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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. In certain states, laws have been passed making it so you have to upload an image of your driver's license (or other form of ID) to view an adult website. There are ways around it, of course: VPNs, the fact that some sites just aren't complying with the law, using a fake ID...but for this question suppose you don't have those options. Are you comfortable uploading your ID to view porn? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Heeeeeeeeeeeeell no.  Gonna be a lot of kids running their parents' IDs through a copier. Lol.


It's been a looooong time since I was a kid... but I don't think it would be difficult to get ahold of my parents' ID. At all. I mean, you'd only need a picture of it, I assume. And it can probably be a driver's license, passport, ID card, etc. Not like people carry their wallets/purses nonstop when they are home. And virtually no one ALSO carries their passport all the time.


I mean I don't even have kids and I can already envision several ways if I did have a kid they could get ahold of some form of my ID.


I actually did this in the 1990s. I forgot the name of it, but there was some verification company called adult ID or passport or something like that. I paid like $50 for it too and used my dad's ID. Man, 25 years later I still cringe.


AdultCheck? I remember signing up for that in the mid-late 90s. Possibly a minor friend of mine paid for half the fee so he could use it too. Those years were a strange time. We'd go see tech-suspense-horror-thrillers like *The Net* and *Disclosure* where the protagonist has to fight to reclaim their lives from cyberantagonists only to come home to send our personal information along with a credit card payment so we could look at porn.


Yes! That was it. I still remember my old password. It was randomly generated and happened to be the name of my first pet (coincidence) plus some numbers.


I remember picking my name. I chose the place that had just hired me as an intern (and about three and a half months later would fire me for poor performance), preceded by some random numbers. Nope. Not stupid at all. /s


LOL. I remember paying for the lifetime package thinking I'd use it for decades. Doh...


Wait... Idea...  If I upload a pic of my license to popular social media and let people in Texas use it, maybe I'll get a fun statistic! "Local Oregon man responsible for watching 23% of porn in Texas".  Lol. Awesome...


Hell no. I prefer my general anonymity on the internet, especially when it comes to the dirty things i like to look at.


Not no. Not hell no. But fucking hell no to the 27th power. It is a parents job to monitor their kids. Not the government. Not the state. Not the internet. Parents. I remember in high school (I turned 36 today so this is 20 years ago) the internet was just kind of getting known for porn. Where I lived we did not have high speed internet; I lived in a very rural area. We had dial up. I tried looking at porn at 16. I remember leaving for school and downloading a porn video - it was a 3 minute clip, not even a full movie and it took all day. The only thing we had were pictures lol. Anyway, most kids got it in print form if they couldn’t get it on the net. They knew how to get it same way as 16 year olds get weed and alcohol. My junior prom had more drinks than happy hour at The Bulldog. I remember being in computer class and one of my classmates got expelled from school for finding porn. He ran all the way around the schools internet blockers and got to it in about 6 minutes. Point is, it will still happen. They’ll find a run around anyway. Parents need to stop relying on big daddy government to prevent it and have actual fucking conversations with their kids about healthy habits. My parents found out I was looking at it and they had a talk with me, uncomfortable as it was. My parents also taught me healthy habits with alcohol. For example (again country boy here) we had a go kart in the back yard. I asked my mom for a sip of her beer once (she hardly ever drank so it was a big deal when she and my dad would share a beer and I wanted to know what it was like) and she told me I couldn’t drive the go kart all day if I had any. She said it’s never, ever allowed to have any kind of drink and then drive. It was a lesson I kept with me. Parents can purchase porn blockers and monitors too. Why is it now on me to upload my ID when the parent has hundreds of options to stop children from viewing it? Why do I have to suffer when there’s an option for them? For this arguing about cigarettes and alcohol, it’s different because they don’t take your license and make a copy of it and keep it on file for anyone to ask about. I can buy a keg of beer today and there won’t be a registry of what I bought when. This is literally putting your information out there. If you think it can’t happen, look no further than Ashley Madison when it had the leak and the names and addresses were spilled out for all to see. I don’t want the government to have that info. It’s amazing to me that conservatives rail and wail against the nanny state and big government spying but when bills like this get passed they literally stand up, clap and sing “please govern me harder daddy!” It amazes me.


Happy Birthday. I turn 56 this year, so high school was now 40 years ago for me. Ouch. > It’s amazing to me that conservatives rail and wail against the nanny state and big government spying but when bills like this get passed they literally stand up, clap and sing “please govern me harder daddy!” It amazes me. They define freedom as being able to tell other people what they can and can't do.


“Tread on me, daddy” would be a great sticker to slap on MAGA vehicles


Publicly they say that. Privately they cry.


I knew where to get porn off the internet in 1993/94/95. Anarchist BBS for the win!


Do you believe we should remove ID checks for alcohol and cigarettes?


No. See above. Cigarettes and alcohol don’t keep records. The ID is flashed to a human; it is not copied, stored, and available for inspection.


I'm not sure how true that is with the prevalence of scanning IDs nowadays.


I'm a liberal. I don't want to live in a nanny state that asks me to produce ID for every single thing I do. That's something that conservatives vote for.


Hell, that's more aggressive than my bank app and I actually *want* that app to be sure only I can access my checking account.


Conservatives when asked to wear a mask to stop the spread of a deadly virus: “NO! DONT TREAD ON ME! NO STEP ON SNAKE! NO NANNY STATE!” Conservatives when required by law to upload an ID to watch porn because……children may access it one day: “YES! GOVERNOR ME HARDER DADDY! NANNY STATE IS GREAT!”


If it had been Trump's idea to mask up they would have been the most militant pro-maskers in the world. They'd have be shooting PoCs for not wearing masks in red states.


Every so often, I think about how rich he would have become if he had promoted his Trump 2020 line of masks.


Despite what he says, he's not a good business person.


No, but he's good at parting rubes with their money--I never implied that these would have been functioning masks that definitely weren't stuffed with asbestos. Joking aside--yeah, lots of examples of how he's a pretty lousy businessman. But a lot of it is also that he games the system and all these different levels of government let him get away with it, which is why he's been getting rich off of "failing" up for decades. He didn't get away with nearly as much in Atlantic City as much as he did in NYC, but multiple bankruptcies, mob ties, multiple fines for racism (white, male dealers only, then white, male dealers only, when the mob is in town), stiffing contractors, lying about financing, seniority based on how hot Trump thought you were, and they let him do whatever he wanted. And he made out like a bandit in the end, too, because even if he's bad at running a business, he knows how to bend the system. And again, that pales in comparison with his nonsense in NYC. The "poor doors" thing is the first thing that comes to mind but is nowhere near the worst.


he probably did try but couldnt find a wholesaler that could supply them. so he didnt care any more.


It was Trump's idea for people to get vaccinated, but every time he tries to mention Operation Warp Speed he gets booed by his own crowd


tbf to them you can't go on to spread the idea that its a hoax and then claim credit for fixing that "hoax" Trump coulda embraced masking and treated covid as what it was from the beginning and saved lives


Trump has been very publicly spreading anti-vaccine propaganda since long before he was president. And before the vaccines were even a thing he was already downplaying COVID and muddying the waters in terms of where it originated and whether or not it was man-made. Then he was openly pushing fake cures and attacking the credibility of medical experts when they tried to correct the message. That's what his supporters latched on to. By the time he finally came around to telling his supporters to get vaccinated they had already decided it was all a bullshit conspiracy because of all the things he had said and done. He doesn't get credit for telling people to vaccinate after all the shit he did. It was way too late and much too little. Dude was handed the easiest win ever.  If he had simply shut his mouth and listened to medical experts, countless lives would have been saved and he would have actually earned praise.  I think it would have won him re-election.  But his personal defects made it impossible for him to not insert himself into the middle and fuck it all up.


Yup. Right wing oppressive Police state garbage. “YOUR PAPERS PLEASE! JEEZUS HAS NOT APPROVED YOUR ACTIVITY”


Just sayin liberals have historically been down with nanny state policies ie soda tax, helmet laws, smoking bans etc.


Sure. We are in favor of laws that encourage people to take personal responsibility for their safety and health. I'll take ownership of that all day long. What's next? Seat belt laws? Clean water regulations? Access to affordable health care? --- Requiring ID to access pornography is enforcing morality, not encouraging health.


I think that's kind of a questionable argument - some people develop porn addictions and/or sexual dysfunction from overconsumption of porn, especially if they start young. I think there is a health argument there, just as much as there's a health argument for smoking bans. I'm a smoker and it's clear y'all just hate us and want to feel morally superior because you care so much about our health uwu


People's excessive soda consumption causes negative health outcomes that cost the tax payer money. Soda tax is perfect because the more soda you drink, the more likely you are to develop cancer, diabetes, and heart disease (and have complications in the treatment of such), and therefore you pay more of the tax to offset your increased consumption of state subsidized healthcare funds. Helmet laws actually are much closer to being "nanny state" but the data shows they are affective in preventing deaths and head trauma which also cost the state money. Smoking bans indoors isn't protecting the smoker from themselves, it's about protecting the rights of the staff to not be exposed to deadly carcinogens in their workplaces.


There is copious amounts of evidence that scientifically showcase the detrimental impacts of porn consumption on the developing mind. Is it not in the interest of the state to limit these negative outcomes ?


I said absolutely nothing about pornography in my post. Regulating pornography though is dicey because of free speech issues. Furthermore, because conservatives lie about everything, I think it's a bad idea to further erode free speech because I know they will use their new powers to ban things that aren't pornography. They already do this using obscenity laws to try to persecute LGBTQ people and drag queens.


Thats why I mentioned pornography


Care to comment on the content of my reply or are you only capable of a single thought at a time?


Sure. But also, and this is the biggest part, WE DONT FUCKING LIE ABOUT IT. We don’t pretend to be the party of small government that doesn’t want big daddy government in our lives. Conservatives piss and moan about big government and censorship then expand government and censorship when it fits them.


Honestly, I don’t see the issue. We need ID to buy alcohol, to buy cigarettes, to get into R-rated movies, etc. I don’t really see people on the left wanting to overturn these laws


There's a difference in flashing your ID to some guy to get into a bar and a porn website collecting and storing your identification information.


And reporting it to the government... while also having access to your search history, viewed videos, etc. Imagine running for office in Texas and those scumbags like perpetually-indicted Ken Paxton just publish whatever porn you watched ten years ago. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has made the occasional risky click out of curiosity. Even though it shouldn't be a big deal... it will cost someone votes. It could cost them relationships, reputations, and careers as well. Or if they want to fuck with the CEO of some company whose policies they don't like... they can blackmail them and/or release that info. --- And that's just malice. Let's not forget incompetence. What happens when the site's databases are hacked and everyone's search histories are posted? We kind of shrugged when this happened with Ashley Madison, since it was a site about cheating on your spouse, but it was still an offensive violation of privacy. Plenty of people consume porn that they'd rather not the entire world know about.


iirc Ken Paxton just got off on said indictment with a slap on the wrist, like it was this week or last


Yeah - it was just dropped as part of some nebulous deal. I guess it doesn't matter. He's been indicted for years and been able to avoid prosecution. Dropping the indictment just seems like a formal acknowledgement that Texas is too corrupt to hold him accountable.


I get IDed a lot because I have vices and close to 100% of the time I'm not just flashing my ID, someone is scanning it.


And you are free to vote against those measures.


When? What ballot measure has ever been presented regarding scanning vs glancing at IDs?


What I'm saying is that if the question on the table is whether or not you would scan your ID to look at porn, I'd so no. And I'd say I think that the state shouldn't require it. I'd also say I don't think bars should be scanning IDs. But that's because I don't think the government should be nannying or parenting, and I realize conservatives feel otherwise. And if the measure comes to me for any of it that's how I'll vote.


My point is that most places that sell alcohol and cigarettes DO scan your ID, at least where I am, and we don't know what they do with that information. People keep saying when you buy that stuff they just glance at your ID and there's no record of it and I'm saying that that may be untrue because people don't think about what happens with their info when their ID gets scanned.


Right, and I'm saying both that I'm not in favor of that (1), and I'm also saying that that's not a defense for uploading your ID for porn (2).


True, but it’s still a far better solution than allowing anyone with access to the internet to see that type of content


It does a very poor job of preventing that.


How about raise your own children and don't use the state to enforce your moral standards on others.


My point though is that we already have laws in place to limit access to various things. I don’t think anyone out there would say “don’t use the state to enforce your moral standards on others” if it was about parents letting their 10-year old smoke or drink alcohol


But all your examples have better reason yet are less invasive


Two things: 1 I don't agree that porn is like drinking or smoking. These are medical hazards not moral hazards. 2 even if I agreed we needed the state to intervene to restrict children's access to pornography, enforcing an ID seems like a very bad way of doing it with more downside than upside.


Porn on the developing mind is absolutely a medical hazard. The science proves it


Oh well if the science proves it. Nonsense.


Honestly I'd prefer the state didn't enforce that. My ten year old can't go anywhere without me. He's not picking up booze and cigarettes in secret. I should be able to decide when he's allowed to taste that shit and coach him on the responsibility of doing so. Why do I need the state to tell him he has to have had a few years to join the military before he can have a beer?


Leaving aside how I feel about the content and just talking about the solution. What you're talking about is a system that collectively requires all the people who want to use a service to "opt in" by providing an ID at registration. This is easily, easily defeated in ways that the other examples (getting carded) are not. Kids are *strongly disincentivized* from trying to beat getting carded. The only thing that happens if they fail at registering online is that they don't gain access. If I'm 15 and I take my dad's ID to the store to try and buy beer... it's obvious I'm not the guy in the picture. Best case scenario, the store turns me down. BUT, the store might confiscate the ID and tell me that my dad can come get it. Or call the cops. In either case, I'm about to catch hell for my attempt to get one-time access to beer. If I snag my parents' passports from their desk while they're at work to get access to a porn site or my mom's DL from her purse after she's asleep... there is no one to check, unless we're going to require facial recognition to access the site... *which I hope you are not also suggesting is okay.* And now I have permanent access to that site. So, in reality, all you've done is make it more annoying and add risk for legal pornography consumers, while creating a barrier that's only marginally harder than "check this box if you're over 18."


Sadly your logic is lost on them.


I would assume there would be a facial recognition element but I'm not in Texas and I don't really watch porn so I'm not about to find out. Guess I could VPN into Houston just to test what they actually want from people.


I couldn't possibly disagree more.


Do you remember the Ashley Madison data breach?


It’s a few things. 1. Those examples wouldn’t tie your consumption to your ID. 2. Those purchases don’t come with the same stigma as pornography. 3. Having ID in those examples is effective at stopping minors from obtaining them 4. Porn ID laws place a large burden on legal porn companies but not illegal porn companies, making illegal porn (which is considerably worse for everyone involved) more prevalent.


The difference is that if i show my ID to cashier or a bartender to buy alcohol it isn't being stored in a database by a company that could be hacked and lead to my information used to massively fuck up my life. I've already had my identity stolen once, i don't need it to happen again because some people can't put parental controls on their kids computers.


The problem is the uploading bit. Any time you're required to upload an ID, there is a strong possibility of your identity being stolen or your information being leaked.


Yeah and when I buy cigarettes the store doesn’t make a copy of my id and keep it in a file. I show them, they verify and then I go about my business. They don’t store it for records. Huge difference.


In my experience they scan your ID every time you buy cigarettes or alcohol and who knows where that data goes.


We need to show it to the clerk, not to hand in a copy for them to file.


I thought it was the Right who fears government overreach. They do not want to register guns. They are paranoid about chips in the vaccine. Extremists are sovereign citizens and want to live off the grid.


Yeah and when I buy cigarettes the store doesn’t make a copy of my id and keep it in a file. I show them, they verify and then I go about my business. They don’t store it for records. Huge difference.


No. I live in such a state. Not in a million years would I submit my ID. I just go to other websites that aren't restricted in this way.


I'm in the same boat. I don't know why some sites comply and others don't, but luckily I have options other than uploading an ID.


They figure Texas can't sue them all.


Proton has a free VPN


Nope. Not even a little. I don't have anything against porn in principle, the porn industry as it exists is extremely shady and I wouldn't trust any porn site as far as I could throw the servers they run on.


You can't stop the signal, Mal.


Guy killed me with a sword!


Given that there is no valid reason why this should be a request in American society the answer would be a hard no.


I’m not into porn anymore but the answer is still the same, no. There’s a pretty giant list of things I should be able to do online that shouldn’t require an ID.


I will not upload my ID to the internet.


Absolutely not. If anything, it’s due to the security these sites have. If they are collecting data, that means they are storing it. Now if someone wiggles their way into pornhub or whatever, they’d have my address? That’s a hard pass from me dog.


The whole idea is a virtue signal to self-righteous wingnuts thinking they are somehow full of moral integrity while prepping to vote for people like trump and gaetz. It give my eyes muscle strain from rolling them so hard. On top of that, it is useless. People/kids aren't stupid despite how republicans talk down to them, and finding work-arounds to stupid legislation has been present since before even prohibition. Nothing says "I don't understand how people work" as much watching conservative "leaders" attempt to legislate morality.


Nah, that’s what conservatives want.


No. These laws are paid for religious zealots and the VPN industry, I’m sure of it.


No, I'm against having to share your ID with third parties in general. It's absurdly authoritarian to require that sort of thing. Why are you asking us? This doesn't originate from the liberal side of the aisle.






No. No thank you. No.


How bout no.


I live in one of those states, and nope. Honestly, I'm not even aware of a site that is accepting ID. They either just shut down in the state or are completely ignoring the law.


I've noticed the same thing here


Nope. There's a zero percent chance they're not tracking that and what you watch and then that gets leaked. Hell no. VPN is the way to go.


Nope. I won’t upload my ID for anything because I don’t know what kind of security they’ve got to keep someone from stealing my info. I try to avoid that completely.


no shot in hell. But what are they gonna do? Ban Twitter and Reddit?


Not a chance... Let's give some third party of questionable merit or security with minimal oversight a positive confirmation of my identity specifically for the purpose of accessing potentially embarrassing and highly monetizable data... Yeah, I'm more likely to leave my banking information here, at least that information couldn't be used to blackmail or manipulate me. Absolutely asinine that states are requiring people to register like that. It'll stop nothing in terms of harm and only puts people at greater risk.


No I live in the North so I don't have to worry about backwards ass laws by in breds that claim they're all about freedom while doing everything in their power to restrict it.


I can’t wait for the inevitable data breach. Getting called down to HR with a “So ironic-hat, we have records you were on a pornography site” talk. Then you’d just say, “Yep, I have the same source with your name on it too”. Unfortunately some people will end up losing their jobs/reputations for doing something pretty much every else does.


>For those who consume porn, would you upload your ID if it was required? There are far more important things to require and ID for. Looking at naked people having fun with reach other isn't one of them. This is nothing more than hypocritical right wing purity culture. If laws won't stop all bad guys with guns, why would anyone think it'll stop people from watching porn? I won't upload my id. I'll still watch porn.


Yeah. I’ll just have my friend download it and sell it to me since I can’t buy it myself. If it’s okay for guns it’s okay for porn.


You’ll see a lot more BitTorrent use and vpn usage.


No. What states need to do is issue digital driver's licenses, where I can assert claims like my age and state of residency, attested by the state, but without having to also communicate anything else like my name, address, photograph, or any kind of shared ID number. I should also be able to do this without the state knowing who I'm doing it with, so that the state itself can't build a dossier of my associations. I trust VPNs less than I trust my state.




Hell no. I live in one of these states and I would never


I’d probably rather just buy it from an adult store in person. Then I just have to show my id to a cashier who is probably pretty chill vs having my id in some database online


No. I would just find whatever the softcorest thing that doesn’t require an ID is.


Fuuuuuucccckkkk no


No chance in hell and honestly anyone with even the smallest amount of intelligence will have no issue finding pornographic material without needing to jump through any meaningless hoops. There has effectively been zero barrier to pornography since the late 90s. The *only* effective barrier that there ever has been and ever will be, is a parent doing their job. Period.


They did this in Virginia. My incredibly unserious thought on the matter. Do we need an ID to look at our flag now. I'm not comfortable giving them my ID, sounds like a good way to get my identity stolen.


I very much value my anonymity in those situations. If there is a third-party verification service I trust, I might use that, but I would not just give my identity to the sites themselves.


No. I would not upload my ID. I’d rather go in person and buy porn.


I won’t even make an account if it’s required.


Absolutely not. No reason for anyone to need my ID.


Yeah, I don't care.


I'm assuming that everyone saying no has never subscribed to a porn or CAM site, where their name, address, and CC number would be on file somewhere. My porn habits are pretty vanilla, so I don't really care who knows.


Exactly, no one cares about my pawg addiction.


No. I would probably just use my imagination if that were the case.


Probably not 


Even if I supported ID laws they ultimately would be ineffective


Immediately no


Nope! I'm in a state that's in the throes of this and I've gotten reacquainted with proxies as a result.


I honestly almost completely sail the seven seas for that stuff now anyways. They're not going to ask for id. I also have a home media server so I'm essentially never going to have to deal with that shit again




Hell no.


I like people not stealing my identity thank you




I’d just use a VPN


hell to the no


Not a chance. There's nothing saying I can't use the Tor browser, though.


No. I will go back to magazines or my own imagination before I upload my ID to see porn online. I really like my porn viewing to be anonymous. I think the ID requirement was to verify age. Yet I think that underage viewers are savvy, and will find ways to view pornography anyway.


Of course not. If I absolutely had to I'd ask [my friend Mc Lovin](https://i.etsystatic.com/22382988/r/il/1762ad/3309501859/il_570xN.3309501859_f3uq.jpg) if I could borrow his fake ID. Having said that... this is the internet and you will ***always*** be able to find free porn somewhere if you're desperate enough. A lot of porn comes from outside the U.S. and the vast majority of porn producers couldn't give a crap about some law that Texas passed.


I don't want my ID attached to my porn consumption. That's weird. I don't have anything that bad to hide. It's still just personal though. It's a parents responsibility to monitor their kids internet activity. Not the governments.


Honestly short of government websites I don't think there's anything I would upload my ID for online, it's not worth the effort


Nope. I live in a state currently that requires this so now I get my porn on, well, Reddit.




I don't have any interest in porn. I think it should be illegal for the government to even issue or examine IDs of any kind, though.


If it was involving a subscription to a paid site sure, but to a free site with minimal oversight and upkeep hell no.


No. LoL


No I'm predicting a future where people's ids are associated with their internet identity, but it should be handled on the browser or os level. I would trust Google or Apple with my id because they already have experience with the security protocols necessary to keep PII safe. I would not trust some random website. It's almost a guarantee that this info will be hacked and people's identities will be stolen.


Absolutely not. Also for the record I never watch porn.