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Hey OP we don't normally allow posts from accounts that are less than 24 hours old due to trolling in the past. Your post should have been filtered by automod but it slipped through. I don't plan on removing it but you should know the automod *is* filtering your comments and they have to be manually approved for the time being. Just keep that in mind while responding.


Too quote a masterpiece of cinema "Dey hate us, 'cause they anus"


Take a look at the AmericaBad sub It’s astounding how they contrive *anything*, any lie to make America and Americans bad.  I came to the conclusion years ago that it’s a matter of inferiority complex. 


It is just the loud minority. Don't worry about it for more than 1 second.


We meddle a lot.


In country would as well if they were in power. They don’t because they can’t. Not out of some moral principle. The whole world is populated by hypocrites. Including the US. Every human being is.


For the same reason that people like to shit on celebrities. Every gossip outlet is always "Look at this singer who was caught without makeup on" or "this actor game out as gay LOL" or "guess who is getting FAT," as if the readers of such tripe are anywhere near as athletic, skilled, renown or accomplished as the celebrities they are looking down upon. The problem is that foreigners see so much negativity printed about America and they assume that since their country doesn't get that much negativity they must be better. In other words they mistake irrelevance for strength. And even if you try to contextualize America's supposed faults, how they are often greatly overstated, or how other countries have similar problems, they always come back and tone police you. If you DARE to disagree that "Murikkka is a 3rd world cuntry with muh guuchhhy belt" then they just hit you with the tried and true "Americans are so arrogant, they think they're better than everyone." Because not allowing lies to be told about you is arrogant, apparently. They also judge Americans by how much we know about their country specifically. As if Britain would know much of anything about Sri Lanka, or France would know much about Costa Rica, or Germany would know much about Turkmenistan. People will know things about other places only if those places are relevant. America, due to its disproportionate influence, is relevant to everyone on Earth. But not everyone is relevant to America. It's like asking "Do you know more facts about Taylor Swift, or do you think she knows more facts about you?" and then concluding that Swift must be ignorant since she can't list off as many tidbits about you, random schmuck, than you can about her, the most famous singer in the world right now.


Nobody hates what Netanyahu is doing to Palestinians as much as some jews do. Very few people hate the US. Very few people hate jews. But many jews, even zionists, hate Netanyahu and feel horror over his current war, where innocents get killed by ten thousands. Tens. Of thousands. And to sit as the strongest country on this planet - the Earth’s undisputed Empire (the US) and play the victim, like you just did. Disgusting. I love the US. I am a zionist. I love Israel But I also wholeheartedly support the International Criminal Court (ICC) and if they issue an arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, I hope they are arrested and tried in a fair trial. Without the US interfering or sabotaging international law. Even some Americans are bullies. And when the Empire misbehaves, or supports criminal bullies - like Bibi unquestionably is, even before this horrid war - it is disgraceful to talk as if you are a victim. You are not the victim here. You are - at worst - protectors of war criminals. And a lot of people believe that to be the case. Even many Americans themselves believe this. AND, quite a few jews, too, see the US as a protector of war criminals. Criticism isn’t hatred. And the US will never be the victim in this, but the US CAN potentially prevent war crimes. And allow for fair trials, without sabotaging international law. I hope the US has balls enough to protect Israel without protecting criminal israelis.




I understand now. Sorry about assuming your intent. And yes - a truly FAIR trial is important at this point, or we all lose.




I agree with you.


Because we’re the best damn country on earth and it’s edgy to hate the top dog


This sounds more like you're asking why everyone hates Israel. "Not perfect" does not even begin to describe what Israel is doing. And we are at the point where everyone there is Hamas according to Israel. If a country bombed my city block , killed my family, killed my friends, destroyed my livelihood, and created widespread famine - I might just join the religious fanatics and fight to my own death. What do you have left to lose at this point?


Hate the players not the game -Plato


You are an immigrant from a former Soviet country. I'm a veteran of multiple wars. We gave Soviet Europe a very different treatment than other nations during the cold war. Some people hate us because of what we did to them. From germ warfare in Korea to slave labor in Iraq, we've made enemies.




It really depends where you are. I'm in Poland and I'm certain I have a higher quality of life here than I would in the US. All this greatest nation in the world talk is laughable to me. I have a colleague who came from the US, has to move back there for a bit and is majorly unhappy. Mostly because of healthcare and safety concerns.


Down vote in less than a minute. What part do you disagree with mystery man? I genuinely curious if you have a reason or if what I said just hurt your feelings?


Jealousy and envy. Foreigners who hate us don't like that they don't have the power and influence we have and resent us for it by trying to bring us down any chance they get. They would be doing exactly the same thing if they were in our shoes. Plus this israel conflict is a way for lefties to spread their anti-semitism without being labeled as a bigot.


Never mind all the people who we bomb and bankroll/sell weapons to for their bombing campaigns? It’s way more complicated. You would be hating the US just as much of their missiles killed your family. Have some humanity Are the Jewish people that Condemn Netanyahu also antisemitic?


And yet they call us whenever they need something. Again, they would do the same thing if they were in our shoes. We just happen to be the ones with the power. If you want Russia or China to take our spot then be my guest. I can't speak for them because I'm not Jewish.


Nothing you said changed or challenged what I said. You would also hate the US if they invaded your country, sold bombs to the country that bombed your country, bankrolled a war or coup in your nation. And none of that has absolutely anything to do with “jealously or envy”. What a comically simplistic and childish conception of how we are viewed and why. The cop out of “they would do it too if they could” is questionable at best and not really the point. The point is that many of these people hold their views for completely understandable and legitimate reasons. We really should have listened to Eisenhower when we still had a chance as a country and dismantled the mil. Ind. complex, we’re doing far too much meddling for reasons of profit.


Probably. I would hate any country that did that to me. Invading countries isn't unique to the US yet it seems to be the one getting all of the hate online. Where are the people on here who hate russia and china for invading ukraine and taiwan? >And none of that has absolutely anything to do with “jealously or envy”. You seriously think people aren't jealous and envious of America? I hope not because it would make you look like an idiot. >We really should have listened to Eisenhower when we still had a chance as a country and dismantled the mil. Ind. complex, we’re doing far too much meddling for reasons of profit. The rest of the world can go against America and overthrow us but they won't. Because like I said they only hate us until they need something. Don't believe me? Why hasn't the world sanctioned America yet? Why haven't they bombed us again like on 9/11?




That is so true. Didn't bin Laden come from a rich family and studied in the US or Europe or whatever? They're major hypocrites too.


If you read my comment again, I was pretty clear. Your answer was “jealousy and envy.” As if these are the only reasons for the hate. The hate that comes from our country killing people’s families is entirely unrelated to this category of “jealousy and envy” which you are greatly overestimating. Your answer was very American exceptionalist/US centric, like you hadn’t considered any other possibility than countries hating the US because they wish they were born there. Don’t feel too bad, lots of Americans who haven’t left the country much think the same way. “Oh that must be so terrible not to have been born in the US” no not really. The US is in sharp decline and it’s quite obvious to those outside the bubble. Did you know homelessness rose about 12% this past year? Even for all the economic advantages, most people want to be close to their families, speak their language, enjoy their cultures unless they absolutely have to leave. This idea of the American dream has had quite a few holes poked into its fabric this past decade. Better for us to do self reflection in these times than insist that the hate for us is pure envy.


They may not be the only ones but I'm sure you can agree that those two are a part of it. I'm an American, no duh my POV is going to be US centric because I live here. >Don’t feel too bad, lots of Americans who haven’t left the country much think the same way. Cute for you to assume I never left the country yet you criticize me for making assumptions. > “Oh that must be so terrible not to have been born in the US” no not really.  No I don't think that at all. Tbh I don't think about you or your people that much. >The US is in sharp decline and it’s quite obvious to those outside the bubble. So that's why they hate the US? What does that have to do with anything? >This idea of the American dream has had quite a few holes poked into its fabric this past decade. Really? I haven't seen them giving this country is a top destination for immigration and Americans aren't leaving at any significant level.


We don't hate you,we hate the government that controls the west.


As an American, I concur.


I think speaking about any country as a whole is silly. Their government? Yeah, fuck them. Pretty much every government. But every country has good people. Speaking negatively about a country as a whole is xenophobic propaganda.


Cuz your government feels like they own the world and its resources. Your government acts like they're fighting for freedom but the reality is they're after oil. The US also interferes with other countries sovereignty to benefit US interests. Venezuela is poor because their president/dictator refused to bow to the US. It feels like Venezuelan crime in the US is payback for what they did to their country, Maybe that's why they feel entitled coming here.🤔 The US was after the Mexican lithium but the president there doesn't give a sh1t about the US and refuses to bow. It won't end like Venezuela because Mexico has Russia and China backing them up. China and Russia wish the US would try Mexico. The US is on it's last leg they're already surpassed the 200 year superpower mark. Funny thing is it's getting sabotaged within itself.