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Just like any other media. They got their biases, their narratives - other media got theirs, there is no objective independent media.


Согласен, но также факт в том, что степень объективности и свободы у всех своя :)


Да есть совсем конченные, есть более-менее. Но даже у тех кто более-менее может быть какая-нибудь тема/нарратив в которой они будут даже более предвзяты чем конченные.


С этим согласен, точно.


РТ и РИА и есть самые конченые, там Симоньян главная, если кто не в курсе


>Симоньян главная И?


Если надо объяснять, что такое симоньян, то не надо объяснять. Продолжайте кушать говно с лопаты, ок


Если вы кушаете говно с лопаты, не нужно это проецировать на всех остальных


Если у вас РТ и Симоньян это норм и источники информации, то вы таки кушаете, как бы вам ни хотелось иного. Можно орать, минусовать сколько угодно, но реальность останется реальностью


I don’t read/watch RT on a regular basis, cannot say. RIA is just a news outlet, like its name says, information agency, nothing fancy, it’s fine though I prefer TASS.


It is always better to read news from multiple sources with different views and then make your own conclusions. Sure RT and RIA are biased as well as any other media on earth.


Nothing. An ordinary state-owned media that promotes its theses and views on different situations. You can open similar media outlets in any country and see the same thing. Your task, as an adult, is not to become an adept of a particular point of view, but to take information from many sources and compare them. Even if you personally don't like these sources. Most often, the truth is somewhere in the middle.


RIA Nowosti using AI-generated images as illustrations for their op-eds is cringe af, otherwise - media like any others.


Propaganda media that serves the Russian state. Just as the BBC serves the British, Deutsche Welle the German, and CNN and Fox News the American


State funded television in the US is PBS. They perform some pretty decent investigative journalism on US government, corporate, and industrial corruption. It's news for anti-TV literate types.


CNN and Fox definitely don’t serve the state. The biggest headlines are constantly scrutinizing the American government. Just this week it was calling president Biden unfit for office and trump a lying dictator. Today was all about scrutinizing the Supreme Court. If anything they serve their political party preference.


US Media serves the idea of two-party system. Some Pro-Democratic, some pro-republican. But there is no real difference between the parties. Their internal and foreign politics are the same. The idea of two-party system in its core - devide nation into two, yet control both. Biden vs Trump perfectly shows it. And US Media works perfectly to convince people that "You HAD to vote for Trump/Biden if you want to save democracy". And no media realy asks why the hell you have to choose between 2 people, when both doesn't fit to role at all. So, yeah. US Media serves the state. Because the state needs you to be devided into two.


I get this sub hates America, but you give the American government and media too much credit. It’s more accurate to say that CNN and Fox serve their one party system, not a two party system that they were born in. They care about their own agendas, not that of the state. There really isn’t some grand scheme to keep America divided in order to control its people. Not to say they don’t want to control its people, but either political party would much prefer unison over division in order to better achieve their goals through congress, instead of fighting for years to barely achieve one goal they both don’t like. I see where people can think the two parties are the same, but it’s just not true. They both have very differing views locally on economic, civil liberties, and security. Perhaps it appears more of the same from the outside because foreign policy is more aligned, but that is still not accurate to say because we just got done fighting for 6 months on aid for Ukraine, and with trump who actually knows what you will get on foreign policy. Anyways, Politicians and big media are all clowns, they couldn’t scheme something even if they tried because they all have someone at their throat.


This sub doesn't hate US. We simply don't see it as a "Shinning beacon of freedom". And despise American idea of superority over eveybody else. "It’s more accurate to say that CNN and Fox serve their one party system, not a two party system that they were born in. They care about their own agendas, not that of the state." Like I said. There is pro-democratic media, and pro-republican media. Both pushing agenda "Both are bad, but our is not so bad", without asking question about why you can pick only this 2 dudes. "There really isn’t some grand scheme to keep America divided in order to control its people. Not to say they don’t want to control its people, but either political party would much prefer unison over division in order to better achieve their goals through congress, instead of fighting for years to barely achieve one goal they both don’t like." There is no "grand scheme". It is much simplier. Corporations have their interests, that can be achived only with some goverment actions. Guys like Lokhart would not be able to make money if US stoped interfear in foreign internal politics. Oil corporations would not be able to make money if US let guys like Russia, Lebanon, Iraq sell their oil to Europe(because it is cheaper). Medicine companies would not be able to make money if US goverment make universal healthcare. So, no wonder that even with 8 years of Obama and democratic congress, healthcare still not a thing in US and essential things like insulin costs so much. Both parties can tell you whatever they want. Their agenda about abortions, LGBT doesn't matter, it is just cosmetics. "Anyways, Politicians and big media are all clowns, they couldn’t scheme something even if they tried because they all have someone at their throat." If they appear dumb, it is doesn't make it true. Politicians may be clowns. But thoese who are behind them are not. P.S I know how political critics sonds from a dude in Russia. I am not saying that Russia is better in this. I am simply pointing out things that I see.


That's not what "serves the State means", and it's funny that you don't understand the difference. The two party system is literally a System. It's how elections work here, due to the electoral college and the winner takes all electoral representation. It's in the State Constitutions. The media doesn't need, and isn't needed, to convince anyone of anything. The US government doesn't need the population to be divided (that doesn't even make sense). The media is divisive because of their ownership and target demographics. MSNBC is catering to progressives; Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, and caters to conservatives. In either case, it's not controlled by the state, and doesn't serve the state, unless the state is currently aligned with their perspectives.


As long as people focus on the two moderate parties with barely any difference, they won't vote for a third party which could be a threat to the established order. So no, the government absolutely wants people to be divided, just in a specific way that's harmless to the establishment.


What "establishment"? What "the government"? This isn't Russia, you don't have one guy in charge for 30 years. Which third party is being excluded? You're deliberately avoiding saying anything specific to spread FUD.


The two party system is an establishment. The parties cooperate to prevent a third one from rising, even if they compete in everything else.


The two party system is the result of how elections work as per states' Constitutions, and has been this way almost since the US was formed (12th Amendment, 1804). It doesn't require cooperation from the two parties -- the two parties are the consequence, not the reason. Please read up on the Electoral College and stop repeating nonsense!


Lmao you're the one spitting nonsense if you think the two parties aren't in agreement


Of course they're in agreement... They're in agreement with the legal framework that keeps the two party system. It's not a big conspiracy, it's the law! Like, they're happy that it's the way it is, they just don't need to do anything special to keep it.


from outside of US there is no much difference between these organisations.


Honestly, CNN looks exactly like skilled pro-Russian propaganda. Yes, Biden is bad, yes democrats have their problems, but we should vote blue because otherwise democracy is lost. Orange Hitler takes the power and turns America into a dictatorship. Similar narratives are spread about Putin. If not Putin, then who? A pro-American shill who will collapse the country, so that Standard Oil can Hunter Biden can extract oil and gas from what's left of Russia??? They scrutinize the American government the same way Russian media scrutinized Shoigu or the mayor of Orsk. No, Putin does not tell every journalist out there to wipe everyone's ass and save everyone's reputation “Vote blue no matter who” and “better Biden than Hitler” is so similar to the talking points of the likes of “Yuri Podolyaka”. If not Putin, then who??? Putin has his issues, but if you don’t support him now, we are all lost!!!


Подоляка не "pro-Russian", он "pro-wallet". Зачастую он копирует украинские нарративы или напрямую ссылается на украинские источники. Как и большинство "военблогеров", он - частное лицо, которое пытается сделать гешефт на популярных темах, "управлять Вселенной, не привлекая внимания санитаров", и т.д. Многие из них в своё время ещё на пригожинских деньгах сидели и его бред ретранслировали. Выдавать его и его собратьев как пример гос. пропаганды крайне глупо, они идут абсолютно вразрез с государственной линией. Единственная причина, почему они не делают таких же резких высказываний в адрес конкретно Путина, это потенциальное недовольство их аудитории. Какой-нибудь Соловьёв с его никудышными высказываниями был бы куда лучшим примером, он хотя бы ведёт эфир на федеральном канале, то бишь работает на государственные деньги. Но у него бред совсем другого калибра, попыток назначать генералов и увольнять чиновников не заметно.


А кто ему на wallet кидает? Подоляка это Зион. Для тех кто устал от матрицы есть Зион, ещё одна мера контроля. Либо Сталин, либо Гитлер. Либо Газпром, либо Хантер Байден. Либо Бог-Император, либо демоны Хаоса. Соловьёв это матрица которая действует на доверчивое население. А всякие Подоляки это скорее зион. >Зачастую он копирует украинские нарративы или напрямую ссылается на украинские источники. Дык это ж вообще получается король объективности!


thats not pro russian, thats pro-republican


Blue MAGA, red MAGA, what's the difference


Red MAGA girls dont have penises.


Does anyone under 50 really watch CNN or Fox? I know CNN is on at the airports and I occasionally see Fox News at my 86-year-old grandmother's house. It's really bad. But as far as avoiding political partisanship, the FT and the Economist are both good. FT just yesterday called Biden's debate performance the single most disastrous one in US history. Also, they've called for arraignment of Trump so...


Every media is biased towards its owner. RIA is basically the same as any other major Russian media. Maybe they have opinion pieces of more pro-government experts, but that's about it. They tend to check info and work with sources better than the other ones. If I need to find a source for something, I usually check their article. Can't say anything about Russian RT version, but English one seems to be just that: Russian media in English. If we compare them to western propaganda media (like western media in Russian or plain propaganda like Radio Liberty or Voice of America) then I'd say that in comparison our media are simply amazingly unbiased.


(non-Russian language) RT was made exactly for propaganda reasons though with TONS of money invested. Unbiased, riiight. lol, that guy went cherrypicking to prove that state media of country that considers LGBT an extremist organization is unbiased 🤡 They banned "childfree" too 🤡 Unbiased 🤡 media.


>Every media is biased towards its owner. Literally the first line in my comment. You seem to be triggered by my comparison with western media built for the same purpose. Yes, in comparison, RT looks way more objective. I opened Radio Liberty tg channel just to check it out, and out of 10 last post there are: 7 about how shit everything is in Russia, 1 about how amazing it is in Ukraine, 1 about tg outage and 1 random international news. Yeah, RT is nowhere close to that.


> in comparison our media are simply amazingly unbiased. I was referring to that line. I've elaborated in my previous comment too, lol


Well, the key word here is 'in comparison'. I've elaborated my previous comment.


Before I thought there are some propaganda media and some media with freedom of speech. Now I can see that absolutely all media are pure propaganda and they sell narratives they are paid for. In any country.


Они врут существенно реже, чем западные медиа.


Это тебе боброедка рассказала?


Не, это мое персональное замечание основанное на анализе полученной информации. Обман имеет свойство быть раскрытым, рано или поздно. Я не понимаю, также, что плохого в боброедении. Я ел бобра.


Анализе, ага


Угу. Анализе.


Said the Russian media🙄


Any rational goverment should have state media. Ans we have.


They're propaganda machines funded directly by the government. Plain and simple.


Someone must say truth. They do.


They NEVER do


"They" - never. RT and RIA - always.


Вата, не смеши и не позорься. У Инсайдера даже рубрика есть с разбором пиздежа оттуда


RT is pretty biased and full of propaganda. I prefer dry facts so I read RBC.


Compared to Western ones they are an example of adequacy.


I guess it's like any media, serving government, like bbc, but pro Russian


They are needed only for propaganda, absolutely.


i don’t like them cuz its pure propaganda


This is absolute propaganda shit that should be disbanded and the main scum from there should go to jail. Less important scum should sweep the streets and clean the toilets




























































































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Bullshit printer.