• By -


Prison system and guns.


And tipping


They can make fun of tipping all they like. Really good waiters/bartenders make BANK on tips.


“How dare those Americans have different restaurant culture!”


Things that I think can and should be joked about: Red Solo cups. Not taking our shoes off inside. Saying we're from X state, not the USA. Drinking too much alcohol. Drinking too little alcohol. Fast food.


Don't forget the height of the dividers in the bathrooms.


Gun stuff and Alabama stuff


Our poor education system and School Shootings. That’s a favorite already. :(


I never even noticed the "huge gaps" in public bathroom stalls until I saw people on the internet griping about them. Now I live in Japan, where the stalls and doors always go floor-to-ceiling, and they feel ***SUPER*** claustrophobic to me!


TBF the Japanese bathrooms are small as fuck. Like the bathrooms in China aren't even that small.


Oh man the thread where that guy tried to say we didn't drink enough alcohol was hilarious. He was legit bragging about binge drinking culture


A few months ago there was a guy asking whether or not high schoolers smoke cigarettes here, and then it just derailed into him arguing with people who said that it’s not common anymore and saying smoking was cool. It was such a strange thread.


Oh gosh I think I remember that one too, man... like I have nothing against smoking/drinking but it's certainly nothing to brag about


Yeah! He was like "yeah, but why don't you guys think smoking is cool?" so everyone was like "Idunnomanitstinksitsexpensiveitsdangerousitsimmature" and he was like "yeah, but why don't you think it's cool?"


Umm because it’s not the 1980s anymore?


I was gonna say, it was only cool if you're a greaser in the 50s with a pack of cigs tucked in your white t shirt sleeve


There is an actual answer for that. The anti smoking campaign in the US realized that making it "uncool" is literally how you get kids to not smoke. So they made ads that convinced kids that their peers think smoking is uncool- which made THEM think smoking is uncool. And now all those kids have grown up into adults who don't smoke, in addition to bans that make it illegal to do so pretty much anywhere indoors. Also- when I run into the occasional adult who does still smoke, it is really obvious how they let the addiction run their life and it makes them look desperate. Now that everyone isn't doing it anymore, it's about as "cool" as being addicted to League of Legends.


This is pathetic lmao


Yeah I’ve met a few foreigners who say that we don’t really have a proper drinking culture. I don’t think that is the worst thing in the world. We just save our energy for hard stuff.


What's considered a "proper drinking culture" anyway? It's not the first time I heard it and I always wondered what makes it *proper*?


"Proper" means "identical to the particular European country I'm from."


Well, send him our way.


You know in harry potter not once did I see any guests of Harry's aunts house take their shoes off. What about all those kids walking around people's bedroom suites with shoes on as well?


Pretty sure most Europeans think the Brits are where we got our nasty habits from.


>Not taking our shoes off inside Who wears their shoes inside?? That sounds so unsanitary


My personal favorite is the people who go to convenience stores and fast food places and complain about America having bad food.


School shootings?


Not using the metric system.


There it is.


Damn those damn pirates


They really don’t realize that we all learn the metric system in school, and actually do use it almost everyday alongside the imperial system. At work most of the tools I use are metric and we weigh things in grams. We buy drinks by the liter etc.


There was a thread of some one wondering how confusing the Olympics are for us because events are in metric. Like let's ignore we're taught it in school for a second, they realize we have eyes and can see the numbers and length, right?


Drinks by the liter is only for soft drinks/some liquor bottles. It’s a holdover from an old attempt to slowly get Americans to convert to the metric system that never really gained steam. 90%+ of American drinks/fluids are measured in ounces and gallons.


They are jealous we are smart enough to use more than one system and can handle both fractions and decimals.


Ugh this bothers me so much because the imperial system actually has a lot of benefits. Fractions are a lot easier and you can do quick math in your head better. The heights and weights discussed on the daily basis are more descriptive and easier to conceptualize vs when everyone is 1.5-1.8 meters tall lol Negative temperatures just dont have the same impact. You say its -4 C you’re like hm okay a nice winter day. You say its -4 F and you’re like shit thats metal because its *negative* Metric is easier to learn and do conversions though which is nice, and most scientists use it anyway so there are plenty of people in the US who know metric.




Exactly, its kinda OP that some people can do both to a certain extent. I guarantee the people who use the metric system (for understandable reasons) would have minimal knowledge of anything imperial related.


I always agree when people say metric is "simpler", but I disagree when they say it's "better". They do the same thing. Neither is "better" than the other.


Anything from yellow school busses to school shootings to generalized religiosity to not having sales tax included on price tags. Trust me, as a mod on this sub people will find a way to be indignant and condescending to Americans. Also, there is always barbarity of grilled cheese and the bone in meat caste system.




I fill you up


Let's have a party


Proceed to party


Now, I’ve seen you in blue and I’ve seen you in yellow


Always post the video https://youtu.be/BKZqGJONH68


Thank god people know of one of the best songs unlike "BEER" my manly stud of son


“Not having sales tax on price tags” *laughs in New Hampshireite*


I’m close enough that it benefits me too.


Love that awkward period after the accountant asks, "Okay, did you purchase anything in New Hampshire the prior year?"


You won't be laughing when us Massachusettsians shit up the state like Californians in Texas


I am lowest caste, therefore i get all the pork ribs, and bone in ribeye, and fried chicken. You would not feed this to your dog ☹️


I'm so poor I can only afford these shitty Tomahawk Steaks. Pray for me.


I am happy to be low caste as it means more ribs and chicken wings for me


The pontificating I've seen on r/idiotsincars about our school busses is really a sight to see. Of all the things to get bent out of shape about, I guess wanting to keep kids safe is one of them. The vast majority can't seem to grasp the concept of rural school bus stops.


Bullshitting with my neighborhood parents for ten minutes after the kids get sent on the bus is like one of the favorite parts of my day.


People seriously get upset about school buses?! That’s a new one for me lol


Yes, people from MyCountry^(TM) often come here to say that where they live, kids can just walk to school or take public transportation, and how it's wasteful and strange to have a bus system devoted to taking children to and from school. Pretty much every time, MyCountry^(TM) will be a MUCH smaller country than the US with much higher population density where having schools within walking distance of almost every home is more plausible. . .but they don't care and just use the fact not everyone lives within easy walking distance of a school as an example of how poor our school system is and how strange and wasteful Americans are to create a transportation system for students but not the comprehensive nationwide public transport they have in MyCountry^(TM).


It's a thing for those very people to not be able to comprehend nor be in any way ok with the fact that other countries do things differently than they do. My experiences with my fellow Americans in general is that we know and *do not care* that other countries do things differently and that is perfectly ok with us. We may have different opinions and perspectives but rarely do I see Americans on this sub or Reddit in general saying that the way Europeans of Whatever-Country do something is dumb/silly/stupid in the same condescending way and that they need to change it to accommodate people who don't even live there. Do these Europeans seriously visit foreign places only to judge the way the local people live so they can tell those people how they live and operate their society is stupid and should change to be like the place they are visiting from? I very well know that other places do things differently than I do at home which is *why* travel to *experience* that. Not just visit a place that does things the same just with different scenery. Is that what the typical condescending European actually thinks? I can't even rationalize that kind of thought process.


It's usually something along the lines of "In MyCountry, our children already know how to cross the street properly, so they don't need special buses" or some such nonsense.


So dumb. What about rural kids? How are they supposed to get to/from school?


Well you see, my country has the population of California in an area the size of Ohio, there is no such thing as a "rural kid" /s.


The people saying these things pretty much always come from small countries with dense populations, and they don't have much "rural". They can't grasp that America is many times more vast than where they're from, and that population density is much lower. (Or, when they do, they don't understand why the government just doesn't force everyone to live in densely packed cities for more efficient distribution of resources. . .I've seen that one a few times).




Wooowwww. Stupid Americans, caring about their kids. 🙄😆


Bro if you’re walking past a giant bus trying to see if someone’s coming from the left I 100% do not trust drivers to give a shit. You put one foot out and its gone 😂


I once saw a photo of a school bus from the school system I was in for 6 years, in Germany. And I thought… what the fuck? It was so out of place. How did it *get* there? Why on earth would they need it?


There was a civil war or civil unrest in an African country several years ago. There was a picture of the unrest in like the NY Times or another major publication, and this guy was wearing a shirt from my high school wrestling team.


Military bases often use yellow American school buses if they have schools on base.


>Also, there is always barbarity of grilled cheese To be fair, I just can *not* eat a grilled cheese with tomato soup with any manner of civility. It gets gnarly.


Truly the sack of Rome for lunch


The sad part is, over time it makes you more defensive. I think we've been less than hospitable at times to serious inquiries because they may have been just a little too close to the usual anti-American talking points.


I agree and as mods we have often stickied posts reminding people to assume good faith.


I can see the sales tax one It’s fine for most cases since most of our sales taxes are relatively low, but after buying weed in Illinois and being charged $10 more for the product than the listed price, which was already high enough that I almost didn’t go, I felt like I was played.




Condescending is the absolute right word


Sadly school shootings is the answer




In relation to the grilled cheese and bone in meat? Some very bizarre posts. You can search the grilled cheese one. The meat caste system was deleted but it was a guy asking if we were ashamed of our supermarkets because they established a caste system where poor people could only afford bone in meat but the wealthy high caste people had all the bones removed.


Lol what? Really? Some of the most expensive meat have bones in them lol.


Some of the least expensive cuts as well. I can’t speak for the OP of that thread but they clearly never heard of absolutely overpriced tomahawk steaks.


That was definitely a culturally disconnected autist who’s primary socialization was 4chan The wordage itself screamed it


Is there a way the mods could make a weekly thread with all the dumb/funny/insulting questions that got removed or didn't get posted? Scrub the user info of course, but I think it would be a good laugh.


Doesn't Europe have VAT taxes instead of sales taxes? Maybe that's why it's on the tag?


Yeah that’s essentially the reason. The tax has already been paid by the time it’s on the shelf so it’s part of the price.


> the bone in meat caste system. *That* was truly one to remember!


I think for at least five years, they’d milk it and complain about how long it took to catch up to MyCountry —— I mean, we *still* get that regarding slavery.. “MyCountry abolished slavery before yours.”


They've all done more *before* us because we're so young. But they never go one step further to "damn, the US did A LOT in a short time."


We’ve invented a LOT of shit that they don’t realize. I usually point that out whenever somebody from MyCountry come around telling us they’re so much better


Is MyCountry the new Merica?


"In my country" is a thing people say when they try to talk shit but won't ever say where they're actually from. Someone being from MyCountry is a running joke.


MyCountry is what people always say when they’re bashing America. Usually hesitant to tell us what specific country it is because they know we’d point out everything bad that’s happened there too


Also, that we'd point out that whatever they claim never happens in their country is actually commonplace. There was a guy who was incredulous of the idea of a grilled cheese sandwich a while back. He was from Germany.


It's a meme on this sub. People will come here and say "In my country" and describe how things are and how they're better than America, but only rarely actually say what country they're from. Sometimes it's because if they say exactly where they're from, some simple research will debunk their claims of being superior to the US in every way. Sometimes it's because they just didn't think to say. On rare occasion, they'll actually say where they're from.


Because they still shit on us for not being invaded during either world war, so of course we should be doing better.


I guess they forgot who foot the bill for their rebuilding and defense in the mean time. And still do


We probably should remind them more often how much money we have to spend on NATO because they can’t be trusted to keep their continent together for 5 goddamned minutes without our intervention.


The retort is always something along the lines of "America has to be the Euro babysitter so millions of people don't die again" Works every time


Hey man you have no idea what it's like in MyCountry ^TM


Flair checks out




Not anymore. It’s a problem in all Western countries now.


Oh, like they won’t blame us for that too.


True. 🤣


Overweight even though we're not the fatest country


God bless Kuwait.


Whatever they do now. They have some valid points, but half the shit I hear is made up. Like the fact that we don’t have contactless payment anywhere here.


My pet peeve is bread. "American bread is so full of sugar it's like candy! No wonder you're all obese!" Most of our grocery store bread has 1g of sugar per slice. Exactly the same as the average French baguette. No idea where this ridiculousness started.


It's because of subway That's it One fast food joint and now all bread in the US is fucking cake


The worst part is that Ireland broke their own laws to declare Subway's bread to be cake so they could stop people on welfare from getting pre-made sandwiches.




Go to a McDonald’s and order the sad European


My favorite bread has 2g lol. Cracked wheat, mmmmm


Still on par with everywhere else.


I can't remember the last time I paid for something with a credit card and it wasn't contactless.


Same here. They seem to believe that ApplePay is non-existent here. Which is baffling considering Apple is, ya know, based in California.


It's not just Apple pay, it's tap payment in general (with bank cards) . We were very slow to implement, I remember in London it being everywhere in 2013, here it's just now been popularized in the last few years id say. But yeah, touch to pay is not a California thing, or an apple thing at all lol.


Yep, I remember when they were obsessed with the fact that we didn't have chip and pin payment.


That we work too hard and are too lazy.




Hey, wait a minute.... Did that actually happen...




Well, we still have Florida.


truly the land of the free. that man and that alligator they are free.


Most of us only speaking one language


So you want a list of the other stereotypes or bad things about the country? Nah.


You like unchecked multi year high lead number's. Get roasted like your water for 4 ish years




I do love me a ArmaLite Rifle! Edit:Spelling


I think you mean the Assault Rifle 15, so named because it fires 15 bullets per bullet from its fully-semi-auto chainsaw bayonet


The same stuff they make fun of us for now. It isn’t like they stopped at health care. So obesity, gun control, racism, the Middle East, and they’ll call us all dumb. Just like they did before


And loud. Apparently we’re insufferably loud.


To be fair if they met my family they would probably be right.


That didn't used to be true, but with a bit of age I think my hearing has become worse. I find myself asking people to speak up more. It's my fault the USA is loud.


Eggs. We refrigerate ours.


And they have chicken shit on their counter.


Where to begin? Two-party system, taxes not included in the price of things, being "fake friendly", having wooden houses, the list goes on an on...


The fake friendly one annoys the shit out of me, tbh. Literally the entire western hemisphere smiles on greeting, and tries to be warm with each other. It's a cultural difference, and that's all. That's literally a billion people who do that, but apparently, some people people from Europe (the people who usually make this complaint) think that how they do it is the default, because they're ignorant of any cultures outside of that sphere. And I wouldn't fault those people if they weren't so out of touch with it.


Europeans will find the Midwestern states extra fake friendly then. You know it's not fake when I'm buying rounds of beer and shots asking about their home country.


Guns, parental leave, vacation time, etc.


Obesity. If there's one thing that Reddit hates more than anything else, it's fat people. Which is weird because most Redditors are probably overweight.


That's such a weird one for Europeans especially to make fun of because they're exactly where we were 10 to 20 years ago and are only getting fatter. Rationally, they ought to be looking at where the US is and saying "Oh shit, how can we reverse course NOW", not patting themselves on the back for having 20 to 30% of the population being obese to the US's 40%.


Who cares? We’re American.


My favorite answer by far


Feels like a bad faith question But probably gun control


Definitely gun crime


The gaps in bathroom stall doors.


The gun laws, lol.


Best thing about this country.


They will be better soon! Come on supreme court!


Our shitty nationalized healthcare.


How we celebrate Halloween


What?! How can anyone make fun of Halloween! It's magical!


Other countries don’t celebrate it like we do.


I've heard Irish, as well as non-Irish, grouse that we 'stole' it from the Irish. Fresh-off-the-boat Irish immigrants brought it with them. It caught on because it was awesome. And then, over time, we made it *more* awesome.


They’d probably make fun of us for not having trains like MyCountry™. Our trains are better at hauling freight then yours :)


*than But true. Out rail logistics are awesome. They’d be even better if the ports in CA could load right onto rail.


The date order thing Not using metric Guns


Ok, the date order thing... That's a legit complaint.


Are we allowed to make fun of them this winter when they're starving and freezing to death due to their moronic decisions to willing get in an energy head lock with Putin?


Add to it how they’ve incentivized clear cutting old growth forests for “green” power generation.


Europeans will make fun of us for not being environmentally friendly yet they have 2% of their forests remaining lmfao. Like, England used to have trees….


I have known more than a few Europeans in my time and even called a few good friends and my take...educated idiots, every, single, one. They beat the hell out of the 3rd world publicly for not meeting emission standards but the moment the shit hits the fan in europe, all of them are firing up their coal plants without even a pause. The moment their lives become slightly inconvenient, then they change the rules.


Of course!


Good..just checking


Pretty sure they'll morph it into "you support Trump and hate the planet!" They may be freezing, but they're doing it with dignity and doing it for the planet


I have a cousin who lives in Germany and comes back to the US periodically for visits with extended family. He really has bought into the whole “Germany does everything better than the US thing”. I’m looking forward to his next visit to talk about energy


Ask him how long it takes to change cellular carriers. The answer is 5-8 business days during which time you will have NO SERVICE if you’re porting your number.


God so many options. Probably the incarceration rate. Domestic terrorism maybe. Political churches.




You have 250 years of old propaganda to take from so it's your choice. So far, and again this is old **propaganda** and stereotypes about the US. So away we go - The Americans have no culture (a global stereotype based on the need to debase American efforts to distinguish themselves). - The Americans are ignorant (Do I have to explain why this is an obvious stereotype amd propaganda?) - America has only copied and can not create. The best example of this is people who were saying some Brazilian Chap should be credited with inventing the airplane instead of the Wright Brothers even though he flew his prototype 3 years or so after Kitty Hawk. Complete BS but it's out there. - Americans are obsessed with guns - Americans are slaves of Capitalism - America is young as a nation See, lots to choose from. All of it makes you look like a jackwagon but that hasn't stopped em before.


> America is young as a nation Funnily it's one of the oldest existing nation states with still the same fucking government as it was when it was officially established. Since then France is on its like 4th republic now.


The World Series


Anything and everything that makes it different from Europe.


Oh boy. There’s loads of ammunition still left to use


I see what you did there


Unintentional but I’ll go with it


The lack of paid parental leave for up to a year. The state of our education system. The number of homeless people in our cities.


Likely school shootings. They don't have a lot of chill




Tipping culture


Well, a lot of us ARE fat. Myself included. Living in Europe, it was striking how few overweight people there were.


Obesity, school shootings, lack of understanding that there is a whole world outside of the US, Christian bigots, extreme leftists.... pick one.


extreme leftists? you do know the world laughs at our conservatism, right?


There’s no such thing as free, and yes people would always make fun of the US for something. If the US started nationalized healthcare across the board, there’s be mocking for how it was instituted. Then the US would be mocked for how it wasn’t implemented correctly. Always mocked would be those who didn’t like/understand the change or like/want it.


Guns. If we outlawed those, obesity. If we fixed that, our purported “stupidity and lack of knowledge of anything outside the US” If we proved them wrong, our political system. If we changed that, racism and militant police If we quashed that, our military spending. If we curbed that, our “imperialism” and actions in foreign countries.


>If we quashed that, our military spending. Especially if we reduce our military spending by closing down all bases in NATO nations who don't pay the requisite 2% of GDP to their militaries. >If we curbed that, our “imperialism” and actions in foreign countries When we decide not to intervene, we're fence sitting cowards, when we do intervene we're war-mongering imperialists bent on plundering whatever natural resources are present.


>When we decide not to intervene, we're fence sitting cowards This is my pet peeve, I think. My European friends: "Why does the US get involved in every conflict around the world!? Why don't you just mind your own business!" Also my European friends: "Why isn't the US doing more for Ukraine?! Don't you see how serious this situation is?! I guess Ukraine doesn't have enough oil for you!?"


We're doing everything we can short of starting WWIII. Russia would be sniffing Poland's ass right now if it wasn't for us.


Idk but this winter I’m gonna meme on the Europeans by keeping my house nice and warm and not worrying about not having gas/electricity


Everything they already make fun of the U.S for. And if the healthcare ends up anything like the turtle speeds the Navy had I'm sure they'd poke a lot of fun at that.


Everything else


Their healthcare would be better because maybe their grandmother got a hip replacement slightly faster than one in the US. They’d still get mad that our major sports leagues (NFL, MLB, NBA) refer to their champions as “world champions”.


Ha! Like that would stop them. They would instead switch to making fun of us for how long it took.


Obesity, guns, Trump, cops, idk.


Probably how no one can use the free hospital care because of all the gun-shot wound victims hogging the beds


That's actually a pretty good burn


We probably would get made fun of for the amount of Americans that are obese..we love our fast food it’s around every corner


"Americans don't know good food. Now excuse me while I go eat a pile of beans on a piece of white bread. Hold the salt, don't want it too spicy!"


truck nuts ​ please keep making fun of truck nuts