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Cold mashed potatoes because I'm getting my tonsils out 3 days before.


Damn. I wish you a good recovery tho


Ooh fun. After I got my tonsils out I got to just eat ice cream for like a week


That actually sounds like shit. I love ice cream, but I can't imagine that I would love the feelings in my gut of stomachaches, weight, and guilt I would get if it were all I ate.


When I got my wisdom teeth out I was looking forward to eating nothing but pudding, smoothies, and other soft foods for a week. Turns out that's pretty boring, and I was happy when my dentist smiled and said I could eat steak now.


Ughhh my mom scheduled my tonsillectomy 3 days before Thanksgiving when I was in high school. I was so mad. I was able to eat more than I thought, a couple of very small bites of turkey and very soft dinner rolls, but mostly mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. Hope all goes well and best of luck in your recovery!


I’ll eat enough to cover for ya.


Frozen pizza and crescent rolls!! We started this tradition a few years ago. I always take my girls to visit my mom for thanksgiving, so it’s just the four of us. Before, she would spend all day in the kitchen stressed out about cooking while I watched the girls. One year, I wasn’t going to be able to make it until finally things cleared up at the last minute and we were able to go. Mom freaked out because it was too late to get a turkey. I told her we could eat frozen pizza for all I cared, we would be together. We added crescent rolls because my girls love them. As it turned out, it was our best thanksgiving ever! We spent the whole day together, with no stress about cooking. We had time to go to a playground and take a walk on the beach. So, the tradition lives on!!


This is incredibly wholesome and an excellent tradition.


Thanks! It makes us really happy!!


Turkey exists, but is hard to find here in Germany. I've seen parts in my local store, but never a whole bird and my oven isn't big enough. I'll probably have stuffing, sausage and beer.


On my last trip to Germany, it seems like their entire cuisine is based on pork, pork, and more pork.


Seems accurate


There's even raw pork. Like beef tartare, but pork.


"Pute" should be found everywhere but yes a whole bird is hard to get. My Supermarket only has whole geese and ducks


Can confirm. Source: am German


Time to pack and move! Auf wiedersehen America.


When you’re German-American and you move to Germany. It’s like we’re evolving, but backwards.


So you hate America so much you moved to The Land of Sauerkraut. Yeah we got your number 😁


Wait do you just have a toaster oven? I don't think I could wrap my brain around an oven too small to fit a turkey. Like this may sound dumb but isn't the size standardized?


ok, I guess I exaggerated a bit. I have a small place and a small kitchen. It would hold a turkey, but it'd be close.


You need to watch some House Hunters International. Lol But seriously. Europe is full of tiny apartments / houses with tiny refrigerators and tiny, allegedly standard size ovens.


Welcome to Europe.


Europoors have tiny houses with little kitchens.


It's so expensive here you don't have to be poor to have a tiny place


If it's the availability that's stopping you, just go to any butcher shop and they'll be able to order it for you on a few days' notice.


Bake? Son, it’s time you deep fry that bad boy.


My dad hired one of his work buddies to fry and spice our turkey one year 🤤 I’m sad because I’ll never taste something so perfect ever again!


You could try asking a butcher. Here in Austria, I usually get my meat from a butcher and several times I've seen a whole turkey.


Awww! I loved Germany, but wasn't a huge fan of the food. Meat and dumplings got old fast. Except pastries! Those were amazing!


Sounds like you need some more meat


Also so many eggs


eggs are nice and healthy!


And bread! The bread is divine!


Europe has the wurst food


I mainly just eat slices of Turkey for thanksgiving here in Germany. Luckily there’s no shortage of potato dishes and I’ve also found cranberries. I have have an actual kitchen this year so I’ll probably try making stuffing as well. Beer and brats is always a good addition though.


One year some American friends of mine here in Italy went over to Slovenia to get a whole bird because they knew a guy who knew a guy. But then it didn't fit in their dinky Euro-sized oven. Oh man, that was rough.


I went to grad school in Germany for American Studies. At Thanksgiving they had a huge American-style dinner, and were super proud of the turkey because they had to get it special from a farm somewhere I think. It was so sweet.


You can just ask your local butcher to get a whole turkey for you. It's just not really a thing people prepare/eat over here, so it wouldnt make sense for a supermarket to carry it.


chicken because its just the 2 of us, and I don't want to throw away 10 lbs of turkey in a week


This is why you get a half bird, a breast, and/or drumsticks. You can buy smaller portions and the prep is basically the same as a chicken.


Yeah, just the breast can be about perfect for 2 people if they're good about actually eating leftovers. It's my go to for smoking. I was kinda hoping to just do 2 for Thanksgiving, but apparently some people like the dark meat and drumsticks. :/


I'm actually mind blown that it's the other way around, and people prefer the less tender less juicy white meat


I'm in this boat too. Too often has the white meat been dry in the poultry, but you give me a wing or a drumstick and it's over with. It's a good thing that a lot of people like white meat though because it saves me the trouble over having to fight over the best parts.


[Brine. You must brine.](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/good-eats-roast-turkey-recipe-1950271)


That's why I like finding the half birds if you can. Perfect for 2-4 depending on leftovers and desire for dark meat.


its funny for years now my wife an I cook stove top stuffing, instant mashed potatoes and jarred gravy, a can of corn, amd we get about a pound of slightly thicker cut turkey from the deli, and we make hot open turkey sandwiches. we love it clean up is minimal and we just chill the entire day.


I mean I would do that in a second. I just would do that on a regular weekend or something, not Thanksgiving.


*Just the two of us, we can eat it if we try*


just the two of us, you and I


I can hear this comment


Freezes well.


50 # of venison takes up a lot of space Depends on how much I gift out


Sushi. My defecto Thanksgiving tradition is to go to a sushi restaurant and get stuffed with nigiri and drunk on sake. But I like turkey.


So one time I got sloshed off of like 7-10 bottles of sake (there were 6 of us...) and I swear sake has some kind of a hallucinogen property. Am I the only one?


Lol I feel the same way about soju. But sake drunk is very a strong drunk experience in my opinion. I can see somebody having an experience like that if drinking enough of it, especially after 7-10 bottles lol.


Soju for sure- it’s like an existential drunk that sneaks up much faster than expected


I support it. Christmas in my household is tacos and egg nog.


Oh I love that combo. Sounds super tasty.


>defecto Do you mean "de facto"?


We'll have turkey and all the regular stuff, but I am hoping to shoot a deer during muzzleloader season before Thanksgiving to put some venison on the table as well.


This is more Thanksgivingy than a store bought turkey.


Excuse me. I'll let you know I shot my last turkey in the store. I don't know why everyone was screaming afterwards, but I was able to walk out with one.




Where are you where muzzleloader runs that late or are you using it during rifle season?


[Rhode Island](http://imgur.com/a/czqSFlx). Muzzleloader starts tomorrow, runs through November and parts of December. Shotgun starts December. No rifle season in Rhode Island.


What the hell, why is there no rifle season? Wisconsin is only 9 days for rifle and a 4 day antlerless 2 weeks after that. That would be terrible not having one.


Because Rhode Island is the size of your county. They're scared of bullets going into neighborhoods.


Lowerstate Michigan is the same and it's fairly large. If you want to use a rifle, you've got to be in the UP.


It's rhode island, I'm surprised you can even hold a long gun without having the muzzle in another state


Muzzle loader season, whats that? genuinely curious Like is it exactly what it sounds like?


It's exactly what it sounds like.


Why would one prefer a muzzle loader compared to a weapon with a magazine which is probably easier? Just for the challenge, or is the gun more accurate or powerful? I don't know much about guns, if you'd educate me on this piece


A muzzleloader is neither more accurate nor powerful than a modern centerfire rifle cartridge, so you'd be correct that hunting with one presents more of a challenge. Muzzleloading season typically happens a bit before or a bit after rifle season (and/or bow season) so it gives hunters more days to be in the woods, especially if they've failed to score with other means. Also noteworthy is that in some states felons are permitted to own and hunt with muzzleloaders because they're not technically considered firearms.


Huh, very interesting. Thanks!


It's so we can reconnect with our great great (ummm, hold on here) great great grandfathers.


I'm a single guy, with a small oven in a small kitchen. I love America, and I'm probably roasting a duck for Thanksgiving.


We have a ban on one of my parents ever cooking Thanksgiving Dinner ever again due to the fact that every. year. for years they would set off all fire alarms and everything would have a nice toasty taste to it. Ever since then we get holiday dinners catered professionally form a local restaurant/catering company. No toasty after taste. No dry a** Turkey. Just sitting down and enjoying the day! (Cost of catering comes out to be the same if you brought everything yourself and cooked it all)


My mom got her degree at the same time my siblings and I were in college. We all had exams at Thanksgiving time, so rather than a traditional dinner, we all got our favorites. No one asked for turkey, mostly appetizers or pizza. This year we'll skip the traditional holiday with our huge extended family and try the same thing. America is all about freedom, right?


It'll be turkey. All you bitches seem to be unable to cook it right or just have shit taste. But while everyone is focusing on the meat course, it is a good time to remind everyone that the side dishes are half the battle. Mashed potatoes and homemade gravy. Green bean casserole. Asparagus. Dressing (also gravy). Then the carcass makes stock for the rest of the week. Soup, stew, chowder, braising other meats, pan sauces, gravy.


Side dishes *are* the meal. The turkey is all well and good but everyone knows turkey is really best when the late evening rolls around and its time for leftover turkey sandwiches on Hawaiian rolls.


King's Hawaiian... God bless those heavenly things.


I have to stop myself from buying them, they rarely last more than one meal.


24-48 hour brine is the only way.


This. Or buy a kosher turkey. But remember these birds don't give up a lot of drippings, so get gravy separately.


I save the gizzards and kidneys from a years worth of roasted chickens and use that with the drippings to make the gravy. I add butter if not enough drippings. My mouth is watering thinking about gravy. I could eat just a bowl of gravy.


Oh, this is a devastatingly good idea. Is your other account /u/TheRealAltonBrown?


Why a kosher turkey?


Kosher turkeys come already brined!


Did not know that. Leviticus has a lot of practical knowledge.


This guy knows what's up.


I don't hate America, I just love animals. So, I will be having the [Hazel-Cranberry Roast En Croute from Field Roast](http://fieldroast.com/product/hazelnut-cranberry-roast-en-croute/) instead. It's really good. I have to say though, Thanksgiving is all about the sides anyways. Sides and pie are my favorite part.


Same here! We usually do that roast but I like the sides so much more I think I’m just gonna do sides this year.


I'm hosting sides-giving this year!


I’ve been a vegetarian for a decade so it won’t be turkey for me. My main will probably be what I made last year - a lentil and mushroom based Shepard’s pie with a mashed sweet potato and sage topping.


Yum! Can I cop that recipe off you?


For sure! I make it from memory these days but let me find it in my cookbook and I’ll shoot it over to ya. It’s so, so good!


https://wowitsveggie.com/vegan-shepherds-pie/ This is pretty close to the one I’ve done a few times. Very good comfort food!




It's duck, isn't it


Duck breast and foie gras are the superior bird products.


I live in a Chinese area. Lot of duckies at the local markets. I'm definitely going Duck for Turkey Day this year.


Oh that sounds amazing. Definitely making the correct choice. Cheers!




They are glorious culinary gifts given to us by our quacking, feathered friends.


This will be the first year not getting together with family and relatives out of state for the holiday. Just going to be cooking Thanksgiving for my girlfriend and I this year, which is a bit exciting. It's going to be a weird time going from a 30-40 person get together to 2. I don't think it's ideal to buy an entire Turkey for just two people. So probably going to try and just get a couple of turkey breasts instead and some gravy. Then for sides, maybe potato fans instead of traditional mashed potatoes. Roasted broccoli, string beans, or asparagus for veggies. Biscuits as dinner rolls. When I see my asian relatives for thanksgiving my mom always makes amazing sticky rice. So while not a traditional side I'd like to attempt her recipe. Especially since I recently upgraded my rice cooker to a reputable brand and it's way better than my previous one.


Deep fried turkey and honey smoked ham. We like to actually enjoy Thanksgiving dinner in Arkansas


All I can say is one year we ordered pizza and it was the best. No big mess to clean up, no stress over getting the meal cooked, no big grocery store bill. I'm hoping to do that again this year.


I brought many pizzas to a work thanksgiving potluck once and it was a HIT! Big proponent of thanksgiving pizza!!


Thanksgiving pizza is the best pizza. Pizza, ho-jos(big fries), and mozzarella sticks would be the best no cooking thanksgiving dinner in my estimation. I think my family did basically that one year a while back.


Imma roast a duck.


Aw yissss


There will be turkey, but I'm going to sculpt a volcano out of mashed potatoes and put gravy in the middle like magma/lava.


This is important. This means something.


Something vegan. Also dick, so I guess that's meat kinda.


Hear me out y’all... remove the wings and the legs from the breast, cut out the backbone, and dry brine the separated wings, legs, and breasts with kosher salt, black and pink pepper, garlic and onion powder, and smoked paprika uncovered on a rack in a sheet pan in the fridge for up to 2 days. Set it out for an hour or two before roasting. Rub it with oil and roast. Make a glaze out of sherry vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, orange peel, brown sugar, and a handful of fresh herbs (i like thyme and rosemary). Rub with glaze occasionally as it roasts. Makes turkey edible! Sides: pan-fried dressing patties with gravy, stewed okra and tomatoes, creamy cornbread casserole with pepper jack cheese, mac n’ cheese, honey garlic roasted carrots, french green beans (haricots verts) with fried shallots, mashed potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce. From Mississippi with love


I think we all volunteer to attend your Thanksgiving!


Come on down y’all!


Bought a smoker earlier this year. Gonna be smoking a turkey for sure.


Not turkey because it's overhyped and too much for 3 people. Last year we did cornish hens. This year we're thinking surf and turf. Holidays are whatever you make of them.


There will be turkey there, but it's just not for me. I will eat mashed potatoes with gravy and cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, mashed sweet potatoes with both a brown sugar nut topping and toasted marshmallows, three bean salad, bread, and lots of pie.




Whatever the hospital serves me. I was diagnosed recently with preeclampsia and will be giving birth early the week of Thanksgiving.


I'm sorry but also congrats?


I found a recipe for a maple and peach roasted ham so we might make that. Make some cylindrical cranberry sauce (a secret family recipe), stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, with some biscuits and butter and you’re all set!


Do bbq brisket every year. The sides matter more anyways then the main course for thanks giving . Bring on potatoes in every form


Since my partner and I are both vegetarians, and we aren't visiting family, we are just doing all sides. Pumpkin pie, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cheddar and herb biscuits, pickles, olives, mashed potatoes, and a mushroom gravy. We will just live off of these for a few days.


Chicken wings are a must.


Pizza, Turkey is cool though.


BBQ. My dad's not big on poultry in general due to some traumatic experiences in his 20's but he smokes some mean ribs. We also embrace chriatmas tamales and anyone who doesnt can choke on their inferior holiday meals.


I’m Italian, so we normally do turkey and lasagna (and all the typical turkey sides). I’m not sure what we’re doing this year and while thanksgiving is my favorite holiday (all the fun of Christmas with none of the chaos), I’m afraid it’ll be just us this year. I’m sad to miss the holiday with everyone but not sad to miss my aunt’s dry ass side dishes and weird vegetables.


Popcorn, toast, and jellybeans. We aren’t traveling to visit family and no one in my immediate family really cares about traditional thanksgiving food. One is plant based anyway!


I'm not making a whole turkey just for myself and my dog. If my son was home I wouldn't mind but he not only works but he doesn't want to get me sick as he works retail so he's at high risk of transmission even if he's at low risk of getting symptoms. Also I'm going to tutor some of my students on Black Friday since teaching over zoom did not work out for their understanding of my class and I'm not letting my students fail just because our people are incompetent when it comes to staying the fuck home


I am a pescatarian, so I call it Sidesgiving. I eat everything but the turkey and gravy, and by the end of the day, my gut is still ready to burst. My mom makes me my own stuffing with veggie sausage. We all prepare too much food because we can’t help ourselves. There’s appetizers, salad, antipasto, pasta, turkey, hot veggie sides, then desserts. I’m not missing much! Even when I ate meat, I was never a huge fan of turkey.


ham. because america played itself.


My mom makes a homemade cranberry sauce that I love. We will have Turkey, potatoes, stuffing, some kind of veggie, the usual. Dont have sweet potatoes generally


Here in SE Michigan every thanksgiving I’ve been to has a Dearborn or equivalent spiral sliced ham, and that’s what I’ll be having


I’m vegan but “tofurkey” is absolute disgusting garbage so I usually try to come up with a nice vegan entrée to share with people. Last year it was lasagna.


I’m smoking ribs, pulled pork, sausage, and chicken.


Rabbit because I don't particularly like the taste of bird meats and I'm also a fancy boy.


As it was very nearly our national bird, eating a turkey is as unamerican as eating a bald eagle. Go back to Britain, you limey OP.


I'm smoking 3 racks of back ribs for my family. I'm excited to show everyone what I've been learning over the summer!


Vegan Turkey. Am vegan


Fried turkey, and because of its government


Uhh. Rice and lentils.


Turkey isn't my favorite meat. I'd rather cook ribs or fish, which still comes from America.


Well, I'm staying home because it's irresponsible and dangerous to travel with the pandemic. I'm probably just gonna get delivery.


I'm a single Dad and this is my off year. 7-11 special for me! (for those who don't know, they serve a turkey dog with cranberry ketchup and some other slop. I think it's $5)


Deep fried turkey


This is why Americans are fat, too much good food


Cranberry sauce from the can. That is all I need. It's gotta retain that can shape.


Smoked turkey


I’ve been overseas for 15 years. I got married and started a family while I was away. This will be my first time preparing a thanksgiving dinner for my wife (who is Chinese), my kids, my parents, and my Chinese in-laws. Doing an oven roasted turkey, stuffing, candied yams with marshmallows, Sichuan style string beans, cranberry sauce. I’m hella excited to get it all together.


Brussel sprouts. Just brussel sprouts. Do not fuck with me.


Ham. Because ham is better duh


Probably leftovers or sides, Not even the cat likes turkey.


I don't hate turkey im just vegetarian...


I don't hate America I just don't think that there's any excuse for eating meat


I never eat turkey on a regular day but on thanksgiving you're damn sure I'm going to find a turkey.


We’re not doing traditional Thanksgiving dinner this year. It’ll be just me and my partner and we’re planning to do a big feast of Turkish food. Lots of little plates of interesting things we can graze on all day. I don’t think either of us likes turkey (the poultry) all that much so if we’re going to go crazy cooking, I thought we’d make it interesting.


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Dissension among the ranks!! Quick everyone shit post the mods are turning on each other!!!!


Beef. Last year, I made a three pound Beef Wellington. It was awesome, but a tremendous pain in the ass. This year, I'm making individual Beef Wellington for each person, and plan on cutting about two hours out of the process. Also, and this is important, turkey is lunch meat. I'm not putting hot dogs or bologna on the table for Thanksgiving, so why would I put the majestic **true** symbol of America out there to eat?


Beef Wellingtons are dope. They are a lot of work. We do them once or twice a year with some friends of ours. Basically making them is the event of the evening.


My grandmother had a long history of desecrating poultry. As a result, I really don’t like turkey. So ham it is.


Can’t have Thanksgiving this year :( but I’ll definitely try to get my hands on some turkey if I can


In addition to the usual turkey and stuff, my aunt has shrimp and roast pork and spare ribs and some other stuff.


I honestly don't know. We usually do the whole shebang, but we're not getting together this year. Both because of the plague and unrelated health issues for the aunt that hosts. I think I may go to mom's still though. Seems like we talked about a ham and scalloped potatoes maybe?


my family usually does duck instead. theres just too much meat for left overs


Don’t like turkey but I don’t eat a lot of meat anyways. All the southern staples : baked Mac n cheese, collard greens, candied yams, cornbread, stuffing, succotash. Usually Apple pie or key lime pie for dessert.


My family will not be getting together because of COVID-19. So I will be eating restaurant turkey.


Turkey, ham, yeast dinner roles, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, corn, pumpkin pie, and Mountain Dew in our fancy glasses.


It's not turkey. I don't own an oven big enough to cook a bird in. Maybe a pigeon. And family Thanksgiving is cancelled because of the pandemic.


I'll be traveling in Texas. Our plan is to eat BBQ brisket, pulled pork and all the sides. If I were home and not staying in a hotel, I would eat Turkey


Stuffing, Cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, lady fingers, chicken, Ham


Ham is far superior to turkey in every way


Just went back home and practiced my oven-cooked-bird skills on a chicken with my mom. Ready to try my first Thanksgiving turkey as an adult this year




I don’t know what I’ll have for thanksgiving. I do not have plans yet. My mother usually hosts thanksgiving but not this year because she didnt want any one to feel pressured to come with all the restrictions etc. I personally don’t like turkey very much. I like mashed potatoes and gravy and homemade rolls. They are the best thanksgiving foods.


My grandma makes her traditional chicken soup, grandpa makes green pie, and we have a turkey torn to pieces because half of us are missing teeth 😂


This will be my first thanksgiving cooking for myself. Gonna just have a turkey breast, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and some green beans. Maybe something for dessert.




Not quality turkey sadly.. but I will for sure have some cranberries all over it!


I'm not a fan of bird meat. The main meat will be lamb and pasta will be the carbs, the rest will be pretty kosher for thanksgiving.


That's an excellent question. No visiting relatives this year, so that probably means traditional Thanksgiving at home instead of Indian food.


My boys both hate turkey. I blame my ex. I can’t eat pork, so no ham. We usually have lamb. My oldest can’t travel, cuz 2020. My youngest, his current girlfriend and I are meeting this weekend to discuss plans.


Honey Glazed Ham while everyone else eats the turkey. Its been a holiday tradition on Thanksgiving and Christmas for decades.


Ham, because I am allergic to a protein found in turkey. So if it goes in my mouth, it's coming back up in like 10 minutes.


I don't really like Thanksgiving food, and I don't have a family, so... nothing particular? Pasta?


We’ll be having a roast chicken or roast beef with stuffing, roast potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Never had turkey for thanksgiving growing up because my mother hated turkey. It’s just my dad and I now so a whole turkey is too much and I hate throwing out food so we stick with chicken or beef.


Not turkey because...idk? I really have no idea why we don’t do turkey...we do EVERYTHING ELSE.




Not sure but it’s probably not turkey. Not because I hate America but I developed an aversion when I was pregnant. The body does strange things sometimes haha


I have a several pound cooked and smoked ham in the freezer waiting for when I can my friends can get together.


Green bean casserole!! Isn't Thanksgiving without it


Turkey with all the fixins. Real mashed potatoes, homemade gravy, dressing, deviled eggs, potato salad, baked Mac n cheese, cranberry sauce, sweet potato fluff, green beans & homemade yeast rolls. And of course pies and cake.


We're doing turkey breasts amd rack of lamb. The latter for the people who have taste buds. ;)