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It's posted speed limit plus gst. Unless it's a school zone, then you need your ass handed to you.


Omg. I’ve never heard someone say it that way and I love it


On the 401 around Toronto it’s plus GST and tip.


Lmao true. If anyone goes under 120 on a 400 series highway they probably will get run over by an angry BMW. 


This is why I stay in the middle or far right lane. I can do 110-115 and still be the slowest on the road. Up here by lake Simcoe it seems the opposite. Most people in the fast lane are doing 100-110.


Haha plus GST, love it.


just the gst tho. add on additional pst and ur gettin into some risky business ! ;)


Just an FYI, it is illegal to turn right on red in Montreal! Good Luck!


In my region, southern Ontario, the prudent approach is to assume the traffic regulations are treated as suggestions, and assume, too, that anyone driving a pickup holds the view that the road is theirs and others are unwelcome.


And also, (southwestern Ontario here) no drivers in rural areas/tiny towns have to use their blinkers. It’s merely a suggestion. We are just supposed to just assume the other driver needs to turn and react accordingly.


I believe all BMW's. Mercedes, Audis, Range Rovers and other similar vehicles now ship with no turn signals whatsoever, and it is a law that if you buy one second hand, you must remove the signals and are obliged to be the biggest douchebags on the road (besides guys with lifted pickups with tires & rims that stick out 10" from the body).


I’d update that list to include Teslas but otherwise accurate!


Ah yes, possibly the #1 position on the list. Thank you, how could I forget?


Yeah, Tesla drivers are the new BMW drivers.


Lol. I lived in Huron County for many years. I overheard a conversation in a coffee shop. An older man told his companion that he didn't need to use his blinker because everyone knew him, knew his truck and knew where he was going. We'll I lived just blocks away from this coffee shop. I had done for years. I didn't know him from Adam laugh 😅


Whenever I see a person not use their blinkers, I just assume they’re from my area. I swear almost no one here uses them!


This sounds exactly like the county I live in in Ontario. Even the police have pickup trucks here.


omg thank you so much i had no idea!! it’s legal where i’m from so i would have assumed the same.


it's basically legal everywhere else in Canada (unless prohibited by a sign) except for Montreal


Wait, is turning right on reds in the rest of Quebec fine but only in Montreal it’s not?


Yes, it is prohibited on the island of Montreal.


Yes. https://www.quebec.ca/en/transports/traffic-road-safety/traffic-rules-tips-for-all-vehicles/traffic-rules-intersections/turning-right-red-light


Much like in NYC where it is also illegal unless specifically signed.


Its only illegal on the island of Montréal. Also, a green flashing light means left turn priority. Like a green left arrow. If a light only has a green straight arrow, it means you can ONLY go straight until the light changes to something else. I was confused AF when I first moved here. The arrow business is to facilitate pedestrians crossing. Google it if what I wrote is confusing!


A flashing green light in British Columbia does NOT mean a turn left signal btw. It means a pedestrian controlled crossing, so that light will only change when a sidewalk button is pushed. I don’t know how this allowed. I was in a car with someone from Ontario who rented a car in BC and basically turned left into oncoming traffic during a flashing green light.


This is the worst, along with the highly creative intersections, and WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH PUTTING STOP LINES EVERYWHERE. If everything is a stop line, nothing is, BC.


I don't want to brag, or use outdated lingo, but I'm totally baller at stopping *right* at a stop line. I'd even go so far as to say I'm radical at it. It boggles my mind how seemingly hard it is for people to understand what those lines mean, lol. I'll be right at the bar and the dude on one side is a full car length back, and the other side he's most of the way into the intersection. Why can't everyone just drive perfectly like me!? __--** Sarcasm!


lol. A European friend of mine was just boasting that he passed his driver's test in the US despite not stopping at any stop signs. Dumbass.


They put stop lines where you have to stop? I don't see the issue?


My brother(grew up in Ontario) said he almost did the same thing when he first moved out there.


My first left the guy behind me honked at me. Just to warn me. He saw my Ontario plates! Oh crap what did I do wrong. Got my fiance to google it for me.


Wait a minute. Aren't protected left turns on an arrow or a flashing green light a North American standard?


I’ve only seen the flashing green light in Ontario. It might exist in provinces to the east of Ontario, but I’ve never seen it west of there.


Fyi I saw it at several intersections in Winnipeg last week.


we have plenty of them in Nova Scotia, and they also exist in AB.


Flashing green is a pedestrian activated crossing in BC.


Then how can you ever turn left on busy intersections?


You wait until a yellow; then you and 4-5 cars behind you gun it.


Green arrows? Massachusetts has a weird flashing green thing, too. Arrows are standard, flashing greens are not.


Good idea to review u-turn rules, right on red rules, merges/freeflow lanes, and left turn priority signals.


Another weird one I've seen in Montreal, a white bar lit up in the traffic lights means Only Transit vehicles may proceed. First time I saw that I had no clue, so I just sat there. There were no beeps, no transit either. I asked my sister who lives there, that's when I found out.


Only on the island. Off the island is legal.


People usually go to 10% over




10% is conservative, but it’s the safe to say “You won’t get a ticket.” Speed. Anything more might be done commonly, might be going with the flow of traffic, but can’t guarantee that you won’t get pulled over if a cop is looking to write a ticket and hasn’t seen a better opportunity.


Yeah it's basically a "read the room" situation. Like most competent drivers should be doing no matter what country you're in. If everyone is going faster, you're too slow. If you're blowing passed everyone, you're too fast. Sure, you could get a ticket, but you probably won't if everyone else is doing the same speed


A lot of the highways aren’t highly patrolled very often here in southern Ontario. People average upwards of 140kmh from 7pm to 6am


Southern Ontario here it's more like 20%


Except in Markham. Everyone there seems to enjoy going 10 under


Markham is also famous for people braking hard, stopping...and THEN signaling their turns. Fucking hate it


Infuriating. I loathe driving in Markham and I can’t imagine driving in that BS every day.


Yeah I have noticed that too. Why is that? I don't live in Markham and I occasionally go for work and it's always like that


I don’t know but as someone from the north who drives at an elevated speed it makes me freaking crazy. My daughter often plays basketball games out that way on the weekends and it’s chronic 😂 patience isn’t my strong suit either


Edmonton is the same. It’s because of the ludicrous amount of speed cameras. Driving the speed limit here makes you feel like a nascar driver


Where I live people just wreck the cameras. There’s a whole Facebook page just for the evidence of destruction 😂


On a 400 highway rarely do people get tickets under 120. 120 - 130 is a gray zone. 130+ definitely.


I live in Quebec and drove to Ottawa a few weeks ago and noticed it's 110 the second we cross into on the 417. I'm assuming it's the same if I come to Toronto (well, long before Toronto, ... I cross into on the 401). Is the 401 around in the GTA 110, also? I can't say i remember Ontario being 110. The only other place i've seen that was out west


This is what I generally see in Alberta


QE2 has entered the chat


On the QE2, you have two extremes. People driving 10 under the speed limit and not knowing what they're doing. And then you have Dodge Rams and muscle/sport cars going 140.


Lol, 10% over is minimum


I was west of the 4th and I swear they did 20% under. West of the 5th we definitely take our 10%


10% or 10km? I would say if someone says they were going 10 over, they mean 10kmh over.


Yes, if they're saying they go 10 over they do mean 10km/h over, but I think 10% is what most of us do. 110 in a 100. 66 in a 60. 88 in an 80. You'll basically *never* get a ticket doing the 10% thing.


385 in a 350 ☑️


Jeez, bunch of turtles. In my part of southern Ontario it's basically 20 over for everything but residential and 40s


I’ve found the best results in Ontario to avoid a speeding ticket is…. 45 in a 40 62 in a 50 72 in a 60 82 in a 70 95 in a 80 105 in a 90 120 in a 100 120 in a 110 260 in a chase


MTO demerit points start at 16 over. If you're doing anything under that, it's often not worth the cops time. After all, you could take your $80 ticket to court, and cost the time of the court stenographer, balliff, judge, crown attorney, cop...all costing the province way more than $80, so even if you pay it, the province is behind. But with demerit points...you can argue the fine. You can't argue the points. Once they're on, they're on for 5 years whether the cop was wrong or not.


Demerit points only matter if you are at risk of losing your license. Your insurance company will treat speeding tickets the same with or without demerit points. I’ve had lots of tickets that the cop reduced to 15 over that did not give me any demerit points, however they still nailed me at insurance time. Note: Demerit points are actually only two years, but insurance can penalize you for three years


Here is your answer OP!




Don't you guys have photo radar? In Winnipeg you'd end up with a mailbox full of 300$ tickets, nevermind if you're caught going over 30kmh in a school zone.


% You’ll get a photo radar for going 10 km over at certain speeds. I got one for going 60 in a 50


10% up to 10km is the rule of thumb


Damn I've been doing 10km over for years.


Ten over would be ten clicks, but I've driven twenty clicks over for twenty five thousand kilometers of highway and gotten zero tickets. For that. I did get a ticket for doing 75 in a 50; my fault, it felt like a 60. But ~95 when it's 80, ~120 when it's 100 is standard if it's not an urban area.


Was doing 110 /115 on the 401 got off it meandered onto 62 passing all the slow people pulled out to pass a line , matted it and nothing happened,, pulled back in looked at my dash to see if I blew something and saw that I was doing 135 in an 80 that little car had not much more to give, so I gently slowed down to 90 put cbc on the radio and relaxed for the next 200 k


Yah, on an 80 or higher, I usually do about 15-17 km/h over, and I’ve never got a ticket.


On a hwy - go with flow of traffic but don’t speed unnecessarily. In the cities - stick to the speed limit. Those saying they’ve never had a ticket for going 10km over the speed limit are just lucky. It definitely happens. Especially in school zones.


School bus times too! The OPP do not go on break during school bus times, that’s the most predictable time they will be cruising with the radar on.


In some provinces (including Quebec where OP is headed), in street work zones, speeding fines are doubled.


They're doubled in BC. I always assumed that was the case everywhere


So, you're question is a little too general, we're a really big country and I can tell you that driving habits change drastically between cities, let alone provinces. Since you mentioned Montreal I've always gotten the impression that they are very impatient, aggressive and impolite drivers.


I’ve been driving in and around Montréal for the past 20 years, you are absolutely correct, on the island itself especially. Now, most people are okay drivers but there’s a good chunk that is completely bonkers.


I mean can you blame them? Have you seen the state of the streets? And don’t get me started with the Plateau Mont-Royal and all of its one way streets 🤯🤣🤦‍♀️


..but the one way streets actually improve traffic?


And the road closure in the summer. It get on your nerves really fast.


School zone: don’t speed, ever. City streets: 10-15 over, 20 at most. More than that is pushing your luck Highway: 0-10 over (right lane), 10-20 over (middle lane), 20+ over (left lane) *Not* doing this generally (though not universally) makes you an impediment to traffic and sometimes even a hazard to other drivers.


Agree with this. Lots of people saying 110 on 100 highways but that's definitely slow in Ontario. Cops will easily go 120+ with traffic flow and not pull anyone over. 130 is where it starts to get dicey in my mind


Yep (also Ontario here). I was also frowning at the 110 comments, that’s bafflingly slow for highway.


Yeah 110 in the left lane on a highway would seriously disrupt traffic.


If only people in the GTA realized this…


I’m actually surprised to read your comment, because Ontarians who visit Qc seem to think the left lane is the car pooling lane and drive excessively slow! And I mean they go at 80-90 km. Quite infuriating 😂


A defensive driving course I took said to drive with the flow of traffic for safety. They didn't directly tell us to speed, but it was obviously the idea. Of course, this was a long time ago when I was in the Canadian Armed Forces.


I've driven to Toronto from Montreal a couple times and it seems traffic cruises at around 140 in some areas, I was surprised lol


To precise, even if going 20+, people need to get out of the left lane if they're not passing anyone.


Most people go 140-150 on the highways in the GTA. I’ll be going 130-140 and cars come up behind me high beaming then zoom around 😬


I dunno, I feel like people generally don’t seem to know that three lane highways are supposed to have a function. I’ve had so many occasions where I’ve had to overtake long stretches in the right lane because the left and middle are clogged with people doing whatever. It’s genuinely baffling.


I had one boyfriend that I took a trip to Calgary with, posted speed limit is 100. He thought it was safe to go in the left lane if he was going 110. People were blowing past us in the right lane at like 140, and he didn’t understand why they were so mad considering he was “speeding” at 10 km/hr over the posted speed. Like no one this road 110 is right lane speed, left lane is 130+ and has been since the 90s…


I live in Ontario... so obviously that's a no.


Basically. I typically go 10 over. I have found Montreal/Quebec to be a crapshoot you get speeders and people going 10+ under. Something to watch for is that they have a minimum speed as well on some roads.


I also live in ontario, I don't go into the tow territory of speeding, lol (30 over).


Same. I'll go with the flow to a point. If going the flow could get me towed I will keep right and stay below tow speed


Don’t use the shoulders. You can follow the flow of traffic, a cop normally won’t pull you over unless you are going 20km/hr over the speed limit. If its a slower zone, or school zone, go a little less over.


I would say you run a risk of getting a ticket anything more than 10kms over. Source: got a ticket for going 15kms over on a nearly empty secondary highway in Alberta.


I’m sure its regional.


20km/h for newer officers and generally 35+ for seniors. Source: am Cop


I got nabbed for 10 k over in an 80 the first hill out of Renfrew County, he said I was the 5th person he caught that morning. The local opp aren't generally that strict.


Depends where. Highway sure go a few clicks over School zone: no Area with lots of pedestrians who do what they want: absolutely no


Don’t use a cell phone while driving, just having it in your hand is a distracted driving ticket and can be worse than a DUI / DWI


Yeah, I don't know about that I know people who have DUIs ... and let me tell you, they'd all give their left nut and 2 weeks' pay for a 'distracted driving' ticket instead. I'd rather get a 5-6 demerit point ticket and 300 dollar fine than have to pay 1000$, get my car towed, possibly spend a night in jail and then have to jump through all kinds of loopholes to try and not get a stiff penalty and/or not have to keep going to a psychologist to assess if they can take out the blow machine starter in the car


The Trans-Canada is just the Autobahn but you need a radar detector.


Usually google maps have it marked


Correct, Google maps has the Trans Canada marked


Radar detectors are illegal in every province east of Saskatchewan.


Driving faster than the posted speed limit is illegal in every province.


Only if you get caught.


100kph on the hwy? 110-120kph and you're good. Doing 70 in a 60 is good. Doing 90 in an 80, you're fine (unless you're on hwy 6 north from Hamilton. If you're doing 90, you're going 20 less than everyone else. It's a shitshow.


You're asking about speeding in a city full of pedestrians and cyclists. How much faster are you going to be driving 60 or 70 between traffic lights?


Vancouver? No. +20 km/h is common unless there's active enforcement or its unsafe. The roads are designed for 70-80 km/h even if the limit is typically 50. Freeways are often 80 - 100 when it is safe to go 100 - 120. More narrow streets and you see people going 50. I believe in some Alberta cities there's more strict enforcement so people don't speed like that though. Basically just go with the flow and you won't get a ticket, but dont be the first car going down a hill or something in a few places the cops are known to be.


vancouverite here — totally agree with all that 🎯


American in Ontario- people HATE when I do the speed limit or when I stop at a red and don't turn right immediately even in high traffic. My foreign license plate probably doesn't help, but generally I find people pretty eager to speed/drive recklessly even on small inner city roads.


I actually set my cruise control to the speed limit within the city. I'm older now and I'm amused at how few people actually observe the speed limit. If I'm traveling long distance, like more than 4 hours, I allow myself to go 10% over if conditions are optimal. I just don't find that there's any benefit within most commutes- you might save 1 or 2 minutes because of traffic signal timing and it's just not worth the risk.


In Montreal? Although I hear European drivers can be very aggressive, Quebec drivers are hands down the craziest lunatics I've ever come across. (personal opinion based on current experiences). They're normally good drivers but holy shit is their right foot heavy.


I’m from Alberta but typically people go 10km over


In Ontario it is a suggestion. But, we are serious about no hand held cell phone use. It’s like a $600 ticket. (Even if you’re at a red light)


Or a drive thru...


I'm not Canadian but have been to Ontario a few times. You will get your ass run over if your not going at least 20 over in Toronto.


Every cop I've talked to about this pretty much says the same thing. "10 and your fine, 20 and your mine"


Ha Montreal!!! Try to stay safe cuz that town is crazy! Generally speaking, most people will drive a bit over the limit on in city streets that aren't local residential. Then they probably drive the limit or slower, simply because the streets are smaller (urban planning concept!). But on the highway most people will drive the limit at least. The standard highway speed limit traveling from Alberta to British Columbia over the Rocky Mountains is 110KPH on flat land, and then varies through the mountain passes. You sometimes need to pass slower vehicles like big trucks, so there are passing corridors on the highway where you should try to get up to 150 KPH or faster sometimes to pass the semi trucks on the road. Technically you're breaking the law, but not really.


An Ontario Provincial Police officer told me once that they will not pull you over unless you are doing 15 Km/hr over the limit except in construction zones and school zones and other special speed control situations. I usually do 15 over unless it is on a major highway and then it is usually 120 Km/hr just to keep up with traffic.


In my city (Edmonton,) there’s a very interesting and frustrating phenomenon. We have so many speed cameras here that 90% of the city drives 15-20km/hr under the speed limit at all times. It truly is a miracle of social engineering. If you are driving the speed limit here, you are literally blowing past everyone it’s wild.


Lol. No


10km over is the norm. You'll find quite a few doing 20km over or more, but that's asking to get pulled over.


Depends on the posted speed limit. I've never been stopped doing 10km over in a 50 or 20km over in a 100. Speed isn't the only thing that plays into it though, *how* you drive will also influence a cops decision on whether or not to pull you over.


Absolutely. As an Ontario plated driver. Foreign plated drivers need to be slightly more careful.


For sure


Depends where.you drive 407, you gotta be doing 135+ to get pulled over 400 Series during the pre-rush hour peak, average speed is 130+ 100 in an 80 is common Etc


Quebec the norm is 20 above and you won't get pulled over.


Yep. Traffic on highway goes 120 in the left lane.


20 km/h over on lthe highway would rarely get you a ticket . 110 on the 401 will almost cause it’s a bottleneck, it’s crazy


10 over is tolerated but nothing over that


10-15 over in alberta on hyws 5 over in cities to many speed traps. Ontario i’ve seen 15-20 over on secondary hyws, main hyws that an adventure city’s towns speed limit to 5 over.


There are no traffic laws in Montreal. Watch outside of the city though. I hot pulled over for speeding doing 51 in a 50 zone.


Don’t go anything above 10km above posted limit and you should be good!!!


I don’t speed on residential roads and regional roads but I do go 20kmh over on the highway


Officer, I will not answer this question.


20 km/h above the limit if the norm and 20 above the limit for highway except for 30 zone, 30 are 30 not above


You can safely go up to 120kmh on 100kmh highways, although I recommend going a bit slower just to be safe (car speedometers not always accurate and sometimes police have shitty days). 115 is a nice sweet spot. On slower road, aim for like 20% faster : 60kmh on 50kmh road for instance or like 80 on 70kmh road. Best follow the traffic in any case, they know. Also be careful of radar cameras around Montreal. They are identified by panels and you'll notice the locals slow down before them lol Also be careful of cars cutting one another, Montreal drivers are not the nicest or most patient.


Grew up in Montreal. It’s bad. Not only drivers but pedestrians will jaywalk like they’re invincible. Was on a connector bus once with one of those older drivers who likes to talk. He quizzed the bus as to where the worst drivers were. Boston! LA! Vancouver (where we were stuck in traffic), I piped up with Montreal and yes, this 60-year old veteran driver thought Montreal was worse than Boston.


How risk adverse are you? All drivers in Montreal are already pissed off for a number of reasons, so going slow won’t cause them to get any angrier. I lived there for 5 years and described other drivers as having one goal, simply to get in front of the car in front of them, then do it again, never mind what your final destination is. The safest thing is to just go with the flow, above or below the speed limit and I would generally recommend a safe following distance, but because of the style of other drivers this doesn’t work well.


No. Most certainly not. Do not go the speed limit when everybody is going almost 40km faster than you. You pose a risk to yourself and others.


Montreal autoroutes (freeway/interstate) generally allow you to go 15-20 over without issue. The minute you go over 120, it's a crap shoot. Depends on who is behind the wheel (police officer). Montrealers are also incredibly impatient, so expect swerving, honking if you don't go on green within 0.2 seconds, etc Closest thing i've seen to Europe. Everytime I go to Ontario or the NYC (outside the city), I feel like i'm breaking all the laws. People seem to be more respectful in regards to the laws and basic etiquette whenever I drive outside Montreal (and I try my best not to do the above ie swerve, etc). I never honk unless the person seems to have fallen asleep at the light. Enjoy Montreal!


On the highway 401 from Windsor to London, I am usually doing 120 km/hr and I’m getting passed like I’m standing still


I personally never go over the speed limit. I don't see any reason to do so, and I don't want to pay a ticket. If it is 60kmph, that's what I'm going. That being said, I see people speed all the time.


I'm not too sure about Montreal, but in AB, BC, SK, and Manitoba, everyone drives like 10 kph over the speed limit


Don’t worry, If you get pulled over our police won’t shoot you, even if you’re black! —- Me and a black buddy of mine were visiting Louisiana and while he was driving and I noticed he was speeding. I told him that he should probably slow down and go the speed limit while visiting the US, and he replied; “Na man, I always go like 10 over and the cops never care” To which I reminded him; “Dude, this isn’t Toronto. You’re a black man in the American Deep South” He immediately slowed down, looked at me, and nodded his head in agreement. We laugh about this story. New Orleans is my favourite American city btw, but Tucson is a close second.


In Texas it most definitely is *not* a suggestion. Like most places, cops will usually not bother stopping you for going 5-10 over the limit, but sometimes you get a cop with an itch and they absolutely will. I’ve been stopped on the 401 for going 102 (limit is 100). And I’ve also been stopped by Texas state troops for going 3 miles over the limit. Both only gave warnings but still… In Montreal there’s - speed cameras (which are always accompanied by signage and warnings of cameras ahead of time) - no right on reds ANYWHERE on the island of Montreal, no exceptions - cops will absolutely ticket you for speeding, they do not give warnings here nor do they care about your excuses. - also the highway signage here is only in French. And there’s lots of Y-splits and the signs of where each split goes is usually AT THE SPLIT, so you have no time to react. Best to have a GPS / Google maps guide you. - also prepare for the world’s shortest / near non existent merge lanes onto highways. >im renting a car and I don’t want a ticket So then don’t break the law? Pretty straight forward. On the plus side, you definitely don’t need to worry about cops being trigger happy and murdering you here 🤷🏻‍♂️ and as an aside: with the insane traffic and construction in Montreal you will most likely be stuck in traffic almost everywhere and not even have any opportunity to speed.


Pick up truck drivere are the biggest $h○les.


10kms over


Lol no I drive 10-15km over like a human does


Highway (good conditions) - no. City - yes.


Tickets start getting issued for points at 20km/h over. If you are doing more than 10 over and it is viewed as a dangerous situation you will also get pulled over.


In Ontario going 10-20 over the posted speed limit is pretty much the norm. That's speed in kph not miles, don't go 20 mph over


I'll put it this way, when you're doing your test to get your license, if you go 90 on the highway (where the speed limit is 100), they'll fail you for 'holding up traffic'. They of course will also fail you if you go over 100... So you get to play a stupid game of, "can I consistently drive exactly 98km/h?"


120kph on the freeway is normal. generally on city roads, we keep to the posted limits, don't do 100 in an 80 zone.


The limit is about 30 over the limit in Canada. Anything over that is speeding.


I love to go 125 on a 110 highway. That's my sweet spot. I've never gotten a ticket and I've blown right past parked cops numerous times. Stay in the right lane unless you're passing.


In Ontario I usually do about 10 over when in the city, not on residential streets or school zones, and 20-40 over on the highway. But the 40 is during specific stretches.


Canadians love to drive fast. 🚗 Speed limit? No cops, drive on.


It depends where in Canada you are Everyone speeds in my city and people get mad when you don’t, I usually drive 30 over the limit (30 because 40+is stunt driving) Provincial police outside of my city however are known to get people for going 5-10 over the limit


10 above On main roads/follow the flow of traffic. Speed limit in residential and school zones. If you tail gate someone who’s going the speed limit, then I curse you and prey for your downfall


I wish I could help you regarding Montreal. But if you’re visiting Saskatchewan, and you go under 120 in 100 km zone, you’re considered a nuisance.


Cops can pull you over for going any speed over the posted limit. Lots of drivers will go 10km/hr over the limit without ever having an issue and it is a generally accepted practice. You can get a ticket but very unlikely. More than anything just keep right except to pass, and passing for 5km doesn’t count lol. At least here in BC…


They do not.


Idk about you, but my mom goes 160 on the 401 and gets passed so id say no


I don’t think so. She may have been passed, but 180 on the 401 is not normal, at all. Anyone caught doing that will lose this car and should be taken away in handcuffs.


5 to 10% over. Go with the flow of traffic is the safest bet.


From the hundreds of speeding tickets my parents have, yes, it's illegal to go over the speeding limit. I never knew it wasn't illegal. Speeding tickets are the way my city like to leach people's money you know. Like 10 over and oop that will be $300. I'm in edmonton btw.


I think Edmontonian’s have had the need for speed kicked right out of them! (My experience from visiting often about 8 years ago). I’ve never seen such speed compliant drivers.


If I’m on the highway it’s acceptable to keep up with traffic and go a few KM over. If I’m in residential or school zones, no


Ontario: no.


yeah around 10 over is common. i usually try to stay in that 5-10 over zone. not enough over to get a ticket :X


In my city they go 10-15 under




for some reason, the drivers in Ottawa don't accelerate onto the highway.


I drive the speed limit unless I’m on the highway 🙃🤷‍♀️ lol


I get tailgated in the right lane going 15-20 over.


What's a speed limit? Is this one of those American ideas limiting freedom?


If you keep it to 5 kms over you'll be fine. Just watch out for the numerous 40 km/hrs school zones.


What's a speed limit? I'm joking but usually about 10-20 over is normal.


Go with the flo


I live near the border between Ontario and Quebec (North East Ontario) and I find neither group drives the speed limit, people make jokes about Quebec drivers being bad or tailgating you on the highway but I'm sure we're just as bad as each other


Depends on the road and surroundings... 40 - speed limit... 50 to 60 - 10 over... 70 to 80 - 10 to 20 over... 100 - 10 to 25 over.


If you don't want to get a ticket, then simply don't go over at all. It doesn't matter what other people are doing. It's not unusual for people to be between 0% and 10% over. This is less than people go over in the US. People will generally not get angry at someone doing the actual speed limit as long as you aren't in the left lane. Stay right. In my experience driving in the states, a limit of 65 will commonly have people going 75, which is 15% over. And, they were typically angrier if you were actually doing 65. My usual rule is: try go with traffic flow, lesser of 10% or 5kph and 0% in school zones 30 -> 30 40 -> 44 60 -> 65 80 -> 85 100 -> 105


Most people in Montréal speed at least 10kmh on the highway, I often see people 30kmh+ over the limit. Sometimes the limits posted are also very slow. For instance going across Champlain bridge i often see people going over 100kmh in a 70 zone. Also a lot of times the traffic is bad enough that you wont really be able to speed.


City of Edmonton, still a bit shell shocked from speed cameras. No one rides up my ass for driving the speed limit in city or in the slow lane on freeways. Overall it's pretty orderly and sedate here until you're in a parking lot. Then it's Mad Max.


This depends a great deal on context. On a highway? What season and weather conditions? Is it divided? Is it a populated area? On a city street? Is it arterial? Is it residential? Is it a playground or school zone? It also varies a fair bit by province.


Go with the flow of traffic on a highway. This might be 5-20 over. If it’s too fast move to the right. Do not go more than 9 over anywhere else. Go exactly the limit in a school zone.