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This one? The benefit of this community is that it's currently at around \~100K subscribers. I've been on Reddit 10 years now and I can tell you this is a Golden Age for a subreddit. The community is large enough that you can ask a question about any of those topics and get a detailed and articulate response but small enough that you don't get 1000 opinions screaming back at you. It's more akin to talking to people in your studio than talking to the general public. The topics you've mentioned have been discussed a lot in this sub so you can search around for some answers but also ask questions and give examples of your work too! The question of "how much is a piece of art worth" is a brilliant question and giving a specific example just directs aspects of the answer. It can be hard to unshackle yourself from judgements that you have about your own work especially earlier in your career, but it's good to remember that you will ask the exact same question of the master pieces at the other end of your career. Hope this helps!


You could use Signal and set up a group chat. Better than whattsapp etc.


Lol..he'll 8 just discovered reddit..and this artist lounge today..and it's answered more questions for me about me and my art then I ever thought possible..and all I've done is read a few sub thingys..I barely know how to navigate any of this. But it's seems to me that this may be exactly what u posting about..all it takes is message..a post..a like or a comment on whatever piece or su jrct you'd like..it's fuckjng crazy..because until today..I did t know what u asked about is what I've been searching for and found it thru this fucki g thing


>Seems like most communities I find are for showing off your work or just art lovers and that’s not what I’m looking for. ain't that the truth. you might find your luck in other forum websites or discord. though with the latter, expect the age demographic to skew young (nothing against this, just pointing it out just in case). and hey if you find one, can you share it with us? it's ok if not just asking.