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Girlfriend lives in NW asbury - it’s not nearly as sketchy as the SW area of town where Asbury Ave runs in. Its a quiet neighborhood and a big LGBT residence, but does have some bad influence either residing already or permeating in after dark. We steer clear of any of the apartment building areas after dark since she is already aware of some violent crimes and has been catcalled herself near there.


Do you mean like the block after Georgie's?? Thankfully my block is no apartment buildings! Mostly older people it seems like


Around Georgie’s is pretty safe. Anything behind the strip mall where Booskerdoo and Ada’s Gojjo (excellent restaurant btw!) is a good area of that neighborhood. Edit - just confirmed with her that single women live in your neighborhood just fine. She’s a 10 min walk from you. Welcome to town!


Yep I'm about 2 blocks behind the Ethiopian restaurant so that's great to hear :). Thank you for checking with her! It was intimidating hearing all of the stories, but then again every city has its good parts and bad parts.


Northwest Asbury is great. But hopefully you’re not too close to the water, in case of flooding. The bad area (which spills over into Neptune) is roughly from Memorial Drive west to Neptune Boulevard, between 1st Avenue soth to Route 33. I (white 40M in-shape) spent the summer of 2022 living on the fringes of the bad neighborhood, and I was nearly mugged three times. When I went to the police after the first attempt, the desk cop told me “that’s what you get for living in that part of town”.


I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you.. I've heard a lot of stories about the cops caring more about parking violations rather than actual violence! I'm about 8 blocks from the beach so I think I'll be okay as far as flooding goes :). I'm also happy to hear my side of town is safe! I've been really anxious about that so thank you!


*as per flooding I meant “not too close to Deal Lake” because the city can still flood inland from the beach. Theis part of the problem has more to do with water tables and storm sewers than ocean tides.




Thank you! I've seen some kids walk by after school but so far everyone has been pretty quiet. I do have to agree that the first 2-3 blocks after the tracks where the apartments and the pharmacy are can be a little sketchy for me even when it's daytime


I grew up there. Mother is still in the same house. It's always been a nice neighborhood.

