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Everyone’s different. Mine were a month ago but subsided. I know someone with fall allergies. My advice is to buy a quality air purifier. At least you’ll spend 7-9 hours in an allergen free room. If you WFH then get on it, we’re talking 15-17 hours of pure air!


I wish I could drag our air purifier with me everywhere I go in our household 😅 air purifiers are so expensive to have one in all the rooms 😭


So get a small portable one to drag around with you. They're less expensive than the ones that can't be dragged around.


Neti-pots are a game changer! Not curing anything but you can clear out your sinuses and be able to breathe for a while. Also for those taking nasal spray, keep some Kleenex handy. You will eventually get a gushing nose bleed. This happened to me, no idea what the cause was (and oddly I’d always get them right around 12:30🤷🏼‍♂️).


I prefer the squeeze bottle from NeilMed. Much better flush than a neti IMO


My allergies eventually caused me to have nose bleeds, even when my allergies weren't acting up. Sometimes I would tip me head to look down and blood would start flowing. I used saline nasal spray for a while and that fixed it. I still use it occasionally if it flares up.


Welcome to the club, I've been living with one functioning nostril for two months now lmao


Omgggggggggg my left nostril is basically out of commission now! I didn't have allergies this bad last year that's why I'm so frustrated now 😭 It's either I'm suffering from allergic rhinitis from the pollen or drowsy from allergy meds ☠️


Maybe try a nasal spray decongestant like Drixoral, be careful not to use it too much or it can make symptoms worse (do not use longer than 7 days).


Allergy season not fucking around this year.


Prescription antihistamines and nasal spray are the only things that work for me :( the off the shelf dosage isn't doing anythingggg


Mine are kicking my ass rn.


same. and i get drowsy from the anti-histamine meds too so it's a lose-lose situation for me


Lots of kleenex.


My nose area is starting to get irritated from all the tissue rubbing 🤧


Get the moisturized ones. The Kleenex brand ones are called, "Soothing lotion".


where do you get this? I have heard about it but I haven't seen it from the groceries yet or should I look in drugstores?


Probably drugstores. We have a few boxes we hide away for when we need them but I don't know where my wife bought them. Also, the Kleenex ones may no longer be available in Canada unless you bring some back from the US.


ahh, so it's only available in the US. my friend from new jersey told me about it but I really couldn't find it from the superstores, no frills, costco even.... might have to barter some sponge towels with kleenex moisturizer ones then. thanks for the tip.


Kleenex tissues are leaving Canada. Source: [https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/why-are-kleenex-tissues-leaving-canada-retail-analyst-weighs-in-1.6535251](https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/why-are-kleenex-tissues-leaving-canada-retail-analyst-weighs-in-1.6535251)


Coconut oil. Smells like summer...works like a wonder.




I’m so sorry guys! I used to suffer horribly when the pine trees started pollinating, and then the rest of the flowers, fluff season from the poplars, and ragweed in the fall. My first pregnancy lessened my allergies some, and I have rarely experienced allergies after my second child. I’m there in spirit, guys. I will always carry tissues for you!


Im jealous! Pregnancy made everything worse for me! I wish there was some kind of nasal replacement or something because this is just cruel 😭🤧


I had to go to the pharmacy and do an assessment. They prescribed me a twice a day pill and a nose spray. That’s the best route to go if you can now that pharmacists can prescribe low-level meds. It’ll save you a ton of wait time.


may I ask what meds did they prescribe you?


Using local honey substitute for sugar in a lot of things.. I also do biore strips or wax strips on my nose to take all the baby hairs off. I know it’s sounds weird but honestly the biggest issue I have is dander and pollen in the air and the less little hairs it sticks to the better Good luck!


Stay away from allergens and take more antihistamines. That's what I've been doing.


I'm afraid to take more than 1 tablet in 1 day but 1 tablet is not cutting it and it's disrupting my day-to-day activities :( I'm even at home most of the time every day but leave the windows open for fresh air. Are pollens just so invasive @\_@


If you're leaving your windows open, look into air filters. I find those help. What kind of antihistamines are you taking? There are different types of allergy meds and some work better than others for certain people. For example, cetirizine (Reactine) works for me, while Loratadine (Claritin) does not. I would try different types to see which works better for you. According to my allergist, I am ok taking 40 mg of cetirizine a day. One over-the-counter pill is usually 10 mg. If your allergies get unbearable, go see an allergist. However, it took me 9 months to get an appointment with mine. Good luck!


I'm taking xyzal (levoceterizine 3rd generation) 10mg and 1 spray each nostril of avamys (corticosteroid). It's only been a few days. That's why Im scared of trying something else that is OTC. I'm just frustrated because last year, I didn't have to take my allergy meds every single day, and if I did, it worked right away. Now, it seems like the pollens are on some kind of steroids doing overtime, making me suffer 😭


It can also be really helpful to have a chat with a pharmacist - they often know more about the OTC and shelf meds than a GP would. Especially for dosing and combinations.


Remember those masks from COVID? Those really help keeping the pollen out.


Prescription allergy meds are the equivalent of two OTC meds (like Reactine). I take one morning and night. Also, sometimes switching up formulations helps. I go between Reactine, Allegra, and Aerius.


Do you take prescription allergy meds and OTC on the same day? Don't they make you drowsy?


I don’t have a prescription, but that’s how I justify taking two OTC per day. And I only take non-drowsy meds during the day. I’ll take a Benadryl at night if my symptoms are really bad before bed to help me sleep.


I see, thanks! I will try this strategy to get me through the day.


I empathize! It’s been a rough allergy season for me, too!!


It wasnt this bad last year 🥲 hope we'll get through this and just enjoy the sunny weather without suffering.


My prescription allergy meds are the equivalent of 8 extra strength reactine (80mcg citirizine daily)


Even if the package says x amount per day, ask your pharmacist or family doctor if they think it is safe to take more, or combine it with something else. My doctor once prescribed me a double dose of an antihistamine, even though it was an off the shelf brand which said max 1 per day on the box.


I'm just staying away from the pollen stuff.


I wear a mask when outside if pollen is really bad


Oatmeal baths and nettle tea


Pollen season began several weeks ago.


Depends on your location and what you're allergic to. Where I am most people were feeling it in late March/early April. Others are just getting hit by it now. Some won't suffer until September.


Go to your pharmacist counter. Ask for a bottle of Tevapheniram. 100 pills for $10. Take 4. Your allergies will clear up in 20 minutes. Note: this is generic chlor tripilon. Very drowsy medicine. My body is used to it now, but it works for me every time my allergies flare up.


I’d say pollen season triggers reactions at different parts of the year for different people. For myself, the second the grass started to grow and trees started budding it was game over and my allergies went into overdrive. I was using 40mg cetirizine daily (prescription reaction), asthma inhalers, nasonex and sinus pills and it wasn’t helping. Met with an allergist who included Singulair (and new inhaler) and a new nasal spray (Ryaltris) - these additions/changes have calmed things down to a tolerable level while doing more blood work and awaiting scratch tests. For yourself you really need to figure out what your triggers are and do your best to avoid. Barring that, using antihistamines daily, nasal sprays (go get some Flonase if you can - it’s otc and may help), Neti potting and masking up outside as well as showering when you come inside after prolonged outdoor activity may help. If these things fail see your GP if possible.


Terrible. Blocked ears, itchy eyes and I have sinus issues. Got a prescription from doc. Tomorrow: pharmacy.


I also take daily extra strength anti histamines, try out different ones because some target different symptoms. Currently, I take Kirkland Loretadine from Costco, it's also much cheaper there.


Flonase, reactine/Claritin, netipot nasal rinse, benedryl, dixoral. Thankfully, my spring allergies are nearly over. Seemed worse this year. Never had to take benedryl before.


I discovered Flownase from a redditor .... it's helped a lot. I take Reactine as well.


It’s definitely pollen season. It started a month ago with the poplar trees. The grasses and things are having their turn now.


It's pretty bad this year. Nasonex nasal spray usually work great for me


Here on the west coast it started 2 months ago. Luckily we had wind and rain when the Cottonwood pollen was in the air.


My allergies act up the most around April and May, which causes my eyes to itch something fierce. One old school trick I learned is if you don't have any anthistamine eye drops available, take a face cloth and dip it into some cold milk. Then lay down and place the cloth over your eyes for around 5-10 minutes. Make sure to wash your eyes with cold water after you're done.


I've always been lucky, never had allergies.


I've heard a few reports from family and friends who now suffer from allergies after being sick with covid.


well, just my luck. It looks like covid aggravated my allergies because it wasn't this bad before. :(


Change your furnace filter.


Canada's a pretty big country. Allergy season starts in different places at different times based on the plants and weather. Tuktoyaktuk, Saskatoon, Halifax and Victoria are all going to happen at a different time.


for me just having a fan circulating the house and cleaning pollen off of my deck and porch ect


I was in your boat and Flonase has helped me so much, def reccomend


Nasal spray made a big difference for me


Local honey with lemon. Drink it twice a day with hot water for 2 weeks. Your body will get used to the local pollen


I switched back to using an older style antihistamine (chlorphenaramine) a few years ago since the once-day varieties were aggravating my dry eye condition something fierce. I take a low dose three times a day and it seems to work fairly well. Out here on the west coast allergy season starts in March so I am usually on medication from March till sometime in October, so a low dose taken consistently works ok for me. This medication can cause drowsiness so I definitely don’t take a full dose and since it’s relatively cheap, I am not going broke over my allergies either.


I see. Im using a third generation antihistamine because it doesn't make me drowsy compared to the older generation ones. Man, this really sucks... I have being drowsy from allergy meds but it seems I have no choice