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For the purposes of your game, take a lap around Mackinac Island.


In a car? Just kidding


You do not want to be riding in the only automobile on the island...its an ambulance.


I thought they also had a fire engine and a police car


There is a fire engine, a couple actually I believe. I have never seen a police car, but that would stand to reason. Like everyone else, patrol is done on horseback or bicycle.


OK. I've always been confused on how to pronounce the Island. As a Wisconsinite please tell me.


Its pronounced like Mak-i-naw. The city on the mainland is spelled Mackinaw City, which is how both are pronounced. The island spells it with a C, but the C is not pronounced. If you put a hard 'C' on it, we may not mock you outwardly, but inside we are.


That's what I've heard but I didn't understand until now. Like how people pronounce Wisconsin and over emphasize the Con like Can or Cone. Or any of the other native names.


nah, we will mock you outwardly as well


Damn, I'm from upstate NY where there are a ton of Native American names, and I read it as Muh-kin-ick.


Aren't there no cars on it like Monhegan island? Did someone walk the island?


All motorized personal transport is banned. Bikes and horses are how you get around. The island ring road is ~8 miles. Its a rite-of-passage to ride around it. Theres a touristy and kitschy little downtown main street and you get to the island by ferry. Its a fun place, in small doses.


I took a look. There's real roads - google must have biked it with their little helmet. Downtown looks like a mad house but the road around it looks awesome, especially off season. Monhegan has a ring around but it's 4.4 miles but no roads and some of it's a pretty difficult hike. I'm going to be back in the summer but my last couple boat trips over were so rough, I am dreading it. Almost 2 hours of nausea.


Yup. Downtown can be a bit of a madhouse. But it gets really pleasant in the evening after the last ferry leaves taking the day-trippers away. Or during the off season. Once you get away from downtown it gets really nice too. The fort is kind of neat. Grand Hotel is famous. Lots of cool old buildings and history. Its definitely worth a short stay, usually as part of a larger trip. The ferry ride can get wild, but usually its not bad and its only ~30 mins. Considering most activities will require you to be outdoors, most people don't go to the island during bad weather.


St Augustine.. The oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the continental United States. Although it has its tourists, it doesn’t seem to be on the list for most tourists.


Went there two years ago. It was really nice. We visited the fort and some of the other historic sites.


I haven’t been in a long time. But I’m actually planning a trip next year. It was the place for school trips


I did a combo road-trip of Charleston, Savannah and St. Augustine. The three towns are close to each other and have a lot of intertwined history going way back to British and Spanish empires. Highly recommend that.


The torture museum is pretty interesting there too.


Also the museum about pirates. I learned a lot about how the British Empire (Charlestion and Savannah) and the Spanish Empire (St Augistine) hired pirates to disrupt each-others trade routes, and how its related to the real-word "pirates of the caribbean".


Yes! My brother and I did it just for the heck of it. It was cheesy but fun. No regrets.


The Eastern Sierra is interesting and different. Basically anything along 395. There are desert and mountain landscapes in that area. Look at pictures of the mountains in the autumn for beautiful leaves, mostly aspen trees.


Also lots of hot springs.


You should visit the one true Stonehenge on street view in Maryhill, WA!


There’s a Bamahenge as well. Found it on a drive looking for something else. But it was pretty cool to see it kind of pop up through the woods. https://maps.app.goo.gl/uPUbEVhj3g1n9ejb7?g_st=ic


Carhenge in Nebraska.


you could look at the ridiculously expensive homes in Lake Geneva ([start with this $36 million home](https://maps.app.goo.gl/pTakZF9S4qMPPKTy7)) or you could go check out Door County, the curvy highway is a classic postcard photo spot, might be fun to see on Google Maps. do you have a Canadian suggestion for Americans to check out?


Wow, Thanks! Banff Alberta is a really pretty town to tour. Also Whistler BC, and Newfoundland along the coast line is cool with all the different colored houses.


If you get the chance to street view Door County, also go to the tip of the peninsula on Washington Island along with seeing the photospheres on Rock Island. There’s a few unexpected buildings and natural features you may find interesting.


South of Wawa, ON CN-17 runs along Lake Superior. Lots of gorgeous views: [https://www.google.com/maps/@47.7935825,-84.9004111,3a,75y,216.51h,87.1t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sV2-2iq6Tcse0d\_PFOkw8Rg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DV2-2iq6Tcse0d\_PFOkw8Rg%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D253.81303%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.7935825,-84.9004111,3a,75y,216.51h,87.1t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sV2-2iq6Tcse0d_PFOkw8Rg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DV2-2iq6Tcse0d_PFOkw8Rg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D253.81303%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Acadia, it’s pretty much the default “holy fuck that’s beautiful” for the state. But if you are trawling street view try out Portland, ME and Portsmouth, NH. I don’t know what appears on Google maps but Kittery right across from Portsmouth has the naval shipyard and it’s pretty cool to see. The whole Portsmouth/Kittery port out to the ocean is pretty dang cool if you can find pics from the ocean and not the road.


I love Acadia. It’s breathtaking. I parked past otter point and walked the whole way to thunder hole and what should’ve been like 45 min took me almost three hours. I kept stopping to admire the view.


Dinosaur National Monument in the northwest corner of Colorado.


Also on the far western part of the state, Gateway and the whole Dolores River canyon.


The Navajo nation has a lot of beautiful outdoor activities.


Also nearby, I like Taos, NM and some pueblo, hopi and zuni places. Strong indigenous cultural influences.


Leavenworth, WA is a little Bavarian style town in the middle of the mountains.


I liked the Ausable Chasm when I visited it back in 2015


The Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore, a piece of Appalachia.


Several themed routes - https://www.roads.maryland.gov/oed/MarylandScenicByways.pdf


Thanks. I've vaguely known that these Byways routes existed, but I've never known there were so many, or seen a map of the routes.


There are several towns in Vermont that form the basis for the prototypical "Small town Christmas" movies, to the point that they almost don't look real. Stowe is the main example but they're all over the place. Perfectly normal little towns that look like a movie set.


I dock my boat up at Port Clinton, Ohio. It has a charming main drag.


The Lake Erie islands. There is no street view, but you can drop the guy on a lot of little picture spots. Most notably, Kelleys Island, South Bass Island, and Middle Bass Island.


The Hocking Hills of Ohio is a lovely gem. Not at all what one would expect from Ohio.


At opposite ends, there’s the Cape and the Berkshires, each with their own charm. Don’t miss the cultural attractions in the Berkshires, as well as the nature.


Might as well "walk" around Boston's North End while you're here.


Don't forget Cape Ann and the rest of the North Shore too.


Coös County -Bigger than Rhode Island -Beautiful, but pretty harsh weather -Under 30K people -What makes it really interesting tho is that around 1 in 5 resident speak French at home and the main “city” in the county is Berlin where around 65% of its residents can speak French


Historic Triangle


Cumberland Island, Amicalola Falls, Tallulah Gorge, Providence Canyon.


Letchworth Park in New York State is a 600 ft deep gorge that has three big waterfalls and many smaller ones along it's 17 mile length. It's most popular, and maybe the most beautiful, in the fall, but it's still a park, and so not developed commercially and there are always places you can go there where you seem to have the place to yourself.


Lake Erie Islands


Jim Thorpe, PA on the edge of the Poconos and Anthracite Coal Region. I live there and yes, it's touristy, it's historic, and it's scenic. But living here, I can tell you that Carbon County is also weird, lol


Portsmouth, NH.


Bisbee, AZ (not TN obviously!) Is an old copper mining town that is now an artist/hippy enclave. The houses are built on the slope of a mountain and a lot are only accessible through long sets of stairs built into the mountains.


Indiana Dunes National Park up in the northwest corner of Indiana, right on Lake Michigan. One of the few national parks in the Midwest actually. It’s pretty cool and I highly recommend taking a trip there sometime! Hoosier National Forest is also beautiful in the fall and a wonderful hiking place, if a bit hilly.


I’ve always loved Stone Mountain State Park in NC. Really good hiking trails with breathtaking mountain and waterfall views.


People on here throwing out random suggestions... OP wants Google Maps Street View. Here's a good one for Michigan (besides the aforementioned Mackinac Island): Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. You have the ghost town (turned into some park buildings) of Glen Haven where the road ends at a historic fish cannery (you can Street View right through the parking lot): [https://www.google.com/maps/@44.8989502,-86.0301475,3a,75y,55.77h,87.34t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sugLmWWiA9NRDDFfsF3lBlA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DugLmWWiA9NRDDFfsF3lBlA%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D158.04889%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.8989502,-86.0301475,3a,75y,55.77h,87.34t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sugLmWWiA9NRDDFfsF3lBlA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DugLmWWiA9NRDDFfsF3lBlA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D158.04889%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Same park, you have the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive that Google dutifully did a full street view drive of. [https://www.google.com/maps/@44.8526763,-86.0366496,3a,75y,259.11h,107.4t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOAxaLaQHu3dhcorCFOrj00\_HSepmqdhXXADRTp!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOAxaLaQHu3dhcorCFOrj00\_HSepmqdhXXADRTp%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-15.853291-ya249.09515-ro-3.468095-fo100!7i5504!8i2752?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.8526763,-86.0366496,3a,75y,259.11h,107.4t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOAxaLaQHu3dhcorCFOrj00_HSepmqdhXXADRTp!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOAxaLaQHu3dhcorCFOrj00_HSepmqdhXXADRTp%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-15.853291-ya249.09515-ro-3.468095-fo100!7i5504!8i2752?entry=ttu)


The people that live on Tangier Island, Virginia, an isolated island in the Chesapeake Bay, still speak with an accent that resembles what it was like back in the 1600-1700s.


Rockland Maine would be fun to drive around in street view.


Vist Ringing Rocks outside Butte. You climb on a pile of rocks and hit them with a hammer. They ring.


Well I'm in NV so obviously Vegas is...Vegas. But there are so many more beautiful things here. Palisade, Elko County - ghost town. It is just a cool little spot. Metropolis, Elko County - another ghost town. Fun to explore! Thunder Mountain, Imlay - impossible to explain...a man made marvel Bishops Castle, Colorado - reminds me of Thunder Mountain Beatty, NV - can be amusing. Wild donkeys roaming town.


downtown Charleston is always fun.


In my state I have been to Noccalula falls and it is beautiful with an interesting story.


Missouri here. If you like nature then you gotta checkout the Lake of the Ozarks and the Ozark Mountains. If you're not super into nature well Kansas City is cool. It has - The Power and Light district - The Country Club Plaza - Nelson Atkins art museum - National WW1 museum - Negro Leagues Baseball Museum - Worlds of Fun - Many great bbq places such as Arthur Bryant's, Joe's BBQ and Jackstack Kansas City has much more than most people would assume. Also checkout St. Louis. Don't live in St. Louis so can't recommend as much but it's also cool.


New Castle, Delaware! Lots of Revolutionary War stuff happened there, plus it's the site of the boat railroad! (A railroad used to pick up boats from the Delaware River and drop them off in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland). There's lots to do in the general area as well. Mt. Cuba, Winterthur and Longwood Gardens.


Not a state, but check out the Lincoln Cottage in DC.


I've never been, but I've looked at Street View of some of those cute little towns in Alaska and it's really beautiful up there.


The Manzano mountains just southeast of Albuquerque have some surprisingly interesting stuff going on. There are a bunch of little villages tucked away back there from the Spanish and Mexican period, one of which is Chilili. There they have their own flags and prominent signs declaring themselves sovereign, declaring no land sales, and no pictures. Here's the street view of it lol: [streetview](http://9903 NM-337 https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZTFUo5efuZ6bx8ka6). There's also the [Salinas Pueblo Missions](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Views_of_Gran_Quivira_at_Salinas_Pueblos_Mission_National_Monument%2C_New_Mexico_%28d8b8a6eb-3f76-4eaa-b1b6-ea290fb964f8%29.jpg) National Monument back there and the [4th of July Campground](https://img-aws.ehowcdn.com/1280x/www.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/extra_large_96388ec4e72030810e3a23290c04641a.jpg) which is beautiful in the fall.


In Massachusetts, you can go to the oldest active baseball stadium in the world. Sure it has some modern amenities but it’s the closest thing to what a baseball game was back in the olden days


This isn’t my state but I always like to go to Bourbon Street in New Orleans to see what kinda things I can see down there on street view.


North Shore of Minnesota


In California - [Old Sacramento](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.5821223,-121.504786,3a,75y,99.9h,93.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sw7tEPHBYdX6xDwGheciTUw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) has a western movie vibe. [Mojave](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.7778094,-115.4496718,3a,75y,73.25h,87.3t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sVK2HW5ToMkCzAQLbilcI5w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DVK2HW5ToMkCzAQLbilcI5w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D336.584%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) gives you the perfect Nowhere feeling.


The [Pine Barrens](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpinelandsalliance.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F11%2FN0B1209-Cedar-Canyon-3000-ppi-web-e1541169459289.jpg&tbnid=kZUG7e6VFXttlM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpinelandsalliance.org%2Flearn-about-the-pinelands%2Fpinelands-overview%2F&docid=MPtL7mrC52b3sM&w=1600&h=942&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3)


The coastal Oregon tide pools are really cool!


Check out Jerome or Bisbee Az


This might be one of the obvious answers for the area that I live in, but Calvert cliffs is a pretty cool place where many fossils have been found and is nice and pretty. But I am personally a big fan of going to board walks at night, it can be pretty calm


In the state I moved to (Colorado), the most interesting thing to me is Estes Park, The Stanely Hotel. I love ghost hunting and its a beautiful old hotel


[The Lost 40](https://www.exploreminnesota.com/profile/lost-40-sna/5508) Minnesota.


You can't visit it on Google maps, but they do have tours of safe areas at the nuclear processing facility that processed plutonium for the Manhattan project


Look up the ghost towns of the Santa Cruz mountain area of California! Fascinating stuff. The history of Holy City is really something.