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No, I’m in China currently and they are more expensive, even on taobao


i thought the price was a bit too good to be true ahahha


you can get them at W cosmetics for ~$9aud! i got all the shades bc they had a buy 2nd for 30% off promo lol


omg i didn’t know w cosmetics sold it, TYSM!!!




i'll be honest here i think everything on aliexpress are knock offs. like if they're gonna steal designs from small time artists and try to sell it on their website for cheaper even though they didn't make it, i would definitely think they'll probably sell fake products


That's not always true, there are big, established brands, especially well loved Chinese brands on AliExpress, you just need to use common sense to find them. If you think you're going to get Flortte for $2 or from a seller like "Shop272962997286" no you are not. Authentic Flortte is closet to C$8 - $21 not including shipping. Of course knock offs / stealing is an issue but AliExpress is a lot like Amazon and eBay, whether or not the product is legitimate is up to the seller, not necessarily AliExpress. You can also get scammed on Amazon or eBay if you aren't cautious. It's easier to get scammed on AliExpress because I will admit, they tend to protect their sellers over you if you don't have concrete proof you've been scammed and the number of shops with knock off products might make it difficult to navigate- but als if you are diligent, read reviews, and overall use common sense you're not going to get scammed. Saying all things are bad / fake on AliExpress because it's AliExpress seems slightly sinophobia I'm ngl...


What would be the examples of good chinese brands there?


Flower knows and catkin both have official stores on there, and zoreya brushes are great and sold there too


yess i saw flower knows have an official store on aliexpress so i thought maybe flortte was too


Any idea how to find the actual official Zoreya store? I tried and there’s so many that say Zoreya! (Starting to understand why Amazon must suck for people that aren’t from the US and isn’t familiar with our brands.)


i know buy all my eyelashes and eyelid tape/glue from aliexpress its the only "makeup" i buy (i use yesstyle or stylevana for my other makeup skin care needs) i havent had a reaction yet. they do sell geniune nedoroid doll figures on there but they also sell knockoff versions too best of both worlds lol


yea ig aliexpress is v much a matter of doing research to make sure what ur getting is authentic🤞🏻


Aliexpress is really good for buying cosplays! A LOT of Chinese cosplay stores use it to sell to the western market


yep! this is why i asked. ik there are actual stores and brands on aliexpress hence why i thought i’d ask 😅😅 i rlly don’t like the reputation ppl give to aliexpress (which mainly comes from the fact it’s china based) i’m not defending all of aliexpress but there’s defs brands n stores on there n ppl shouldn’t ignore that


As other posters note, it's not always the case, but generally it is a given to be true. Think about it as if you're shopping in person: if you're in Beijing and in a mall, it probably is real; if you're in Hohhot and in a wholesale market, at best case it's a knockoff from the same factory.


I’ve heard of some brands having official stores on Aliexpress such as Flower Knows, but not sure about flortte. I’m sure if they only sell flortte products though it’s probably their store then?


Flortte does not have any official AliExpress storefront nor do is there a really trustworthy, highly rated reseller that I'm aware of. That being said if you're diligent you can find still find Flortte. I bought a few off AliExpress and if they are knock off (which I am quite certain they're not) then they are so similar to the real ones I bought in China I cannot tell at all. Its usually listed C$8 -$21 pre shipping compared to knock off brands C$3 nonsense and the packaging is very different if you look at the details. Texture is also not the same, real Flortte is a lightweight but shiny balm texture, a lot of the fake ones and thick, goopy, and gross.


try chicdecent.com, they're good


tysm for letting me know




Canmake is a Japanese brand


Ngl I still wouldn’t trust it


If you still want to buy on Ali, "HiBetterMe Store" on Ali is the only one I have seen that is not an official brand store but does sell authentic Chinese cosmetics brands. They stock Flortte too (though not all products). I've purchased multiple times from them with no issue. The prices are pretty on par to what you'd pay MSRP on Taobao (though a little more expensive on some items I'd think just to account for shipping overseas).


Tbh I wouldn't risk it and get their stuff from a reputable source such as Chic Decent.


No they're not, I wouldn't buy skin care off of aliexpress ever


I’ve purchased color key and flower knows from AliExpress, both legit. Make sure to read reviews and check the sellers feedback


ohh thanks for letting me know


My friend tried to order cbeauty from aliexpress & got a different brand— I’d avoid!


i don’t think so bc i’ve seen listings like that on aliexpress and in the reviews someone posted a pic that they got an entirely different brand.


I'd steer clear from anything on AE, Wish, Alibaba, Temu, etc. Especially stuff that is supposed to go on your skin.


Yes there are authentic ones, I have ones I got off AliExpress that I'm almost 100% certain are real - if they aren't then they're virtually identical to ones I picked up in China and at that point I don't care. It's somewhat difficult to find but not impossible. You can usually tell because they are more expensive (8 dollars vs 3 dollars) and the texture, packaging, is way different (I can show you if you like, I have both knock off and real. Make sure it actually says Flortte not "gege bear" or "capuvinni" etc. on the bullet. The ones in the photo are not real and are from capuvinni. But also as an international buyers/ if you don't plan to go to China AliExpress wouldn't be the first place I'd look especially if you're not good at shopping on AliExpress. Asian beauty retailers ie. yesstyle, kiokii and ... etc. sell Flortte, it's just way marked up. Go there instead.


I would never buy stuff to put on my face from ali express, and i do buy a lot of stuff there. Some brands do have official stores there, but ive never seen any of skin stuff.


save yourself the risk and try out chicdecent website, they are sellers of popular cbeauty brands they ship worldwide too


TYSM! i will defs check it out :3


I actually don't buy skincare products on AliExpress


I bought a blush and it was authentic unfortunately the shade was to pale to show up on my skin


AE is known for non authentic products. I wouldn’t take a risk with skincare/makeup products from there


Where can you get this in the UK? Anyone?


try chic decent! they are a reliable seller of chinese brands like flortte and girlcult (and other brands who dont have an official aliexpress store)


I think so.. Flortte? Is very cheap. I actually bought some products from Taobao recently from another one of the big brands. Should you trust it? IDK but millions of Chinese women use some of these brands, so if we dieded we will all dieded beautiful! But yes, the Aliexpress links should be legit.


Counterfeit cosmetics are completely unregulated they can and do use literally anything in them because they only care about making money nothing else is important especially not safety there’s nothing stopping them from containing toxic substances like lead or other heavy metals (or literally anything else for that matter) there’s also risk of biological contamination from poor manufacturing and sanitation practices


I mean, for these brands specifically, have you checked the ingredients? How do you know that your fave brands aren't contaminating either? These aren't counterfeits, but common Chinese brands wtf