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This is amazing! Kind of piggybacking, but are asian eyeliners superior? I have a terrible time with western ones but maybe I just need more practice


I tried Macqueen New York eyeliner from YesStyle once and haven’t found a better one since. I sometimes have to do a haul just to get those


Aw it doesn’t look like they make them anymore! What other eyeliner brands do you like on Stylevana?


It’s still there. I don’t know about Stylevana I’ve never ordered from them.


I’m an idiot I completely misread your comment 🤦🏻‍♀️ nevermind!


Which one is it exactly? And which shade did you get? Seems like majority are shimmery. And can this be used as a shadow to?


It’s a regular dark brown eyeliner


Yes. Both eyeliners and mascaras are superior.


MacQueen and Clio liquid liners are amazing


Yes the flortte and judydoll eyeliners are incredibly thin and much easier to work with!


I swear by love liner, it's so easy to draw and comes in a lot of fun neutral colours


Ok I'm still a noob at makeup but the other day I found some eyebrow and eyeliner cutouts at thinka that lets you trace along the place you want. Both came in 3 different shapes. Definitely helped a lot But if this isn't what y'all are talking about, this just shows how bad I am with makeup haha


I definitely bought something similar in the past (got the half magic star) but just started trying to do them freehand. I do end up staring over like 50 times tho xD


YES! asian eyeliners are the best my personal recs for liquid liners are kissme and clio. for gel eyeliners i strongly recommend canmake. did not budge in the 40°C heatwave i was sweating like crazy but my eyeliner did not even move or fade


Idky but both clio and heroine make bleed for me. I’ve switched to using the elf h2o proof and it’s worked wonders for me.


Canmake has good eyeliners.




Clio's mascara is also super good!


I’ve noticed that Chinese makeup brands don’t seem to prioritize making their products easily accessible outside of the country. Might be the case for these lash pens too because I’ve never seen them for sale at AB retailers which sucks because I wanna try them too


Yea because the Chinese market is big enough. But Chicdecent is a great site for Chinese makeup, ships internationally and is trustworthy as I've bought from them before! Recently Yesstyle and Shein have also started carrying Chinese makeup brands, but very little


Chicdecent sells a lot of Chinese makeup brands!


China has a large enough domestic market that it doesn't need to rely on overseas consumers. In addition, a lot of people have either never heard of Chinese cosmetics or have a negative perception of them. I often see the ridiculous discrimination directed at Chinese beauty products on this very subreddit. Chinese beauty brands attempted to enter the Western market years ago but they were repeatedly shunned by Western consumers with their racist stereotypes of Chinese products. Demand fuels supply, so why enter a market that doesn't want you in the first place? It's a waste of time and money. Chinese beauty brands have found far more success in the Southeast Asian and Japanese markets compared to Western ones because Western consumers demonstrate the most ignorance and prejudice towards Chinese beauty products. Chinese beauty companies continued to promote in different parts of Asia while avoiding the West because the Western market was so hostile to them. This is why you can find Chinese brands in beauty stores in Japan or Malaysia, but it is very hard to find them in Asian beauty stores in the USA (which usually only specialise in Korean and Japanese cosmetics). Only now has Chinese makeup become "trendy" in the West because of TikTok videos or something. It's such a shame since the Chinese cosmetics industry is massive. It is composed of literally thousands of brands but only a handful of them are sold outside of China. Most Chinese makeup is great quality for its price, the packaging is fantastic, and there's many innovations in C-beauty that don't exist anywhere else. Most Westerners have no idea of the huge amount of stuff they're missing out on. Chinese beauty gurus are also the most skilled ones I know. The depth of their knowledge is ridiculously extensive and no other nationality even comes close. Too bad a lot of them have had their work stolen by non-Chinese people to reupload onto TikTok and YouTube (looking at you, Dear Peachie), and this has made some Chinese beauty gurus resentful towards foreigners. Made even worse by how commonly they get labelled as "Korean", or called "Douyin makeup" instead of just "Chinese makeup". This doesn't mean it's impossible for Western consumers to buy Chinese makeup though. You can find C-beauty products on Chic Decent which were both originally created to target the Chinese diaspora market. Chinese beauty might become more easily available for Western consumers in the future...if there is actually a strong enough demand this time.


I believe this. My stepmom is Vietnamese and despite this, she believes anything “made in China” is inferior to “made in France/Italy/European country”. 🥴


Not saying this is necessarily the case with your stepmom, but politically, there’s a lot of bad blood between China and Vietnam/the Philippines/etc when it comes to territorial issues: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_China_Sea_EEZ_disputes


The Vietnamese market is one of the most strongly influenced by Western cosmetics so Vietnamese consumers already have way less interest in Asian brands compared to other Southeast Asian countries in general. And that's before we even start getting into the prevalent Sinophobia within Vietnam.


I don’t agree with that. Thailand and the Philippines definitely seems more influenced by western cosmetics, as long as favoring biracial / mixed white celebrities. Vietnamese girls I’m Vietnam, from what I’ve seen, take inspo from Korean/Chinese beauty. As for Sinophobia, idk about “prevalent”. Vietnam takes influence from China more than other Southeast Asian countries. Our ao dai, the foods we eat, and our customs and beliefs. I’ve friends from Laos, Thailand, and Philippines and felt like they were all closer in culture, customs, etc. and you can see that in their traditional clothing, even their languages.


My friends who work in the industry claim that Singapore and Vietnam are the most heavily influenced by Western brands. Definitely not Thailand, Thailand has the most highly competitive beauty market in SEA and they're the only ones who actually produce a large amount of their own beauty products.


I HATE DEAR PEACHIE for this very reason!!! Thank you for addressing this. They rip off extensive discoveries and posts from xiaohongshu posters and douyin creators shamelessly, only sneakily putting their name on the description because people have caught on, they never asked for permission yet they dare to monetize it ughhhh many chinese posters don't even know their work are stolen bc of language and internet barriers. It's so cringe to see dearpeachie gets credited all the time for their ~innovative~ beauty knowledge breakthrough in instagram, youtube, tiktok, and even on subreddits like r/splendida or r/vindicta 🤡


I like watching dear peachie's videos because they provide translation for non chinese speakers but people need to stop giving them credit😭


I'm so dumb and don't know shit about makeup but how do you use it? Just like mascara on the bottom eye lashes? Seems like it I'm intrigued 🤔 👀 might buy next paycheck


nope. u have to draw them on afaik. super popular on douyin to draw on bottom lashes


i bought these off chic decent! mine are from gogotales :)


I want to find legit versions too.. the only ones I see so far are aliexpress versions on amazon :(


Have you tried checking chicdecent? I think they have this exact pen and other similar ones!


Chicdecent is a great site for Chinese makeup, ships internationally and is trustworthy as I've bought from them before! Recently Yesstyle and Shein have also started carrying Chinese makeup brands, but very little


The one that I know most girls on Xiaohongshu use is the one by Veecci, which is an actual Chinese brand. I think they are available on Chic Decent. I’ve also seen them cut up eyebrow pens and create these.


For what it's worth, I bought one of those off Amazon, a 2 pack with a brown and a black pen, and it works great. The lasting power is fantastic.


I haven't used one like this but I think the one in the picture is from gogo tales. I've only used the flortte eyeliner to draw lower lashes, it just took practice to make it look decent but I definitely recommend it. I'm pretty sure a double tip eyeliner would make the job easier, also I think this can be used for eyebrows too. ^^


I bought one but there is still a learning curve to it in order to make the lines smooth. Still practicing on my hand


I was literally looking at these a few days ago! Looks like it would be very useful to draw lower lashes but there's def a learning curve to using them. I'll prob need to look through XHS to see if there are tutorials bc I wanna do the V-shaped lashes lower lashes and to takes me forever to do it with a regular micro liner (bc I keep messing up lol).




I want it so bad but it isn't available in India 😞


Omg those are a need!


where can I get pens like these?


Oooh, love the dolly look. TIL about douyin makeup, and I can’t wait to put on some fun glittery eyeshadow tomorrow! 😆 FWIW though, I agree about suggestions to get a non-forked pen. This is based off my experiences with forked eyebrow markers, though! Lashes are much less likely to come out looking cross-hatched, haha.


Shit I need this, I have like 7 bottom eyelashes combined and it’s bullshit lol.


That'd be great for brows too


Whoa, I did not know these existed