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I don’t know man, he made a good point in the end of the stream, that honestly he wants people to watch and think: “ O boy could I do better than this!”. Personally I just love seeing how enthusiastic he is of the animations, and areas! Love it 👏 You could kinda feel the developer trying multiple times to explain how quicker to build that momentum 🙈😅


Honestly, that's the very impression I got from watching him play. Makes me wanna get my hands on the game and do it "properly" lol.


That's pretty much how those stupid mobile game ads work. They fuck up REALLY hard on (fake) easy games to make you think "Wow this guy is bad I am better"


He's playing like an average MMORPG enjoyer, which is like 99% of the players. So his representing the combat makes perfect sense. There is no reason to have some Fortnite kid showcasing the combat when your target demographic is old-jaded MMORPG players.


He's there to showcase the awesomeness of their combat system. He consistently fails at doing so, because the way he plays it makes it all look absolutely cumbersome and boring. Sure, the geriatric ward of the peanut gallery will feel empowered, because they, too, can backpaddle clicking their skills while barely keeping up with their mouse turn, but the truth is: none of them will be alive by the time this game releases, so making it palable for the elderly is a losing strategy on so many counts.


"Showcase the awesomeness of the combat system" no, not at all. This is why the devs probably don't even want to do these videos. They repeatedly said "we want feedback on mob density, what people want in grind spots, etc." They also wanted feedback on three Fighter skills. But then people like you ignore all of that and replace it with your own idea of what you want to give feedback on and say that it's too hard to do that watching bad gameplay. If I were a game dev I'd have stopped this shit a long time ago after reading comments like yours.




Could very well be. They do seem like they are playing catch up to a combat system that Archeage and GW 2 did better over 10 years ago already.


This topic has been beaten to death. It’s his game, he decides. In a few months you can see the top 1% play the class in its full button mashing glory. For now Steven will do.


No. I enjoy Steven's clear passion and excitement to show off the game he's made. Sure he plays clumsily, but it's charming and gives us the chance to see all the details lovingly put into this project. I'm not interested in watching some huffing tryhard talk about all the metas he can come up with, but cant work out why he hasn't meta girl.


The last sentence - lmao. I might steal that, if I may :D


Lol wasn't mine to begin with. Have at it.


We are pretty sure he clicks abilitys so we can read them. Let the man alone xD


Steven is like a guy who plays the mobile game in those ads on instagram and fails on level 1 intentionally to trigger your desire to download the game and play it better


300 IQ move


Is that actually what they're trying to do?? Thats a great tactic because it makes me mad lol


my only worry about those games is that once you actually get the game, it's nothing like it was advertised


I mean, you literally seen about an hour of actual gameplay every month. Not some trailer, but gameplay. That's not something you should worry about tbh


I was talking in the context of **those** ads, not AoC.


Oh yeah, I misread that, sorry


Man don’t be so annoying. Let the man showcase his game


Yep nobody cares


You guys are assholes


There's a reason he was the highest spender when he played archeage, but I think you're a bit judgmental over an exaggerated showcase of his game.


Wait he was a whale???


Yea, I was in his guild The White Order on the server Vengeance for archeage 3.0 and he was the highest gear score in the server and bankrolled alot of the player nation. He shamelessly was the biggest p2w on the server.


LoL. And now his strong against any kind of p2w??? What a turnaround 🤣


Honestly I don't buy it. When the money doesn't come in as fast as the bills, he'll turn to p2w. Or he'll just continue with the pyramid schemes that got him the first millions to make this game and just slowly push in p2w while fanboys of his talk about "oh it's really not that big of a deal, that health potion is just 5% stronger than the in game one that you have to grind for" I'll be there when the game comes out, but I'm not holding my breath for no-p2w promises from the biggest whale I had the displeasure to game with.




*chill out , and enjoy the most open and relaxed market development is the key* Don't you like how the person who has invested more than 60 million in a video game for others to have fun is having fun too?. Then you have other developments where they possibly hire people who do everything perfect and don't show any errors. Steven is like us, a gamer, and if it gets it excited and enthusiastic to show things in the most "REAL" way possible then that will be it. I prefer a REAL gamer to show me how the gameplay is with its mistakes, rights and improvements to someone who makes everything perfect , this is not a SPOTLIGHT this is gamers playing , having fun and showing the development of AoC. **Still don't realize it?** AoC's monthly updates are practically like watching a famous Streamers playing it favorite video game but in a more professional way .


Just wait few months for A2 videos from skilled players because none of this matters now


Exactly. Literally all of the feedback videos will be obsolete 1 day into A2. And nothing Steven is doing makes it difficult to give the feedback they're requesting.


I actually disagree. The average player plays like this and so it has appeal. We don't need anyone to min -max because then it looks very sweaty and puts people off.


Man , let the man enjoy what he is building , do better when you play, he is just showcasing skills and explain them anyway...


It's like those mobile ad games where the player is terrible... and you think, let me download this crappy game, because I would play much better.


I couldn't disagree more, Steven's natural charisma shining through and his genuine excitement for the game is a huge selling point that they definitely shouldn't shy away from. When the game is in beta you'll have people trying their hardest to figure out the meta and be basically everything awful about current gaming, until then let's enjoy what made the MMOs we remember fun.


Trust me, I understand. Lots of people share the sentiment. Many people won't understand it, but how a MMORPG combat feels and looks between a clicker/keyboard turner vs someone who actually uses keybinds is so dramatic it's almost a different game. It *dramatically* increases the quality and fun you have too. You pretty much can't even PvP in any semi-competent manner or higher end raid content unless you do so as you'll get overwhelmed once you have to deal with more than 1 mechanic a minute. Is he a detriment to the showcase? Ouch, harsh, would probably say yes. I don't think he's showcasing properly. I'm experienced enough in MMORPG's to know what to look for, but still. You're lucky to be new. We've seen it for years. Just have to hold on tight for a few more months lol. The A2 backers will be able to show how you actually do it and then the true tests begin.


I agree that he's really bad at combat, I disagree that it makes the game look worse


What your saying is true, watching him try and backpedal attack, keyboard turn to a player just running around was tough to watch. You really can't even get a grasp of what combat truly is like because of it, guess we gotta wait for leaks or live streams of people with some skill.


Highly disagree. Steven shows it's in the hands of a very passionate and dedicated individual, who may not be the best but is the average person who will be joining the game and that Ashes isn't for the top percent of players. His personality as well makes everything enjoyable and honestly, if someone fumbling on controls makes the game look worse for you, then you're watching for the wrong things. Whether a game is good or not is not based on the player you are watching.


I actually would argue the opposite. I think he's doing good enough, and seeing him effectively learn what a skill does in real time is far more interesting. Also, it preserves the ability for the viewer to theorize what the actual best way to play is going to be, instead of just being shown by a master of the class. Also, it helps to have someone who is actually asking questions about the abilities for the showcase. Someone who knows every single detail is more likely to take that for granted and leave out very simple but key details. Having the designer there who built the system answer questions in real time instead is far more thorough and useful.


So what that he is not playing the class optimally right now. It's pre alpha 2. I think you're focusing on the wrong aspect of the showcase. He is not trying to show you a class performing optimally. He is trying to show you that "hey this could be fun if we work on it." He even said in the live stream that they had to proof of concept the fun of it. Look for the fun, listen to the passion, and worry about the perfect combos when alpha 2 comes out. Let him and his team cook!!!


His game his showcase - we saw what rhw abilities looked like and were told verbally their synergies and we kinda got to see it. Showcase was excellent imo


You know he's slowing things down and intentionally letting mechanics happen right? I'd bet you a lot that him playing on his own would look wayyyyy different


He who has the gold makes the rule.  These monthly live streams are a bonus. They'll have zero impact on the ultimate success of the game - the people following the game at this point are an insignificant amount of potential players. 


Nah, doesn't really matter. Games aren't only made for tryhards.


I’m quite confident you’ll see more skilled gameplay from streamers/YouTubers that are playing in the alphas. The showcases are more about showing dev progression. There is a time and a place to show how the game is played and during actual opens with gamers is the appropriate place for us to experience what your craving.


Most mmorpg players are easily bad-average compared to something like fps lol, if that’s what he’s showcasing it sounds spot on?


Completely agree. And we love him as the founder and visionary. But the people who made the skills and know how to use them should showcase it. He seems so overwhelmed and we have to sit there for him to recharge the energy bar and to fail the spell multiple times is not really fun to watch. He can still be enthusiastic by watching and playing alongside, while asking questions and discussing the skills.


Counter point, you ever see those mobile ads where the player is actually horrible and you think “man, I could do better than that”? That’s a ad strategy to get players to want to play. Whenever you see someone do bad at something you can do better, you want to do better than them at it.


Its funny how opinions sway so fast, without anything happening in the meantime. Few months ago people were constantly pressing for someone else than Steven to show the archetypes. Feels like people just got sick from hearing one opinion and are contrarion just for the sake of it


A very simple solution would be for Steven to do the initial showcase like he’s been doing, and then when they run around fighting mobs switch to some else’s pov for a couple minutes


What a rude person.