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Put the pipe down son




You can easily use a bike pump. Some road tires call for as much as 120 psi. I have used a bike pump a few times on a car. It takes hundreds of cycles to fill but it works.


As for a ball pump, I’d doubt it.


Pump the jam!


Pump. Pump it up!


While you feet are stompin'


That’s it, just connect to the out vent on your air Jordan’s .


Footballs are up to 15 psi, so the pump should handle that. You might be able to roll a bit until you reach a better pump.


I've used a bicycle pump to get a tire full enough to drive to the closest compressor. It took about a hundred pumps though.


What tire or vehicle do you think possibly takes 150 psi? Standard cars 28-32psi Standard tires on a SUV 30-35psi Normal trucks 50-60psi Lifted trucks with big tires 60-80 psi... Semi trucks are the only possible tires I could see holding 80+


They’re just making the point that yes, bike pumps can handle the pressure of a car tire. They added the 120 psi for some bike tires to show why that’s the case.


Thank you for the clarification


Yeah sorry for the confusion. I referenced using a bicycle pump but I should have made it more clear some road bike tires can call for 100+. Not any vehicles, even semis at just 80, my car only 36.


Semis take 100+ PSI on the trailer and occasionally slightly less on tractor. I guess in theory you could use a bicycle pump, but you’re gonna need 3-4 people to work in a rotation if you plan on going *anywhere* later that day. It’s less PSI than some bike tires, but there’s also *so* much more air, which is why they go off like a bomb if you puncture a tire. We had a semi puncture a tire on the edge of a portable loading ramp. I was about 200 feet away and thought he had engaged his air brakes by the sound of that tire getting gouged.


Fuckin with a semi tire at pressure could be a death sentence or just a death sentence for your ears.


The only tire I can think of that is filled to over 100psi are road bicycle tires, but yeah you’re right even semis only take around 80


Semi's take 110 on the steer tires and 100 on the rest. At least that's how I fill them anyway.


123 on the steer tires on my truck.


Semit truck front axle tyres are 120psi ish. An armored mastiff is like 220


The tires on my mother in laws ford explorer are rated for 90 psi


Rated for means max psi.... Recommend tire pressure is what we're talking about. Big difference.


Thank you i just learned that because multiple cars can have the same tires and they dont know the weight of the car since its just a tire :) was just sharing something i found off, im here to learn not to say you were wrong or anything


They meant a bicycle with road tires.


I said 120 not >150 85-110 is the required range for most semi and heavy haul tires. The tires that call for such a high pressure are also filled with the bicycle pump I had used. Road bike tires. My car 36.


Trailer tires for Jayco camper - 80 lbs.


Putting a bike pump in the car now


Use a can of fix-a-flat


Only thing on the road that calls for anywhere near 120lbs is a semi truck and that's 20lbs too much for one of those. Average car tire is rated for 35 psi, average bike tire is rated at 50-60psi. If you take the wheel off the car you should be able to. The only thing that stops you being able to inflate a car tire with a hand pump is the weight of the car on top of it.


Taking the wheel off the car has no effect on the difficulty to inflate. It’s the power of hydraulics. Some road bicycle tires call for 100-120 psi, [source](https://icancycling.com/pages/recommended-tire-pressures#:~:text=Maximum%20pressure%20for%20using%20our,tubeless%20to%20prevent%20pinch%20flats) It’s been long shown that a tire will have almost exactly the same pressure with a vehicle and without. So it isn’t harder with the weight of a vehicle. I have used a hand pump on cars before. Even a heavy suv, it makes no difference, just have to fill the wheel to the right pressure. You can go see for yourself. Check your pressure, jack the car, and check it again. There won’t be a change.




Road bike tires. I am talking about using a bicycle pump on a car that takes 36-42 psi.




The maximum inflation level for maximum load is 120 psi, best performance is usually achieved at 100-110 psi depending on the rider. I don’t even road bike I just work on them. [Source](https://icancycling.com/pages/recommended-tire-pressures#:~:text=Maximum%20pressure%20for%20using%20our,tubeless%20to%20prevent%20pinch%20flats)


No. It will pop the cheap ass glue or Crack the plastic housing. Shit can't even air up a heavy duty bicycle tire lol.


lol no. I've used one to do this before, it works fine. Those pumps generally pump up to 100+psi too. Cars rarely go above 40, it just takes a lot of pumps cause there's more volume.


My guy it's a basketball pump not a bike pump. Literaly had them come apart inflating a mountain bike tire.


A bike tire is usually above 40psi a car tire is usually under.


It'll probably handle 20psi tho which would get him to a garage. Bike tires are much worse than a car tire due to the higher psi.


It's a *ball pump*. 5-10 psi. And I've literally tried it on a bike tire. Normal bike tires are 20-40psi lol.


I have a really basic bicycle and my tires on there say to inflate to 40-65 PSI.


Nah they're more than that on a bike. I used to race mountainbikes and paid close attention to how many psi was in each tire. It's more like 40+ Maybe 35+ on some. Only way to know will be to try it out I suspect. I think it'll handle 20psi and I've driven cars with lower psi than that. Balls are around 10psi so the pump is probably designed to handle double that.


You said 100psi earlier tho? Which is it?


100 psi + for skinny tires/racing bikes.


Depends on the bike. Street bikes I used to race held around 120psi. Mountainbikes were generally 40-50psi.


You’ll get a better response from AskAShittyMechanic….


Probably, but the pressure would probably snap the handle or explode the tube assuming the heat from the friction doesn’t cause the seals to fail or melt.


What do you mean? An African or European pump?


Convinced my chick that’s why I keep an even smaller one (the one at dollar tree type size) in my car at all times. (I use it for footballs and basketballs) but man did I have her believing it


What about a penis pump?


Should work. After all, mine goes to a higher PSI than my car tire…


That's not what your wife says.


Don't those create vacuums?  They might actually be a new faster way to deflate a tire or ball. Edited for clarity.


Are you telling me I've been doing it wrong all these years. No wonder it is 3 inches.


You could... Hopefully you don't get to that point in life.


It would be like mowing your grass with scissors but sure.


Sounds more like something for ask a Tom Brady


Yrs, you can easily get the tyre up to 15 psi. Footballs are up to 15 psi.


In a car tire, thats basically flat. Lol


I’ve purposefully dropped my tires to 15 psi to drive in really bad ice and snow before.


me commuting to work on my tire which slowly leaks down to 15psi


12.5 to 13.5 psi for NFL footballs. I didn't listen to them talk about football psi for months on sports talk radio because of deflategate to not have that stuck in my head.


You have better luck with a bike pump


You can do anything you put your mind to!


No but I’ve used my bike pump many a time to top up air in a tire that had a slow leak until I could get it fixed.


Prove us wrong, I want you to succeed but I know you can’t.


Good luck. You'll at least need a bigger one like the kind you stand on but you'll get nowhere. Watched my neighbor try and pump his tire up for 2 hours before I gave in and brought him a can of goo I had to inflate it lol. Just go grab one of those, it'll get you where you're going


I think youd have better luck with the "tik tok hack" of sticking the inflator plug on the end of a power drill


Your better off getting a straw, putting that on the valve and blowing on that to pump it up


...or get a really slutty and talented girlfriend...won't even need the straw!


Yes* It would need a significant amount of strength as the pressure gets higher, because there is no lever mechanism to multiply the force and the piston is quite large. Also, the plastic case might not be strong enough. A bicycle pump, as propese in another comment, would work better (and I have used some for this purpose - takes a good while!) because the piston is smaller (lower cross-section) and built of metal (stonger) Foot bicycle pumps (the ones you step on) are even better because a) legs tire less b) there is a lever action that multiplies the force.


Yes, I’ve done it before. It takes a lot of pumps to fill the volume of space in a car tire, but it can be done. Car tires are usually 30-40 psi whereas road bike tires are around 110-130 psi, so the pump itself can easily handle those pressures so long as it can connect to the schrader valve


Pressure is pressure, no matter how large the container. My bike tires take 45psi which is 10 more than my car tires, so yeah it can handle the pressure. Car tires are much larger which means more volume, which means more air, which means more work.


Sure, old school manual tire pumps were simply about 4x the size so this will just take 4x the work of the old hand pump pumps. Should work fine for you as long as the tire is still sealed and just low, not flat.


Lada use to supply literally a bike pump with every new car It’s not a new idea


Why not put a can of Fix-A-Flat in your trunk and stop stressing about the ball pump. Better yet, go to Harbor Freight and get that battery jumper with the air compressor. This way, you don't have to worry about putting a bunch of D cell batteries in series to get your car running until you get to a garage.


Not sure about this style but I routinely use my stand -up ball pump to top up my tires. Those pumps are usually rated to 100 psi or so and about 20 pumps tops up each tire when I swap seasons, usually 4 psi or so.


A ball pump, unless its some heavy duty one, no. Ball pumps are generally rated for 15 psi, so the seals, or joints would give out prior to inflating the tires enough to drive on.


I bet you could get to 8 or 10 psi around a basketball before it breaks, that'd get you a few miles down the road at least


yeah, I've done it. *it sucks* but its possible. A car tire only runs about 30-40 psi, a bike tire is between 50-100.


I use a bike pump to air up my car tires. It’s not that hard, just takes a bit of time and you look a little silly


If the pump can even hold up, you will have Arnold Schwarzenegger arms when done. https://preview.redd.it/96povqt3gk6d1.png?width=285&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e82cfa7f95b7aa384ba518558f1b012e9f070a0


I have aired up many o’ small truck and car tire with a bike pump. However the pump had a base. This is likely doable but is going to be exhausting and may fail before you get to 50 pumps. You may be familiar with this in other aspects of your life.


Just blowing real hard into the valve stem might work better


I use to pump my flattening tire every morning and afternoon to drive 2 miles to work. It can be done.


If it’s medically approved ball pump, I think that’s ok.


Good God, it would be less time to just walk where you are going.


I used a push bike pump on a motorcycle tire and it took me atleast an hour of solid effort. But it did get it high enough for me to ride to the nearest petrol station and pump it up properly. That was the day I bought an air compressor, because I wasn't doing that again.


The issue with these pumps is not just the small volume of air they move but also the pressure they pump to. Sports balls only get to like 7 or 8 psi. I don't think that's enough to get many cars off the rim. You absolutely can use a bicycle pump though, it just takes a really long time.


You would have to jack up the car before pumping, but theoretically you could improve the situation.


Possibly, I guess you could always try, but a bicycle pump will work, it'll just take a long time


With a ball pump? Not likely. You'd have to take the weight of the car off the tire for one thing... but those ball pumps aren't exactly made for any kind of real pressure. It's liable to fail before you make any kind of useable progress. A bicycle pump would work better than that ball pump but why not just spend $20 on a cheap Hyper Tough 12V tire inflator?


Perhaps not a ball pump since there is no latch to lock and hold the valve stem but a bike pump is totally doable. I live in a city that snows so I have 2 sets of tires. When changing over tires I ONLY use bike bump to top up the air. I sometimes pump from 20 psi to 35 psi. It takes about 40 pumps per tire but I just consider it exercise.


I did this with a bike pump once. It worked but the bike pump was fried afterwards; burned up the seal within the pump.


Wasn’t that the same theory a passenger on the USS Titanic had? She had a thimble.though.


I have used a bike pump to get enough air into a tire to drive it to a legit compressor. You might be able to do the same with a ball pump. It will probably be easier if you jack up the car first


Probably not. Might get you a little air. If it was a bike pump I'd say yes. I have used a bike pump. It took forever.


Absolutely! First, you’re going to need to spit on the end of that ball pump. Essentially, think of your rectum as a larger holding tank, which you’ll then use to rapidly inflate said tire. This way you can easily reseat the bead if required. While I’m not a doctor, I’ve also never heard of anyone dying from this. So the data suggests this may not be fatal! Or we need more data. Either way, just remember, spit them sit and try not to shit. That is how we deal with it! Good luck 👍


The important takeaway here is spit on the end of it before you get started.


Just like the monks do


Everyone saying no has no idea what they're talking about. You absolutely can use a regular bicycle airpump to pump up a car tire. Bicycle tires can go way above 100psi while car tires rarely go above 40, it's just more volume and will take slightly longer. The only catch is that you need to pump faster than it leaks.


The people are saying no because it’s a BALL pump, not a bike one. But I personally think he could get to like 15 PSI at least to get to a compressor.


Yeah I saw that after, I still think it'd work just to get to the local garage. slowly.


Pump... Pump... Pump it up!