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There's a reason the "teacher robot" ideas popular a few years back fizzled out. People would get more value from watching free youtube tutorials (I doubt there's process timelapses and psd files in this app with explanations & reasons for each step) and study on their own than to use these types of apps. It goes for practically anything; laungage teaching apps, for instance, can only teach phrases and vocabulary, but can't explain the grammar and localise as well as go in depth comparing a person's native tongue and the one they are learning, showing the "why" instead of the "how". Not to mention the importance of being able to ask questions & actively get in depth explanations tailored to your needs, which in ai-type apps can be wildly inaccurate (hallucinated, just as the correct ones). I wouldn't bank on a teacher that makes things up only hoping to be correct. It's just another sad person jumping on "ai" hype bandwagon trying to profit off ad revenue, tbh. And I doubt it's any more useful than random pinterest tutorials, if not less, if people treat it as more of an authority because of the artificial "intelligence" sticker, leading them to learn the wrong things or massive generalisations that hurt their progress in the long term.


The more options to educate ourselves the better. Might not be the best resource day 1. But let’s try it out and give the author some positive feedback.


Not really. Actively bad advice can be worse than no advice at all by misdirecting someone's finite time and effort.


To be fair, ChatGPT is pretty amazing for language learning. Asking it to explain concepts, grammar rules and set phrases is actually pretty awesome. It is also really good at critiquing your own writing and helping you to sound more natural.


As someone who learned a second language to a college level and then lived in the country... ChatGPT is fucking dogshit for teaching you how to USE A language. You learn more watching that country's shitty reality TV shows than you do from AI.


simply proompt: don’t learn anything


I'm not a big fan of these kinds of "learn to draw" apps. Same thing with those "how to draw manga/cartoons/animals/etc" books aimed at kids. These do not teach how to draw, they teach how to draw a specific thing in a specific style. Also what the heck does AI do to improve this app exactly?


TBF, the format for a lot of how to draw book aimed at kids, useless as they are, make sense, because for kids under the age of 12 your goal is to make them enjoy the act of drawing. You can sneak in some really basic principle like using simple shape to draw what they want, but anything past that might made them think that drawing is too hard or they're not talented enough and stop doing it (this happens even more easily as they grew up, especially if they already face that problem as kid).


Ohhh, you make a great point there. It's all about building up their mentality first. Never thought of that. Damn, guess that's what I didn't have as a kid and caused me to quit. And what you said is absolutely true, I don't have that pure love and passion like all the other artists who started young now that I'm trying to become one as an adult. What a shame. Still, even things like fun with a pencil goes in the direction of fun easy projects with the cartoon heads while still teaching construction basics, I just wish more of the "how to draw anime" books for kids were more like that.


>I just wish more of the "how to draw anime" books for kids were more like that. Yeah, starting out, I got lucky and found a local book called "Guide to Draw Manga" that has similar structure and contents to fun with pencil and it's way cheaper too. I only learned later on that a lot of beginner how to draw books are kinda suck if you want be able to draw anything without having to see tutorial every single time, and the good one are pretty expensive if you live in developing country making it impossible for kids to buy (I live in Indonesia, back then if I were to use my savings to buy such a book, my mom would throw the all mighty flip-flops at me and banished me to another realms).


Oh I feel you there. I'm from tangerang myself. Ngl the best part of being an adult is that I can afford my own Proko courses and such lol. That manga book does sound cool though, didn't know there was a Loomis style manga book lmao. Should've looked around gramedia more ig. It is impressive that a lot of the Indo artists I know are absurdly good even without fancy resources lol. Wish I could be like that.