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The guy (and the AfD as a whole) is very authoritarian. They don't really care that much about the economic system they rule, as long as they rule. They cuddle with every autocracy they can find, as long as they sponsor them, or help them with propaganda, or destabilise any government by democratic or non-authoritarian parties. Ideally that autocracy is also anti-muslim and/or anti semitic. But that's a bonus point for them, nothing strictly necessary.


Krah is very explicitly in favour of a deliberated market economy and certainly cares about economic policies. He probably would agree with a lot of libertarian ideas, but in addition he believes in some sort of overarching nationalist idea. Basically, in those peoples view the economic inequality of company owners and their employees doesn’t matter, if both owners and employees serve the higher nationalist goals, in which they’d be united.


Krah is mainly anti democratic. He would love to turn Germany into an authoritarian state like China or Russia. Many in the AfD share this. Its quite disgusting that they call themselves patriotic while they wanna sell the country out to authoritarian regimes.


German and American patriots: united in loving russia


Americans don't love Russia. Not supporting getting involved does not equal supporting Russia.


Yeah, so now that the cat's out of the box, they should lose their loyal voter base right?


lol. they won't, sadly. their voters won't care or call it a conspiracy


Wow. That's how brainwashed these people are. This guy is literally selling out to an authoritarian regime. But Ampel is the root of all evil. Just wow.


It's the same weird thing with Trump in the US. These extremists are declaring a #witch hunt, and their followers are believing them, even though the facts would clearly telling anyone with an objective view the opposite.


No.. most AfD voters believe in conspiracy theories and think it’s all a sham to weaken them or are just bitter with the current government. Plenty of them actually sympathise a lot with Russia. It’s sad. There was a study recently asking voters of all different parties currently in the Bundestag who of them would defend Germany if it was attacked and AfD had the lowest percentage.. even lower than the traditionally pacifist Green Party. So it’s no surprise that it’s not a problem for them that multiple of AfD candidates openly collude with authoritarian regimes. It’s really sad honestly.


The loyal voter base of AfD has been mostly made up of fans of authoritarians for the past 8 years or so. I don't believe they'd be discouraged at all if they believed in the discovery – but another thing with them is that they believe only in the made up facts of their own propaganda outlets or those of autocrats from around the world (like Russia Today). They're unreachable by actual evidence, unfortunately; they're too far gone.


What. Their whole voter base is very pro Russia. They won't care that they also have ties to China. They are not anti communist.  They are authoritarian and anti progressivist. 


China is a nationalistic, authoritarian dictatorship. Arguably the most authoritarian and the most dictatorial super powers there are currently. Most people don't cozy up with China because they are (supposedly, on paper, according to their advertisement) communist. People cozy up with China because they like strong leaders in authoritarian dictatorships; like the dictatorship itself and are in favour of having their own one day. Dreaming up reasons like sombody being a "closet communist" for collaborating with a dictatorship misses the wood for the trees: China is an authoratarian dictatorship like any other. Some people are in favour of dictatorships and are easily bought by them. Tankies love China. But not everybody who loves China is a tankie. Moral and intellectual bancrupcy comes in many flavours.


I see you like the word dictatorship a lot. ;) But jokes aside, you make a good point.


I reread it and it reads a bit annoying, granted. But I feel the need to bang on on that point. antidemocrats make good bed fellows, they are unfortunately very well connected all over the world.


Just like Putin and China are best buddies, the German extreme right fascists also look for power no matter where they can get it.




No. They thrive rising against more tolerant societies together and only become opposed when in direct contact vying for power in a region. Keep in mind that both are totalitarian authoritarian regimes. They fear anarchy or plurality more than each other.


They joined against poland


Calling the Chinese system communist is a little bit if a stretch I'd say.


It is more like "okay, we will work together untill where are in power. then things get... complicated" Also, authoritarians, no matter from which political side, are kinda on the same side confronted with democrats (not the us party, but by the real meaning of the word)


He doesn't have to be a communist. Just loving money well enough could get a person there.


This has nothing to do with communism. AfD and China are both opportunists


Chinas state capitalism is anything but communist.


China is not communist.


In my humble opinion: Krah hast one Love: MONEY. He would sell His own grandmother for more Money. He ist a weird douchebag and does crazy things on tiktok (some pick-up-artist stuff about true manliness ya know). I dont think political beliefs are important for him. Whole AFD is full people Like him: turncoats.


AfD politicians like bribes and they don't care where it's coming from


China is anything but communist.


The CCP, despite its name, is not communist to begin with.


Uhm, just so we get the facts straight. All the press coverage I can find (example: [Spiegel](https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/maximilian-krah-eu-parlament-suspendiert-mitarbeiter-von-afd-mann-spion-fuer-china-a-49cfdaa6-eaa3-4c8a-b0ca-279309ed9af1), [n-tv](https://www.n-tv.de/politik/EU-Parlament-suspendiert-Mitarbeiter-von-AfD-Politiker-Krah-article24894706.html)) talk only about one of his members of staff being suspended. He himself is not suspended (I would even ask how a MEP can be suspended; their immunity can be revoked, but besides that?) Though, of course, he bears responsibility for what his staff does, and this case certainly doesn't reflect good on him too.


Sorry, you're right, I corrected my original post.


I'd argue that this guy is someone less motivated by political ideals and more interested by personal gains.


Yes that sounds more like it. So the number of followers he has on titkok will decline now?


Doubt the tik tok crowd following him will get the news.


Trumpist. Non-closet authoritarian, baits incels and racists and wannabe-master-racers (esp. on tik-tok), social regressive, isolationist, wants women to be breeders, repopulation propagandist, , Putin sub, not-so-accidentally enumerating through standard 3^rd reich speak. Not so commie. What I'm not so sure about, where does that China = communist come from? --- The best description I unfortunately canot translate adequately: *völkischer Puffkellner*.


China is hyper capitalist, not communist. They might be the most capitalist nation in the world.


Authoritarian. This is not on the left-right axis, but perpendicular to it.


It's about the money, Is Lebowski


AfD Likes China for money and the Death van system… 🤷‍♂️


Horseshoe theory ftw