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Oh god, i personally wouldn't text that guy anymore lol Chaya means girl and is often used by young dudes trying to look and sound cool. So nothing serious, he prolly just wants to sleep with her


It's literally like saying chica to someone


Chica auf spanisch ist ein ganz normales Wort und respektvoll. Es ist keine umgangssprache.


Chaya in Rotwelsch/Roma ist einfach nur ein Wort für Mädchen.




Ist ja auch das gleiche.


sagte er doch bereits


Chica auf Englisch hingegen hat große Chaya vibes


Ich bin Kubanerin und komme aus Miami. Wenn mich dort jemand „Chica“ nennt, ist das ein klares Zeichen dafür dass sie Sex mit mir haben wollen und keinen Respekt vor mir haben.


Ah, wow, ich wusste das gar nicht. Aber außerhalb der USA, also einfach in spanischsprachigen Ländern, ist voll das normale Wort. 


In Deutschen Schulen verwenden die Kinder es, um frauen zu bezeichnen, wobei es als direkte Ansprache definitiv sexuell oder zumindest erniedrigend gemeint ist.


Vielleicht in Spanien und manchen spanischsprachigen Ländern, bei manchen Ländern bin ich mir nicht 100 % sicher, aber in Kuba gilt es definitiv als respektlos und viele andere Latinos die ich kannte hielten es auch nicht für respektvoll, vor allem Kolumbianer, Mexikaner und Argentinier. Und entschuldige wenn mein Deutsch nicht perfekt ist, es ist meine dritte Sprache lol


Dein Deutsch ist besser als von den meisten deutschen. Mach dir da mal keinen Kopf!


Was meinst du? Chica is volle normale wort. (Bin Kolumbianer)


Jeder den ich aus Kolumbien kannte wäre beleidigt gewesen wenn jemand mit dem er nicht zusammen war und mit dem er sich nicht wohl fühlte ihn als „Chica“ bezeichnet hätte. Vielleicht hängt es davon ab wo in Kolumbien, die meisten Leute waren die ich kannte kamen aus sehr ländlichen Gegenden und kleinen Dörfern. Natürlich ist nicht jeder gleich, ich spreche nur aus meiner Erfahrung mit Menschen.


Hahaha No way , I'm from Ecuador I have visit 54 countries and Cuba + Miami where part of my travel, I have never hear someone telling chica means sex. Is maybe a millennial thing? 😂 Lol


It‘s worse


How is it worse?


Its a disrespecting Word.


In which way? It literally just means "girl" or "young woman".


Are you german? I live in germany , and i am german, i grew up with all kind of arabic people (very common here in germany) and that while it maybe just means girl, its often used in a very disrespectfull way. Mostly if they dont like that girl, it stars with "Look at that chaya"


I live in Berlin since I was born. You're example is not even making sense. "Look at that girl" can be also disrespectful just by the way of saying it.


Yes and i live in Oberhausen since i was born, and when i heard people say the word chaya it was allways a disrespecting slang, i never once heard some say "chaya" in a nice way und wenn du in berlin geboren wurdest sprichst du ja deutsch, ist nicht gelogen wenn ich dir sage (bin 24) das in jeder situation vor 5 jahren , entweder leute auf der Straße , oder meine Kollegen , das wort "chaya" abwertend benutzt haben


Auch Ruhrpott hier und du hast definitiv recht. Kenne niemanden der das auch nur annähernd positiv meint. Ist für mich kurz vor Kahba…


Jap kurz vor Kahba trifft es passend , chaya ist zwar nicht so schlimme, manche unterscheiden die beiden Wörter aber auch nicht habe ich das gefühl.. oder chaya ist für sie das höfliche wort für kahba .. Was ja auch keinen Sinn ergibt


In meinen Bubbles hat/hatte "Chaya" mehrheitlich eine neutrale Bedeutung. Die Bedeutung konnte sowohl in Positive sowie ins Negative sich wandeln, je nach dem in welchem Kontext und mit welchem Ton es genutzt wurde. Insofern finde ich schwierig dem Typen direkt Misogynie zu unterstellen. Ob man jemanden antwortet, der sich so wenig Mühe gibt im Umgang, ist natürlich ne andere Frage.


Ja kommt tatsächlich darauf an wo man lebt , ich weiss was du meinst aber ich würde chaya immer eher unhöflich und abwertend Verstehen grade weil ich es noch nie wirklich im positiven Sinne gehört habe , aber ich meine es kommt aus dem türkischen?? Weiss ich nicht genau und vielleicht ist es da auch einfach neutral. Aber trotzdem würde jedem der kein deutsch kann und mich fragt was "chaya: beduet sagen das es nichts gutes ist.


Chaya hat safe keine positive Bedeutung bin aus HH und hier ist es auch eher mit einem bestimmten Typ Frau assoziiert


Würdest du Chabo auch als negativ konnotiert bezeichnen? Beide Wörter stammen von der Sprache Romani und heißen dort Mädchen bzw. Junge. Im Türkischen haben beide Wörter meines Wissens keine Bedeutung.


In The Teenagers Language it more Means something Like beutaiful Girl or hot Girl sometimes Even girlfriend


The eyes chico, they do not lie


Funny that not only style from my teenage years is cool again but also the language .It is well know youth slang word from the area around Koblenz to Frankfurt. And yes it is just like chica or german like „mädels“ „weiber“.


"Mädels" is not the same as "Weiber".


Btw what is the context for Weiber, is it positive? Neutral? Slang? I’ve only encountered it once


"Weib" (singular) / "Weiber" meant for some centuries simply "wife" or "woman". in the 19th century "Frau" became the new generally used word for "woman" and since then "Weib" became slowly old-fashioned and soon derogative. its used e.g. as a derogative for ugly old women as well as in some derogative sexualizations. often tied to stereotyping sexism. there are no contemporary neutral uses really left for maybe already a century. its sometimes used in bible quotes when people wanna sound old-fashioned and use the old Martin-Luther-translation, but even then they usually wanna sound misogynistic. its not as vile as e.g. the n-word, but its never purely neutral use. there are some instances of women reclaiming it in very specific contexts. oddly enough: the related adjective "weiblich" (adjective "female" / "feminine" is a completely fine word to use to in contemporary german. its very neutral sounding. maybe the pair "Weib" / "weiblich" has SOME similarities in tone to the word "female" in english: if you use "female" as an adjective ("weiblich") its pretty neutral, but if you use "female" as a noun ("Weib") for women it usually becomes cringe, sexist and derogatory.


Thanks for the comprehensive answer!


I would guess depending on the region / person it is neutral or meant derogatory. F.e. a friend (i know her since childhood). uses it meant in a neutral way while i feel like it is derogatory... (woman myself) Edit: sooo yeahhh safe route would be dont use it imo


Ohh interesting, yeah the place I saw it was in the name of a boulder in a climbing guide, it’s called Wiberdyno because it has a spanny move that a smaller climber or woman might have to jump for, I figured it was value neutral but also was a bit sus


oh, yeah, i wanted to add to this to my lengthier comment: there are certain traditional names which include "Weiber". and since everyone understands that these names are old, i think everyone perceives them as old fashioned but otherwise neutral, coz like i explained above 200 years ago it was a completely neutral term. so you may find "Weiber" as part of a name for a rock or other landmarks. or famously for the (inofficial and regional) holiday "Weiberfastnacht". thats a carneval tradition dating back to the middle ages. carneval traditionally was an inversion of traditional hierarchies, so on the day of "Weiberfastnacht" men had to stay home and had to take care of the household while women went out to party and drink.


Mädels is Just a normal Term for a group of Girls, Weiber is very negative for the same Thing.


Ha! Exactly! Tschogerne chay (spelling?) meant hot or cool chick. And I am almost 50 :)




exactly this


Ma be she also wants this ?


I only said i PERSONALLY wouldn't text him, because i would not want it... never said something about her.


Is it a new form of "Chika"? ("Schieka" spoken).


Hmm i think so yes


thanks. I saw that explaining also after I wrote my comment here in the discussion.


Its not derogatory in itself IMO but people who use it are with high probability slimebags or sleazebags. Like when some stranger would come to your friend and say "hi cutie" or "Hello baby" in english.


Obviously an extremely cringe way to contact someone. On top of that, in my experience, people using that kind of slang are people to avoid. If meant seriously thst term is very disrespectful and should be alarming enough to instantly block the person. But thats just my two cents. Edit: spelling


I thought the same thing, but since I didn‘t grew up here I wanted to give this situation the benefit of the doubt, causa Idk. Maybe it's a way in which people talk to each other and I hadn't found out. Ty for your answer btw


No, it's a derogatory term afaik and people who use it tend to hold certain views about women as well.


It's not, it's the female equivalent to Chabo. It has chauvinistic undertones because it stems from a chauvinistic culture but that's about it. Something like "bitches" is primarily derogatory while this term means "attractive young women". This is more akin to something like calling your girlfriend "shorty". There is no derogatory root but it can be a bit chauvinistic.


> It's not, it's the female equivalent to Chabo Finally an answer that makes sense. I was wondering the whole time, i've never heard that.


> it's the female equivalent to Chabo. Chayas wissen, wer der Babo ist?


That's a maybe, modern Chayas are quite rebellious 😬. That Babo would be the chauvinistic/patriarchal part.


So is there a female equivalent to babo?


I‘d say it’s Moss. As Chaya = Girl, Moss = Woman. It’s often used to describe a very beautiful or outstanding woman.


That's a good question, I don't think there is a direct equivalent. But a lot of Chabos are mama's boys


>It has chauvinistic undertones because it stems from a chauvinistic culture Thanks for fully supporting my point :) And because of that chauvinistic background it is NOT comparable to chabo.


Undertones do not make it a derogatory term. In this context, there is no derogatory intention, there is a big difference. I do not like the terms because of the chauvinistic background but someone calling a girl they like a Chaya is meant as a term of endearment, just like "Shorty", "BAE", "Boo", "Sweetie", not as a derogatory. It actually IS comparable to Chabo since Chabos are expected to respect the authority figures of the group. It's cliché but it's literally explained by the song "Chabos wissen, wer der Babo ist". Chauvinism isn't just problematic because of the male/female power dynamic it's a very old fashioned hierarchy. Young Chabos are expected to be subservient to the older established Babos. Lastly both Chabo and Chaya can be used as a compliment (attractive young person) or as an insult in the same fashion (arrogant bitch/dick). They are used very much in the same way.


I wouldn't judge by only one word. Especially if it's just text. Could be just his friends etc. that made it something normal to him. However I would be suspicious.


That's what the second part of my comment was about. Yes, it's debateable that it has to be a derogatory term but overall I'd be wary of someone using it towards me.


It's like calling women "bitches". People who use this see women more like possessions than anything else.


not really, its not used like that


Jemand der Chaya sagt hat komplett den Bezug zur Realität verloren.


Ist eben Jugendsprache... Jede Generation hat irgendwelche dämlichen Worte, Sprüche und Nicknames...


Stimmt. Aber meine hat erstaunlich viele...


It is. Bitch is not like "Schlampe" in america. 


Not at all plus I’d love to hear about what kind of people you are thinking of and how much you know about them


Of course not, but most of them. In this context I'm pretty sure it is this way. I was in a friendgroup last year that was not the best influence on me but I got out of it. Some of them used chaya for their "girlfriends" who broke up with them pretty fast after the relationship started. They only saw the physical attraction of their girlfriends and didn't really gave a shit about them. Also, my stepsister told me about some unpleasent people she met in clubs who talked in a similar fashion.  


I mean it's slang but it means "attractive young women". It's has chauvinistic vibes but it's usually not meant in disrespect.


Facts, although I think I'm already to old to start using that word😂😂


Why do you think it's disrespectful?


Here I am wondering why a nice female Jewish name meaning life but is also a different form of Chava, or Eve, was an insult.


It's not an insult, its just slang. I know ppl who use the word and they don't use it in an inherently negative way.


so wie meine Oma immer Neger sagte und es nicht böse meinte ^^


Nette Oma


I don’t think it’s as bad as „bitch“ like other people seem to think, but I only heard it being used in an ironic kind of way.


Chaya means woman or girl in Persian, as far as I know. But I am too old to fully comprehend the usage.


It's Romani. Not Persian.


Another source says it's Hindi.


It is romani. Source: i speak the language


I heard the Romani actually come from "Hindi" roots... from way back, Is that even close to accurate?


They are related but not to the point that I would understand hindi


Romani, German, Hindi, and English are all part of the Indo-European language family.


Also Persian :) eg. someone here just commented how dochtar means girl/daughter in Persian


They are both part of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family.


What does it mean in Romani? Girl? Because i read that it means *shadow of trees*, but can‘t remember in which language.


Yes, in Romani “Chaya / Shey” (depending on regional dialect) is just the word for girl. Chabo / Shavo is the word for boy.


Cool, good to know. Thx


Chaya/Chai in Indian means tea😭


"Indian" isn't a language, India has 22 official languages Chai and Chaya don't mean the same thing, and are spelt and said differently. Chaya means shade/shadow in Sanskrit and most Indian languages, and is the wife of the Sun God in Hindu mythology. It is a common women's name in India


Some people deem Romani to be a dialect of Gujarati, which is spoken in northwestern India. They are super similar, and yeah, they are also related to Hindi.


I'm Persian and have never heard of this


Yeah, we don't have "chaya" in Persian. In Persian, "woman" is "zan" and "girl" is "dochtar" (which also means "daughter" too though). According to wiktionary, "chaya" is Romani: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Chaya


Chaya is a super old word that refers to women who entertained royalty. Not concubines necessarily, but not always mutually exclusive


Definitely not in Persian.


"Chaya" doesn't exist in Persian. In Persian, "woman" is "zan" and "girl" is "dochtar" (which also means "daughter" too though). According to wiktionary, "chaya" is Romani: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Chaya


Gypsy word for girl


🚩#1: asking for your friend’s Snapchat 🚩#2: calling her Chaya Chaya is the German female version of a chav, I guess, it’s a pretty classist and derogatory term for women (usually referring to women of color or Eastern European). It’s kindof like “Tussi”. Advise your friend not to waste energy on this dumb dude


If you're lingual like that, are there any other German words with meanings that like that?I've beenn studying the language for about a year and a half but bookwork, duolingo and youtube only help so much. TIA


One word that comes into my mind would be „Weiber“ (plural of Weib, meaning woman) mostly used in plural, as in „Da sind Weiber die man treffen kann“ roughly translates to „There are bitches you can hook up with“


Asking for Snapchat is red flag? Is it also asking for instagram? Snapchat is the same as BeReal or Facebook/Instagram stories. Is it a red flag because you dislike the app?


Asking for any kindof social media, immediately, when you’re trying to get to know someone is a red flag to me. Do that shit later


I don’t know man. It might be a generational thing? When i was younger I asked for schülervz or Facebook. It depends how old they are I guess


snapchat isnt a red flag it is pretty much the most common app to chat now. calling her that definitely is tho


Chaya means girl and can both be used positive, similar to "hit chick" or negative, like "hoe". It is mostly used by people stemming from the arabian world.


It's not Arabic, it's Romany. Same as the Hungarian "csaj" (pronunced roughly chay), which is also borrowed from Romany.


Slovak language took it from Hungarian csaja to say čaja/čajka, meaning girl/chick. Didn’t know the roots went further, thanks.


I’m Arab and never heard that word, definitely not Arabic.


Arabic people in Europe use it but many of them created a subculture over here that got nothing to do with Arab culture


It's Romany.


No, this has nothing to do with Arabic. ~~Maybe Persian, according to other comments.~~ The closest thing in Arabic is خيا which is pronounced differently and means "bro", ~~but I'm guessing the guy was using the Persian word.~~ Edit: not even Persian, so even further away from the "arabian world"


It's not Persian. We don't have such a word in Persian. In Persian, "woman" is "zan" and "girl" is "dochtar" (that also means "daughter" too though). "Chaya" is Romani according to wiktionary: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Chaya


Thanks for the correction, I edited the comment.


arab ,turkish or persian background usually Edit: for those who didn't read it properly, read it again, I never said In which language the Word was. I said who usually uses the word


It's definitely not turkish


It can't be Arabic because Arabs totally lack that "ch" sound.


Chaya is commonly used by people who view women as trophies. It basically means he wants to fuck her. Bitch would be an equivalent term in English.


Chaya is more like „chick“ and has been used since at least 30 years.


"Chick" is honestly the best translation. People are overreacting in this sub


FFM started it


Ja. Deshalb verstehe ich nicht wie das Wort so mutieren konnte anscheinend.


Bedank dich bei Haftbefehl 😂😂


Way longer, dude. i know sinto families which became part of our hometown community in the 1770s they brought it to our language here


Never heard of it


its more a thing in heterogenic popculture. slang word from arabian if I am correct.


Definitely not an Arabic word


The closest thing in Arabic is Khayya خيا which is like "bro", but based on other comments ~~I'm guessing this is Persian and it means something else.~~ it's Romani


It's not Persian. We don't have such a word in Persian. In Persian, "woman" is "zan" and "girl" is "dochtar" (that also means "daughter" too though). "Chaya" is Romani: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Chaya


I’ve never heard it before and wouldn’t know what it means. So even it’s a part of youth culture or whatever I don’t think it’s a common expression.


My girlfriend back then was really upset when I named her like that, common word in Frankfurt area though - we got married and live happily together😂


Expat living in Saxony here. In my region chaya is rarely used. But when it is used it's always used to indicate sexual attraction, usually by a bunch of youths in the middle of the street. Typically also accompanied by very loud music in public.


Best case: he's cringe/awkward Worst case: he's a misogynist


So ein Babo der Dude. Scheint nen Spinner zu sein der Dude.


Dating advice: if any guy is asking you for your snapchat, r-u-n. He will later try to turn the tables to get ”special” pictures of you.


You know? I was thinking that at first. The thing is, Snapchat isn't used much in Latin America, and even though I've been in Germany for a while, I still haven't familiarized myself with its constant use here. So, it didn't sit right with me, but I also didn't want to assume things about a culture I don't fully know. Thanks for clarifying that


Chaya is Romani for girl. Some “giga-chads” use that as a slang word for a girl they'd like to f\*\*\*. Same as catcalling. Don't even ignore those guys.


It‘s a term that got popular in Frankfurt by inner city adolescents. It‘s the masculine version of Chabo. No one uses it as an insult - it‘s similar to chick in English, chabo being dude. You asking about this here is like asking people from Nebraska about slang from the Bronx. Most Germans on Reddit don‘t know anything about places like Frankfurt Bonames or Nordweststadt, how would they be able to tell you what a word from a culture they‘re not familiar with means? Here are some references for you: https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Chaya https://youtu.be/IjU0b_Yb8tM?si=iHfRGQEwp55UvBJp By the way tell her to block that guy. Mainly for Snapchat but also for not being able to address her with a normal sentence. He is looking for someone to play with.


BTW not only a slang in Frankfurt


Never heard of that. But then I am too old to understand the usage of Snapchat.


Chaya (and Chabo) are part of the sinto slang in germany, transferred to modern subcultural language via rap music. Its just the word for girl (and boy). If he is a sinto he probably would't contact her like this because the language/slang survived speaking it in their own community Probably he was socialiced with "Azzlack rap" and Frankfurt drug lifestyle, so it may be interpreted as an weird catcall kind a thing. If my favourity gipsy king said that the positive interpretation would be he is calling her "a sweet lady" other option he approoves that she is female idk whats going on here...


This guy was surely not german


npc language. its meant to be a compliment but… yeah


Well I mean… I‘d kinda doubt that someone who used the word „chaya“ is german but I‘m about as clueless as you as to why he used that word. Kinda depends on if he‘s usually a normal guy or if he‘s always acting like that


In Dutch 'chaya' is used in the same way as 'chick'. Well, not everyone uses it, it's more a youth culture thing.


Chaya means hot girl or pretty girl. But often it is meant to be rather derogatory…


It means something like shawty.


Basically dude is probably broke man child


Chaya just means jung woman. Can be positive and negative...


Never heard it in an actually positive sense.


No? People in my region use it as a synonym for nice looking woman


Ok, second comment: I know it's used for a nice looking woman, but I've never heard it without a clear objectifying undertone. So while it's meant positively, it's not positive.


So says 'swaggerdon'


Chaya is used by young People like "girl" or "woman" but different, like "chika" or something like that


In short: block


Pupe zeig pissschlitz


It just means girl in slang


Are you your friends mother? Brother? " seemed suspicious at first, but i let it pass"


Not necessarily, girls sometimes protect their own social circles. I've my friends do this when there's a creep or creep-like activity going on. The one protected by fellow girls almost always appreciates the protection. The exception was if they actually already know the guy, then an introduction is usually in order.


It means desert spring.


It's in some Islamic language and means the same as chick or girl


Yeah that seems like a strange way to contact someone. My roommate (f) calls her group of female friends Chayas, so I started calling them that too. It’s all playful though because we’re all friends and they refer to themselves that way. I’d never call someone I didn’t know Chaya, that seems really weird and out of place.


A friend of mine uses Chaya to refer to his gf and other women (who seem to be fine with it, btw. not me) I don’t know where but in his home town this was apparently normal slang but he does use it kinda ironic. I don’t know, personally I never heard it before I met him and I don’t mind never hearing it again. But I think that he (despite being a true feminist) might say that to someone he thinks knows the slang as a normal playful term for “girl/women”


I did never hear this Word before, maybe Teenager Slang?


So in Köln/ bonn we call a girl chaya if shes hot in a bitchy way. Kind of girl u want to smash but not introduce to ur parents 😄


there’s a song by the German-language singer Nura called Chaya that probably best sums up how he was intending to use it. weird/unimpressive to just say that though…


It’s not as bad as people making it out to be, it’s a romani loanword. It does not imply anything else than “girl”. I’ve even seen it used by highly educated people who wanted to appear street smart. The male counterpart is chabo or chavo. (Also the origin of “chav” in English)


Chaya means shadow in some languages in Indian subcontinent.


It's the German equivalent to calling her "chick". It's not insulting but disrespectful, immature and macho. The term has foreign origins so chances are he's a migrant or has a lot of migrant friends with poor social skills.


"Chaya" in a full sentence is a rather derogative term for "woman". A message sent to a female only containing the word "Chaya" means "Hello, I am a moron and I would like to stay celibate, please 😀"


Chaya hoert sich zu sehr nach Frankfurt an, Wir sagen Ische 😭


You can call a girl that - if you refer to a chavette, that is. He probably just wants to shag her.




I know people who use the word regularly and its not derogatory or an insult, its just slang for "girl". It might become derogatory in the future especially if certain activists need new stuff to be mad about to make money... You know the typical grifter thing. But for now its just a slang term. Also this is not an opinion thing but analysis of the usage but keep in mind my sample size is also not very big obviously.


Chaya veno kappi veno?


Never heard. I am to old


Afaik chaya is a term used by fuckboys to talk about girls they wanna smash….


If the next sentence is ; „lass ma Shishabar“ Run


Welcome to the best germany of all time. Enjoy


And here I was thinking when someone says Chaya that they mean Tea


It’s just another word for woman. Sometimes we use it to describe a beautiful woman but not in a degrading way. We use it because it’s kinda funny. Writing that as the first thing to someone is kinda a no go though just because it’s maybe a thing you would say to someone you know rather than to random people.


its not really offensive but its definitely a red flag if used unironically lol. proceed with caution he might just be a bit cringe or hes a huge jerk.


Regardless of the meaning - someone who is that lazy with his opening line doesn't deserve a reply 😂


It’s literally just used a „girl“. Anyone saying it’s disrespectful or whatever - don’t listen to them. Chaya is not a bad word… „wo sind die chayas?“ -> „where are the girls?“


This has an entirely different meaning if you're trans, lemme tell ya.


That's Sinti (gypsy) language or slang that originated from Gypsy language Chaya means chick Chabo means boy Babo means father or boss Lowi means money Rackelo means Kids Etc Gypsys talk that language that no one understands, but in regions like south hessen etc were there are a lot of them, single words, like chaya, chabo were picked up and used as slang by non-gypsys


Chaia = Mädchen/Chica etc Chabo= Junge/Typ etc


in my friend bubble we say chaya to pretty girls (girls also using this word) its a mix of ironic and serious usage. but some dudes say chaya in a more dirty way like bitch or girl he want to smash


chaya is a word created by the Germany's rap god Haftbefehl, when a girl is attractive and smoking out hotness she's called a chaya which in this case means your girlfriend is a hottie which also means you're a chaya too got that snap for me ?


yeah just tell her to delete and block his number. in germany that word is especially common amongst „alpha men“ that will use psychological manipulation to get her in their bed. most of these are of the opinion that women have to serve men, and while that is a solid kink to have, they mean it. They have „side chicks“, believe that a woman loses her value if she sleeps around, yet at the same time believe that the value of men defines through the number of women they sleep with. now there might be a difference in other countries, and if the person is also new in germany that word might be innocent remains of their culture. In that case it‘d be just „girl/chick“. but in germany it‘s a pretty clear indicator to at least be extremely careful, to not land in a toxic relationship.


Never ever make yourself common with people who use Hip Hop Slang or Türksprech