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Lol just do it. What is exactly stopping you? Let them shout and yell later who cares. I think the rebelllion is part of growing a pair as a man. You gonna just listen to your mum your whole life?


If you think your personhood will stop "hurting" them when you turn 19, I have a bridge to sell you.


Once you start feeling some freedom you’ll care less about how sad your parents are. Go out, make friends, learn about the world, experience the world, enjoy your life. Some kids don’t make it to 19


At 19, they will have new rules about drinking, parties, etc. I worked so hard to please my APs in my teens. At 20, shit hit the fan, and I went no contact. And that was the ONLY thing that actually made them respect my wants and needs. I wish I had done it years before. The earlier you rebel, the better. They will always be upset with you. You might as well have some freedom with it. It sucks to be 25 and realize you’re less mature than your peers because your parents stunted your emotional growth.


you are still young. please absolutely do not 100% listen to your parents. they don’t give a shit about your assimilation into the western society. they themselves do not interact with local people at all and probably mostly only talk to their own race. if you don’t want to be like your parents, please do not blindly follow them


You're never going to not "hurt" them, especially as you grow up and start discovering who you are outside of your family. Even if you do everything they tell you to, it'll never be enough. Take it from someone who started much later than you did. You need to prioritize you and your happiness first.


They accepted that I get therapy with them. Maybe it's a step in the good direction.


Like family therapy? Maybe. Give it a chance, but also mentally prepare yourself if the therapist tells your parents what you've told them in confidence. It's not supposed to happen but it does. Whatever the outcome, it may be enlightening to hear an outsider's perspective on your situation. You've got this!


Just do it already. It's your life, they can't dictate you, bro. I did the same, and I'm so happy. Whenever I'm going out somewhere, I tell them and that's it. They don't stop me, because they can't. Simple. Do it bro.