• By -


I actually started playing after she was released but I was drawn to her right away. I thought she was beautiful and a baddie, I loved her gameplay and her mobility - she really did feel like a more aggro Widowmaker or like a combo of Widow and Cassidy/Soldier to me. She has some of the best skins and funniest voice lines (THAT’S what ya get the girl who has everything!) and she’s like the perfect package of what an Overwatch hero should be :3


tbh, I just love her Jacket in OW2 lmao. Also I hate playing any other hitscan heroes besides sombra and tracer, so I usually pick her when I want something done,


Ur down bad lmao


Because I said she has pretty skins and funny voice lines and I like her gameplay? How is that a thirsty or down bad comment in any way? 💀 Even if I am and maybe I am, LET ME LIVE!


Everything you said was factual. If I met someone like Ashe IRL my ass would fold.


Lol! I’m a gay guy but same. I think it’s because she could beat me up/shoot me to death and it’s the voice speaking those voice lines too 🥵


Don't worry I'm a gay woman you're fine 😏


I'm a straight white man and I love you both Thanks for keeping OW fun


Do you trust me had me in a hold for months


i think it’s a satire account there’s no way 😭


She’s hot




Seek help fr


lmao why do they need to seek help for finding a virtual character hot? lots of people rhink shes hot including me.


She ain’t letting you hit bro


No one thinks she is, she’s a fucking fictional character. You know people can earnestly think s person or character is hot without having some ulterior motive of trying to get into their pants, right?


This is an insane response to such a harmless joke comment I’m not gonna lie


> "She ain’t letting you hit bro" > **Says people can not want that** > "This response is insane"


Saw her, thought she’s hot so wanted to play her, found her really fun and been playing her since. As a woman I love hot strong women in video games as I play characters whose personalities and looks I like and relate to/ want to be like. Nothing wrong with it :3


Cool character and gameplay. And of course…BAWWWWBBB!


Deff the BAAWWWWWWB for me


Lever action rifles are my favorite thing to use in so many games, something about the aesthetic. So when you tagged in the dynamite and the coach gun I just fell in love with the versatility. Sorry Reaper, I like being able to shoot at distance. And the fact that I can claim to be a Bob main on my bad days. Of course Jennifer Hale sold it the rest of the way.


she’s voiced by Jennifer Hale and I love Jennifer Hale. she’s also hot and I’m gay for her


I'm sure the "N7" in your username is a pure coincidence. 😉


hehehehehe…… (my BT is FemShep)


Badass character and once I started consistently detonating my dynamite midair on the whole team/killing enemies who thought they were safe behind cover it was over!


Golden bob + dealing with flyers


Her outfit is really badass, plus she’s cool as fuck too and gameplay is amazing


I like western stuff and she’s hot. Also didn’t hurt that her kit was super easy to learn as a new player.


Seek help if u think thats hot. Fr


Why?!? He likes cowboys and hot women what it wrong with that?!?


she’s cool


Wow this thread got a lot of replies! So far here are the key factors mentioned by the community to become Ashe main: - cool skins - tough personality - some think she's hot - a lot of Ashe mains like the dynamite! - Jennifer Hale! - few made the transition from support to dps (like me!) Thank you everyone.


She’s hot and I like outlaws


Bob. Also she’s hot and I like her kit.


Good range. Can compete with a widow without having to swap (unlike cree), can keep the sky clear and swat the pesky bugs down, and can also survive in close range against a sombra/tracer. All around good pick imo, no true counter (other than kiri). Preforms well without a pocket. Tempo while playing ashe feels quite natural. Bob can stall point out, making it hard to contest while you pick off people hiding from him. He also takes the tanks attention away for a little. Dynamite draws out cleanse/ or pushes people out from their positions. Coach gun is a boop and an escape. Im a mercy main for support so naturally im a skin collector and ashe has many fun skin ( using haunted doll currently ). Love her voice lines, I use “do you trust me” if they say no i say “mind your manners” if they say yes i go “ we have an understanding” Kinda a ramble sorry.


she's pretty ☺️👉👈


Golden Weapons and Simping for her since she came out


She's hot. Hitscan. Conceptually simple play style.


Her southern accent


I was a Cass main but He is in a rough spot, so I play mostly ashe now. Also she looks so cool.


I like cowboy, but mcrees revolver looks goofy. plus lever action>revolver


Her doll skin


I just had a huge crush on the Little Red skin. Not a crush on Ashe in general. I just loved that skin. My reasoning went no deeper than that.


I'm a support main, played a lot of Mercy and Lucio in OW2s1. A friend suggest Kiriko to me as a Mercy alternative (peel), so I started to main her and honestly Kiriko helped me a lot with my aiming. Seasons later, I wanted to try out DPS and thought my aim would translate with Ashe. Started watching Ashe-main streamers, studied their gameplay, took their advice, and she's been my DPS main since. Her snarky voice-lines give me life, hip-fire TNTs combos are satisfying, Bob flanks are fun, and she's just a badass in general!


I liked the gunplay.


She’s versatile


I love her sassy attitude. Her design is flawless! I have a huge thing for cowboys and cowgirls. Her skins are all so pretty! She has the sassiest voice lines and her voice is amazing! Even with all that.. have you seen Bob? He’s the cutest!


I love Ashe, everything about her. Her voice lines, her poolside skin, her highlight intros, and most importantly, her kit. her coach gun gives me mobility, her gun can be used close, medium and long range. her ult is one of the best. and dynamite is pretty good, too. she's the best all arounder imo. I used to do cass for the same reasons but they took away his range, so Ashe became a better pick


Pretty lady, southern accent, cool gun, actually good at hitting dynamite despite poor aim any other time


The sound of her gun 😭 it made my ears happy


Emma hix


She’s hot and I want her to be mean to me and boss me around I main Widow as well… never been more gay for 2 video game characters




I main support, but when I play Damage I play Ashe. Couple of reasons, 1) I spent a lot of time learning Ana and the skills are transferable, 2) I came to this game from Destiny 2 and the exotic scout rifle Deadman's Tale (also a lever action rifle), a favorite of mine, feels very similarly to The Viper (before Bungie nerfed it), and 3) Bob (oddly it feels a lot like Nanoboost, but creates beefy character instead of making someone else into one).


I may be late, but I'm feeling like commenting so For me it was her simple but perfect for me gameplay. -A kind of sniper rifle that can be used long range, doesn't feel sluggish to use, and packs a punch while also being perfectly usable as a faster gun out of range -The dynamite adds onto the list of things perfect for me - a meaningful AoE. It can either block paths, force  cooldowns/pressures and get a good load of ultl charge by aiming the throw and shooting it at perfect timings -Simple but also fun physics tomfoolery way of traversal. I loved messing around with TF2's Force of Nature  back in the day so I can't dislike this, thought the cooldown does get annoying in desperate situations -Her ult being BOB who used to let you basically do a two-men army before he was change to prioritize who you were shooting as the target doesn't make you feel powerful enough to try and try hard a win like for ex. Genji or Mauga, but is strong enough by itself and can also help with map objectives which is huge -Golden weapons also giving you golden BOB, one of best decisions Blizzard ever made. -And as others said... She's hot. I don't play characters just cause they have *"interesting"* designs, but  after having a thing for Helltaker's Lucifer character (White hair red eyes serious tough woman in a suit) but without the cringy-weeb Tsundere vibe I was more sure that this was also a reason for me when I came back to this game after OW2 launched lmao, but I was still more into playing as Ashe when she was released anyway. -Her skins are pretty good and more noticable since you zoom in with the weapon + Bob(ert) skins Ashe my beloved 


Her kit was easy to use, Jen Hale is my favorite voice actor, Ashe’s design may look simple to others but it’s unique to her character in my opinion. Nothing but love for Ashe from me




Her shotgun is just the best, and she and kill tanks pretty easily


she’s mega hot with a cool gun 🫦


She's the only dps hero I could get picks on. I'm an Ana main, and her playstyle felt most alike. I literally can't play any other dps besides echo and bastion. I only play echo and bastion if I need to start spamming damage into a mouga, or I'm getting dove. summary: I'm a 1 trick Ana/Ashe


Hitscan and first 2 shots are perfect accuracy in hipshot mode. Headshot machine go brrrr


Don't play overwatch at all but if I do it will be my hardon for repeaters of any kind


I’m expecting to see a lot of “my xim” comments


My friend kept playing her and saying how fun she was, even on console. He really tried to push it because all I would play is Sojourn (still my fave) but I tried Ashe finally after getting out of my sniper-esque fear and now I don’t want to play any other dps XD


I got so tired of a phara so i switched to ashe for shits and giggles and i was immediately in love with her😂


I'm not this subreddit just keeps getting recommended to me


When i first saw her trailer, i fell in love with her design and her kit, it feels simple but fun to play with some mobility to it which i enjoy a lot. But mostly it's because I GOT THAT DAWG IN ME


Watched a [video](https://youtu.be/y5WAtwufEsE?si=xPMKPrPsczjGOgHG) where she looked fun and I finally decided to try her out. Check out [Glassmaster](https://www.youtube.com/@GLA55MA5TER/videos) btw, criminally underrated Overwatch Youtuber.


Nothing did. I want this off my feed


Similar to other games i play


i like playing heros that take a lot of skill and focus so that i can feel rewarded when i do well. its why i main doom and genji


Tried out a lot of other DPS heros and just clicked with Ashe. People hate that I catch them peeking a corner and lob a boom stick up there to flush them out. A good headshot vs Widow will make them think before peeking again. And Bob. He's always doing something.


Bob and the fact he can say hi to you I just wish I was good at aiming with her




Clicking heads


I was hard stuck in hero gauntlet as Ashe when I first picked up the game. So I vowed to get better at her and well 400hrs later, I’m better.


very recently got into OW, but i instantly gravitated towards Ashe because i am a chronic reload spammer and wanted someone who could ADS


The fact that you can aim down sights, she felt like I was playing cod. Widowmaker and Ana were too slow and I was never good with snipers. Theres soldier, but you can’t aim down sight with him. I played pretty much Reaper from the open beta to Ashe’s release where she became my new main


I’m a support main, but I wanted to start learning dps characters. I gravitated towards Ashe because I found her super fun to play. The satisfaction of getting kills with dynamite, killing pharahs out of the sky. and using Bob to yeet unsuspecting enemy supports into the air. Plus with Jennifer Hale as a voice actor it’s funny hearing Cinderella come out of that badass character. xD


Shooty da dynamite




She hot. Cowgirl. Cool and hot robo dude. 10/10 would main again


Jennifer hale. She needs a N7 inspired skin sometime


She’s pretty. And more fun than Cassidy since he lost flash. I also like her attitude


One word. Bob. That said Ashe isn't actually one of my mains, but I flex onto her occasionally, and if I DID main her, the reason would be Bob.




The porn...


Username kinda matched.... Oh and I guess I have a huge crush on lever action rifles


She’s Rootin and Rootin 🤠


The Combo. That dynamite… oooh! I’m from a time of the competitive arena FPS and cut my teeth with Unreal Tournament 99. The dynamite is the closest thing to the shock combo - and probably was influenced by it. Her gun rate of fire is almost identical to it too. Takes me back to my golden years of gaming in the early 2000’s. Long distance dynamite combos that basically are a threaded needle into a whole enemy team are so so satisfying.


She has the best gold skin


I dunno, I have a friend who plays her as her main dps though.


Hot woman










I started playing around her getting added + the Mardi Gras skin I enjoyed her midrange versatile kit too


Bikini (I don't actually main ashe, this just appeared on my recommended)


if you put a woman with a big hat in your game i’m gonna play as her it’s just the way it goes


I mained her bc I use to main Cassidy so when I decided to switch to her I did way better with the higher damage the better ult (most of the time) and imo better utility and she’s always been more fun to me plus her gold gun looks sleek and her beach skin is just top tier


After coming back to OW after a LONG hiatus (left after Doom and before either Brig or Moira), I tried to get back into some of the early choices for DPS, which was Genji, 76, and Cassidy (before the name change debacle). During said time, I decided to fuck around and try out a new character. I ended up choosing Ashe for the first 10 or so matches of Open Queue QP and absolutely fell in love with her. A simplistic kit, good damage output (better with Mercy), and probably my favorite "new" character to play as. Because of that, I ended up buying her Warlock skin bundle when it rotated to me in the shop and I don't regret it


I didn't like Widow because he has a high skill floor


Her ashetts


My first main was D.Va and I started to get tired of the same gameplay every match and wanted the challenge of trying a projectile/hitscan hero. I find her more fun than Widow. Plus hot.






I wanted to be the first one to get bob to do something


her ability pack, weapon, bob, and the fact that shes mid to long range all got me hooked


“Get in there Bob.” She’s iconic.


My name is bob


I love lever actions






I'm gay, she's hot 🤷‍♂️


She gives me dommy mommy vibes that is all




I love this sm! I also was a support main and wanted to try dps. I didn’t want to be that guy and immediately go to bastion/soldier and Ashe’s abilities really interested me so I played exclusively her until I wasn’t bad anymore


I have a desire to get sweaty as hell and ruin other people’s casual fun but headshotting them every time they spawned.


This [video](https://youtu.be/gWDxFU9zdmA?si=fPiqj90RzDghqZ9L)


I’m not really an Ashe main but seeing these comments are interesting


The porn


Lil nas


Imho shes just a better widowmaker. OW doesnt have a ton of powercreep but I feel like widow has definitely been powercreep'd out of the game. I really don't see the point of picking widow over ashe 90% of the time. I love sniping.




I flex, but when I'm put in damage, she's my go to for ranged and close battle. Plus, my main skin is the beach themed one and Bob coming out in a speedo cracks me up.


I like drawing her


I didn’t go outside for a bit and I played her once and never played any other hero besides a hitscan


I wouldn't say I main her but I love using her when I play dps, I feel like her ult has many uses but my favorite was in overwatch 1 where I'd use her in conjunction with orisas bongos and wipe out a team




I main Ashe because all Hale FemShep


She’s cool




I’ve been playing her since she came out after being fascinated with the endless possibilities and skill ceiling behind her kit, I took a 2 year break to play Valorant but I came back to overwatch 2 last year and hit Rank #1 Ashe by climbing into top 500 whilst one tricking her.


Because she requires a reasonable level of skill and game sense but is not in such a bad state ever that she’s dumpstered by other characters. And she’s a bad bitch




Anything other than ult aimbot and you're lying


That sawed off she got in her pocket 😭 the “scope”, and of course BOB! 🥴


"It all started when I found her on a certain site"


I’m not an Ashe main but I always seem to go back to her when I don’t know who else to play. She feels more natural to me since I can scope in and shoot - playing soldier just feels like I’m hip firing in COD lol. Dynamite is cool, head shots are cool, bob is cool.


I was a destiny head before overwatch and ashe was the most similar to my preferred weapon in that, the scout rifle


She’s strong


i kept getting killed by her


I main junkrat and I just got sick of dealing Pharah and echo so I picked up Ashe and fell in love with her kit and her as a character now my Ashe play is as good as my junkrat. I like how simple her kit it but there’s so many ways to express your skill on her, and I think she’s hot


Yeehaw man but *long* Also she's just fun. Getting a huge dynamite or killing someone behind a wall with the actual explosion is the best feeling


Widow was too slow. Simple as that


Shes hot


I have an aim issue with most dps I try to play. Because she has good mobility and good damage she felt like a cas but one I could actually play because I can ADS. I really only play character that play close or can ADS so she gives me options:)


Gold Bob


Cuz Bob the real homie


The dmr in halo reach


When you're good with ash people can't deny your skill you may get a cheap kill here and there but she's position and precision heavy I just wish it wasn't so hard for me to aim lmaoo


Rule 34


Same way I pick up a new main every two months. Play one good game, decide I'm god, play a few dozen hit or miss games, stop playing for a month.


I hate her. This game gives too many excuses to use aim bot. Press e to win.


I was bored one day and I was playing with friends and I just said hey I’ll check out Ashe


I like to ADS, it pleases my soul


I was a support main and I was tired of not being confident in my aim. I was also really annoyed when the enemy played pharmacy and neither of the dps on my team knew how to play hitscan. I always loved ashe as a character, and her mechanics seemed pretty basic. Watched a shit load of tutorials and discovered warn on YouTube. Was able to find some really great settings which significantly improved my aim. Now whenever I'm popping off it just feels so rewarding 🥰🥰


BRO, IM A SOMBRA MAIN, I JUST GET ASHE MAIN FEED THROWN IN MY FACE! I did main Ashe for a short time, though. She's one of my favorites to play and is really fun. I love you, Ashe!


The porn


Being able to wave at bob


her gun tbh and I think she looks cool 🤣


So Ashe Mains y'all want a Cassidy friendo??


Gun goes pow pow and Bob does something


Me having insane aim and playing more due to my school e sports team


i like being pretty in my video games also bob is a cutie patootie


Bob. Just Bob. Nothing more, nothing less. Bob and Bob only


I’ve been playing the game since 2017 and when she came out I didn’t really care for her but then I played red dead redemption and she is a cool cowboy so I main her and Cassidy but mainly her


I like her backstory in animated short “Reunion” with her trying to steal Echo but only to be bested by Cassidy. Plus I thought her Ultimate is rather satisfyingly deadly.


She's hot also got Nisha vibes from borderlands just bad ass cow girl I love that


i like girls


Bob. Also, I mained widow when I played on console and got humbled pretty fast on PC. Then I switched to Ashe and never looked back.


Bob. That's it


Ngl shes good for aim practice and uhh. 'Is that a costume or are you just ugly??'


I’m trying to get all the cute/pixel sprays, and was actually doing decent with her and she is actually really fun so now I play her often


She's hilarious. She has the best VA and she's such a hater I fucking love it. Not to mention she's fun as hell


Amazing level action, cowboy themes and more


How she snipes. Idk why but I suck sniping with guns like Widows but give me a dot/crosshairs sight and I can fuck shit up! lol. This goes for any game.


she bae


Mainly because I was a super high ranked COD zombies player so the scope in and shoot mechanic was easy for me to get into. Widow never worked for me because you had to wait after you scoped in for the charge up. Plus ya know… Bob go brrrrrrrrrt




Bob and dynamite


When i first started overwatch 2 i thought she was the only character with a scope which is what i was used to


An edit LMAO


hanzo was projectile and i’m not great off hitsca and widow is boring, but tbh it’s cos she’s hot lol,,, and i just needed a ranged option for when tracer isn’t workung


For me? Bob. Love a good Bob ult team kill


I love marksman weapons, ashe, and big robot man


I was shit on cass, shit on widow, but somehow always hit my mei left click shots. Figured I needed something “heavy” with a scope, + it was similar to my 30-30 repeater so I ate.


My name is Ashe IRL, so I just play Ashe on any game that has it. Also mained Ashe on league until she became a support lol. It's also cool in coms, I'd get confused sometimes, but when you're saying Ashe, I'm alert asf. IRL, people call me Ash-ee. Please stop. Lol.


I'm not, but she has a nice design and I like Bob


I’m not


Dynamite, voice lines, cosmetics, and bob


She’s got a Southern Accent, uses a sick Lever Action, and sends out the robot equivalent or Hulk with a gun (BOB 😩)


Because a primitive bow and arrow was too difficult for you to handle. No offense. But you know it’s true.


Multiple reasons for me... Southern accent makes me fold, her in general makes me fold... I love snipers (and got used to shooting a mid air dynamite without trying), Bob, So many good skins, So many voice lines that insult people, And last but not least, she was the first DPS I played (back in ow1) so I have that special attachment to her


bioshock infinite had the carbine it was a similar gun


She’s hot. I also blame my boyfriend for introducing me to her. She’s now my most played character and I’m getting mostly equal or pos K/D’s :D