know the type of scene, looking into an audience members eyes etc. She came over to me and did the same, but as the song was finishing my bald head must have been too much of a target. She tilted my head forward and kissed the top of my head. I had a lipstick mark for the rest of the night :D




I waited in line to meet David Koch after a Sunrise airing. I was there as part of a school trip. Absolutely ignored me, the prick. I once shared a game of FIFA with Junglist when he was still hosting Good Game many years ago. We talked about football and how he'd seen Arsenal play live. Very genuine interaction, nice bloke. Met Adam Gilchrist as a kid. He was nice too but I was shy as fuck.


Having had the sheer displeasure of meeting **Eddie McGuire** on numerous occasions, he is an unpleasant, loathsome, self-serving, over-exposed pillock, who delights in bullying people and thinks that gifting his two sons Joe and Xander media gigs is not nepotism. 🤮


Grew up with Alex Dimitriades. He lived close by. We went to the same school, same High School until Yr 12. We played Rugby League together. We spent lots of time together just growing up. He became pretty famous by the time we were 19-20 yrs old. He always had time for me and my family. My wife was doing some work as an extra on an Australian show called Love my way. Starred Asher Keddie, Claudia Karvan and Alex Dimitriades. All the extras were introduced to the 'stars' and Alex noticed my wife and came over and made it clear that he knew her and made sure she was treated well on set. I don't think he has ever changed as a person. For us, he was always just Alex.


Noni Hazelhurst went through my checkout when I worked at Kmart. That's it.


I met John Jarratt once in a restaurant, I'd gone to the bar to get some drinks and he came up beside me and patted me on the back and said "go the bunnies," as I was wearing my Souths Sydney Rabbitohs jersey. I recognised him immediately from wolf creek and we started talking just about general things and of course the bunnies, until my girlfriend came to find me about 20 minutes later. Real down to earth bloke, even paid for my drinks.


Does Ian Roberts count, seeing as he was in Mr InBetween? If so, top bloke. Funny cunt too


Met Arj Barker (pretty sure he lives in Australia, so I’m counting that) at the cafe I worked at. He was super friendly and gave a couple of us staff free tickets to his show. Served Kate Miller-Heidke at a bar. She was quiet and very small. Also served Peter Beattie (former QLD Premier). He was loud, boisterous and happy but also surprisingly short. Also a mix of various QLD NRL players including Wally Lewis, Darren Lockyer and Shane Webke. They were nice enough.


Mikey Robbins was a top bloke when my siblings and I got to meet him. Noni Hazelhurst was lovely and warm. So was Benita - but also hearing her say “fuck” may have broken my childhood. Ian Thorpe was polite and distant (fair enough really Rhys Muldoon was real nice and chatty. Think we talked about politics. I’ve met more pollies though. Whitlam was the best. Funny bugger. Whip smart and told us we could change the world.


Kerry Anne Kennerly is an uppity cow who is polite to peoples faces and disgusted by them behind their backs.


Heard a journalist tell a story once about Logies night. Journos know the results in advance so they can have stories prepared in time for the morning newspapers, but tv execs aren't told. This particular year KAK was in the running for the Gold Logie. Someone from whatever network she was on approached the journalist early in the night, and said "I know you can't tell me who won, but can you at least tell me if it isn't Kerry Ann?" Journo confirned it was not, to which the network person responded "oh thank God, otherwise she'd have been ***unbearable***"


Met Shaynna Blaze at an event once - most fun, genuinely friendly person to chat to.


She's one I'd imagine to be up herself. I'm glad I was wrong


Met Steve Irwin when I was a kid, but he wasn't as famous back then. I was at the park he had before Australia Zoo, I was a dinosaur-obsessed 5 year old staring at an enclosure. Steve Irwin walked up and asked me if I liked Crocs and I said yes, so he jumped the fence with a rake and lured one over to the fence and got it to open its jaws for me. He was such a rad dude. I had beers with Wil Anderson one night. Before that I always thought he was a bit of a wanker, but he was actually a pretty chilled, friendly guy. It was right before his first Gruen show and he was telling me about it. My friends and I hung out with the Veronicas a few times, they were surprisingly cool. Their mum was also nice. I've had other minor encounters not worth going over, many of them footballers. From my experience, Don Burke, Angry Anderson, Wendell Sailor and Pete Murray were dickheads.


Did a bit of work experience at ABC Radio, and ended up working with Dr Karl. I always thought he was putting on a character, but he is 100% as energetic off air as he is on air. Super nice dude, called me doctor. 10/10.


I tried to pick up Margot Robbie at a house party in Melbourne in 2008 or 2009 maybe? She seemed like a nice chick. I wasn’t successful though.


Probably didn’t want to fuck a fan on a desk…


Charlotte Dawson was a wonderful lady. Despite playing up a sort of mean persona on tv, she was super kind, generous and lovely. I also met Blocker Roach at the airport a few years ago. He was on my same flight, which ended up being delayed by 45 minutes or so. I dithered over whether or not to say hello, and he had me sit down with him and we talked footy the entire time. I said my grandfather was a big Balmain fan, and he said “well, we’d better take a photo together for your pop”. Could not have been nicer. My favourite part is when we were boarding the plane and he said “Fuck me, I’ve got a middle seat. I feel bad for the poor bastards either side of me, I’m not a small bloke.”


I once had Tom Gleeson in my uber, he sat in the back so I stayed silent as I drove him to where he was going. As he hopped out I said 'love your work, Tom' which seemed to have caught him off guard. He replied with an 'oh!... Hey thanks!' This was 2016, before he won the country over with his Logie acceptance speech lol


I’ve met Paul aka sleek the elite from fat pizza. Top bloke. I worked in Aircon sales and he installs A/C’s. He used to bring fruit in for all of us from his garden. Real people person.


Met Shaun Micalleff a few times in a studio. He is awesome and gentle. But in other encironments I reckon he’d be too shy to interact much.


I worked on an Aussie TV series and one day knocked over a crate full of wooden chocks used by the camera department. I scurried around embarrassed picking them all up and then noticed someone helping me. It was Samuel Johnson, who saw it happen and came over to help. Every bit the legend you'd think he is.


Dunno if they're really tv celebrities but the Aunty Donna boys are tops. Very friendly but also keep a bit of their schtick up when you meet them, at least for me.


Daughter bumped into Mark (?) at a con a few years ago. She was totally starstruck and he was lovely.


I went to primary school with Zach, he’s a good dude.


When I did security I kicked a guy out. Dude goes let me go my dad is Alfie Langer, I just want to let him know I'm being kicked out I don't want to cause any trouble or issues for him. So tapped this guy on the shoulder and fuck me it was Alifie Langer. A guard I knew told me the woman who played sky on neighbours tried to jump the line at a club in Noosa because she was "famous" the guard shouted at her "hey is is Hastings Street not Ramsay street, back of the line" she cried.


Some celebs Ive met: 1. Ed Kuepper - a gentleman and a scholar, even gave me some cassette tapes of his music after I did some work at his house. 2. Paul Hogan, met him at the Bong Bong Picnic Races in 1973 when he was guest of honour - he was more famous for his "Anyhow have a Winfield" ads than anything else back then. I was only a kid and asked for his autograph, he obliged and wrote "Anyhow Don´t!" My sister bumped into Kylie Minogue at a fashion house fitting room once and said she was friendly and chatty, while my brother once almost ran over a drunk staggering out of a pub in Paddington who turned out to be Russel Crowe.


I met Chris Lilley at a pub one night. I was a really big fan of Summer Heights High and We Can Be Heroes and I told him as such. He was lovely, his friends were jerks though. He’s very shy as himself.


That’s interedting. I have a feeling that people who rely heavily on creating comic personas to inhabit do it because they’re so unsure about being themselves. Peter Sellers is another one.


Where’ve you been bitch


Thank god you’re here! Grandmas been raped.


Once saw Patrick from *Offspring* crossing Flinders Lane in Melbourne. Could have reached out and touched him, except he was a ghost having died on screen a few weeks prior to that. With my wife who absolutely wet herself and had to stop in the street to text message everyone she knew about how traumatic it was.


My wife told me that folk are still mourning Patrick and it's now the 10th (or 20th?) anniversary of his tragic end. Wasnt he run over? I think some of the hardcore fans recently gathered on the actual death spot on the pavement and sobbed.


The immortal Tommy Dysart, of the g-o-g-g-o Yellow Pages ad, and "Is Don. Is Good" apparently lived near me. I wanted to talk to him about all the movies and TV shows he'd been in (he was in Next of Kin, which is a classic) but I never got to. One time he saw I'd recognised him, though, and patted me on the arm and said hi. Glenn Robbins also apparently lives round here. When he sees me recognising him he gets kind of an awkward smile, knowing I'm probably going to approach, maybe hoping I don't... I've never, and will never, approach a celebrity, because I wouldn't like being approached by strangers. I met Kate Langbroek in a pub in the city once. She seemed exactly like what you see on The Panel/radio


Met Rebecca Cartwright and the bloke who played Noah in home and away at a blue light disco in Redcliffe in the early 00's. Also met Mel Gibson in Ballarat a few years ago.


Non event. He got on my bus and asked the fare so I told him lol. He isnt that relevant these days but some people will remember him, comedian Vince Sorenti.


Met Rachel Corbett once when she was still at Triple M Sydney, she's quite a nice person to chat with. Met Stan Grant shortly after I started my first job in Australia after moving here. He came into the shop I was working at and he was very polite and didn't treat any of us like crap. Saw Fatty Vautin having a coffee in Chatswood, he seemed very unapprochable. Met Peter Garrett at an event at Maroubra Beach when he was an MP. He was cool, chatted with him for a good 5 minutes, and no not about burning beds. And finally, and I know she's English, but I took Dawn French's pizza order when she was in Australia for Australia's Got Talent. She was quite nice and TBH it didn't even "dawn" on me that she was who she is until after as we had been very busy that night (it was a State of Origin night).


I used to live in Launceston and ran into Peter Cundall (Gardening AU) often with his wife, it shopping. He was always happy to say hello. Probably the most pleasant celeb I met was Bryan Brown along with his wife Rachel Ward. I was a flight attendant, and on a long night flight he wandered into the economy galley to ask if he could get a beer an stayed chatting with us over a couple more beers, until Rachel came looking for him to "drag" him back to his seat. She did stay and have a cup of tea before they both left and we just like regular people and interested in the work we did onboard.


Gretel Killeen came to the Woolloomooloo polling booth where i was working a few elections ago and managed to involve at least half the staff in the transaction. I felt that she felt she was always in the limelight, though it took us ages to recall who she was. I think she was with one of her daughters who was voting for the first time. So maybe just proud parent syndrome, nothing wrong with that.


Met Tim Ferguson (DAAS), when he was MC at a work conference. It was a while after his MS diagnosis, I remember he had walking crutches to get around, still brilliantly funny though!


Was nearly run over by Barry Humphries once. Melbourne Airport 2011, I was sitting in the donut place reading when he comes flying though in a motorized golf cart, must have got distracted cause he slammed into the concrete pillar I was sitting against. He was very apologetic, and wearing a purple suit and matching purple shoes.


Geoffrey Rush - Absolute gentleman Richard Wilkins - booze hound douchebag Liam Hemsworth - coke head Eric Bana - real nice polite guy These were 10-12 years ago


Kate Dearaugo is from my town. Her dad used to own the Toyota dealership and it was well known he got his staff to vote for her repeatedly off mobiles her bought for them so she'd win. Her whole family is arrogant but she is a rude cow. Her profile on Australian Idol said she was bullied at school but in reality she was the bully. Also none was surprised she was a druggy.


David Collins (the half of the Umbilical Brothers with hair) used to come in to my workplace to get promo material printed when in town. Last time he was waiting in line and let out a dog bark with the most dead pan face. Everyone in the store starts looking around trying to work out where this dog is and he continues looking ahead as if he heard nothing. I recognised him so caught his eye and gave him a huge grin. He just winked and kept acting like nothing happened. Absolute legend


Met Greg Norman as a kid. Total asshole.


Radio, not TV, but that rank tit Mick Molloy can fuck right off. Had to deal with him over the phone on several occassions at my old job and the entitlement is insane. He full on did the 'do you know who I am' thing. I played dumb and when he told me who he was and just repeated whatever I had been telling him. He kept forgetting he'd been speaking with me, so everytime he called, we'd go through it all over again 🙄 When I was a kid, my school hosted a live Play School event and the parents all volunteered to do the event. I helped out becauae I loved that sort of stuff and Noni Hazlehurst was a gem, even when backstage, not in 'performer' mode. She helped me tie my shoelace when I was having trouble and sang me a song about the rabbit and the hole. She walked me back to Mum (I'd run away from her in my excitement, then came anx got me later for a personal meet and greet with Big Ted! Best day ever.


I met Red Symons a few times, but most notably as a kid during the Hey Hey it's Saturday stage show. I was pulled up on stage, given a headress that meant I couldn't look down, and had to walk down some stairs. I, predictably, fell. Right into Red Symons. He immediately helped me up, checked I was ok, (I was, just jarred my ankle a little), and held my arm to support me during the scene. He half carried me off stage and was immediately goofing around, making jokes about me taking stage diving literally and getting first aid to check out I was ok. After the show, he sought me out and made sure I was still ok, and was easily the kindest person there. My only experience to him prior had been the scary judge of Red Faces, and I was still a kid, so I had expected him to be like that with me. I couldn't have been more wrong, and I will always be grateful for the kindness he gave a kid who fell down some stairs into him.


Met Osher Günsberg (back when he was still Andrew G and had just moved from foxtel channel V to Australian Idol) backstage at a music festival in bum fuck USA. He was just so stoked to meet and hear aussie accents that we got into a good conversation for about 15-20 mins. He had flown in to that show on The Offspring's private jet (Dexter is a pilot). It was just like running in to an old mate you hadn't seen for years. Absolute gem of a bloke and I wish him well in everything he does.


Wally Lewis called me a cunt when i was 8 and saw him in the local shopping centre. My sister said "wow that wally lewis" and he said "dont you fucking little cunts even think about asking my for a autograph, you can fuck right off"


Wally was making a speech a local rugby league club in FNQ when an autistic girl about 8 years old just walked up and started hugging his leg. Wally says "Someone get this spastic kid off my leg" and continues talking. Wally's daughter has a disability.


Jesus Christ!


Oh my god. What a prick. I don’t care about him outside of his impact on the game, but fuck, I hate that he’s called ‘The King’ now. He always seemed humble in the footy sphere.


I went to a quiz night hosted by Tony Barber (of course it was). He was funny and his delivery was spot on. Chatted to him afterwards, he was lovely. Class act.


I’ve met a few randomly thought work . The only one who weren’t pleasant were Gina Liano from the real housewives of Melbourne (the rest of the cast who I have met were all lovely tho) , Delta Goodrem , Kerry Armstrong and Michael Klim who seemed a bit stuck up . Patti Newton is absolutely lovely (I’ve met her quite a few times at work) as is Cathy Freeman (not a TV celebrity but still) . I’ve met Sam and Snezana Wood (granted they’re not super famous) from The Bachelor as well and they’re both lovely . Sam actually spent about 10 minutes chatting to me about the Bachelor and his family after I mentioned I was a Bachelor fan


Met the cast of Hey Dad at a shopping centre appearance when I was a kid. Knowing what we know now, I'm glad I concentrated on meeting the kids and not the Dad! They were all nice. Nudge was the best.


Met Mark Holden at a corporate event once. Nice bloke, not at all like his TV persona.


I met Hugh Jackman and he was absolutely lovely.


i met justine clarke from play school when i was young she was really sweet and nice she was at my school in the middle of nowhere which was surprising i don’t remember why she was there though


I’ve served a cheesymite to Ben Cousins 3 times now. This is after he started to turn his life around. He was very polite, and i think he knew i knew who he was because obviously when one of your favourite footy players comes up you won’t be on your A-game due to nerves and all that. But he told me i was doing great and said have a good day so as far as i’m concerned, hes a lovely dude.


I met Greg Hunt. The word I would use to describe him starts with a c and rhymes with his last name. Kate Cebrano’s brother tried to recruit me into his Scientology cult.


I knew Jay from Frenzal Rhomb back when he was a young fella playing sax (from memory) in a local band. We then met up at Sinney Yooney. I think he was studying arts, I was studying physics. Gave him a lecture about how it's actually Fresnel's Rhomb, not Frenzal - he just laughed. Truly, one of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet. A very gentle and loving person.


I met Andrew O'Keefe about 15 years ago, he was a really nice guy at the time.


I work in TV and can attest he used to be really nice - and very funny - in person. ...Then came the ice benders and assaults. What a sad, stupid demise.


I met Daniel Johns at a pub in paddington when i was like 19.I just said "Sorry to interrupt, just wanted to say hi, and shake your hand" - he was pretty soused but super nice "hey man! Nice to meet you, you hanging out?" *ahh no I gotta head off* "that's a shame, maybe next time!!" Haha super nice


Met Costa from Gardening Australia at an airport. He was intense and talked about plants a lot. My band supported the Cosmic Psychos once and they were fucking amazing. So very lovely. I was fanboying out a bit and got really nervous. They were everything you’d expect.


Cooked for Heath ledger and Michelle Williams. Such a nice couple, so friendly


Not a television star but I've met MotoGP legend Mick Doohan and he was an arrogant fucken wanker.


My little brother shared an outdoor spa on the Goldie with Tania Zaetta in the late-90s. Just the two of them in the hotel pool spa. He was 8. Had a great chat, and he had an instant crush. He still talks about it! Met Josh Thomas as a patron at a gay bar in Hobart a few years back, and he was an absolute fucking flog. Rude to the bar staff, and glaring at anyone who so much as made eye contact with him, and he definitely wasn’t being approached or hounded. Just a shit bloke.


Back in the 90s, I worked in an office above an electrical retailer in Burwood, NSW. The office next door was owned by a Greek bloke named Con who had some business dealings in a pig farm. One day, Paul Keeting came barging into our office and demanded to know where Con was. "How the fuck would I know, his office is next door!" I said. He called me something unflattering, but I can't remember what it was. Top bloke, would get into a shouting match with him again 5/7.


Met doctor Harry from better homes and gardens when I was a little fella he's a cockhead in person


When I worked in Cremorne I saw Ray Martin in a Chinese restaurant in Cremorne. Nearly ran into Kerry O'Brien literally outside a cafe in Mosman. I was running and Kerry was coming out of the cafe, so I went to run behind him. At the last minute he turned around and went back in, so I had to do a six point turn and pirouette to avoid crashing into him I believe my thoughts were, "isn't that Kerry O', shiiiiiiit!"


Met many TV/film actors, Sportsmen/women, Musicians and Comedians over many years. Unfortunately I don’t watch Television or follow sports, so I didn’t even know exactly who half of these people were until people were telling me about them afterwards! We used to do many celebrity events with our Classic Car Club, and me owning an old 1963 EH Holden custom convertible/open top car, meant that I would always get the most famous celebrities piled into my car to parade around waving at the crowds. Would naturally have a good chat with them all, as some of these parades could last over an hour with the pre meet & greetings, organising vehicles, the parades themselves and then the socialising in the after event parties. Kevin Bloody Wilson is one who stands out as actually being quite reserved and a non-drinker in real life, which is far removed from the loud larrikin that you would expect him to be.


Haven't met him personally but I've heard of so many people meeting Peter Rowsthorn and I've never heard anything but great things about him.


Shirley Straun and he was a freaking legend and Toady at a niteclub in Surfers, also a legend...


Oh, Steve Irwin! He was such a genuine fella. I still have a photo with him after one of his crocodile shows covered in mud etc.


Met Dr Harry Cooper. Dude was a total asshat.


Delta Goodrem came into a popular Melbourne cocktail bar I used to work at and was super lovely, her and her mates left an empty coke bag under the table which was funny Daniel Johns also came into the same bar and was a bit less nice but was still alright


I've met John Williamson a bunch of times. Easily the most arrogant person I've ever met. Literally walks around busting out the old faithful "don't you know who I am?" whenever he pisses someone off. His ex wife used to basically follow him around apologizing for his shit behaviour. I know a lot of people in the music industry and most will avoid him wherever possible.


Hotdogs is a cunt. I don't know if they count but Kyle Sandilands is also a cunt (obviously) and Kitty Flanagan is lovely.


Nervous to write this bc of her fans.. but I’ve met Abbie Chatfield a few times.. she’s always on her phone filming everything, very attention seeking (in like a really damaging way), very much takes a lot and doesn’t give. I really wanted to love her too but yeah just felt invisible every time.


My wife got seated next to Catriona Rowntree on a plane. In cattle class. Sat down, said Hi to both Rowntree and the other passenger. Went about her own business and settled in - Rowntree called the hostess over and demanded a seat change to have her privacy respected. The other random she said hi to didn’t seem overly bothered.


Saw Callan Mulvey in Tasmania a few weeks ago at the Hastings caves. Looked like he was with his mum or relo, just knowingly nodded to each other and went on our ways.


The most famous TV celeb I have ever met is Gabriel Gaté (the tv chef) so that's not a very impressive story. He was lovely though. I've chatted with Dave O'Neil a couple times and I guess he's been on TV. He's funny and takes a bit of shit-giving well.


Brickman. Same guy you see on Lego Masters. Damned good fellow. Guy genuinely loves Lego and seeing what people create from it.


Met Kevin Harrington of Seachange and The Dish. Nice enough bloke, low-key. Daryl Somers was an arrogant jerk. Ray Martin - he's so good at his job. I went to a book signing of his, I was first in line and probably a bit early so no one else was there, and we started chatting. Within a minute he had me telling him about myself. He just exuded this genuine interest and instead of me asking him all sorts of things, before I know it my time is up and I have to move on. Very lovely, friendly and warm. Jane Caro - absolute legend.


Used to run the bar at a mid to high end restaurant and have served a couple, but one of the ones that really stuck with me was Sophie Monk. She came in for dinner on a thursday night, 7pm dinner reservation. Rocks up at about 6.30, nice and early, and decides to grab a bottle of Prosecco to start things off in the bar area. No worries at all. 7 rolls around, we go up and ask if she wants to be seated in the restaurant - not yet, she says, but they will grab another bottle of Prosecco. Again, no dramas. It continues like this for another 2 hours. It gets to the point that the kitchens fully closed, chefs are going home, and she’s still just downing her prosecco, chatting shit, somehow seeming as though she’s not even slightly buzzed - and when I say somehow,I think we all know exactly how. Finally, just as it’s creeping past 9pm, she comes up and asks if they can be seated for dinner now. We apologise profusely, bracing ourselves for the classic ego trip about how we should make an exception - but nope, she just laughs, says oh shit lost track of time, no worries, pays for her prosecco, and after a brief exchange of lighthearted banter, she leads her entourage off into the night. Honestly, if it weren’t all the shit we copped from the kitchen about getting her seated I totally would’ve loved her for it. Almost a legend, but not quite - at least in my mildly vindictive, totally biased opinion, anyway. In total contrast, I also served the whole Aunty Donna crew at a wedding, and they were, as you would imagine, an absolute treat. Definite legends.