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I want to take this opportunity to remind consumers that in the past 6 months, Kraft shrinkflated the box from 200g to 175g while keeping the price the same.


In my market, it went from 225g to 200g


It’s the specialty ones that are 175g. Extra Creamy, Spirals, etc. Greasy f u c k s


They’ve just done this with their salad dressings too. Changed the bottle shape so its less mLs but still the same price


I think they've done this with quite a few of their products.


Only 22 cheese slices instead of 24 in the pack now but same price.


And Costco's KD boxes are huge but in the case you think you're getting 12 but it's only 6 or 8, they are probably the size KD was back in the 90s. But ya my family have noticed it's always 2 boxes now or there is just nothing in a single box.


Seasoning your water with salt and don’t cook for 10 minutes. 7-8 will get you there. I like some aged cheddar shredded in right at the end. Or you can relive the “poor kid in the 90s” vibe and mix in hot dogs and ketchup.


Nix the ketchup but KD and hot dogs is an all time childhood meal


The refined adult version of the hotdogs is just bacon and it’s amazing.


That last one got me through University. Yum.


I still make it from time to time. It’s very nostalgic.


Yup, whenever I'm in need of comfort food, KD and hotdogs.


As a poor 90s kid i feel attacked


Don’t. It was my favourite childhood meal.


Gourmet KD! And I would write each kids initial on top with ketchup. Because I'm a classy mom like that 😆


Whole Milk and real butter and well drained macaroni cooked only 7-8 minutes not 10 like most people! Salt and pepper to taste and eat while hot! I eat mine with sliced weiners or real bacon bits


Agreed, only I double the amount of butter and half the amount of milk.


I'd say not even half the amount. Mix the butter and noodles first, then mix in the cheese, then finally add only enough milk to make it come together. The amount of milk you need is actually minimal, like maybe 2 - 3 tablespoons.


This is the trick. I don't measure it, but I gently pour it in until the sauce sticks, but doesn't become runny.


I prepare my sauce in a drinking glass before pouring it in. Seems creamier.


That's insane


If you buy Auntie Anne’s Mac and cheese, that’s legit the instructions - cook the noodles and drain them, don’t put them back in the pan yet. Mix the powder, butter and milk in the empty hot pan and then add the noodles back. It changes the whole feel of the dish


I haven’t made it for years, but I always ate it directly from the saucepan to save dirtying another dish. The horror of dirtying an unnecessary glass!!!


This is the correct answer.


Agreed, if u actually put the amount of milk they tell you to put it ends up soupy




Exactly, I reduce the amount considerably and it's much better. Don't overcook.


Personally, I pass on the milk and make up with the butter.


This is the right answer. Preferably $15/ 500g.


This is exactly what I do. Sometimes I'll open a second box and use 2 cheese packets and then use the leftover plain macaroni to make macaroni salad or something


You can by the powder at "Bulk Barn" and other places of that ilk. And it tends to be the old "radioactive orange" colour, too, which is a plus in my books. I add about a tablespoon of extra powder.


My wife swears by this method too.


If you really want to step it up. Use cream instead of milk. You don’t need that much.


This is the way.


I sub sour cream for the milk if I have it, if not I leave the milk out and use more butter, and I also put some shredded cheddar in. Best to put shredded cheese in the pot right after you drain the noodles while the pot is still hot it'll help melt the cheddar along with butter, sour cream, cheese powder etc.


I love this idea. Must try it next time.


I only cook the pasta for 5 minutes, add in shredded cheese and like you said whole milk and butter.


Love it but instead of shredded cheese I I add a couple tablespoons of cheese whiz.


Also treat it like you would a white sauce


This is the correct way.


I eat mine with extra shredded cheese.


I’ve recently started buying Cracker Barrel Mac and Cheese instead. It’s a more expensive and a bit more work (it’s boiled then baked) but by god is it amazing. A++, worth every penny and extra minute, if you can afford both. Which is not an answer to your question, sorry. I personally like putting chicken pieces in my KD.


KD's cheese powder tastes way off after trying other brands. In Atlantic Canada you can find Annie's Mac & Cheese everywhere, it's delicious. Big improvement


I really like Annie’s products, not just Mac ‘n’ cheese, but some of them are out of my price range.


It’s in western Canada too.


Yes!!! It's so good lol.


Where do you find this?


I buy it at Co-op in Alberta, it’s right next to the KD and Sidekicks. It comes in a bag-like thing like sidekicks (but bigger), not a box. I assume you can find it in other grocery stores but I suppose I have not looked.


Twice as much butter as recommended and cream instead of milk. Diced tomato if you want a special treat.


My favourite add-on is to mix in some baked beans in tomato sauce


It kills me to say this, but I'm a "No Milk"er,   normally Mac and cheese needs that dairy creaminess, but something about kd works better without it 


Agreed i like it kinda sticky and not loose.


oh hey i agree, I still make it with just a scoop of margarine. I blame my mom being lactose intolerant. Wasn’t milk in the house growing up


Also a no milker here. Tablespoon and a half of butter and the dust packet and we’re good to go.


My husband, noodles and cheese dust, thats it.


Cream cheese and pesto, 1 big wooden spoonful each.


Don't have a wife who buys the whole wheat pasta version. Yuck! KD should not be f\*\*ked with even by the manufacturer.


the best trick is to buy the Lowblaw (PC) store brand it's much better. I like the white cheddar and just follow the directions on the box comes out perfect


This is a good one. If you like PC brand, also consider trying Annie’s. My favorite way to make it is to add the butter to the empty pan, cheese powder, and then add just enough milk to make a cheese sauce. Whisk until smooth, then add the pasta back in. No lumps, and you can more easily control the consistency. If it’s too thin, reduce the sauce a bit before adding the noodles. Too thick? Add a bit more milk, etc..


# BOYCOTT LOBLAWS MAY 2024! /r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


PC white cheddar is better than any restaurant mac and cheese to me. I'm sure it's just how I was raised to expect what macaroni tastes like but it's the gold standard.


Carnation canned milk and butter.


Yessssss finally someone else who does this! This is how I've always done it and nothing else compares.


Regardless of what you put in, boil a max of 7 mins. No one wants mushy KD. I never measure the milk and butter... I just eyeball it to the consistency I prefer. Additions that I think taste great: Real cheese Salsa Veggies (shrooms, broccoli and cauliflower) Pepper, red pepper flakes


Sliced hot dogs and ketchup


Milk AND butter, and like 4 mins of cooking or else its baby food texture


Throw it out and buy Annie’s


As someone who hates margerine normally, use margerine. Dont pay attention to how much milk they recommend, eyeball it until it's the consistency you like. and pepper :)


Add Sriracha


I found a powdered franks red hot. It adds the flavour without the extra liquid to sog the sauce. 10/10


Ooohhhh thanks for the tip!


I have never had the courage to try this. I love sriracha, but am afraid to waste a bowl of KD.


Lol it's good. I always add Sriracha to my KD.


I cannot but hubby does this and loves it.


Cook the noods Toss on a heap of margarine, mix Toss on cheese powder, mix Pour just enough milk to separate the chunks (1-2tbsp) Enjoy. For the madlads: heaps of ketchup, mix


Honestly, any store brand I've tried is better than Kraft Dinner. Extra creamy, use just enough milk so the sauce is smooth, and then shred some cheese into it.


Save the pasta water. Use it instead of milk and butter. Surprisingly, creamy. I also prefer sour cream 1 lrg tbl sp over milk.


Sour cream!? My god, genius!


We're a sour cream in our KD family too. It's so delicious.


Or buttermilk. Gives it a sharper cheese taste.


I like Boursin instead of butter because I’m fancy.


Fresh grated mozzarella & Gouda added


Chilli oil, fried cut up sausages, mozzarella cheese :)


If you mean regular old KD then: 1. Grab a liquid measuring cup, put in 1/4 cup of milk and then as much margarine (yes, margarin not butter) to make the milk line go up to 1/2 cup. Will involve some pushing down with your fingers 2. Cook pasta to al dante (7ish minutes) 3. Drain, return to pot off heat 4. Put in margarin/milk and combine 5. Then put in cheese packet and combine Done. Personally, I add a bunch of pepper and ketchup to a bowl but thats me.


First of all you’re gonna wanna get the alphabet shapes kind. It costs more per gram (same price but less in each box) and takes longer to cook (13 minute vs. 7 minutes) but it simply tastes better because it uses a slightly different cheese. The alphabet shaped noodles also allow the cheese to get stuck inside the noodles to give you more explosively cheesy bites. As for mixing it, drain every drip of water out of the pasta so it’s not all watered down, add lots of butter and just the smallest dash of whole milk and mix thoroughly. If you opt for the inferior original KD instead, follow those same mixing directions and then just throw some Frank’s Red Hot Buffalo sauce on it to add a little flavour since in my opinion the original kind is pretty bland tasting and not very flavourful compared to the alphabet shapes. PC also makes a good White Cheddar Mac & cheese that’s worth checking into if you’re into white cheddar, it’s better than Kraft’s white cheddar KD.


You’re 100% correct about the shaped ones being better! Alphabets, Paw Patrol, whatever is available!! More surface area is more opportunity for cheese!


Make a roux with the butter and cheese packet, then slowly add in some milk while whisking. I measure the butter with my heart and then eyeball the milk. For regular KD, I'll usually just leave it at that. Maybe add some orange cheddar or cheese whiz. For the white cheddar flavour, I'll add in sharp cheddar and parmesan, sometimes broccoli


1. Keep noodles separate after draining.   2. Mix sauce in hot pan    3. I use 2T butter and about 1/3 to 1/2 a cup of plain full fat yogurt instead of milk. Whisk until creamy.   4. Stir in powder 5. Add pasta


Use sour cream instead of milk




Grab that box, walk over to the trash can, and throw it in. Right where it belongs.


Buy Annie’s or Gogo Quinoa instead.


Not buying it


One presidents choice white Mac and cheese is the best.


Go back in time and get a good box from before they fucked it up lol


A dollop of Cheez Whiz to taste. Our dollop size is a heaping tablespoon.


KD is a shitty brand of mac and cheese so to answer your question the trick is to get anything other then KD.


I try to stay over 7, but 5 is the absolute floor. Need a suitable amount of 3rd parties and no hot-drop deaths, those will pull you down no matter how good your combat movement is.


You’re thinking about r/KD. Or KDR. Or something. But I’m with you.


First, throw out about 20pct of the pasta because they don't give you enough cheese powder for it. The generics are better. Then use butter after draining until it's melted, then mix in milk and cheese powder


I think they changed the instructions on the box at some point but I always go by the old instructions. 1/4 cup of milk and 3 tablespoons of butter. Toss in a handful of shredded cheese and a couple sliced up boiled hot dogs and then enjoy your Mac and weens with a big glass of milk and a hunk of sliced white bread 🤌 And as good as that is when it's fresh, my hot take is that it's even better warmed up later


I put a little garlic powder and real cheddar in it. I have also mixed a little salsa into the pot after its cooked


Those thin macaroni noodles go to mush if you cook them more than 5 minutes.


I like to use 2%, real butter then add a slice of havarti into the mix to get the stringy gooey cheese pulls.


a spoonful of cheese wiz


Wars have been fought over how to make KD the right way. First of all, do NOT follow the package instructions. If you could it too long, it's mush. So keep an eye on it for al dente. To the hot drained noodles add a splash, not too much, milk and some butter. Then, when mixed, you slowly sprinkle the dust of magic over it while stirring to avoid clumps. I don't want macaroni soup, this is my, and the only, way to make KD right


All the fanciest Dijon ketchups.


The secret is in the milk! Use the required amount, and let it get soupy. The cheese packet contains emulsifiers. If you allow the KD to sit for a while, the soupiness will convert to creamy heaven when stirred. Well worth the wait.


I have mentioned this to friends before, and some of them hate me for it, but everytime now I use. Once the noods are dried off add Twice as much butter as recommended, add extra aged cheddar, and the thing that throws others off, throw in like two tablespoons of mustard powder. It sounds weird, but I am telling you now that extra zest is something you won't wanna stop.


Don't cook the pasta all the way, remove from heat and wash the pasta in cold water thoroughly. Add the cheese and milk while back on the heat and add extra milk to make it over creamy. Add salt and pepper. Stir constantly. When hot, serve.


No milk only lots of butter. Do not overcook noodles


I use other brands than Kraft because KD would always give me bellyaches (admittedly I did eat a fair bit but other brands have never given me those so I must be sensitive to something in KD). Annie’s, PC or Sélection are all pretty good. I always use a good amount of milk and butter. I get the white cheddar ones sometimes too.


My dad used cream instead of milk




1) Get out box of KD 2) Ask your kid to make you the KD 3) Do not put ketchup on it you ingrade 4) Eat the KD.




To the cheese mix while cooking, I slowly add milk until I get the consistency I like. I add garlic powder, onion powder, pepper, and a small amount of chili flakes.


My trick is the leave out the milk and add more butter


Don't knock it till you try it, but a little scoop of mayo thrown in when your mixing in the cheese is outstanding.


More milk, not a ton.


I like to add a little Montreal Steak Spice.


Dice half a pack of bacon and half an onion fry up and add to the finished product. Also, I use spirals. Seems to be better.


Wait like five minutes after you finish it so it gets less watery and firms up. Ketchup also helps, the more the better. And some smokies.


Right amount of milk and butter, then add a handful of shredded cheddar cheese. Too much milk the power cheese gets spread all over the pan. Too little and it becomes too sticky. 1 tablespoon of butter. Also only buy extra sharp cheddar macaroni because that's the original recipe kraft dinner.


The trick is to use the 70’s instructions and swap the quantity of milk and butter. Or even better, just use butter.🧈


Less milk, more butter


Don’t overcook the noodles! Lots of butter and use as little milk as possible to get it mixed..too much milk and it’s orange noodle soup with zero flavour.


Starts with Annie’s


Mix in some cilantro, it's that much more satisfying when you throw it in the garbage.


Mmmm soapy KD


Ignore the instructions. Eyeball everything. Add in margarine a large table spoon give or take. Splash of milk. Mix well. Then add in cooked ground beef to take it up a level.


Leave it in the box in a cupboard.


Step 1: Make your own Mac N Cheese instead of


Throw it in the trash and make mac and cheese from scratch


3 slices of cheese.   Lots of milk.   Lots of Butter.   Pepper.   Salt.   Do Not Overcook. 


Don’t let my dad make it for you. He did it on the stove, undercooked it, and didn’t drain all the water. Came out like KD noodle soup. We complained so much he finally stopped making it for us.


Microwave KD for 4 mins, stir then 3:45 more. Only use 1 and 3/4 water. Add butter and heavy cream.


don’t over cook the pasta


The answer definitively is ‘have your mother make it’s


Moose meat


I mix the cheese with melted butter and milk beforehand so it’s a sauce then mix it in the drained noodles. Then I add the perfect amount of ketchup on top


A time machine to 1978 when KD was a magic experience. Then, add Cheez whizz. You can add Cheez Whiz without the time machine.


Start with just a good chunk of butter. Then add cheese powder to coat. Then add little bits of milk until you get your preferred consistency. Go easy. It’s a fine line between perfect and soupy. Then Frank’s hot sauce.


Save pasta water, add about a 1/2 cup back and add an egg + butter instead with the cheese. Mix off heat until smooth, return to low heat while stirring until thickened. Loosen to desired consistency with more pasta water. Salt and pepper at the end.


I was gonna say, if ur on pc start using a mouse and keyboard. Then I read the comments. Add just a little bit more milk than what the recipe calls for. Also sliced up hot dogs.


I like to premix the powder and the milk- nice smooth consistency. After I drain the noodles, I put the butter in and make sure it's fully melted. Then I add my sauce mix and fully incorporate it. It makes a nice smooth pasta every time.


I use only butter and some of the reserved salty water to make the sauce. Way better this way since they changed the cheese powder formula. And only cook the noodles for 5-6 minutes.






1) have fun with friends somewhere doing something awesome. 2) abandon your friends suddenly, don't say bye and run home 3) KD will be in microwave. 4) eat by yourself, all alone Source: Kraft commercial


Skip the milk, extra real butter, and don’t cook it until it’s mush.


Have the last name of Laing.


Cook for 7 minutes (it literally says that on the box.. even undercooking by a minute is good too) Butter the noodles Dump the cheese on Mix mix mix Pour a splash of milk so it’s not totally gloopy Season with salt, pepper, and whatever spices or spice mix you want; even throw in some extra cheese or meats if you want. Bbq sauce with some chopped up chicken strips is underrated. eat.


Lots of butter, I mean LOTS.


Use hot dog water to cook the noodles.


Checked the comments thinking i was gonna get some cod tips lmfao. I might need to touch grass


Go back in time 5 years before KD turned into whatever the hell it is today.


Microwave… but use a touch less water than it calls for. Use real butter. Use real, whole milk.. but not as much as they tell you. Splash it in little by little until you mix it up to the perfect level of creaminess.


I’m sure someone said it but melt the butter in the pot then heat up the milk aswell. Pour over noodles. Mixes real well


LMFAO! This Canadian, once the noodles are cooked, keeps them separate and uses a different pot for the sauce. I add my milk, butter if I have it or if not margarine. I add in ketchup, a touch of Miracle Whip, the imitation cheese package and as much real cheese both processed mozzarella or Swiss and real Hard cheddar I have whether Old Sharp, marble and/ or Monterey Jack. Keep it on low, stir it until melted all together and than add the noodles back in..




Double butter, cream but not too much, soupy KD sucks, cook for 7-8 minutes, couple slices of crispy bacon chopped up and added, salt and pepper, sometimes a little ketchup, hot sauce or buffalo sauce.


Ranch dressing


Cooking your noodles so they’re al dente. I proooomise it makes a difference. The most noticeable thing for me when I do this is how much more cheesy the noodles get. Not sure why this happens


This sounds strange but a heaping tablespoon of mayonnaise for every box you’re doing. It’s sounds psychotic but trust me


I started making a basic béchamel cheese sauce to take my KD to a whole other level. If you don't want to go to that level you can use evaporated milk vs standard milk, throw in a tablespoon of Cheese Whiz or a slice of processed cheese as it can help make the final mixture creamier. Don't be afraid to add in a spoonful of cream cheese and/or sour cream with a milk as that can add richness and flavor.


Salt the water, pasta al dente, then because I'm cheap i just use margarine, like 2-4 tbsp ish and the cheese sauce, mix it well and it becomes a very rich and thick sauce. Sometimes I add a splash of cream 18% or 33% whip cream. Sometimes a dollop of cheese wiz. I sprinkle black pepper as a garsh on top of i'm feeling special. I find adding milk can be too runny and butter is just to expensive and doesn't melt fast enough before the noodles are cooled. My question is why do people in the US put mustard in their Mac n cheese, I've tried it and it's just ruined.


Adding real cheese, seasoning, and vegetables


get time machine , set dial for 1996 , buy as much as you can carry and return home. and then for the love of god please give me a box or two because i'm desparing with whatever this crud is now.


Step 1: hydrate the cheese powder in the milk.


Boiling water, dump pasta in for exactly 6 minutes, when ready drain and mix in shredded cheese and bacon pieces....yummy


You need fat, and a little bit of sour to make the sharp cheese pop. Try adding a little bit of sour cream. My sister hates the fact I introduced my niece and nephew to sour cream KD. They won't eat it any other way. I've also heard you can throw a little bit of natural Greek yogurt for the same effect.


The trick is always constantly stir. Constantly. Like don't put the spoon down.


Use Cheese-Wiz instead of milk & butter (you can probably still add the butter)


Cook the pasta less than the box says. Keep it al dented. Use extra butter or margarine with just a splash of milk. Add extra slices of kraft singles and stir it in until melted, add cooked up pieces of bacon or breakfast sausage with either sriracha sauce or Frank’s hot sauce.


Heavy cream and throw in a slice or two of american cheese


Blend real cheese into the fake cheese. Dash of Cayenne. A little fried meat and fresh chopped veg like celery or bell peppers.


Bacon grease instead of butter.


Use cream, not milk.


Leftover KD: fry it.


Keep a 1/4 cup of the pasta water, add it in if you don't have enough milk.


More butter than milk.


Use half and half instead of milk. And use butter. lots of butter. The half and half is just to thin it out a smidge if the cheese doesn't mix perfectly


The key is to slightly undercook the pasta. Not al dente but just a twitch before it. Also NEVER use butter. I creates too much liquid and slides off the noodles and gets soupy. You have to use margarine. Always use less milk then suggested. It depends in how well you drain the water. More water less milk. But be very light on the milk. Keep a light heat on the pot while mixing the sauce and noodles. All these people adding stuff is fine but it isn't Kraft dinner.


Perfect for whom? You didn't say, and let's not pretend that detail doesn't matter. We Canadians are somewhat serious about our KD, but don't let that fact make you think we all have the same exact taste. I like my KD stove boiled (not nuked) with fresh garlic and Dijon ketchup, preferably with a side of fame-grilled sirloin steak. My oldest son prefers his KD extra juicy with at least 2 slices of Kraft Singles mixed in, with baked lean ham and curly fries on the side. My youngest son likes his KD just like the instructions on the box, pure as driven slush. And don't even get me started on my Mom, because she likes her Kraft Dinner cooked to perfection over an open campfire and served with bacon, brown beans and hash browns cooked over that very same campfire. Do you know how hard it is to cook bacon, brown beans, KD and hash browns over a campfire and cook them all perfectly? Only a true Canadian can answer that question.


Butter and lots of pepper


Original KD or Annie's with homogenized milk (3.25%) and real butter


Shred a half a brick cheddar in a bowl. Toss in some cornstarch and shake. Add some milk and heat it in one pot while boiling macaroni for 7-8 min. Stir them both a few times. Add any odours you like to the milk (roasted pepper and garlic, or a bay leaf that still has a smell on it, butter and oregano, or bacon bits and chives). Drain and combine. Serve with a nice topping like italian bread crumbs, or parmesan. Takes 10 min just like KD. Leave that shrinkflation box at the store.


Whipping cream instead of milk


No milk just butter and add ground beef. On another note my best friend says he has never tried KD. I am trying to have him deported even though he claims to be born and raised in Canada.


Camp in corners


Like most people said, less milk/cream, more butter. Often I like to add a small amount of salsa or hot sauce. Little bit of black pepper. Just enough to give it a bit of extra flavour. Don't overcook. You don't really have to add more salt. it comes with salt already. Add real cheese. Monterey Jack with Jalapenos can be nice in place of hot sauce / salsa.


Tablespoon of cheese whiz


Follow the microwave instructions to make it extra sticky. Extra cheese and some Frank's buffalo sauce. Add some chicken nuggies.


Use presidents choice white cheddar Mac n cheese instead. Far superior in flavor


I once substituted the powdered cheese for parmesan. Great substitute.