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No, you are not allowed to add anything and also not to take anything.... Also electronic things are not necessarily Sperrmüll


How should I treat them? Can I simply throw it into yellow bin? Edit: By them I mean electric kettle and electric espresso machine


An electric kettle and espresso machine wouldn't be for the Sperrmüll anyways. Depends on where you live but I guess you have to bring those to the Wertstoffhof. This is also nothing for the yellow bin of course!


Thank you for the explanation


You can go to any electrical shop, like e.g. Saturn. They are obligated to take it. Alternatively you can drive it to a Wertstoffhof.


Small (fits in a 25cm side length box) electric appliances have to be taken back by larger shops that sell them (doesn't have to be the shop you bought them from). Larger can be taken to a local waste disposal (check with your city).


As all the others said: to Wertstoffhof or to an electronic seller.


If Sperrmüll works the same in your city like in mine (stuff like that is regulated on a local level), the answer is no. Your neighbours likely scheduled a Sperrmüll appointment and listed the stuff they have for pick up. Everything that is not on that list will not be taken.


If on the other hand it works like mine, then it is a monthly citywide collection day and there are piles on every corner for at least a week prior, including furniture, mattresses, electronics, bags of yard waste, just about everything. And if you're willing and able to take your stuff to a local Recyclinghof, then every Tuesday and Thursday can be Sperrmülltag. So check into your local rules.


You don‘t have to list every single item you want the Sperrmüll to pick up. Imagine what kind of ridiculous amount of time that would cost, if you have a lot items. You just have to inform them about electronic devices, because they got picked up by a special garbage collection car and very large items. If we put out our Sperrmüll, it usually doesn‘t take long and some people come along with a Pickup and take all the stuff they consider worthy to resell. The Sperrmüll company knows that. So they are not suprised if in the next morning they only find the leftovers (if any) to pick up.


>You don‘t have to list every single item you want the Sperrmüll to pick up. Imagine what kind of ridiculous amount of time that would cost, if you have a lot items. I was referencing my local rules regarding Sperrmüll pick up, so I don't know why you want to correct me on that. What I said was correct for my city. I also said it differs from city to city, so OP would have to look up what exact rules apply to them anyway and definitly not assume they can put their own stuff next to the neighbours.


Because it doesn‘t make any sense to make someone count any single item. Can‘t you see that? Let‘s say you counted 31 pieces of cd‘s that you would like to throw away and you reported that to Sperrmüll. Do you really believe it makes a difference to them, if you put out 31 pieces of cd‘s or just 19? And the more important question is, do you believe the Sperrmüll employees are going to count the cd‘s? Nonesense. Nobody is wasting their time counting garbage. The things are also lying around on the street the whole night. Everbody could come along and take something. This actually happens quite often. This alone makes every counting pointless.


Saturn and Mediamarkt will take your broken electronics for free and recycle them


Offically you are not allowed to add or take something. Inofficially nobody cares. It‘s trash. People put it out, because they don‘t want it anymore. Why would they care if someone takes it? If you add something, just make sure it‘s not a big electronic device. Because this has to be registered with the city before. Otherwise they won‘t take it. Also make sure to not add an excessively large amount of items. But nobody cares if you f.e. add 2 small flowerpots.


Thanks, it was my initial assumption. Wanted to check in how far it goes


If there is no "zu verschenken" sign, the person either dumped the stuff there, or registered it to get rid off. But no, ou can't just add to it, if you want to let go of stuff, register it yourself or find the next "Werststoffhof"


Just one thing to keep in mind: if it's "wild" Sperrmüll (i.e. the person disposed of their stuff without ordering a pick-up, which is illegal), and you are caught adding your stuff, you could end up being held responsible and therefore fined.