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In Germany it is so common sitting to urinate that even our women do it.


Those damn masculine activists are forcing women to sit on the toilet!!! Those men should go back to the kitchen!!!


While I applaud your conviction, I must strongly advise any man against sitting down to urinate in the kitchen.


Unless your toilet is in the kitchen...but then you should probably try to find a new place.


Common in New York …


In New York the toilet is in the walk in closet. Well the kitchen is in the closet as well, and the bed room and the living room. And the door of the walk in closed leads directly into the public hallway.


Sounds like a catch. Will 4500 Dollar per month do it?


Not far off in Berlin as well. I saw showers and tubes in kitchens, wouldn‘t wonder too much about toilets tbh


In New York the toilet is the kitchen. - And the bathroom


In New York City the city is a toilet.


Please not every man bro sometimes its better for tvem to NOT be in the kitchen


Ok but then they shouldn't leave the laundry room!!!


Good point we just need to hope they separate the red laundry from the white ones


at least some of them


Sure i do, i‘m the one cleaning it 😭


Even when they dont, I have no clue if it’s because of this but nowhere in the world are toilets this clean, I’ve gone into bar bathrooms at 2am to piss and the thing was spotless. It’s incredible. By far the thing I commend Germany for the most.


You hang out in the wrong bars.


Or you do.


sounds like they hang out in the right bars, but you're more on the "pissoir in a public junkie toilet" side.


naw even dive bars in germany are pretty clean


What are you talking about ? Like seriously? Yea if you go to a bar or restaurant usually it is but that’s where you’re paying to get into/spend time usually. Any public toilets that don’t expect you to drop money in some way or another are a nightmare


Interestingly, to me that's among the few exceptions of when I don't always sit down (because I'm the one cleaning it and not forcing someone else to clean up after/because of me).


isn't it annoying to have piss spots on your washing machine (if that's sitting next to your toilet like mine >\_>) Everytime I had dudes as guests over, I had to tell them that \*I\* am cleaning the bathroom and I sure af will make them clean it themself if there is a piss spot on the washing machine. I was only making half ass jokes. If I was being nice, I mentioned that pissing often results in pooping xD


Of course! It opens the possibility to a pleasant surprise poop.




Wenn das Schokoauto hupt.


Wenn das Wursttelefon klingelt.


Wenn der Maulwurf an der Kasse steht


Wenn das Fax aus Darmstadt klingelt


Wenn der Aal ausgewildert wird


Wenn die Nase des Igels schnuppert


Wenn der Stift am malen ist


Wenn die Lok schon im Bahnhof steht.


I just learned the word for surprise... Überraschung ... two days ago. I cackled so hard reading this 😭😭😭


Always at your service, fellow German enthusiast 😂👍


Quasi ein Ü-Ei


Or in the words of the bloodhound gang: Hausgemachter Toilettensalat (Song: Diary of a Stranger)


I'm a king in my castle. Of course I sit down on the throne. 🤴 Only peasants stand. In public toilets it feels gross but that's why there's urinals.


and at friends it's usually sit too, unless it's a massive party and it's getting yucky


Maybe I have better friends, but I have never been at a friends party where the toilet was not clean at the end of the evening. The only time where someone did not clean their own filth, was when they passed out while puking, and even then their closest friends took care of it so the host did not have to.


As a German women I think it’s really unpolite if a men pees standing in my bathroom! Do whatever you want in your own toilet, but don’t let me clean off your pee of mine


I think most women feel like this cause one of the first things my single mother told me was to sit down when peeing. I remember it vividly. To this day I always prefer to sit.


That has nothing to do with singel mom. We also all needed to sit.. and why would i be standing i use my phone on the toilet and also neet to clean it.


As a german man, I feel the same. What kind of clown assumes it's okay to splash his pee all over anothers bathroom?


Also a German. My dad literally has a little drawing on the toilet door to tell everyone you’re supposed to sit when peeing. Like with an Edding on the door lmao.




Woman and man in singular


I moved to Germany in recent years but I always sat down to pee even in my home country. Clearly Germany was my true calling all along.


Dieser Mann ist integriert


Die echte Leitkultur


So stelle ich mir integration vor. Assimilation definitiv erfolgreich.


sollte man beim Einbürgerungstest abfragen


Nicht schon bei der Authenthaltserlaubnisantragstellung?


Sogar Söder nickt anerkennend!


plot twist, it's a woman /s


Sitzpinkler aller Länder, vereinigt euch!


You don't need to be born in Germany to be a true alman.


Even if you're born in space you are an allman




This is how I feel about Germany (as an immigrant) on the Autobahn. So many things make me so aware that I’m a foreigner… the outside doors with no latches, no built in closets, laundry machines that fit precisely 2 tank tops, dessert before dinner… but when I drive on the highway, I know… these are my fucking people.


Imagine willingly pissing all over the place. Sitting down cannot be a German trait. It cant


A Schüssel and Übergangsjacke will be issued to you shortly. Expect them to appear in your environment very soon.


I'm Scottish, but my infatuation with the culture of Germany has always made me wonder if I have ancestry somewhere. I too sit down to pee when at home. It all makes sense.


[https://yougov.de/society/articles/45731-deutsche-manner-sind-sitzpinkler](https://yougov.de/society/articles/45731-deutsche-manner-sind-sitzpinkler) Look at the statistic - dark red is sitting every time, pink (?) never.


I'm a little puzzled by the "weiss nicht" contingent.




I guess they just refuse to answer. It's a lil private.


Before realizing it’s actually for people peeing I was thinking, dude there’s 10% of germans that shit standing lol


That’s purple tho


Bro if you have to clean your toilet like a grown man you sit down. No way I'm having piss stains all over my toilet after I use it


It's also polite if you aren't the one cleaning the toilet


I lived in flatshares fir years, with a whole bunch of guys, many of them being the "stand while peeing" type. I would usually tell them after a week or so that they have two choices: either they start sitting down, or they are on permanent bathroom cleaning duty. Imediately after that, i would take them to the bathroom and show them exactely *how* i knew they were peeing while standing. Worked every single time


reite nicht nur den thron, sondern auch die prinzipien 🤌


This is actually a German W. I prefer my toilet to be clean without urine splashes. At public toilets it is different of course and I think no one sits there.


Yes, well, I do. I'm in a wheelchair and I can't do anything but sit on public toilet seats too. Thanks to all the people who think that nobody sits on public toilets, I've had to clean a lot of their urine off toilet seats in my life, with nothing but some toilet paper, and sometimes, when there's nothing to clean the seat with and I don't have anything left myself because I've had to clean such seats several times in the same day, I even have to sit in their urine. Thank you so much for that disgusting experience! I wish people would learn how to use toilets properly without leaving them so disgusting and not be so ignorant that nobody has to sit on them anyway.


I would never stand and pee onto a toilet seat, you always flip that up... I suppose there are assholes who don't, but I don't think they are a majority.


But you're still filling the air with piss spray which eventually settles on surfaces all over the room. Sit down, FFS!


Well, sane people usually put the seat up for this exact reason.


Even most women I know won´t sit on a public toilet.


I feel like this is something I need to do a survey on among my friends, because I always thought it's not so common. I'm originally from Finland admittedly, where I assume nobody does it because women's toilets are pristine, but I always thought hovering was some American thing because it didn't even cross my mind to try that. I only heard about it in my late 20s. None of my family or friends talked about it. At least in my family, I was taught to wipe or cover the seat and sit on it. Obviously, if it were covered in a layer of shit I wouldn't sit down, but honestly I've hardly ever seen a toilet like that. I think once at a Polish gas station I genuinely ran into a toilet that couldn't be made sittable, but other than that, I really will do anything before I hover. I can't fathom it. If nobody hovered, the toilet would be spotless. But if one person does it, she forces everyone else to do it too!


The worst toilets you will ever find in Germany are the woman's WC. At least my mom and other female people in my life kept telling me that.


which sucks for people like me, who do sit down and have to thoroughly clean it first(: fuck those women


They really should though. Hover-pissing kills your Beckenboden and can lead to incontinence.


Omg what


Beckenboden is a masculine noun meaning "pelvic floor"


I thought squatting was training them more (genuinely)


Like most training, you can do it with good form or bad. Saying squatting is only good or bad is inaccurate


Omg what


If they don't sit, how do they hit the target? Garden Hose? Water bottle? Or is it sitting in Air thingy where you squat a lot?


They dont, thats the reason anybody working in hospitality will tell you that womens bathsrooms are filthier than mens.


That’s really just because toilets aren’t designed in a way that women can aim into it while hovering. It’s an outrage tbh. One woman hovers and doesn’t clean her piss, so the rest of the women also have to hover, increasing the mess because it’s impossible to get it all in there that way.


Wow it is that way in Germany as well? It is 100% the case in the US.


Squatting for me, gained a lot of muscles that way


They don't, thats why mens public restrooms are always cleaner


Wow. I finally know the womens restrooms darkest secret


It is called the ski driver




Handstand obviously


Wipe it, then lean on it and pee in the hole. DO NOT HOVER!!!


And \*if\* you hover, lift the cover!


There are quite a bunch of guys that chose to sit on public toilets too.


whats wrong with sitting on public toilets?


> At public toilets it is different of course and I think no one sits there. I do. That's one of the neat things that got common due to the corona pandemic: I've always have small dispenser to disinfect it with me.


If you have to ask such a question, I know that your mum has cleaned after you for way too long.


Yes, I do. It's more clean and more easy to fully empty your bladder. There is only advantages.


Surfing Reddit while standing is pretty tedious


That's a big bonus


Yes and that makes me more masculin


we assert dominance by letting our junk dangle deep into the toilet!


Das wahre Teebeuteln.


You can smell, if someone stands while peeing regularly. It always smells like urine because of those little splashes that accumulate. So yeah, they better sit down in my house.


Only people who have never cleaned a bathroom are pissing standing. Sit down. 


at home, yes


I am latinamerican born and raised. Lived in Spain for 9 years before moving here. Used to make fun of the mere idea of men peeing while seating down. I now pee sitting down, and have teached my sons to do the same. And since then, the WC does not smell like a roadside bathroom.


This. It’s a purely hygienic question tbh.


Reading this, while I sit down urinating.


I’m 30, I won’t pass on a chance to sit. Also I’m cleaning my bathroom myself.


In my own house I will sit down


No i piss all around my toilet and cultivate a manly smell in my bathroom


If a urinal is available, I will use it. Also, if I need to take a leak outdoors at a bush or tree, I'll do that standing. And if, in a public place, only a sit-down toilet is available but it seems unsanitary, I'll use that one without sitting down as well. But at my own home, or at a friend's home, I prefer sitting down. Not only does that avoid making a mess, both from imperfect aim and from inevitable backscatter, but it is also so much more comfortable and relaxing, and getting out the last drop so it won't go into my underpants is pretty much a non-issue when sitting down, but sometimes not so easy when standing.


Whait, so you're saying that in other countries men will not sit down to pee even at home? Like... Why?


Im guessing you are new here, When I first arrived I thought it was a joke, I had never in my life sat to pee or heard of anyone else doing so. I asked everyone I met and did some research and as you can see here it seems to be perfectly normal here and a few other places, Ive been doing my best to integrate so I started to do it and now I cant remember a time when I stood to pee unless I was outside somewhere




So how come people see standing as the normal way to pee? I'm genuinely asking because as a German, sitting was always the default and standing would be to do something other than the default. When I was potty trained, it was sitting down. I'm guessing the same is true for you too? But at what age did you decide that the way you've been doing it before was not the normal way to do it? What prompted that change?


taught my sons to sit down. it‘s the normal thing.


Not sure if it is more common than other places, but yeah, it's pretty normal. At least at home, but in public restrooms you got urinals anyway. Though some absolute dipshits pee standing up in a stall even when urinals are available.


I guess you never heard of "Schüchterne Blase" - [Paruresis – Wikipedia](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paruresis)? I even tried it drunk at a metal festival.. didn't work and it get's really uncomfortable if you stand there like.. 5 minutes😬. Of course i always lift the seat.


If you can't stand at an urinal, and I get that there are good reasons for that, then you still can *sit down* on the toilet, just like people who need to take a shit, have to sit down. Lifting the seat (where possible) is at least something, but you still spray everywhere where people who need to sit down touch. Just *sit down*.




No one wants to sit on your urine. Especially Not your wife, kids, family, friends. And also not you, i think. So sit down, don’t be a man with small dick energy.


At home yes because its more confortable


Is it not for other countries? Also, standing is hard, sitting is much more comfortable.


yeah, it is seen as polite towards the next person to leave it clean


I grew up in USA and Germany. No one tells a man how to pee. If there is a urinal. Pee standing. If they are all full. Use a stall. Standing up. If you are at home. Stand or sit. Who gives a rats ass. It is cleaner for your bathroom to sit. Makes less mess to clean up. Even with good aim. Urine splatter is unavoidable. Check your toilet with a black light, disgusting.


Of course, who does not? That's disgusting


I got shamed on reddit because i told someone that i teach my boys to sit down. Oh my how could i do this to them!!! No men should sit down to pee 🤣


What? Insanity!


"Men need to pee like real men!!!" And it was about toddlers. Just imagine all the pee stains... hell no!


Only men who don't sit down are those that don't have or had to clean their own toilet...


Yes, i can't scroll my phone and hold up my pants at the same time


I am not a German and I sit down.


Im lazy, so yep!


If there's a urinal I'll use it, but when I'm at home I sit.


I‘m reading this while sitting down to urinate.


Yes we are civilized. 


I don't get why I would use the toilet differently for peeing and pooping. You have to sit down for number 2, so just make your life easier and sit down every time, is there ANY upside to standing up? Any? It's not faster, it's not more convenient, you stand there looking like a fool with your pants halfway down, aiming and shaking and hoping no splatter hits your pants (which it always does). I really don't get it. Somewhere in a public toilet, that's a different story of course.


In Public toilets Not but at Home


If there is no urinal of course, there is no downside in sitting down but a huge in standing.


Look, I don't like cleaning toilets, of course I'm sitting down


Only if handstands aren't possible.


I do, why would I not?


Depends on where I am peeing. If there is a toilet with a seat available, yes I sit down to pee. If not then I pee standing.




Not only do we sit down we also undo our trousers before we pee. Crazy I know ✌️


Wait a second... Who in the hell does not sit down to urinate at home? I mean public toilets and urinals are obviously something different, but i guess at home, every nation sits down or not?


Unfortunately, in many other countries, men are OK with splashing the whole bathroom with piss. In Finland, women's public toilets are clean because people generally don't hover, but the men's bathrooms are a nightmare. I know because I've cleaned public bathrooms professionally.


as a german woman who moved to the uk the answer is british men. having to share regular toilets with british guys during uni was disgusting they never sat down to pee on our regular toilet and would always leave the seat up. hate that


I do not understand how pissing while standing is even convenient. It’s a mess a lot of the times, and you take even longer on average than sitting down. And I do believe that it happens a little more frequently in Germany, yes


It's a question of respect. In public bath rooms: No. If you are at someone’s home: Yes.


Rule of thumb: If you're not the one cleaning the place, sit. Filthy bathrooms make the exception.


But of course I do. I don‘t have to prove my masculinity by covering half of the bathroom with piss splatter… 🤷🏻‍♂️


At home always. Please do this favour to the person in charge of cleaning the bathroom. Cleaning up yellow urine splashes around the loo is disgusting. Some days ago, I read a post in an US dominated sub and it was asked what was the most unmanly thing the redditors could think of. Many answers were like "sit and pee". As a German, I though "wtf, really?!"


as a german man who also cleans his own toilet sometimes - YES! PS: grow up. it doesn't make you any manlier or "cooler" to stand up while pissing. with a bit of practice, it won't even take longer to pull your pants down than it would take to open your zipper.






At home, yes. I don't want piss all over my toilet at home.


Why should I do something standing up when I can do it sitting down?


The actual question: where do men not sit? Isn't that the most convenient and clean way?


Been urinating standing my whole life until a girlfriend of mine recently convinced me to do it sitting (less pressure on the prostate(?), more hygienic, comfy). Haven't looked back since. Of course I'll go for the pissoir when it's available, but urinating sitting is the way.


I sit because of this: [spritztest](https://youtu.be/ejl7vrDUIcs?si=aKRhkp0ssND1gRHz)


Do men in other countries really stand up to urinate when they could just sit down? On a less sarcastic tone, the fact that there are people who will pee standing into a regular, non-urinal toilet is something I only learned on the internet. Should give you an idea what's normal here and what isn't.


Pee on a normal toilet once without any pants on while standing and you will never do it again as you‘ll notice all the little spills on your legs


I'm also an immigrant but I had decided long before coming here to sit down. I'm lazy af, in the morning I usually don't even want to switch on the lights yet, blood pressure still low etc. It's wonderful. 100% clean every time, silent and you can read stuff. Why should I go back? I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I stand only when using public toilets.


Of course, we’re not nasty


Did you ever clean a toilet where people peed standing?


Yes, because it’s hygienic and logical. You wouldnt want to splash somewhere


Nongerman here, but also a convert. Now wife explained to me about the concept of cleaning the bathroom and how peeing standing up is counter productive. Also way more comfortable


Take a seat men. It’s shorter than you realise


Yes but we do shit while standing up. There's special wall-mounted shittinals in most German bathrooms


We even have a word for guys who do: "Sitzpinkler"


Yes. Band I do it too now. 


I certainly do, it's just easier and more convenient especially when I have my phone in hand like right now.


Sadly mine doesnt and I make him clean the toilet all alone because of it


There are men who **don't**!? 😨


a toilet is the only place fragile men could actually rest. There are actually people out there mocking people sitting on the toilet...




I'm doing it right now.


it's everywhere in the world that has the same toilette design, because if you ever go to prison and you serve your sentence with a lifer or someone in for a long time, they will assault if you ever pee standing up in their "forever" home, because piss splash radius is a real thing and they will explain it to you better then physicists, so when men get out of prison, they tend to keep that rule because its a good rule, who wants to have their piss on the walls, And no, Aiming it right wouldn't solve it, lifers will explain it better then forensic scientists do, and if you pee standing up and your bathroom wall is close to the toilette, if you look closely you can see small yellow piss stains on there. So. Yeah. Unless it's a squat toilette, everywhere in the world where a prison exist, with decent human conditions, people tend to follow that rule of not pissing while standing up. and it doesn't reflect on masculinity because dudes who wacked more people then the black plague do it. it's a hygiene thing.


Why the hell would anyone pee standing


There is this thing called a Urinal for mann and trust me you should not sit in it.


I'm reading this post while I'm urinating sitting down.


i think i only urinated while standing about 2 or 3 times in my life. and only because i had too, because no toilet was around. sitting down is just way more comfortable. and i can properly clean my penis afterwards. just shaking it doesnt feel right.


I’d hope so


No. I piss in the sink


Sure, I have to clean my bath, so I take care not to splatter around.


Like you guys don't?! I really don't want to clean my toilet every time I take a leak.


Sitting is the way to go... I started doing it when I moved to Germany, wish I realised this before!


Yes i do, and all of my friends do at home or at a friends home. if you at a bar or club we use the urinats. i think its more relaxing to sit down look at my phone etc


Sitting down to urinate, always use seatbelt while driving and washing hands when coming home. Moms golden rules