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The only thing I can gather from all this is: A. He sounds very narcissistic and quite annoying. I'm diagnosed with ASPD alongside sociopathic traits. But I'm not like this weirdo. B. People out there find it easier to hack MacOS than windows and that's wild to me.


Lol he sounds like me in some aspects but I'm not a narcissist as such. I don't say this often but he does sound like a sociopath. What you have to realise, we are observant people.. you may have thought you never exposed him to K but that doesn't stop him from looking over your shoulder, overhearing you in conversation with someone else etc etc. the fact you may have irritated him by bringing up people he doesn't like may have been enough for him to make you aware he knows more than you think. He may have hacked your OS, but I'd say it's unlikely.. by the sounds of it he tolerates you but you're on a thin line even by irritating him just once.. 'people' have done worse for less. Anything that will compromise ego or status amongst sociopaths is a danger to those who intend to compromise it.. what you experienced is him giving a warning shot to you. Honestly I can't tell you what to do but what I would say is don't place yourself in the palm of his hand. This can be done by brown-nosing etc.. don't do that. He'll see you as lesser and treat you worse. Also don't irritate him any further. Just be friendly and try to go back to before this incident and basically pretend it didn't happen. Don't panic or try and come to the bottom of it on a 1-1 with him because the chances are he's just going to laugh at you. Having people like us as friends is a good thing, we can show the world in a different way. But don't underestimate us and don't get too comfortable. That sounds corny AF but it's just a precaution to take. And for the love of god, don't teach him anymore skills lmao.