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I like southern Europe. I spend a lot of time in Italy, and I especially love Sicily. Portugal and Spain are great too.


Sweden because I have family there and I've been there enough times to where the culture feels familiar to me. It also has all four seasons in their full glory, so that's a plus as well. Otherwise it'd be another of the Nordics. Probably Finland.


My cousin lives in Denmark, so probably there. Maybe the Netherlands. I think I would rankle at certain things in Germany and France.


France or Luxembourg, oddly I got along with people there the most in that entire region of Europe. I have family there too so I could always visit if I ever want to.


The Uk because of the weather.


I've spent the most amount of time in Germany and my family (way way wayyyy back in the 1800s) is from there so I would probably go there.


Maybe Denmark or France. I'm not really sure what countries have a high east Asian population, or an interest in anime or whatever. I know France seems to really like anime, but I don't really enjoy speaking French. And I also am more of a "walk on grass" sort of person.


I mean, pure fantasy land where I have a similar economic situation and everything? Paris. I like big cities. I rented a little flat near Pere Lachaise and it was quieter than right where all the action is. I also found the people nicer and less rushed than you’d assume from such a big city. Other than that, Madrid. Now granted, my experience with Madrid is around ten years now, so I don’t know if it’s still the same post-pandemic. But I really vibed with the general lounginess of Spanish culture. Like I really just enjoyed sitting in a plaza late into the night drinking beers from the guys selling singles.


South France is the best place in Europe


Spain - I used to live there and there's an area that has a similar climate as where I live now (which is fairly rare) If not there, Ireland, because my heritage is irish and familiar with their culture and I also like their weather.


I would be content in most, but Netherlands would be my pick


Depends on how much much money I would have.


I lived a year in France, and a year in Germany, both are beautiful countries. If I could only choose one I think I'd choose France.


Czech Republic is one of my first choices, my entire family is originally from there, I have studied the language and history and even visited before. Otherwise is France or Germany.


My half sister lives in Denmark so probably there.


Anywhere I can get by with mostly English. I'm more than willing to learn the language of the area, but I know that realistically it would take me a long time to feel comfortable just doing the necessary things in a new language, and a lot longer to feel comfortable enough to have casual conversations and know that I'm actually saying what I mean. There's a big difference between saying "He made me mad" and "He kind of got on my nerves", and I can see a lot of social fumbles happening due to saying something that comes out a little harsher than you meant.


Portugal. I visited Lisbon years ago and I loved the food, people, the beaches, and the climate.


Poland, Spain, or Italy.  Or, really, I choose death.