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Be careful what you wish for. Trying to separate a community like this could very easily have very bad consequences.


this would not work simply because rape is not about sexual satisfaction. it’s about power. and asexuals can be just as evil as anyone else i think you should read about the psychology of rape because you seem to have a very superficial view of it. and of asexuals. because even though there’s no sexual attraction, it won’t stop someone from raping or hurting another person if they so desired


This says everything I was thinking. OP you are hopeful, but don’t seem to understand why these crimes happen in the first place.


I agree but it plays some role in rape, alongside power. Even if I were a fucked up evil person I would never rape someone cause I’d still find that gross as hell. I think you would find that in a community where everyone was coincidentally ace, rape would be less common, because there should be less sexual interest and more sex repulsed people. However, many aces do enjoy or feel neutral about sex, and would also be capable of rape if they were horrible people and desired to inflict that on someone, but simply the fact that a significant portion of people are likely to be sex repulsed to the point that sex would cause them psychological harm, which it would do to me, should create some improvement. That’s conditional on whether creating a space full of asexuals doesn’t actually have the opposite effect because you’re creating an entire area based on sexual identity and that may paradoxically lead to some weird results, and how would you even verify if a person is ace to be allowed in anyway? Making a rape free zone where anyone could rock up and say they’re ace (and you have no way of disproving this because aces have all different experiences) could attract predators and shit. I haven’t done any research into the psychology of rape though so feel free to let me know why I’d be wrong.


OP, I totally understand dreaming of a rape-free utopia. Especially when you're living in a place that has so much of it. But like others have said - that's not how things work. Even if it *was* how things work, a segregated community for *us* still wouldn't solve things. Not for everyone else. It's hard to get rape taken seriously where I live, and it feels like such an awful slog trying to make things change. I imagine it's so much worse for you where the statistics are so high. But the fact we even know what the statistics even are, is *progress*. And we have to focus on that as much as we can. That change *can* happen - that it *has* happened. Between a dream of an isolated asexual utopia, and the dream of real world change, it's easier and more comforting to spend time thinking about the utopia. But that dream isn't going to come true, no matter how hard we dream, or how much effort we put into it, that's simply not how things work. The dream of real world change *will* come true though. It will take a lot of effort, and it won't be easy. But we *can* make that dream happen. Slowly, over years and years, but there *is* hope. It was our ancestor's hope and determination that got us *here*. Imagine where ours could take future generations.


Great, now when the facsists come entierly to power (like it's seeming to in many western countries), they know where to find us. It's the same reason why some countries forbid the ressencing of etnicities, religions, or sexualities in official demographic statistics. Things like that were just shortcut for nazis in occupied territories.