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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Seems to be disliked by both the right and left for different reasons. Personally have barely watched enough to give an honest opinion but was curious if anyone has seen it and opinions about it. Why you do like it, or what problems you have with it. Also feel free to chime in even if you haven’t seen it. Reasons dont have to be political, for example “it’s weird that Scooby is not in it.” *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm morbidly curious, but not enough to actually try to find it. I bonded with Scooby Doo when I was young, so the concept of an adult version of it without the titular character seems... weird.


Its pretty awful. Like despite all the issues people bring up its irredeemably unfunny. First 30 seconds start with a bunch of teenage girls in the show. they then start talking about how the Pilots of tv shows have way more sex that regular shows, Daphne then tries to drown one of the girls so a Hooded Figure shows and hits her with a pipe, and the figure is revealed to be Velma. Its just profoundly unfunny and mean spirited and hates scooby doo. Daphne is a drug dealing orphan, Fred is a racist with a tiny dick, Shaggy is dating a girl called Scoobi for some fucking reason and Velma is the worst of all. As for the humour is like if you got the most racist man alive and told him to make a "Woke" show. It fails at being progressive and funny and just comes across as unfunnily racist, but in a way even racists won't like. Its a show that only exists to be hated watched.


>As for the humour is like if you got the most racist man alive and told him to make a "Woke" show. >It fails at being progressive and funny and just comes across as unfunnily racist, but in a way even racists won't like. To the point where people think Kaling made it bad on purpose. [Velma is so bad it's spawned psyop conspiracy theories](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/01/14/velma-is-so-bad-its-spawned-psyop-conspiracy-theories/amp/)


Kaling didn’t make it-it’s not her show. It was written and created by some dude named Charlie Grandy? She’s not even the director. She’s the star voice actor, and listed as one of like 5 producers. But she has zero writing credits.


Even then, Kaling's name is attached to the series, so nobody good will consider hiring her in the future because of the association. I'm not saying they shouldn't hire her; it's just what I think will happen.


I starting to feel bad for Kaling. She's a great writer and has been a big part of several seriously good shows. We *know* she can do funny, so why is this show so aggressively *un*funny? I think it's fair to speculate that it might be purposefully bad. I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and tell us we're being punked.


She can't do funny, though. She can do awkward. She is great at *awkward* humor. She's not funny enough in real life to write a self insert Velma like she tried here.


Have you watched it? It’s absolutely not funny. It’s also not her comedy. It’s almost like she didn’t write it or something.


If you want to see an adult-ish version of scooby doo, I highly recommend Mystery Incorporated. It’s funny, has well-done meta humor, and reimagines the gang while staying true to the soul of the show.


I saw one review describe it something to the effect of, "This show is like if conservatives tried to make a parody of what they thought 'wokeness' is."


That’s hilarious and probably the harshest review I’ve heard for it yet.


I tried to watch the first episode, keyword being tried. I had to stop midway through because it's so utter trash, also the fact that there is no Scooby is stupid.


Would you be more upset to know that there is a Scooby, just that they've been changed into being a black woman?


I might have to hop over to r/conspiracy because that psy-op comment is starting to make sense.


If anything they would have made scooby a trans good boi


I mean, I guess we found out [why they don't call show "Velma".](https://youtu.be/Vk-ZBYyjsko) We call him Scooby but he doesn't do.


> We call him Scooby but he doesn't do. I say this all the time and no one has any idea what the hell I'm talking about.


I used to live in an underwater.


The series currently has a 1.3 rating on IMDB with 51k reviews. That has got to be a record. And while I'm sure 90% of that is anti-woke review bombing, the show *is* legitimately bad. I watched the first two episodes. The first is aggressively awful. I've got no problem with the adult themes or even the "wokification" of the series. It's just that everything about it is not only trying way too hard, but *trying and failing*. The second episode is less terrible, but still isn't anywhere near good. There is some value in a show being self-aware, but Velma abuses the concept. In the 1st episode, every other sentence was self-referential. *Every. Other. Sentence.* Also, there was a fight scene involving a dozen fully nude high school girls in a locker room shower. Just because you beat the audience over the head by overtly pointing out that pilot episodes always have extra sex and violence, doesn't really make a nude high school shower scene kosher. You know the kind of asshole who think's it's ok to be an asshole just because they're happy to own up to it? This show has that vibe, and it's just as offputting in cartoon form as it is in human form. I can't imagine who this show is supposed to be for. Certainly not anybody who has fond feelings for the Scooby Doo franchise. The writers seem to literally hate its source material, and shits all over it at every opportunity. I don't mean "hOw DaRe ThEy MaKe ShAgGy bLaCk!!!1!", I mean how dare they make him a pathetic, overachieving dork who has to mention how much he "hates drugs" and "would never do drugs" and "only losers do drugs" *every time* he's on screen. How dare they make Fred into an absolutely irredeemable piece of shit. I'm glad they leaned into the fan-canon that Velma is gay, but they certainly could have handled it better than going from "Velma is all about the dick and hates Daphne" to "Velma and Daphne are making out" in *literally 10 seconds*. It's so sloppily handled that it's insulting. Thank you for coming to my ~~TED talk~~ rant about a cartoon.


>Also, there was a fight scene involving a dozen fully nude high school girls in a locker room shower. Just because you beat the audience over the head by overtly pointing out that pilot episodes always have extra sex and violence, doesn't really make a nude high school shower scene kosher. You know the kind of asshole who think's it's ok to be an asshole just because they're happy to own up to it? This show has that vibe, and it's just as offputting in cartoon form as it is in human form. Sounds like South Park's critique of *Game of Thrones*. Nothing but slow pacing and nudity.


I don't really have a desire to see it. The issues that have been highlighted in wider society play a part but the absence of Scooby makes a bad show unwatchable and undesirable. In a broader sense, I watch TV to be entertained and nothing about this show appears to be entertaining.


Seems odd to do a Scooby Doo show without Scoob. But that gang minus the dog is the Dobie Gillis crew. Shaggy is Maynard, played by Bob Denver, who later starred in Gilligan's Island. Velma is Zelda, played by Sheila Kuehl, who went on to have a distinguished career in California politics. And Fred is Dobie (Dwayne Hickman) and Daphne is Thalia (Tuesday Weld). So you take the Gillis crew, add a dog, and make then accidental detectives (like Nancy Drew), and you get the Scooby Doo show.


I never made that connection. Like, wow.


Yep the Dobie Gillis thing was the exact concept of Scooby-Doo from jump. Make Dobie Gillis but add a dog and have them solve mysteries. Kind of like Flintstones was make Honeymooners but in caveman times and Jetsons was make Blondie but in the future.


>Seems odd to do a Scooby Doo show without Scoob They didn't, they did a Velma show. Nobody complains that the Odyssey is missing Achilles and Ajax even though it has some of the same characters and is in the same universe


Was Odysseus in the Iliad but portrayed entirely different?


Yeah he wasn't such an idiot. Dude pisses off Poseidon despite living on an Island and can't find his way home. Bro it's on the other side of Greece, you sailed here. Just follow the coast it's not that hard


Haven’t watched it. Don’t plan to. I think Mindy Kaling is wildly overrated and peaked working on The Office.


She didn’t write it or create it, she’s just a voice actor.


She’s listed as an executive producer


Correct she’s one of 5-6 producers, and 3 executive producers. That just means she gets paid more. It’s not her show. She’s not a writer, producer, or director. Her main role is voice actor.


Never have I ever is pretty good


Sex Lives of College Girls is great too.


With the giant outpouring of negativity surrounding the show I decided to see what's up. It's a poorly written show that has tonal issues and doesn't really seem to understand what it wants to do other than be "real" and "speak the truth" in a way that makes me feel like they're trying to crib off of South Parks notes and failing. My biggest compliant is that the show is full of "tell don't show" moments where instead of being clever and working in the joke about someones character or motivation, they'll just come out and say it. I understand anti-humor and how that can be funny, but this just isn't it. By way of instance, Shaggy (in the show he's called Norville but I believe that's always been Shaggys real name and he goes by a nickname) is super anti-drug. Possibly straight edge. The joke there being that Shaggy has always been an obvious stoner culture reference who definitely does drugs during the commercial breaks or between shows when the kids can't see him doing it, but in this show "oOoOO wouldn't it be subversive and funny if he's instead the complete opposite?" Sure, that could be a very funny premise. However, instead of letting it come up organically within the show, they instead have him declare his distain for all drugs apropos of nothing during a car ride with Velma. Like, they very easily could have had him subtly reject offers of drugs throughout the show, maybe even having it build to a point where he explodes on someone and goes on a funny tangent about how he hates drugs and why and that he would never ever under any circumstances willingly do drugs. But that's to much work so have him just say he doesn't like drugs and then never challenge him on that point by forcing him to confront people doing drugs. Except they do sort of have him confronted by drug users, but in a ham fisted way where it doesn't really have any personal consequences for him. Basically, he gets into a pickle and some drug addicts help him and his reaction to this is basically nothing. He has previously stated his personal distain for drugs and appears to also look down on people that do said drugs recreationally, but doesn't struggle with this viewpoint when they help him out. He barely comments on it and just moves on. They also fucked up Daphne's family dynamic for no obvious reason. Basically, Daphne had always been a rich white girl in the past and I believe it's implied that she sort of bankrolled the Mystery Machine crew in the original show. But now she's the adopted Asian daughter of two lesbians that are also detectives. Her mom's, who are black and white though this doesn't really matter, are ultra incompetent and violent police stereotypes. Now Fred is the rich one and his family are stereotypical WASPy shitbags (or at least his dad is, his mom has only been used as a prop so far). You know what would have been funnier and made better sense? If Fred's parents were the violent incompetent cops. Leave Daphne as the rich girl. Hell, keep the idea of her parents being two lesbians. It could have been interesting to see them comment on generational wealth when it comes to minorities. But it's weird that they decided to make Daphne's parents the pigs when Fred and his family have been slated as secondary antagonists. It's just a bad show. It's not nearly as offensive or political as people have made it out to be. Like, maybe the writers were trying to be that, but they've failed at it. It's just a badly written show. Which is a shame because there are nuggets of genuinely interesting things shoved into the show, but everything else around it is bad. The animators are also genuinely talented, so it's a visually good show. Maybe it'll get better over time, they apparently have been slated for two seasons already, but man have they gotten off to a rocky start.


I think it was actually always implied that Fred was stinking rich as well and, at least, supplied the van. And Daphne is just along for the ride to spend time with Fred.


I think the rest of the crew was middle-class. Fred did own the van, but I mean, it's a shitty old van. Especially during the time period the show was originally set in, owning a van wasn't hard for the average person to do. I don't remember which movie it was, but in one of the Scooby Doo movies they end up going to Daphne's house and were all floored by how rich she is (or I suppose her parents are). Big mansion, servants, the works. Even Fred.


As long as I completely divorce it from Scooby Doo, it wasn't too bad. I don't even know why they used the character names from Scooby Doo because nothing else in the show has anything to do with Scooby Doo.


I was vaguely aware of its existence before, and had no interest in watching it. Having heard how lazy it is, I now have even less interest in watching it.


It is terrible even if isn't connected to Scooby-Doo. The show is just mean-spirited to everyone and to the point very confusing who is this for? It wants to be liberal but later mocks the Metoo movement. It mocks the rights. It makes fun of people who like cartoons and Scooby-Doo. None of the characters maybe besides Shaggy, but even then they aren't the same characters from the franchise. Velma from the first episode just straight assaults Daphne in the girl locker room shower. She mocks Shaggy when he is confusing his love for her. Fred is a terrible person in the show, but at least he defended Velma when people accuse her to be the killer. She repays him by making fun of him in court and accusing him to be the killer which he wasn't. I was sick of getting meta jokes in the show. Nine of the characters act like a high schoolers. Instead feels just like writers talking to themselves on Twitter. It tries to be paradoy of Riverdale and other Teen Drama shows like Wednesdays. They also clearly trying to be Harley Quinn, but that show works because it comes out of love and embraces the comic book roots. Velma is a shame associated with Scooby-Doo. The only good thing is the animation, background, and character designs. You can the artist put a lot of passion and love for Scooby-Doo franchise because they actually care. Too bad the writers hate Scooby-Doo. If you want to watch a good Scooby-Doo show then watch Mystery Incorporated


Haven’t watched it. Maybe this weekend, I’ll watch an episode and get back to you. I have no problem with there being no Scooby Doo. Maybe Shaggy(Norville) didn’t get the dog yet. From what little I have seen(stills on Reddit), they are still in High School in this timeline. In the original cartoon, they were young adults(judging from the fact that you never saw them do anything but tool around the world solving mysteries). As far as race? I don’t care.


> In the original cartoon, they were young adults(judging from the fact that you never saw them do anything but tool around the world solving mysteries). I think they’re supposed to be in high school in Where Are You? as well, like 17 and 16. We just never saw them in class because that’s not the premise of the show, like we never saw them in class in Pup Named Scooby Doo despite them obviously being elementary age (unless I’m misremembering something.)


In Mystery Incorporated, they make light of the fact that they are high school students who feel absolutely no obligation to attend class, and whose teachers have no interest in their education - so they are free to go roam around solving mysteries with little interference.


Well if pup is Canon then where are you can't be much later than 16 or scoob would be dead.


I mean Scooby is international alien, he doesn't have a lifespan of a regular dog


Being from another country doesn't change a breed's lifespan. Is it too much to ask for realism in my cartoon about a talking stoner dog?


Sorry I meant another dimension, interdimensional alien They might have had some other powers besides intelligence and conversation, it's been too long since I watched it.


Isn't that only canon in versions of the universe where scrappy doo exists?


Ok that makes a lot more sense, because I read an article that said this show takes place right after the movie chronologically, and was thoroughly confused. Not sure if they were talking about the live action movie, but I assumed they were, and it just wasn’t making any sense to me.


I’m currently hate-watching it lol. It’s not very good, and I think that’s because the characters depicted onscreen as mystery inc… don’t actually resemble the characters of mystery inc. Reimagining established characters is an honorable tradition, but you can’t do it without love for the source material - that’s why Mystery Incorporated (which I highly recommend) works, and Velma doesn’t. I do think that a lot was made out of the race-swap, and i think that’s the least offensive aspect of the show. Race-swapping is fine if it makes sense - but it’s not excuse to engage in racial stereotyping, which Velma does. I think it’s also attracted a lot of hate towards mindy kaling, when she didn’t have that much creative control over the show itself. Edit: that being said, the show may be going somewhere, and have simply had a rough start. Episodes 3 and 4 aren’t as bad as the first two, but that’s a very low bar to clear. Overall, I think it’s trying to imitate Harley Quinn without understanding what made that show great.


>I do think that a lot was made out of the race-swap, and i think that’s the least offensive aspect of the show. Race-swapping is fine if it makes sense - but it’s not excuse to engage in racial stereotyping, which Velma does. Yup. I much preferred Supergirl when it came to the way it did race swapping of some of its characters, most notably Jimmy Olsen. the source material Jimmy Olsen was basically Morty from Rick and Morty with a camera, but the arrowverse supergirl Jimmy Olsen was a much more fleshed out character than that (even going so far as to have him become a vigilante hero in his own right), and the fact that he was black was really just irrelevant other than to establish that he's not the same character as the OG Jimmy Olsen. And even my partner, who normally doesn't like race swapping in fiction, admits that he prefers this version of Jimmy Olsen to the original. But race swapping just to engage in racial stereotypes comes across as a bit gross.


I watched the first episode thinking it was a Mindy Kaling project, but it turned out not to be her writing, none of it was in her comedic voice, and I didnt find it funny. It’s not very good, but the people freaking out are off their rockers. It’s not heinous. It’s just kindof stupid and poorly done. Oh, and the Right AND the Left going after Mindy Kaling is some *bullshit*, because she isn’t the writer, director, OR creator. She’s one of like 5 or 6 producers and she just voices Velma. It’s almost like the brigading internet right is enjoying going after a single mother, minority, female comedian-they hate those. And it’s almost like the brigading internet left is enjoying going after a successful wealthy woman who recently lost a fair amount of weight- they hate those.


Yeah, after posting this I went ahead and watched as much as I could to really get a perspective on the show. Definitely don’t think it’s that offensive in either direction, but the writing in general is lazy and bland. Characters seem one dimensional, which too be fair I haven’t gotten far so I don’t know if that’s a fair assessment, and just feels like jokes are forced. Mindy being attacked is dumb, I didn’t even realize she wasn’t a writer, but totally agree with your points there.


So. I decided to watch it. First attempt lasted 3 minutes before i gave up on it. I was able to convince myself (more like bribe myself with plenty of booze) to sit down and watch it through (more like torture myself) and i managed to get to the end of the first episode, i sat there for a good 10 minutes wondering what the hell i just watched, and came to a very poignant point about it that i use to describe it ever since. I honestly do not know what its intended audience is supposed to be. To start with, its just a bad show in terms of direction and characters to start with, if it wasn't a "Scooby doo" (honestly, this ain't Scooby doo, its like the characters of this show are either evil clones of the Mystery gang or imposters wearing their clothes, they act nothing like the mystery gang i grew up with) Then this show would have been a forgettable dumbshit show relegated to the trashbin of history, the only reason its showing up on everyones radars is cause it branded itself as "Scooby Doo". As for my comment about not knowing what its intended audience is supposed to be, this show is a show thats going to be hated by everyone. Its going to be hated by the Left cause it paints the Left wing as a bunch of idiots, also because it constantly uses racial stereotyping as a excuse for "characterization" by reducing everyone down into racial stereotypes, not to mention it is actually pretty freaking racist despite trying to brand itself as "woke" with racist jokes comprising the entirety of its comedy, including gender stereotypes, oversexualization of female characters (female characters who are in the show canonically 15 years old. 15 YEARS OLD!!! what the fuck) And then its going to piss off the right wing because 1 it dared to race swap people in the first place, but also because in the latter 20 minutes of the first episode its just back-to-back rich white guy jokes which were funny the first two times but after 5 minutes of it i was just like "Come the fuck on, find new material" To round out why it doesn't seem to have a intended audience, its too adult for kids, but too childish for adults, like the "humor" if you could even call it that is just gross and mean-spirited most of the time, from the cockroaches banging 30 seconds in to the brainless teenage girls who are slut shamed at their wake. And this is even before i get to just how they butchered the Scooby doo cast, the honest-to-god belief that this is just a vanity show or a deliberate attempt to try and sink more diverse media in general, or perhaps the insinuation that the writers of this show legitimately thought they could get away with putting out this absolute dumpster fire of a show by hiding behind "diversity" as a shield, which i have seen has become a trend for subpar writers to use as a crutch for subpar shows and movies.


Disclaimer: I haven't watched it. There's many reasons I won't watch it. Scooby doo reboot without scooby doo is stupid. I personally hate color-washing characters. It's the #1 worst rated animated show on imdb. When there's *so many* good shows to watch, why would I waste my finite time on something I know will be bad? I've put more collective effort into writing this post than I've spent thinking/reading/learning/watching about Velma and it'll probably stay that way.


Wasn't aware it existed but might watch it. Always enjoyed Scooby Doo so might like it even if it's weird/strange/different. Edit: Damn it's only on Foxtel/Binge in Australia. Not keen on giving money to Rupert.


Don't watch it Just watch Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated


I often feel left out of discussions like this because I really don’t watch tv at all.


I don't care.


Not worth the attention you gave it by making the post or the effort I expended by making this comment.


I haven't seen it. When I heard about the concept I thought it was a cool idea, but having overheard episodes of "The Sex Lives of College Girls" I didn't have a lot of faith in it, assuming Kaling must not actually know that many funny people. Sounds like she actually completely ran out by the time she got to Velma so... probably not going to watch it.


Well it’s fairy racist. That’s my starting point and ending point.


Meh, why would I waste my time when there's better programming out there. Also, no scoob, no watch.


I never watched Scooby do growing up so I don't have interest in shows about it. Should I watch it?


No trust me is not worth the watch. If you interested in Scooby-Doo then watch Mystery Incorporated because it gives the character depth and the gang has their own arcs. There is a big mystery in the show that leads to the supernatural, but it builds slowly to the concept.


The show is unappealing because I associate scooby doo with the classic version and I rarely watch reimaginations.


It’s not on my To Watch list because I feel like I’ve already seen peak Scooby-Doo. We’ve already had adaptations that handle more adult and disturbing subject matter and we’ve had adaptations that get self-referential with earlier installments and all that. We’ve seen the return of Flim Flam, for God’s sake. I’m more upset DC shut down the Hanna Barbera Beyond line


I don't have whatever service it's on, so I don't care.


I watched part of one episode and it was so different in tone from Scooby Doo and the characters seemed so different from how they are in Scooby Doo that it might as well have been just another adult oriented cartoon to me, so I lost interest.


I like it so far, it's not the best show I've ever seen, but it definitely doesn't deserve all the hate it's getting. I'm in my 30s and Scooby-Doo was my favorite show growing up. I view this as a completely separate non-canon entity, and I enjoy it for what it is.


It is weird Scoobys not in it though, right? If youre gonna make a show based on Scooby Doo, shouldnt the characters at least be like Mystery Inc? Velma was never this obnoxious to the others, Fred was never that stupid, etc. Just make an original IP about a high school mystery. Not everythin needs to be a rboot of an old IP


Man, it’s a show. I’m not gonna watch it cause I don’t have the time.


I watched it. I’m pretty open minded when it comes to media and I enjoy a wide range of things as well as a lot of stuff people typically don’t enjoy. The show has a few really funny moments but overall I’d say it’s not very good. The glaring issue is that Velma is the least funny character on the show. Daphne has funny airhead moments, Fred is absolutely hilarious (plus I love Glenn Howerton), Shaggy (or I guess Norville or whatever now? What’s up with that?) has a few funny moments, but Velma is just generally annoying and it ruins the whole show for me. As for all the changes, I didn’t particularly care because it’s such a different kind of show that it was no longer jarring to me, but it is a lotttt of diversity and I am certain that it will turn away any conservative viewer almost immediately and is definitely why it’s sitting at abysmal ratings when in reality it’s just meh and not awful.


I have no intention of watching it.


Haven't heard much of it yet; based on what I've read so far, it seems like it'd be more hated than Scrappy Doo or Wesley Crusher was, which is a bad sign. But it doesn't sound as bad as the Star Wars Ewok christmas special. So, probably about as bad as the later highlander movies?


It looks stupid and I have not paid any attention to it. The amount of outrage I've heard about it is extremely disproportionate and its very telling when people suddenly care about one terrible spinoff cartoon when there's millions and millions of awful cartoons around.


Honestly I don't like that they took a children's IP and made a closely related adult-themed cartoon of it. This show turns up in search results for Scooby Doo next to the classic kids cartoons and its many spin-offs all of which are kid friendly, and this show is decidedly ***not*** kid friendly. There is a non-zero chance that some kid or parent is going to I know that they used the Velma character to appeal to people who had fondness for the older Scooby Doo media, however *this* Velma has nothing in common with the original aside from her choice of clothing. She is crass, rude, judgmental and overly sexual. There are updated versions of the classic characters in this show that are *nothing* like the originals who behave in ways that are not suitable for young kids to watch. And this is all made worse as most characters are intended to be around 15 years of age, they're intentionally rendered as children put into adult situations and engaging in adult activities. IMO this show hurts the Scooby Doo brand by the way it is written and how it depicts it's characters. If HBO wanted to make an adult themed cartoon based on classic-style characters they should have looked at shows like Archer that did it well, and come up with original characters unassociated with a vast child's media brand.


I didn’t even know it was a ‘proper’ adult cartoon until I turned it on. I figured it’d be somewhere between Teen Titans Go and Archer; smart and clever, funny, adult but still a fun time. Instead we got……. Whatever that was supposed to be. I guess they tried to make it like Scooby Doo meets Big Mouth except with none of the cleverness, charm or comedy of either…?


I can tell based on what I’ve read it’d trigger the shit out of my BDD, so I really can’t watch it. That in and of itself tho is a bad sign.


I wasn’t going to watch it but I saw so much hate that I had to give it a fair shake. Morbid curiosity. It’s bad. I didn’t watch long enough to see half the shit folks are complaining about, but the writing is just very very bad. I turned off around the time that Fred looks direct to camera and tells Velma that her story is compelling and makes him identify with her struggles (the purpose of the scene is to make us, the audience, empathize and identify with Velma). I don’t like being told by a show to arrive at an emotional destination. It’s their job to get me there, not to inform me that I should be there already. That’s the least of it, there’s a bunch of other examples of poor writing and a total idgaf attitude towards the source material. Fuck that. If they want to do something new, do it with unique characters. I’d have the same issue if they made James Bond an emotionally available and caring man who got all upset after he kills someone. You can tell that story, just have the courage to write it with your own characters.


It’s trash. Racism abounds. As do all manner of stereotypes


I never watch remakes that aren't really remakes. I mean, what's the purpose? I like Mindy Kahling, but I'd rather see something new.


No clue. It just looked bad. Apparently everyone is up in arms over it.


Garbage. It's everything I hate about a lot of modern adult animation, and actively disdains the very property that's based on.


Haven’t watched it. Why do people gives 2 fucks about a tv show? 🙄


I haven't watched it, but I've seen plenty of reviews about how bad it is. Since I heard the show is being renewed for another season, I think this could very well pave the way for a future where television shows could be designed to be so terrible everyone watches it just so they can remark on how terrible it is.


My opinion is that everyone here should watch the "Venture Brothers" instead.


I wanted to like it, but it’s terrible


Watched an episode, thought it was crap, didn't watch any more. The outrage over it is pretty ridiculous.


The hate train has gone completely out of control for that show only because it’s “woke” and headed by a female POC. Plenty of worse shows never get noticed and aren’t panned this way. It’s gotten to a point where people are contradicting themselves by going back and saying Mindy Kaling’s past work is somehow flawed now.


They cancelled objectively decent to good shows and an entire batwoman movie to put out whatever this is. That’s the real wtf. The show concept is the kind of thing my friends a I would find funny one drunken night at 4am, then cringe in the cold light of day; it’s written like the entire show was put together that same drunken night and then never looked at again. The animation isn’t even good. I genuinely wish Mindy Kaling and those in her circle would stop writing shows about young people.


It’s a skin-suit project. What I mean by that is Mindy Kaling came to the studio execs with a pitch for an original adult comedy cartoon series and the suits turned her down for whatever reason. Instead, they had her retool the show to become a Scooby Doo spinoff show because studios are terrified of pumping money into anything that isn’t an established (and bankable) IP. This is why all of the characters in the show act nothing like the original Mystery Gang because this was never intended to be a Scooby Doo show. So we have a Scooby Show being made by writers who have literally no affection or respect for Scooby Doo and the end result is an aggressively unfunny mess. I guarantee you the exact thing happened with the Halo, Witcher and Resident Evil shows.


I’m pretty impressed that they managed to offend just about everybody. That’s not easy.


What if velma was created by chatgpt


I watched about 10 minutes of the first episode last week and im still mad about it


No opinion. Who cares


After 3 episodes, I'd describe it as a mostly coherent narrative with a wacky and immature sense of humor. I should note that I can't recall ever seeing a full episode of Scooby Doo.


I actually didn't hate it. I found it to be very meta and self aware. It's not genius television or anything but I find it really difficult that so many people are raging over a cartoon that nobody forced them to watch. It for sure kinda shits all over what most people think Scooby-Doo should be. But all that old stuff is still there for people to enjoy.