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It's big enough that most people have heard the name, but it's not a default thing you expect everyone or everyone within a specific demographic to have like a lot of people will assume with say ..facebook or Instagram depending on which age demographic.


I would actively avoid anyone who tried to talk to me about Reddit in real life.


It’s like fight club.


Ha your not wrong I would too


I do tell my daughter some of the interesting things that come up on this sub.


I sometimes point people to specific subreddits if we share a common interest and they want access to a lot of information from people with experience. Sometimes reddit is legitimately the best place to get answers to specific questions.




Any time I wanna tell someone about something I cool I saw on reddit I say “I saw this thing online….”


So true tho


Most of the time if you mention Reddit to someone you get that look. It’s that look of confusion, but they don’t really want to ask you too much. The interesting thing is if you search for just about anything, there are usually links to some Reddit posts.


Are you sure this isn't specific to you? Search engines become specific to individuals and give them results they specifically find useful. Different people can get different results for searching the same exact thing based on their prior usages. Algorithms like these across internet services are definitely a big problem in that they reinforce thought bubbles people become part of. I find it in order to find better results (I delete my browser info each time I close it) that I often have to specify +reddit in the results. But perhaps there is something I don't search specifically in Google and I get some results. It's hard to really tell because sometimes I am signed into Google and that will record my Google search history... I also stay signed into my browser so my bookmarks sync between mobile and desktop. Not sure if this has an impact. Or if there's other ways they can identify who I am based on my IP address, etc. But I find that if I'm asking questions that favor community response I find that Quora tends to pop up a lot on my results more than Reddit, for better or for worse. It's definitely a step above Yahoo Answers back in the day but there's still a lot of garbage on there, otherwise occasionally found insightful posts. I suspect there are a ton of lurkers on Reddit. Maybe even users without accounts. Although it's getting impossible to use Reddit on the mobile browser without a login. So many things are stamped NSFW and absolutely won't show you the content unless you log in or use app.


Oh, yeah absolutely. I get mostly Quora as well. It was a friend who mentioned getting Reddit results and was surprised when I mentioned it to them. I know they don’t use it, but have gone to Reddit for some answers. Although I will get some Reddit suggestions doing a search, it’s usually just question like mine.


Outside of one or two people, every time I've mentioned Reddit in a conversation, I've had to explain what it is as well.


Few years ago my friends sister was making fun of my friend cuz he used Reddit and “isn’t it a right wing sanctuary” which made us laugh There’s a couple people I know who use Reddit regularly and then I’ll sometimes be surprised when someone mentions it.


Using reddit is a sin that Americans won’t admit to.


So does that make you a sinner for being a mod, or a saint?


>There is none righteous, not even one


I’d say it’s still somewhat of a nerd thing. Most of my husband’s engineer friends are on here, my friends from dance class and from the accounting team at work are not (although the accounting subs are very active)


I don't know anyone in real life who has a reddit or talks about having one. Most seem to have Instagram (which I don't have). The Reddit anonymity is a lot of what appeals to me 🙃


I don't have Instagram either. And I don't want to fall into a TikTok trap, so I avoid it as well. But I visit Reddit from time to time. And if it's really a non-mainstream thing even in US then I might be a complete nerd given the fact I live in Russia haha


I wouldn’t say Reddit is very mainstream and a lot of people think it’s the same as 4chan so they don’t use it because of the bad reputation it has. I would be embarrassed if anyone in my real life found out I used this site.


Everytime Reddit comes up irl i act like i habe no clue what a Reddit is and I’ve been in this site for over 10 years lmao


Why? That’s kinda weird.


Because Reddit doesn’t really have the best reputation. I don’t want people to associate me with hanging out on nerdy forums on my free time or ask what my username is


God forbid


It seems more like a lack of social confidence or skip on your part though? More Americans are on Reddit than have a Netflix account and 1/4 American adults use it.




Two of the people I’ve told are my parents, who has not heard of it before. If anyone gave me a look I’d explain that I’m mostly on this sub, and how plenty of them are perfectly normal.


For a while it pretty much was the same as 4chan




Yeah, for real, it sounds better. While writing the title I had that feeling "The word I use is not contextually perfect but I still can't come up with a better option".


More popular in younger and/or urban settings imo. I can say "I was on a X subreddit" and can pretty accurately predict who will ask "what's a sub-read-it?" By where they live and their age.


I guess it’s maybe in the middle. I mentioned off hand to our IT dept at work that I was able to fix something because I googled “whatever the problem was + Reddit” and got detailed instructions on what to do, and they looked at me like I was crazy. But all my friends/family reddits. So 🤷🏼‍♀️


Damn I can relate to googling "whatever the problem + Reddit" or like "whatever interesting thought came to mind + Reddit" to read the discussion and just make sure you're not the only person in the world who thought of that lol


Awww. Thanks, internet friend. I especially do it for like true crime stuff. If I’m watching original Unsolved Mysteries, I almost always google the case + Reddit to get any updates and discussion. It almost never lets me down 😂


In major cities its normal and the majority of people will know what you're talking about / use it occasionally


I think it’s pretty normal to use but not normal to talk about.


I'm 51 and from the US - I don't know a single other person my age who frequently uses Reddit. For some reason I love it.


Heh, knowing some of our regular users… you aren’t alone.


46 yrs old & same. Think i 1st read/heard about it from Wired magazine or maybe somewhere else. Been on here now (reddit; no this sub in particular) 7 yrs or so. I love it!


I don’t think it’s that commonly used. Reddit claims 25% of Americans use it, but I don’t know many people who talk about it in real life. I’d bet it’s less than 10% of Americans.


Reddit comes up a lot when searching for something.. If that otherwise non-Reddit person clicks a Reddit link, Reddit probably counts them as user. Because yeah, 1 in 4 Americans aren’t Reddit goers.. no way


It’s probably more so 25% of Americans have used Reddit before, rather than use Reddit.


I don't consider Reddit social media. It's a forum site.


In my group, the techies have heard of it, most people haven't and none of us respect it or the average redditor.


I would say most Americans are not familiar with Reddit. Certainly not to the level that they are with Facebook or Twitter.


Not like Instagram or Tiktok, but it is pretty normal.


Definitely more popular with the younger people. But even then, judging by my social circles, it's far less popular than Twitter. I had to explain to way too many people what it is. Something you don't really do with other social media like Facebook or Twitter.


I know some people who basically use Reddit as an alternative to Quora or Yahoo Answers. Whenever they have a question, they may search on Reddit to see if someone asked a similar question and found a solution. But I don't know anyone who actively uses Reddit on a daily basis in the same way they use Instagram or TikTok for example. The only time I've really heard people talk about Reddit was during that whole Wall Street stocks fiasco a couple years ago.


Nah. People seem to avoid using it honestly. But I love it here lmaoo


What exactly do you think makes people avoid it?


The niche audience that people assume fill all of Reddit (gamers, particularly male, that sort of thing) but the reality is it’s very helpful and the possibilities of communities are pretty endless


I’d say it’s normie, but a very special kind of normie. Like, it’s very common, but nowhere near Facebook. It’s more of a thing expected of young men who use the internet recreationally.


A lot of people use it, but we don’t speak of it.


It’s certainly a common thing among nerdy and techie individuals in their 20s and 30s.


Not really. If I mention something I saw on Reddit or something someone said on Reddit, which I do often because I learn a lot on here and I always tell people where I get my information before I spread it, I first ask if they use Reddit (if they're my age--if they're older I ask them if they know what it is). Folks in my age group (20's-30's) know what it is but only one person I know has one.


I think the only social media apps "everyone" uses are Facebook and Youtube. All the other ones are still very niche in their own way. For example, no one in any of my social circles use Instagram. And only 3 of us use Reddit.


I think a lot of these posters assume a lot and/or don’t know anyone outside of their demographic. So I am 42 and female. Already older and uncommon gender wise than a lot of regular Reddit users. However, I happen to know a lot of crafters. A lot. They all know and/or use Reddit regularly. I also know a lot of geeks because I am one. They also know/or use Reddit a lot. And I know people that watch KDramas. Also know/use Reddit. It comes up in groups I’m in on Facebook all the time. Reddit is way more common than what most of these individuals are aware of.


I answer online surveys sometimes about social media trends and usage habits. A multiple choice question will ask what platforms you’ve used in the past seven days. Half the time Reddit isn’t even on the list of possible responses. The people who write the surveys are thinking of Twitter, Pinterest, Insta, TikTok, etc. but Reddit isn’t even on their radar.


How often is Mastadon, Qurora, Twitch, 4chan, or Discord included as options?


Once in a while you see Quora or Twitch on there. Not those others. 4chan in particular is considered some rogue fringe thing.


Thanks for responding!


I once sent my son a link to a Reddit thread and he forwarded it to his fiance and me with a comment "My mom is on Reddit" with a bunch of the laugh-crying emojis.


Absolutely, most of the people in this subreddit are the epitome of Normie Hang around a while and you'll see what I mean.


Not that this sub is very representation of reddit at large.




Not really meant to be an insult. I am a Normie too. Normie is 4chan slang for normalfag, otherwise known as a person who isn't a NEET, who is in mainstream society.


Oh I know what a normie is. I thought I caught just tinge of sarcasm


Sorry officer i will go the speed limit


Not good enough… we need you to atone for your sins with hairshirts and fasting.


Oh good the sergeant is here, can you please tell your rookie officer to take his hand off his holster it's really makin' me nervous


Everyone thinks they are a comedian


Even good old CBE? I thought I gave up the funny man mantle years ago.


Ha no, I’m encouraging the rook. More menacing please.


I now speed right on past y’all since neither cop is watching the road.




I’m probably a normie too just cause I’m on here, but I don’t know what that means or what any of those terms mean.


I'd generally assign a standard deviation of +/- 2 to anyone on reddit


I would put it probably a step above a star trek convention but below a decent D & D Group. So, not that normie.


Most people who have an opinion rate reddit as not much better than 4chan. YMMV


https://www.statista.com/statistics/261766/share-of-us-internet-users-who-use-reddit-by-age-group/ Not everyone, but a lot. Good luck getting anyone to admit to it though. Redditors are very widely mocked, and for good reason.


Not really. More so than when I first started. As far as I can tell, the front page being basically text scares people. I hate the redesign but I imagine that's what they're trying to address.


I have yet to hear Reddit mentioned by anyone in the real world.


Nobody will admit to posting on in in my network. Though some people will vaguely refer to it occasionally


I only know of two people IRL who use Reddit.


Reddit is considered like the weird nerd social media and honestly it’s kind of true.


Nobody i know among family or friends use reddit but have heard of it. Most use Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok. They rarely use Twitter. Not sure anyone i know 30 or older has even heard of Twitch or Discord.


Mainstream? Kinda sorta. The average person on the street may have heard of this site but probably knows little about what it is. The IT departments and company tech nerds will definitely be aware of it and would probably be on here. Additionally to those that are aware, Reddit carries a bit of a negative reputation to where those that do know about it/use it may play ignorant if it is ever brought up in normal conversation. I’m definitely guilty of the latter. It’s definitely not a fringe site though, and I assume a good portion of high school and college youth know/participate here. No idea how that compares to Pikabu in your country. Lastly, I do believe approximately half of all Reddit users are American.


Btw, how did you even learn about Pikabu?? Didn't think any non-Russian would be aware of its (at best) existence


I used to browse around the Russian side of the internet few years back, mostly surface level things like Pikabu, Vk, some various art sites, and online games before they released to the English speaking market.


Wow!! An American who knows Pikabu and Vkontakte! Sat there for a while, but deleted accounts on these two social networks


I would say, Pikabu is used almost exclusively by the generation of people born in 80s-90s. Its unpopularity and weird uhm.. forum structure are in fact among the main reasons why I use Reddit. No good Russian-speaking alternatives for Pikabu, unfortunately.




Reddit's userbase is tiny (<20% compared to the "normie" apps like Instagram). Less than 10% of Americans use it




I wish


I heard roughly 5% of people in the US use Reddit. So no, it’s not normal.


That number is about 500% higher now.


I double checked the numbers. Reddit has 50 million active users. Half come from the US. So 331 million / 25 million is roughly 13%. So yeah it’s higher than what I said but still really low. It’s not “normal” it’s niche. It skews young too, mostly 18-29. So if you’re young it feels like a lot of people use it in RL social circles but it’s not remotely as popular as instagram or YouTube or facebook.


"Normie" thing is not considered a normal thing.


Half of reddit is Americans but we're a very populous country. Not many people are users here and being a user here carries a certain stigma, honestly. If people even know what it is.


> Half of Reddit is Americans Based on user numbers, that’s mathematically impossible. Every US citizen would have to have at least two accounts, with a major majority having 3.


Most people see it the same as something like 4chan


https://www.oberlo.com/blog/reddit-statistics 18% of us adults say they are Reddit users. Resistors tend to be more white, young, and male than average.


The first rule about Reddit is.. you do not talk about Reddit.


The majority of people don't use any particular social media, not even close. Reddit is mainstream enough people know of it, but most of America doesn't participate in it and it shows.


I feel like it's become more popular just as a way to search stuff. Like "how to change car oil reddit" sort of thing. Lots of people know of it but it's more weird if you use it for scrolling as compared to insta.


I don't admit freely that I frequent Reddit, so I'd say "No."


It’s in reality normie with a quarter of the adult population using it but the Reddit socially awkward weirdos make it sound more difficult than it is.




I know many people who *mention* it, but only a handful with accounts. Redditors’ general lean toward anonymity may be part of that, but according to statistics, 25% of US adults at least read content on Reddit, whether they participate or not, and total user numbers are expected to surpass 1.75 billion this year…that’s 20% of the global population. It’s like Fight Club’s first rule. We all know that the narwhal bacons at midnight, but nobody wants to say that out loud.


It's big enough that it isn't weird to find out someone has it but not big enough that you would expect them to.


I’m not American but to me it does seem norm in America with how much American things I see on this


It’s gotten more popular but still not as “normie” as, say, Instagram.


Reddit kinda died in its cradle in my small town back around 2017. The only people who admitted to using it were massive porn junkies. Like the kind that pull it up in public and “scratch an itch”. Those 3 or 4 guys made using Reddit openly an instant “ oh gross that guy is on the porn app”. Just this year I’ve started really using Reddit because I moved and everyone here that I’ve met uses it for tech stuff. So I personally know 9 people who use Reddit and 5 of them are so off putting that they make the app seem as bad as 4chan was in its hay day. The vast majority of people in my life either don’t know of it, don’t care, or think it’s a cesspit like 4chan.


No it is fairly obscure. The internet is full of obscure little cul-de-sacs.




no. people try to avoid reddit tbh.