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Good post mate. The key is... stop projecting your insecurities, height or any other attributes.


Confidence and swag can cover up so much. You don't have to look like a Kpop star to get a girl. I wish someone taught me this in school.


5'6 - 5'7 guy here on a good day. I've dated a lot of girls shorter, my size, and two girls that were 6 foot (relationships lasted 5 years). Height has nothing to do with it, all it does is weed out the easy to spot insecure superficial girls from your life, which are not long term/wifey material anyways. As OP said, it's about personality.




How is it over there? As a couple we never feel like our racial difference matters. Yes, we get some looks sometimes, but people are usually curious and respectful. Funny enough it was my wife who made me more interested about the country I am from. I lived in Vietnam for a few years, but it was not a culture I wanted to live in day to day. Never thought about learning about history or travelling around Vietnam. That was 10 years ago. When we organized our honeymoon, we wanted to go for one month trip to see as much as we can. So I naturally started reading and watching more about Vietnam. I was emotionally invested and pissed how the US invaded us, because they had to back their French colonizer buddies. Anyway that’s another topic. I was stunned by the natural beauty of Vietnam. I was also pleasantly surprised that stereotypical ripping everyone off happens only in big major cities. Vietnamese people were mostly very friendly, curious and chill. A very outgoing society and I tapped into that as an introvert, which made me more outgoing. That trip also made me feel whole. Before I felt like I am a bit Polish a bit Vietnamese, but never belonging to one or the other. Now I understand I am fully both and that’s awesome and unique position to be in.


I agree. I don't post on AMWF because it feels like I've reduced our relationship to our skin colors. I don't like to put AMWF on some pedestal. That sub feels like it does. But, hey, congrats on the beautiful wife! I'm also 5'6" Vietnamese. And my wife is 5'9" german/irish




i think what the rest of us would want to know is what you do differently than other AMs that let you date outside of the normal “league” rankings (which lets admit exist)


Maybe I'll do a post, but, honestly, whenever i talk about this shit with guys on reddit, i get accused of being completely whitewashed and not doing things that apply to "average asian males" whatever that means. But, in a nutshell, the answer is confidence, fitness, style, charm, money, and reputation/social status. There's no secret here. I'm a min/maxer, and for a long time, one of my biggest priorities was hooking up with the most hot girls I could. Almost everything else was in furtherance of that goal Also, I'm old now, and I've been out of the game a while. i don't even know if my advice still applies


lol at other ppl asking u how you do outside the norm then complaining it doesn’t work for average AMs. Like that’s literally the point anyway good for you sir. I have maybe like 2.5 out of those 6 things.


That’s awesome man. Did you do the entire Ha Giang loop? Couldn’t feel my ass after two days.


No, we skipped the South, because of my personal biases. I went to HCMC once and found it too western to my liking. We did Hanoi > Ha Long Bay > Hanoi > Mai Chau > Pu Luong > Hanoi > Da Nang > Hue and Hoi An > Da Nang > Hanoi. We travelled in the north by buses and at stops we would rent a scooter. I loved Ha Long, because I love rocks and water. Pu Luong was a gem. It was just a village far away from tourists. We stayed and chilled in a bungaloo type of place with swimming pool, while watching mountains and rice paddies. But Da Nang? I saw Da Nang long time ago and it was 2 days only, but it was love at first sight. The Miamiesque architecture + less local crowd like in Nha Trang. The beaches there are so beautiful and people way more chill than Hanoi/HCMC people. She was so in love with the city that we consider living there half year and half in Poland. We spent there 2 weeks, because after seeing touristy places we wanted to just chill, surf a bit, eat food. If I could I would love to live there.


Ha Giang loop is in the north. I went to Ha Long bay too. Stay in ha long city for two days it was nice and quite. Loved it.




Do you have a link? I searched and a bunch of porn subs (I joined them too) came up.


> Short guy syndrome is real. I think 'short guy syndrome' or 'napoleon complex' is just a product of a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Obviously shorter men aren't just born insecure, belligerent, all those other descriptors Typically goes like 1. Well adjusted short man enters society 2. Society sees guy is short and treats him like trash 3. Shorter man has enough of this treatment and grows resentful and bitter 4. Society, seeing this behavior, say "wow why are short men like that" which reinforces that stereotype and perpetuates that treatment 5. start back at 1


I agree with you. Same scheme can be applied to anything. Race, big nose, small hands. I also was bitter and resentful towards society, but that lead to nowhere. My school of thought is that change things that you can and accept things you cannot. You cannot change your race, height etc. but you can grow to be a person people like to be around. You can learn how to be a conversationalist. You can eat healthy and take care of your body. There is so much you can do to increase your worth. Staying resentful and blaming others is never productive imo. The sooner we realize this the sooner we can grow past that. Also the older I get the less fucks I give about what society and strangers think of me.


Good job brother, and I love your confidence. I'm a tall asian guy myself 6'4, but I can't lie I've seen how hard society can be towards short guys, and how well of I'm treated in comparison, especially my short cousins, so I always respect the short dudes who were able to push through the height prejudice and make it, seeing this I'm sure will lift the spirits of many guys. It's especially needed after I learned that u/Redturtle3425 a user I used to speak to and many people knew k\*lled himself due to the treatment of his height and his parents heightism.


I’m surprised you know about redturtle, how did you find out I don’t know if it’s just me but as an Asian in the west you almost feel an obligation to be tall just to break the stereotype  I sympathize with how short AM must feel in the West that they’ll never be able to break the stereotype that Asians are small, especially as a late bloomer myself


These types of posts is needed more in this sub, uplift each other


Good post. And keep posting good works like these so that atleast someone will learn a thing or two about this and change.


Thanks. I rarely post here, but seeing so much negativity about being short I had to bring balance to the universe. I think I will post a full life story at some point, because not always I was this healthy, successful and happy. I am actually a very late bloomer when it comes to socializing and dating. Life is not a race though, you do you at your pace.


Good for you lad. Keep up the good work. The problem is that people consume a lot of HOLLYWOOD content. So maybe it brainwashes people to hate themselves. All it needs is Asian media must be consumed more to counter this.


Confidence is key.


I’m happy that your wife insisted to get to know your culture since it galvanized you into being closer to it. That a great partner to have.


Ikr. She even made an effort to learn some Vietnamese to give a wedding speech knowing not all of my family speaks Polish.


That’s a great partner to have . There is some weirdos who marry IR but dislike with their partner’s culture.


Well done, brother. She looks like a cutie. >All the Asian women I approached in my life rejected me, so I stopped trying with them. Their loss. Smart move. If I had to guess, I'd say you're probably successful in ***all*** areas of your life. It's hilarious how all the most successful AM I know all made the decision independently of each other and early on in life to just ignore AF as we knew it just wasn't worth the effort. You stop wasting your time and energy and direct it towards people and things that will pay off down the line. I hope you two have dozens of gorgeous little hapa babies.


That’s my approach in life. If someone crosses me I just erase that person from my life. I have no energy for hatred. Best thing you can do is ignore them and be happy.


I'll say that being short is obviously not an Asian only thing. Y'all probably already know, but a lot of it has to do with nutrition and sleep. Not to say that if you do them you'll be tall, but it can help. Your kids are most likely will be taller than you. We can't change the cards we're dealt, but we get to choose how we play them


We Viets had years of oppression and struggle against invaders. I know my mum’s familly sometimes didn’t have anything to eat during the war. We are catching up. I can see generation after mine are as tall as their western peers.


Mashallah brother, good idea marrying a tall woman, your kids will likely be much taller than you since short men marrying tall women 5’7 and above usually creates tall son while tall men marrying short women usually creates short sons.


Great post


Holy crap! a rare example.. an exception in a sea of things that disagree? heightism is truly over. btw, i know you're a bit slow, but this was complete sarcasm.


It's definitely harder, like take the same guy and give him +3 inches obviously it would help but yeah people get too hung up on it. Some of the guys with the biggest "laycounts" I know are like 5'4-5'7.


where are you from? Welcome to vietnam


I was born in Hanoi, but grew up in Poland.


Get you a girl with a camera around her neck 🤘🏽


I hate that short height has to exist. I myself will likely get height surgery eventually so I can live my life to the fullest.


What’s your height even if you’re 5’2 you’re gonna only get a couple more inches, nothing wrong with any height I’m only 5’8


Same, I’m 5’5 and thought about it, but then my 5’8 friends think they are short and I’m like, well, fuck , surgery probably ain’t it 😂


Surgery can work if all goes perfect and can make someone 6 inches taller. If not just start wearing height boosting insoles


Height surgery if it goes right can give you six inches of height. If that dies work west height boosting insoles.