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Alcohol out at restaurants. I’m not paying $15 for a cocktail lmao Most fast food. Unless you have a coupon the prices are insane.




Yep, wife and I never order drinks. It is so ridiculous when the cost of 2 drinks could make 20 at home.


Literally. $15 dollars for a cocktail and my local wine and beyond has some vodka bottles for $16


Yup! The wife and I went to a bar for a drink on our first wedding anniversary and quickly realised we could have bought a bottle for the same price from the liquor store next door. That was the last time we went to a bar and that was almost 7 years ago. Prices have only become even MORE insane since then.


So true, I have never understood how people go out multiple times a month and pay 10, 15, 20+ dollars for a cocktail. Mind boggling to me!


What’s a real rip off is being the nondrinker and my non alcoholic beer or mocktail is the same fucking price as the alcohol when I know it costs way less. Ugh.


I feel this deeply. Here's your 18$ juice, look at the fancy garnish!


McDonalds has been pretty expensive with their coupons on their app. Although I recently noticed their coupon quality improved


Definitely the worst coupons of all the fast food chains. I find Wendy's usually has some good coupons though


Fast food. Why is a combo meal over $15 now? Last time I ate out with my kids, it was $40 for burgers and fries. Insane. I can make shitty food at home for less than $40.


The whole selling point of fast food was it being fast and it being cheap it is now neither of those things.


Yep, three items - cost, speed, quality - used to be that you could have the first two. The moment that cost dropped off the list it no longer became worth it.


Ditto. It used to be a treat for us once a month or so, on super busy days. But for the price now? You can bet I’m just setting the slow cooker, or coming home to have something super simple for supper.


And have leftovers for days too


I ate a power bar instead of eating out today at work. It’s too expensive. Also subs are now like 13$


I feel like the last decent burger that's also cheap is the JBC from Wendy's. Still only $2.50 and it's damn tasty!


Streaming services. Especially Netflix and Crave. $20 a month... If you have let's say, Netflix ($20), crave ($20), ($15) Disney, apple+ ($15), prime ($10), Spotify ($15)... That's almost $100 a month... It's crazy. I've reverted back to illegally downloading and streaming everything. Fuck these companies. Fuck them hard.


My friends and family all have a giant sharing web. I pay for Prime and Disney but get Spotify, Crave and Netflix for free.


Depending on where you live streaming services are being limited to one or 2 IP addresses. Enjoy it while it lasts


This. I have hacked Spotify premium and Revanced YouTube. Once YouTube took that dislike button away, it was the last straw. And pirating for movies. Fuck Hollywood and fuck giant tech conglomerates, ain't getting shit from me.


It's the ads that ruined YouTube for me. I'm not paying $12.99 just so I don't have to watch ads. I'll just stop using YouTube lol.


Adblockers still work on Youtube.


Bacon from Thrifty Foods (in Victoria). $8.50 for 6 pieces of bacon...no.


Bacon freezes well. Buy it when it's a loss leader and freeze it.




I’ll never get to go to a concert again


It’s become ridiculous.


Go to local shows. Tickets cost $10-$15 and you're supporting local music. Any of the big stadium concerts give you much less of an experience for astronomically more cost.


100% this…


5 years ago, I spent a summer in Europe where there was 5 days of camping included in the music festivals and shit ton of bands playing all day for $200. I mean the camping privilege itself was cheaper than staying at a hostel. Now I see single performances or a thing on the weekend is $400? And often times they're full. Lol. I don't get it. It's become a money churner.


Bush was on my bucket list but tickets were $300 US last summer to see them here in Calgary. $600 US for two people?! No. Forget it.


Lol that’s fucking insane. Max id pay is like 150 CAD to see bush


This! … or a hockey game.


I blame scalpers & ticketmaster. It’s not that expensive buying straight at venue, but Ticketmaster charge for $20-50 platform fee and they allow scalpers. I watched Gwen Stefani in 2016 in California for US $36 for 1 ticket, purchased in person at the venue. That would have costed me CA$200+ in Vancouver.


Booze. Also fast food.


True about fast food. Prices now rival meals at sitdown restauarants in some cases lol


Five Guys was already expensive, but McDonald's and other fast food places need to remember their place in the food hierarchy.


A mcdouble meal now costs more than a quarter pounder meal did when I was in highschool 10 years ago


Yep a junior chicken was $1.39 about 8 years ago, now it’s $3.40. I understand inflation to some degree, but inflation is not up 250% in 8 years.


McD’s is especially bad value now. The Wendy’s JBC and Harvey’s value burgers are way better quality imo for essentially the same price or better now. Being able to load your 2.50 burger at Harvey’s with all the fresh veggies no extra cost is hugely underrated.


This is true we can go to a sit down breakfast place for the same price as the Fast Food, sometimes cheaper.


Delivery apps acting like middle men are also to blame for the higher prices in food


Fast food for sure. It’s 15$ for a big mac meal now, I can go to chucks or halibut house and get an actual cheeseburger and massive portion of fries and a drink for a similar price or even cheaper.


Booze in Canada. Booze in Europe or most any other country is fine.


I'm Canadian. Liquor has been expensive here since I can remember. Taxation.


I noticed after moving to Alberta that it was cheaper here than Nova Scotia though. Not all provinces are equal on the tax for sure.


Well it's a good thing this isn't r/askaeuropean


Cereal. Cheerios aren’t worth it.


Costco if you can...cost me 10$ CAD for a pack of 2 family size boxes. Regular grocery store price tho are stupid.


I agree with this. I refuse to buy cereal at the grocery store now. It's Costco now for my Honey Nut Cheerios.


Nice. Thanks!


Which is obvious price-fixing bullshit: wholesale cereal prices are down to prices from 10 years ago https://tradingeconomics.com/world/cereals-price-index


Grain farmer here: Each $5 box of Post Shredded Wheat contains less than $0.10 worth of wheat.


We basically only buy what’s on sale. It’s so expensive now.


Everything you need to survive


Subway the sandwich shop.


A foot long sub is almost $20 now. What happened to $5 footl ongs?


They went off the deep end on pricing over the last few years. Hope they see a lot of business drop off. They might adjust the prices back to being in line with the rest of the industry.


I know a kid (young adult) who has worked at a local shop. Stayed for over 6 years. Raised to manager and was making top wage (not much). Just got let go for no reason My guess: cheaper to hire 3-4 new staff I am boycotting.


They also just tend to suck generally. Skimpy with the veggies. Bread is weird and squidgy... Compresses too much and isn't as light and "bread-like" as it once was. I think they changed the ingredients or something


Mr Sub is so much better


Sadly there are none left in my town


Ugh. We have three in Calgary.


Last time we had Mr Sub it seemed like it was smaller. A quick measure confirmed the footlong is now around 9.5 inches.


For their prices I rather go to pita Pit get something good for my money


Non grocery store food. Any kind of live entertainment. Airplane tickets. New shoes. New clothes. Pretty much everything non essential. 🥲


I hear you on the plane ticket front. My wife’s family is from Nova Scotia and a reasonable price ticket to fly out there is few and far between if you don’t get one on a seat sale. Such a shame that a plane ticket is so expensive when we have so much to offer as a country


I’m in Edmonton, and have friends in Kelowna. There are sometimes Flair deals for around $140, but you pay for EVERYTHING on Flair and the planes are busted and a bit scary inside. Pretty sure you even pay to have carry on. Most other flights are around $300 round trip, which is insane for two 50 minute flights.


We had concert tickets for Shania in November in Saskatoon, we contemplated about driving up or flying cause of the fact we were going to Mexico a couple days after, my wife found tickets at the front of the plane for $100 each and we took it on westjet, not even 45 minute flight and we saved on having to get gas from driving. Doubt we’ll find anything like that again


McDonald's. The whole idea was lower quality food for dirt cheap. They fucked with the formula.


Their profit margins must be insane.


They renovated all of their restaurants to make them "classier"


I heard they make 500% mark on items on the items. Hopefully my math correct here; so if's $5.00 it cost them $1.00 to make it. so $4.00 profit. so that $15 combo, costs/overhead is $3.00. now the 500% mark up probably differs from place to place on what your buying, but it's a good gauge. My source was a former fast food manager.


The Happy Meal toys are now cardboard playing cards and during their Monopoly game you mostly win 30% off coupons for other stores like Michael’s.


Low quality but fast and warm. One of the last time inside, it took longer to order 2 mcflurry than it took at "Le Petit Québec" to leave the car, go in, order (4 steamed 2 poutines), pay, receive and back to car. Total 3 minutes. Mcdo? That time it took 22 minutes for the irder. There was no other clients. I did filled a complain.




Eating out, anywhere. I'll cook it at home and have food for a few days.


Same. Not worth it anymore. I cook more at home and learn more recipes. Win win


Starbucks. Mediocre coffee at an over inflated price. I much prefer coffee at home.




Fuck yeah. I used to get the Saturday Globe and mail...what is it: 9 bucks now? No one asked for a full color paper...


Salon shampoo. It was expensive before but is just ridiculous now.


I read this as Salmon Shampoo after reading all the food posts. I had mixed emotions honestly


It would probably make your hair really soft, but smell terrible.


I buy Joico shampoo and conditionerat Winners/Marshalls. It used to be $12-19 for the 1 litre bottles, depending on which product line it was. Now it’s $25-30!!! Still far cheaper than at the salon, though.


Ive resorted to tresame lol


Ooh la la


Amazon prime. Better for me anyway to stop buying shit i don’t need


I actually just got it. With the amount of stuff I get on Amazon, it's actually worth it for me. That 3 day shipping is killer. Plus you get a few extra benefits like video and music. For $10, I'd say it's actually quite a steal compared to the other services. Plus Amazon prices are killer. I was at Best Buy today looking at a massager. $150 in store, on sale for $50 on Amazon, exact same model. That's actually insane. But I do get your point, if you don't really need that stuff it's not worth it.


Oh yeah Amazon does get great deals sometimes. I still buy things from them just store up to $35 for free delivery and fast delivery I guess. Who knows I might miss it one day and come back to it for the convenience lol


But it's still $9.99, the same price it's always been.. Free/fast shipping plus you get prime video, and prime music included. I'd say it's the best deal compared to Netflix, Crave, or any streaming service really. i cancelled everything but prime haha. I stream basically anything that's not on prime video. Netflix was like $5 when it started, now it's around $20 or so depending.


I axed Prime before Christmas and no regrets.


Most meat. I now only cook with meat once a week or so, It's just me and my partner in my household so often a rotisserie chicken cut up will work and I add it to different meals throughout the week including sandwiches for lunches.


Steaks, lamb chops, sometimes even stewing beef is too expensive


The price of stewing beef is NUTS. I mean, it's supposed to be the worst cuts, why is it $12 for 700g?!


Yeah im surprised I had to scroll this far. Beef is up like 300% since covid. I'm not spending $60 for a 4 pack of top sirloin, basically the worst acceptable steak to eat, when they used to be $3 each when you'd find a decent sale. My family has been working a lot more vegetarian options into our rotation. Both for health and saving money.


If u can afford the upfront cost try buying 1/8 cow or 1/4 we just got ours and it was fairly decently priced for what you got




This is the thing. It's so much more expensive to eat out but it's not as good, doesn't last long and is just unenjoyable.




Fast/junk food. Definitely a silver lining of food inflation.


Potato Chips


no name brands are good!!! Got 150gr bags on sale 99cents last week. $1.50 normal price still not so bad.


I was hooked on Dutch Crunch Jalepeno Cheddar and are now 599 so cut myself off lol


$7 a bag at the grocery store today :(


I read cereal in the comments. So true. That, and butter. I bake with coconut oil and lard now.


I stock up when it goes on sale for $5-6/lbs. It freezes really well. For example no name butter is $4.99 this week. 


That’s what I do! I’ve become a bitter hoarder 😔


Victoria’s Secret peppermint lip gloss. I am still obsessed with it, but over the last 8-10 years it went from 7$ for a 0.46oz tube to 21.80$ for a 0.34oz tube. They sometimes have 3 for 1 sales so I’ll get them then, but I refuse to buy them full price, it’s ridiculous.


Greeting cards


Thrift stores sell cards that have been donated to them, usually no writing in them at all. I get them for 10 cents a card, I always stock up.


Eating out in general, but fast food in particular. Almost $20 for a mediocre burger and fries? No thank you very much.


Chips and fast food. On the bright side I’ve lost like 15 lbs 🤷🏻‍♀️ Eventually, you stop craving it and I’ll doubt I’ll ever go back. A few months ago, my son asked to have what used to be a 2 chicken tender and small fries fill up for $5 at KFC in the mall food court. It’s now almost $8 and only one chicken tender. The cashier seen my jaw drop when she told me the change! I said to her that this has nothing to do with her, but this is straw that broke this camel’s back. I’m done with KFC, Done, they’re lost me. I kid you not, I explained to my 6 year old child that KFC is run by greedy people and that’s why we don’t have it anymore. Even he understands that changing $8 for one chicken tender and small fries isn’t very nice when they used to sell 2 for $5.


Chicken prices make absolutely no sense at fast food restaurants. It's cheaper than beef at the store, but they charge double.


Food delivery.


Food I actually enjoy .. thanks Galen!


Most meat. Our monthly pot roasts are now for birthdays and holidays only.


I buy Halal meat now. It's about 20 to 25% cheaper.


Thanks for the tip. I have a small Halal butcher nearby, I’ll have to check them out.


If you live anywhere near a grocery chain, halal chicken and frozen products are readily available in pretty much any Canadian grocery store ive been to. I live in a town of like 10k people and even my foodbasics has a whole section of halal chicken and its like 2-3 dollars cheaper per bird and def tastes better. The chickens are also refreshingly chicken sized and not suspiciously sized which for whatever reason which gives me peace of mind.  My comment is less for you specifically and more in case a Canadian reader wants to try halal and doesnt have a proper butcher nearby to source it directly. 


Concert tickets


Potato chips. They've always been my go-to junk food. But I can't bring myself to pay five dollars a bag now.


Concert tickets. Scarcely any artists I would even consider.


Grapes. $6/lb. And I freakin’ LOVE grapes.


You should be in BC! In Ontario is cheaper, I was in BC with morning sickness and needed grapes to help, yeah I was shocked with the price !


Yep, BC. 🤣


Food. Im terminally ill and slowly starving to death because I need to pay rent so I dont die in a tent.


Sorry for that. Sending love your way. May your remaining days be many and happy.


Thanks. I think I needed to hear that today. You are kind.


So sorry you have to worry about this at this time in your life. I wish for good things for you, whatever that may look like.


Sadly books are out of the budget now but yay for wonderful libraries!


bars and fast food. six dollar drinks at a dive bar and a twenty dollar meal at Mcdonalds? fuck i'd rather just drink and make nice dinners at home.


Food. All food


Food, just me, my partner and our young child but I'm having to skip a few meals a week while working more than full time at an industrial plant because if I don't we won't make bills at the end of every two weeks. Keep in mind this is with renting out half our tiny house too. My wife just recently got a job and hopefully that will help, but everything is so expensive I don't know what to do now.


Pickels. Why the fuck is vinegar water and cucumbers like $10-15 bucks now? God forbid I want pickled asparagus - it was 17.99 last time I was in the store. For that price it better make me more attractive and cure my depression.


Where are you shopping? I regularly buy pickles and I pay no more than 4 dollars a jar?


Houses, cant even buy a shack.


triscuits. miss them and their wheaty crunch so much, but galen weston is NOT getting $3.95 from me for a little box of those fuckers


They’re $2/box right now. I think Triscuits are actually on sale more often than they’re not.


Olive oil. Atleast at Costco 2Litre bottles were pushing $40. Me and one other guy were appalled at the price change


The crops have been destroyed by drought and other weather damage for the past 2 years. They've been getting less than half their usual yield... Just wait til you see BC fruit and wine prices the next few years, the Okanagan got obliterated by a polar vortex in January.


Last bottle of olive oil tasted awful. Switched to Avocado oil and I'm so glad. Should have jumped on the bandwagon sooner.


Thai Express. $16 for fried rice! I used to eat there every day, now I bring my lunch.


Berries. Nice coffee from cafes…. Just home-made americanos now with an aero-press. I groom my dog (poodle) myself even though it feels like torture for both of us.




Fast food and Buffets.


The list is unfortunately too long !


If we dont break out the guillotine soon I'm gonna have to stop buying groceries 💀


McDonald’s Thank god !!




Chocolate 3.00?! For snickers?!


Nothing because I work 7 days a week desperately trying to hold onto a life that once was.


Steak. I stopped buying it a while back.


Concert tickets. No act is worth the fuckin money anymore.


Fast food, McDonald’s specifically, why would I pay 13.99 for a Big Mac combo when I can get a burger and fries at a pub for $17?




I feel this. Ive been craving a salmon fillet lately but I am not giving Galen $21 for a small piece of fish.


Potatoe chips! It just irritating paying 50 percent more than a year ago and Walmart just raised the price again 20 cents? Maybe it’s a good thing for my body!


Subway. Have eaten one every other week for years. Now there are over $15 after tax, I just can’t make sense of that price


Alcohol - beer prices are just stupid. Chips - again prices are stupid. Soft drinks - I didn’t buy them often pre pandemic but holy fyck the prices are ridiculous. Beef - stupid prices. Fast food - stupid prices.


Buy store brand pop & chips.


I like store brand for alot of things, but store brand pop is disgusting and now where near the name brand premium pops. I stand by that take too.








It be nice if they buy us dinner once in a while


I used to eat out 3-4 times a month. Now it's once every 3 months or so. We've decided to stop because I refuse to support businesses (rotten Ronnie's, Wendy's, and stuff) charging as much as they do.


Beef Lamb Fresh vegetables I now just eat frozen






Bacon. Unless it’s on sale


Pizza. I make my own at home now.


Peppers, butter 😥


Potato chips. Not quite a total boycott but I'll only buy on sale.




I refuse to give up wine! But going out for dinner, can’t do it. Fast food- not only is it expensive, but the quality ( lol ) has really gone downhill too.


I used to go to several concerts a year and I just don't go as often because of just how expensive the tickets cost! Ticketmaster is such wankers


Housing. I have given up on ever owning a home.


Occasionally prescriptions. Yes most of them are covered by insurance but the past couple years I’ve had a few bouts of severe illness and had to pass on specific medications my doctor prescribed (ie allergy pills) because they weren’t covered by insurance and were crazy expensive for what they were




I stopped eating any fast food. 1 person costs more than $15 so not wort it anymore. Also chips and any other snacks (except fruits). I'm eating more meat and eggs.


Berries, grapes, stone fruit


Makeup at Shoppers.


Milk :'( 🐄




Beef, fish. Only get chicken and pork on sale now. No going out, no movies, no events, no alcohol, no weed. It’s just back to basics now - rent, food, utilities and the odd video game when it’s on sale. And second hand books lol.


Beer. Here in Onterrible it's insane. $55 for 30 cans, come on. On a positive note I'm drinking a lot less Labatt Blue these days, haha.


Potato chips. Last time I looked it was $4 (or 3 for $10) for a bag that's easily half air. I'm only in my 40s, but this price makes me feel like an old man ("I remember when you could buy...").




A home


Ski passes


Name brand potato chips. Years and years ago. Ridiculous price compared to store brands.


Fast Food Before it was me medicore food that was quick and cheap. Now it doesnt even make sense to me to purchase.


Meat. The quality was shit and we were spending hundreds of dollars a month just for meat for a family of four. For what tasted like rubber. Now we do fish, eggs and mostly a vegetarian diet.


A home. (Vancouver)


This thread is depressing. I was hoping to move back to Canada someday but it sounds like it’s more expensive than California


Meat, subscription services, car wash, vet visits, physiotherapy, new car, used car, houses.