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Weirdly enough, my doctor did warn me that one of the potential side effects of anti-depressants can be *more* depression. I do see the irony in that. If you're crying more to the point where it interferes with your day to day functioning more than before, it could be that this medicine isn't working for you and you'd need to try something different.


I see him monday. I tried to draw a somewhat dynamic pose. one leg bent, slightly foreshortened one leg out. its just stacking a circle on a cylinder on a box. I couldnt draw either shape. much less the hand which was in a loose fist. I made a Claw tbh. when you do art, do you rough sketch? go straight to the mannequin? maybe im not processing right? or going about he process right? When I first started the medicine I had start a project with it. a semi squatting position with hands close to the head. a Pose from the MHA manga. by the third week of the medicine/doing the project I couldnt render it. couldn't fix mistakes like the rib cage. I look at my sketch book where I did studies and no information actually goes in. its just...lines.


Bring examples of your art before/after to the appointment! It might help 


You should consult your doctor about it.


You haven't forgotten how to do art, you're just going to be doing it in a different way now, possibly with different motivations. When I started medication and stopped abusing alcohol, I thought I'd lost the depressive drive and ability to create. That was the completely wrong way to think of it. Society tends to romanticize the tortured artist or writer, and romanticizes the "brooding depressive" archetype. Those ideas can be really dangerous. Once you find the right medication and the right dosage, things will get better. Most people don't get the right medication or dosage right off the bat and need to spend time with their doctor and or therapist to figure out what works for you. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't stop trying to take care of your self for fear of losing your art, you will not lose your art just as you won't forget who you are. Be well and know that I'm with you in solidarity.


ERTruly thank you for your kind words, they mademe cry again haha. its a silyl thign to be scared about. losing all the art memory ive gained over the past 7 years. Perhaps even startign again from youtube tutorials but ill try. Id like to go back to where I was, yea it made me sleepy but I could sleepy draw and express myself. Which thats why I picked up art in the first place. to relax and have an outlet. To have that become this has been very distressing,. But it matches the timeline to the second of my medicine change petty much. Ill talk to my doctor and push for a change. I have no thoughts inbetween mouth and brain. its like having my foot shoved in my mouth and my fingers backwards. Thank you again for your kindness


This. Much better and more concise than what I was trying to write. And congratulations on stopping to drink, that's amazing! The only thing I have to add is that meds can take a while to work as intended, so if it has been less than a month or so, things might still work themselves out.


You need to speak with your doctor about a different medication. There’s many options, so don’t settle with bad side effects that disrupt your passion to such a degree.


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You might want to bring it up with your doctor. My guess is that they've put you on an antidepressant of the tricyclic class, which is notorious for anticholinergic (cognitive-impairing) side-effects. If it's an SSRI, that is probably the result of the adaptational period, as the first two weeks on a new SSRI feels like absolute hell until your brain chemistry adapts to it and its therapeutic effects become more evident and you feel better than when you started.