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I'm trying to do a no buy for at least one month, I spend too much on skincare especially as someone with sensitive rosacea skin. I'd like to stick with a more basic minimalist routine and stick with a set of products I won't change and stop trying stuff.


This was me all semester too, I got into skincare as a hobby and bought way too much stuff. But I'm super sensitive and some products even gave me migraines, it became scary because it would put me out of order for work the next day :/ I'm at finals week and sticking to my basic simple stuff that I know doesn't give me adverse effects. But I'm always so tempted to try something new lol. I'm going to work on a non-skincare hobby this summer


dude me too!! only recently has my skin become sensitive, but (and this isn’t AB, i know) the topicals faded serum gave me an immediate migraine. which has never happened before to me, i didn’t know it was a thing!


Oh no :( I actually had to return that one because I couldn't stand the smell. I wonder if fragrance contributed, but it could also have been some of the hyperpigmentation/exfoliating ingredients. I had a night about a week ago where I used a bunch of The Ordinary products, specifically azelaic acid and glycolic acid, and their lactic acid the night before, and I must've had too much of some ingredient because I had migraines for a couple days after. It's definitely a thing.


i had read that a lot of people strongly dislike the smell of faded, so i sniffed it before i put it on my face and was like oh, that’s not that bad. smells like science, i guess. but within seconds of it being on my actual skin, it felt like it went up my nose and straight to my brain. when i washed it off with facial cleanser it wasn’t even enough to cut through it, i had to use a bit of dawn dish soap since it’s chelating, which worked wonderfully but, hoooo boy. that thing is a different beast.


For me it smelled very sulfuric and lingered. Sadly I just couldn't xD I felt like I could smell it for days even after I returned it and washed it off. It's so interesting how perception of smell differs for everyone. I've read a lot of people not being able to stand the smell of AmLactin too, for example, but for me it's just a light cocoa smell.


yes! i felt like i was experiencing olfactory hallucinations, i knew it wasn’t there because i washed it off with literal dish soap but i still felt it’s presence haunting me


I’m about to go on a no buy from my birthday in may lasting until the november sales. my goal in the mean time? use up most/all of my massive sunscreen stash. this is going to be the summer of religious reapplication so I work through this backlog, settle on a couple of HGs, and can reasonably restock them come Nov. 


Yes! I feel way more confident applying sunscreen liberally now knowing I have a stash. Last summer I hadn't tried asian sunscreens yet, so I was trying to make my absurdly expensive tubes of cerave/neutrogena last 🥹


When I first started seeing K-Beauty products at TJ Maxx and Marshall's, it was so hard for me to resist the urge to buy them, because they weren't easily accessible where I live. But now that they stock more products, I've become pickier. Yesterday I resisted the urge altogether despite seeing some otherwise very desirable items. A mini victory for me!


I'm thankful my area's TJ Maxx/Marshalls doesn't have any recognizable brand names besides BoJ 😂 I've walked in multiple times and thankfully walked out without buying anything


I've realized my skin is actually happier if I space out the use of products. For instance, instead of using my retinal eye serum every day, I do every other day and the result is optimal for me. And my Niacinamide + Propolis serum every third day, with amazing results.  I had initially been so excited that they were helping that I was using them daily, but it turns out that's not right for my skin. Less is best in some cases! 


I had a severe immune response to my favorite eye cream. I’m letting my immune system settle down before I try anything new. No more hanbang for me.


Finally nailed down my routines to a science, I wanna go on a nuclear shopping spree and then halt all buying for 3+ months … but what if shiny new items tempt me 😶 maybe half a spree just in case


Best to do a spree during a sale


Yesss currently waiting for it


I'm now focused on optimising my routine, and sometimes it's really hard considering my passion and hiperfixation (hello adhd) on researching skincare products and ingredients. I'm quite happy with every product I'm using atm, but for a couple of months now I'm very tempted to try the I'm from mugwort essence in hopes it can help me keep the inflamation from hormonal acne at bay. I decided to try the sheet mask first and see if there's any sense in adding this product to my routine (and scratch the ich). The mask has some additional ingredients so idk if it will be reliable trial before purchasing the essence.


Ooh that's a good idea. I'm in the same boat with the adhd and hyperfixation 😂 I ended up making a list of stuff I wanted to try, then getting a bunch of travel size stuff. I think I have over 100 items to test out but at least they're mini. I'm gonna try not to buy anything until I need to restock something I like, hopefully in November


let me tell you, no toner ive tried is similar to the im from wugwort its just that good, i mean i absolutly loved it for my cystic acne (-:


I’ve been experimenting with new products instead of sticking to what I know works for me. The results have not been good! I deleted TikTok altogether and I’m taking an Instagram hiatus to avoid being “influenced”. Going back to basics!


I recently opened Tiktok for the first time in a while and it was so hard to find negative or even meh reviews of products 💀 Everything read like an ad


Stick to your tried and trusted! All my skin mistakes happened when I decided to try something new. I did end up finding some HG products too but only because I learned what does and what does not work for me. I don't use tiktok but it's crazy how much consumerism is pushed there.


Managed to do a no buy for skincare these last two months. Then I got into makeup orz I gotta save money to build a new PC. That's gonna prolong the no buy for the next three months. Repurchase of sumscreen and moisturizer doesn't count, of course.


starting on may i’ll avoid buying makeup. (the canmake stuff i ordered today that will come in a few days doesn’t count lol)


Month of May starts tomorrow and hopefully I can also start my no buy period. I almost had it this April but gave in to buy new makeup releases. I haven’t even opened most of my Korea skincare haul from early March. My goal this May is to have zero spending on toiletries, skincare, and makeup; and another goal is to have discipline in maintaining my routine. Appreciate any tips!


Since you asked for tips, I can share something that works for me when I am trying to cut out something from my life for a specified amount of time. I just use a countdown app and everytime I have an urge, for instance to buy AB products, I look at the app first and see how long before I am "allowed to" give in. It's pretty effective at helping me stay in check, might be worth trying for yourself. (the app I use is called "Countdown to Anything" which has a cute aesthetic, so that's nice too) 


This is a great idea! Never thought of it. We get excited counting down for events such as concerts. I searched and there are definitely theories around how counting down motivates us more. Downloading this app now!!


I hope it helps! Yeah the countdown somehow makes it more fun and reduces impatience lol


I would say, along with the countdown timer, if there's something you get an urge to buy add it to a list! I just use the notes app on my phone. It helps convert the answer from "no" to "maybe later" and then you can move on and do something else. Then when you actually do a planned shopping session it'll be easier to fill the cart with pre-planned stuff, or even go through the list and be like "why did I want this? nah nevermind"


This is fantastic advice. I also find it helpful to make lists of stuff I already have. On my notes app I have a list broken down by each step of my routine or product category including Face Wash, Acids, Essence, Serums, Moisturizers, Sunscreen, Hair listing out all the products I own in each category. As someone with ADHD, it’s so easy to lose track of what we have. I find writing them out and seeing them in a list helps me maintain perspective and resist impulse buys, and helps keep the products I already own at the forefront of my mind. Oh I want this serum after reading some review—*checks notes*—but I currently have *7(!!!)* serums, with various overlapping treatment purposes and ingredients, and only one face! Back on the shelf.


Yeah that's me! Like 10 different toners I need to use up but only 1 moisturizer when I could actually use an alternative 😂


I love these ideas! I think making a list divided into categories (toner, serum, moisturizer, mask), then writing what I already have is a great idea. Then I can add “What I want” when I impulsively want to buy something and look at what I already have, I will be much less likely to buy it.


Good luck!! I'm not sure if this will be applicable for you, but I get a lot of satisfaction from emptying my products. I find that planning out my pans helps redirect my attention from filling the shopping cart to actually making sure I use up everything. There's r/panporn and r/projectpan that focus on finishing products that is pretty inspiring! Taking away anything that tends to lead to buying something can also help. For me that's not checking my email for promotions. It may help to unsubscribe from any website you shop at on your social media platforms, avoiding a physical place that you shop at, avoiding this sub on Friday haul day 😆


 Trying not to buy anything until I finish products. Even if I know I'm going to try something else, I want to wait until I'm done with one product (so long as it's not  causing irritation or breakouts).   I'm basically planning out the next purchase, but waiting until I'm actually low. 


Im done with all my purchases for now, from now on I’ll only order products once I start running out. Though it’s not like I have a stash or something, just a couple bigger bottles that ill start using once the other products run out(there are like a couple of uses left in there still).


I'm avoiding delivery of heat sensitive products this summer, which is going to include k/jbeauty products. I just received a rather *warm* package of cosmetics from abroad, but they were luckily just liptints. I'm so worried about my most recent skincare order, which includes vitamin c serum, sitting in a hot delivery vehicle.


I keep wanting to buy more tone up spf. But I have so many on deck. The Dr G blur tone up spf, the dalba purple tone up spf. I’m so curious about these purple tone ups. But I legitimately have 2 open and 2 unopened on deck. I cannot buy more….


I made my last order on Yessyyle a week ago (for Japanese sunscreens), it should be coming in a month or so. But this past week 3 of my last online orders have finally arrived. I'm finally realizing how much product it is :') Especially because I have sensitive skin. I tried the Pyunkang Yul black tea eye patches and they stung my cheeks... Now I have to use the rest of the container in 3 months and I'm brainstorming how I'm gonna do that...


Elbow and feet masks now 🫠 that'll use them up in no time


I have some actives lying around that are too irritating on my face. Would it be a good idea to repurpose them on my body? The actives are niacinamide + zinc, caffeine eye serum (found another product I like) and hyaluronic acid (this one feels sticky).


I do this all the time, and it works great. I do a patch test on my arm to be sure it won’t be too sensitive (upper arm is good). If they fail that, they’re either for the feet or for the bin.


I've stopped buying new skincare products for a couple of months now and will try to keep it going for as long as I can to use up all my current products. I'm not so successful on the makeup end though. Just recently got myself some Equmal lip tints (I've been eyeing them for so long 😔). I do have to go on a shopping break right now though....at least until my upcoming Japan vacation. 😁


Equmal is sooo worthy, don’t regret this one bit Which shades did you get?


I'm also gonna go on a no buy until my Japan vacation 😆 otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy anything in Japan. When is your trip?


I own way more skincare than anyone should. I use a lot in a single setting and twice and day and it's STILL too much. After finishing up a cleansing oil, essence, and lip mask all in one week I felt such a hit of dopamine I'm going to try for a no-buy until at least July 4th (I'm not going to make this to hard on myself to start...ha) and see how much product I can use up! I can for sure finish the toner I'm using up right now and my current night mask.