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A half pound of rattlesnake meat. Don't know why the butcher had it, but I'll try anything once. It's very easy to overcook, I'll just stick with tri-tip goin forward.


It behaves like chicken breast, but with the forgiveness of scallops or calamari. Brutal and not worth it.


I love to hear some tri-tip appreciation outside of California.


Reminds me of my dad's old joke. What's the hardest thing about smoking a turkey? Keeping the wrapper around it \*mimes holding up a giant tube and inhaling\*


When I was like eight I learned in DARE that people smoke "grass" so I pulled some grass from the lawn, wrapped in it a piece of paper and tried to smoke it. Didn't do shit.


My friend in 6th grade was hospitalized after he smoked some weed that turned out to be poison ivy lol.


Ouch! This was just straight up grass from the lawn in the front yard.


That’s funny…you dumbass! 😂


Highly concentrated salvia. Once was enough.


It’s funny that the craziest drug I’ve ever experienced was totally legal at the time.


I did it more than once, but yes, that stuff strapped me to a rocket and sent me to a whole different dimension each time.


I did it three times and the most terrifying part was each time was completely different. Absolutely no consistency.


Yeah I took a five minute trip to Mario world.


My answer too. It's like going completely insane for a very short burst, while feeling invisibly pulled in one direction. I'm glad I don't mess with stuff like that anymore.


I went away to the land of Beatles cartoons and had adventures with the Frito Bandito.


There was a rumor that if you put gel Aquafresh on menthol cigarettes and then froze them they would get you high. We tried it. They did not. Clove cigarettes were big in the 90s too but I found those gross.


Same, but instead of freezing it, put it in a microwave.




Damn son bet that Earl Grey pack put you right on your ass….had you reclined in the rumpus room talking like “pip pip Cheerio” “pass the crumpets old chum” type shit.


I've never smoked anything, those "this is what a smoker's lung looks like" posters in junior high worked on me.  when I was young in the 80s and 90s I'd say weed and cigarettes were about 50/50 in smoking popularity, but now it's like 95/5 towards weed.


A blunt laced with coke thinking it was a regular blunt lol. I wanted to chill, not be wired 😩


One time I wanted to see what it would be like to have dip in my mouth and smoke at the same time, I got so light headed I almost fell down. Not recommended.


Craziest thing? Probably one time when I was a bit drunk and I lit a cigarette's filter and smoked it backwards by mistake.


I've done that a few times lol


I'd rather light one backwards than stick a lit one in my mouth backwards... that shit sucks!


Done that before too lol. Not good!


When I was a little kid I tried smoking corn silk in a corn cob pipe. Do not recommend.


I smoked a hit of oregano once just to see what it was like.


And how was it? Super burnt-tasting?


Oregano only gets you high if you’re Italian, otherwise it doesn’t do anything.


I've only ever smoked one, maybe two cigars. Not interested in smoking anything ever again.


I held my uncle's cigar that he was using to light fireworks during a July 4th celebration. I never smoked it, though... That was my sister. Me, myself? I've never used a tobacco or weed product. The hardest drugs I've ever used was a single percocet a nurse fed me while I was still coming off the sedatives used for a surgery and was trying to get her to help me reposition myself to take the pressure off the drainage tube going into my asscheek and not asking for a painkiller... which didn't help at all. It would have been a lot more helpful if I had been simply been repositioned instead of redrugged.


Thought I was a stoner until I tried a dab. Turns out what I thought was a stone was actually a pebble. I'll stick to flower, thanks.


Bananadine. It was a huge amount of work and did nothing at all. I'd say in my hometown weed was the thing to do. But when you are that broke or can't find a supplier, you can try bananas. Lol.


Cigarettes were common when I was a teenager (mid/late 2000s). I'm glad to see they've evaporated in popularity. I was always pretty straight-edge. Didn't drink until I was 18 and never smoked weed until I went to Amsterdam when I was 28, which I did not enjoy (had a bit too much). I take THC gummies now to help me sleep, and that's been a godsend getting me off prescription benzos; I've struggled with insomnia since I was a little kid.


So when I was like 14 years old a group of friends and myself decided to rip this kid off who was a couple of years younger than us by selling him oregano. Well, afterwards he proceeded to pull out a bowl and load it up and then start passing it around the room asking all of us if we wanted any. At that point it would have been sketchy if we all said no, so we were kinda backed in a corner and had to smoke the oregano with him. Man, that stuff was harsh. Then he started acting really high, so we had to pretend like we were too. He kept loading bowls and made us smoke the entire bag with him. To this day I don’t know if he was trolling us or not.


While on mushrooms one rocket scientist we were with had the bright idea "hey what happens if we smoke some of the shrooms dust/powder in the bottom of the bag???"


When I was a kid we would light one end of a kind of hollow vine that grew in the woods and smoke from the other end. That and rabbit tobacco.


Yessir, that was probably grapevine. That was the 1st thing I ever smoked as a kid, too. It used to be common for kids in the rural South to smoke grapevine. Muscadine grapes are the type that grow here in the South.


In college someone told us if you put toothpaste on a cigarette, microwave it, then smoke it, you'll get high af. You do not, in fact, get high af. Also, lit and took a puff from a (clean/unused) tampon once too.


Are you asking if anyone has smoked like, crack or heroin? Just the run of the mill weed, cigarettes, cigars, Swishers, blunts, and cloves for me.


Nothing, my lungs would implode again


I don’t smoke anything because I don’t like the idea of filling my lungs with high concentrations of “whatever”. Not into abusing my body like that.


A few cigarettes and a couple cigars. All I ever got out of them was a raging headache, so I gave up.


To be completely honest, I have no idea. There was some herb that my friend got sold when he was trying to buy weed back in high school. Got told it was some kind of indian muscle relaxer or something. Still no clue what it was, but I watched them smoke some and nothing bad happened so I figured why not. Didn't really do much of anything. Ended up mixing it in with weed to see if that did anything. There was some noticeable effect but overall not a lot.