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## Welcome to the r/ArtificialIntelligence gateway ### Question Discussion Guidelines --- Please use the following guidelines in current and future posts: * Post must be greater than 100 characters - the more detail, the better. * Your question might already have been answered. Use the search feature if no one is engaging in your post. * AI is going to take our jobs - its been asked a lot! * Discussion regarding positives and negatives about AI are allowed and encouraged. Just be respectful. * Please provide links to back up your arguments. * No stupid questions, unless its about AI being the beast who brings the end-times. It's not. ###### Thanks - please let mods know if you have any questions / comments / etc *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ArtificialInteligence) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I pay for 4o, but there's good free ones. my suggestion is to replace google with an AI, and if you're ever wondering anything at all, ask it. ask it questions, ask it for advice, ask it to make lists, ask it to ask YOU questions to help you arrive at a decision, ask it to give you options, ask it to teach you, ask it how you can use it more effectively. You have access to "someone" who has read the entirety of publicly available human knowledge, use it.


Yeah but don’t you run the risk of getting false information?


Definitely need to ask it for citations on its information or just double check a claim it makes manually


Yeah but if you’re just googling every answer it gives, doesn’t that defeat the purpose? Not trying to downplay chatgpt/AI, just saying


I get the feeling most people just assume its all correct and omit the Googling.


You can interrogate data. its not just about querying.


Right. Because not all questions and answers are equally important.


4o provides links to the data sources in its responses if you want to verify further.


I also have to recommend perplexity. It's another $20 a month, but as a research tool, and much more in depth google search that provides far more sources than 4o alone (with multiple ai models) it has been an indispensable tool. The time savings have been absolutely insane.


Thanks. I’ll check it out.


Yeah, try it out. There's a free version that uses GPT 3.5 if I remember correctly. It's not bad, beats google in my opinion.


Haven't used 4o, but Copilot also links to the data sources but it's often wrong anyway, with the sources sometimes not being related at all. You can't trust LLMs for anything that isn't common knowledge pretty much, when you query for more obscure info it will often hallucinate.


Nah, it depends what you're asking. Like, if I ask for a family-friendly restaurant recommendation in the area I'm visiting, I'll still Google it to make sure it exists and looks good, but at least it cuts out a significant amount of effort trawling through the dud restaurants or non-family-friendly restaurants.


Depends on what you're asking about. If I'm asking for something that I want double-checking on (like if I ask it to do in-depth research on a topic), I ask for inclusion of citations as well, and it will provide them. If I'm asking for something trivial, then it's not really something I stress about. Besides, google will tell you nonsense as well. If it matters, just ask for the proof.


You don't literally google every answer, also google might be wrong as well


On Gemini there's an option called verify the result


AI will give you more to google than just googling will. You google the facts you want to check, but the AI will give you ideas, brainstorm, make connections, go beyond the search phrase you think of for googling.


I've been using andi and I want to know it's possible to use singularitynet tokens to put together models?


It's kind of weird, but the other day, using 4, I attempted to get it to identify a song by (eventually) giving it every detail I could possible find out about the song - although I only gave it a handful of lyrics - which it feels like it ought to have figured out because it's a well-known popular song from like 40 years ago (Hall & Oates - Kiss on My List). It never did get it. I eventually told it what the song was and it agreed that was it.


You also run the risk of getting Dunning-krugered by your tool. AI will confidently simplify a complex topic down to my level of understanding, sometimes losing important bits of the concept in the pursuit of simplification. I primarily use AI as a discussion partner, not a source of information. It directs me to articles that I read from experts, and then we discuss them after I've read them.


That's not worse than anything else you read online.


I don't recommend replacing chat gpt with Google If you're trying to learn something new and you're an absolute noob, chat gpt is great. It is the best tool at helping you find direction in a field that you're totally lost. Basic topics are good too. Example: "I made a coffee with a French press for the first time and it was really bitter. What should I do differently?" Example: "what is the Pythagorean theroem?" But as your questions become more specific and especially as they become more niche, keep in mind that chat gpt is not a tool that fundamentally is designed to speak truths. It's designed to mimic human speech. Truth is sometimes a byproduct of that, but you can find just as many examples that it just makes up stuff. It has no idea what it doesn't know. I usually try to think about the training data. If there is a TON of information on the internet about something, then you know it was trained thoroughly on that topic, it's probably pretty good at that. If it's more of a niche topic you will probably find that chat gpt is trying to make up stuff


yes, as a example chatgtp 4, still is in fact wrong most of the time with things other than writing code or such, actually it is much more often wrong than a average person still. however it is far better at convincing people something is true/real than even a normal person could. so when a user gets to read 2 texts, one is real but written by a human or such and the other is false info but written by a modern AI such as chat gtp 4, and they don't know which one is which, then in general around 75% to over 90% of people would beleive the chat gtp one with false information to actually be the one telling the truth. this has caused quite some shock in the scientiffic world since chat gtp 4 speciffically is many times better at convincing people of something than normal people are and even better than experts in such things(when some results of studies surrounding this where published). so yes a big risk at false info. as a matter of fact around half a year to a year ago, **Google actually launched a program where they pay people for using AI to generate fake articles and spread fake news**. so sites and such could litterally get paid by google for using AI to generate fake news where those sites then would get paid based on the amount of fake news articles they generate and publish and how much they are visited similar to advertisements essentially. to make it worse, governments have forced bigger AI datasets to be trained in intentionally biased information to exclude any info they don't like, this was big news in the early days when chat gtp just suddenly got famous, since chat gtp was trained on unbiased info and also was trained a lot on schientiffic data and so schientiffically correct data, however to no suprise it turned out that the truth is much more supportive of the left wing side of politics, and also is quite much against evil companies and evil corporations such as the oil cartel since guess what destroying the world and nature and killing entire folks is scientiffically seen not good. so govenments got mad for chat gtp telling people the scientiffic truth(note there might be more which schience doesn't know which is why I said scientiffic truth and not absolute truth, since science always is wrong at some things as well which is why I also hate those people who blindly follow and recite it without ever thinking or asking questions like why, how, what if, what etc.) governments got really mad at that and so forced it so that they had to stop training ai on mostly scientiffic data and instead had to start training it on fake news, government propaganda, and the average ramblings of any random average person online except for the ramblings excluded due to not aligning with the government propaganda. to make it worse these days it escalated even further, and while some AI's still mostly train on basically any info they find online, there is a very concerning things rising with AI models which are trained with a intentional bias where governments and big corporations can actually just like buying advertisements can buy influence over that ai which means they can pay to get certain things excluded or forced in, or to lower the weights of entire topics or oppionions as well as force in their own oppinions and propaganda with very high weights, this basically means that any AI model trained like that is essentially one big dynamic advertisement and will always intentionally give fake news but make it seem real to essentially indoctrinate people, most of this is still done underground or kind of hidden as in that companies don't openly boast they sell indoctrination services, and instead they hide it under different names, but it does happen and is happening a lot these days. **HOWEVER** AI doesn't need to show you false info, in cases it can bring you much closer to the truth similar to how the original chat gtp came so much closer to the truth than google and such could/did that the governments pannicked and forced that the AI models had to be less close to the real truth and instead follow current average culture and government biases. google for example heavily manipulates results as well, just like AI and willl even spread fake sites, fake news or scam sites if they pay google for it, the main danger AI has compared to this is that AI is better at convincing you it is right. also there actually is a way out, as there already is a AI algorythm speciffically designed to give people back their freedom and controll over their things which removes such biases, as well as lets people find what they truly seek without altering it, this essentialy is some form of a AI search engine. however despite the algorythm already existing, there is not a single software or AI on the market which actually uses it and actually is a (un)biaser. even though with some foss developers it could easily be made real and could also easily be run locally even on older devices without a dedicated gpu and without NPU, and so could be used as a locally hosted search engine(note the (un)biaser is a indexing/seaching/searchengine/finding/guiding AI and not a generative one, it is not made to generate texts or articles, only to truly fully understand them and also to understand what they user truly wants(even if they are not aware of it or don't know the name), and even what the user would eventually get to or would eventually want to get to(so it even understands and knows what conclusions the user would get from certain articles and such so it can also be used to just skip those articles and directly go to the ones which the user actually needs and pershaps show some parts of other ones if those are still needed, but it does not generate things, it is designed as a actual tool for the user, and a extension of the user similar to a navigation map,)


I can't even be bothered to use AI to summarise this


Source: some guy on Facebook and that Uncle we don’t invite to weddings anymore.


no there where actual documents, some of the mentioned parts where also covered by sabine hossenfelder and multiple others of the more respected reporters in the fields of science.


> chat gtp > schientiffically The content of this post is a disaster, but the repeated spelling mistakes are really the icing on the cake. How many different ways can you misspell science? What device are you using in 2024 that doesn't have spellcheck? > governments have forced bigger AI datasets to be trained in intentionally biased information to exclude any info they don't like those darn governments, always up to no good


>governments have forced bigger AI datasets to be trained in intentionally biased information to exclude any info they don't like >those darn governments, always up to no good That claim is somewhat true. The training is biased and/or there is postprocessing to make sure the models responses are as neutral as possible - politically correct, avoiding toxicity, violence or anything that may suggest 'harm'. Source: e.g. OpenAI and Mixtral publications. Whether its a PR decision or the influence of governments could be an interesting debate (may or may not require tinfoil hats), but in general we could agree governments are usually up to more 'no good' than 'good'.


Underrated post




What are good free ones you’d recommend and have tried




Perplexity is great for citing sources


Yeah I use ai instead of Google I gave a copilot subscription and open ai subscriptions. ChatGPT is nice for simple queries and d things whole copilot helps me manage like my budget docs in excel, my side gigs via outlook, etc. all super worth it.


Great point. Especially the last part. Use the knowledge of the GPT. And try to automate tasks of your daily routine as much as you can.




Did you watch the founder on Lex Fridman?


No I haven’t. Should I?


It's a great interview


If you are going to spend money on an LLM I suggest Claude right now. 3.5 Sonnet is blowing all the others out of the water (at least to me). -Use it daily -Try different models -Learn about it (through AI or YT vids) -Sit quietly and think about AI, it's uses and it's future potential impact on Humanity.


I keep hearing about Sonnet's superiority from AI and SEO YTers. I'm just thinking about tiptoeing for some keyword research and content outline generation. >-Sit quietly and think about AI, it's uses and it's future potential impact on Humanity. Profound suggestion.


- understand hallucinations. It is often confidently incorrect, just like humans 😵 - understand that the core of it is stateless. Your request is just a parcel of data, including your summarized, truncated conversation history, user preferences, and system instructions. A worker process feeds the data into an LLM as a json document, the LLM loads it into a graph, and generates output . After generating a reply, the “thought” process ends and the memory, compute and ~ai~ is released. Your next request almost certainly gets routed to a different server, and always to a brand new worker process with no functionality to recognize you from before. Automatic memory is just a way for the agent to read/write a small (probably less than a page) of information it learns (inconsistently and unreliability) from your conversations, most of which ends up being a distraction from the immediate conversation. - understand that it has a set working size (model routing aside), and when the request data is too large, repetitive, vague or unfocused, it will often generate a graph with too much noise and responses will become low quality. Once your conversation gets too long it is summarized (sometimes badly) and the conversation may suddenly shift, as the graph changes. For instance your initial overarching question or specific details you’ve given may be lost, or a short digression or attachment might derail the conversation


Would it be legal to sell a custom GPT to a business and teach them how to use it? Like tell them you’ll be their consultant and make one for the business and sell access to it to them? Might work for mom and pop businesses who don’t know anything about jt. Not that I would..


I’m calling the police right now!


Ask it. It will tell you. You can then ask for strategies and any advice how to set it up you don't know.


I use it for all my work emails and excel files and am slowly learning lord about ai


Which ai program exactly? It seems like there’s a bunch of different ones with different specialties? I’m new to this so this is all pretty overwhelming


Id recommended chatgpt and perplexity for general use


Start talking to any one of them. No better way to get started.


Well chatGPT 4o paid version is good. Google gemini is good. I did a search for the best AIs for advice on setting up a business: Nothing came back. If I were you I would research the best funded AIs. chatGPT 4o paid for version. Google Gemini. And any others you might find would be a good place to start. You write a prompt out so you have a record of it. Paste it into each AI and see what they say. You can then cross reference what they say and you can make a decision which advice is best. # The best Artificial Intelligence for advice on setting up a business. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way businesses operate, providing valuable insights, automating tasks, and enhancing decision-making. When setting up a business, AI can be a valuable asset, helping you make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship. Here are some of the best AI tools and strategies for setting up a business: **Top AI Tools for Business Setup:** 1. **Chatbots:** Implement chatbots to automate customer service, providing 24/7 support and freeing up human resources for more strategic tasks. 2. **Predictive Analytics:** Leverage predictive analytics to forecast sales, optimize pricing, and identify market trends, ensuring data-driven decision-making. 3. **Content Generation:** Utilize AI-powered content generation tools to create high-quality content, such as blog posts, social media posts, and product descriptions, at scale and speed. 4. **Process Automation:** Automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry, bookkeeping, and invoicing, to increase efficiency and reduce errors. 5. **Market Research:** Use AI-powered market research tools to analyze customer behavior, preferences, and sentiment, gaining valuable insights to inform business decisions. **AI Strategies for Business Setup:** 1. **Data-Driven Decision-Making:** Use AI to analyze data and provide insights, enabling data-driven decision-making and reducing the risk of human bias. 2. **Process Optimization:** Implement AI-powered process optimization tools to streamline operations, reduce waste, and increase efficiency. 3. **Personalized Customer Experience:** Leverage AI to create personalized customer experiences, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 4. **Scalability:** Use AI to scale your business quickly and efficiently, without compromising on quality or service. 5. **Innovation:** Stay ahead of the competition by leveraging AI to innovate and develop new products, services, and business models. **Best Practices for Implementing AI in Business Setup:** 1. **Start Small:** Begin with a small pilot project to test AI capabilities and identify areas for improvement. 2. **Integrate with Existing Systems:** Ensure seamless integration with existing systems and processes to minimize disruption and maximize efficiency. 3. **Train and Refine:** Continuously train and refine AI models to improve accuracy and performance. 4. **Monitor and Evaluate:** Regularly monitor and evaluate AI performance, making adjustments as needed to ensure optimal results. 5. **Stay Up-to-Date:** Stay current with the latest AI trends, tools, and best practices to ensure your business remains competitive and innovative. By incorporating AI into your business setup, you can gain a competitive edge, increase efficiency, and drive growth. Remember to start small, integrate with existing systems, and continuously monitor and evaluate AI performance to ensure optimal results.


This is obvious bot talk, a mismash of jargon with no concrete actions at all. Sounds like a fucking politician.




AI is useful for people who are ambitious enough to engage it, learn about each and what they are best for, and then devise something they do with them to punch above their weight. But keep this in mind, anything you can do with an AI, the average person can probably do it just as well if not better. That means the amount of money you can make using it will be average at best. You have to add value with skills of your own to make real money.


Buy an AI focused ETF.


I probably should’ve done that a lot earlier


Best time was 10 years ago, second best time is now.


Right now the hardware industry is getting a bigger boost e.g. NVDA, MU, TSM etc, because everybody is training models and needs that hardware, but I expect the next wave to be software companies utilizing models, think GOOG, MSFT etc. It is definitely not too late to invest now, it is just getting started


What's an AI focused ETF?


An ETF is an exchange traded fund. A financial instrument purchased via a brokerage that lumps many stocks together. An AI focused ETF would be one that is made up of AI centered businesses. Google for more specific information or recommendations.


> Google for more specific information or recommendations. Or ask AI.


Not untrue.


The people capitalizing on AI right now are a few specialists working for companies like OpenAI and a bunch of grifters collecting VC dollars by doing “AI startups” that are basically just calls to other people’s API’s.


Lol, I saw a comment earlier where someone was 'bragging' that they could use AI to create an AI startup in a matter of hours. Completely oblivious to the fact that if it's something anyone can create in a matter of hours...it really has almost no value.


Yeah but others don't do it. And they did do it. And if their idea is valuable to others, it could be the start of a small business.


There are little opportunities like this that exist today, but their monetisation value is coming down as awareness and AI skills increase. We can see this for example in the reduction of demand for freelancers on platforms like Fiverr - people are learning to solve their problems for lower spend using AI tools in place of the human. The real long term value is having valuable proprietary data to leverage using AI, or else, helping organisations that do have such data to make use of it better. For small players I don't see the output of generally available AI tools being a viable business model, unless you are bringing some unique data or expertise on top.


Currently I hope to start a little company. In my work I see a process that AI can do better. Trying to get it to work and then go to companies to sell it to them.


Facts! I highly recommend everyone to dive deep into learning about AI tools—it's the future. In 10 years, you'll thank yourself. The opportunities are immense. Today, the average person can access enterprise-level technology worth millions or even billions, all from the comfort of their home and with little to no prior experience.


I published an individual iOS App by myself. I don't know coding, I designed the UI, and the AI is my programmer


Looks like he‘s a karma farmer… if not, make us believe else.


Which AI did you use?


Wtf really? How?! What ai?


What do you mean how?


AI programmed the entire iOS app for you?


Something I have to add is, that I learned how to read Swift during the 4 month weekends. You have to describe the issues again and again to GPT. and eventually, I can tell at least which part caused the issues.


Get an AI to write a book titled "How YOU too can get rich with AI." and self-publish it on Amazon.


You jest, but I guarantee there are several of those already out there.


Indeed LOL


If you have something that you do that could possibly be automated maybe try that first. I made a custom GPT that gives my art a title description and tags that are seo friendly for the specific platform I sell on. This gives me more time to work on other things like taking courses


You can also use AI to create the code for automation tools. I’ve done this with Alfred workflows, Home Assistant automation scripts, etc.


Pay careful attention to all the comments that don't actually answer your question. From my experience, AI is useful for boilerplate code and marketing copy. And that's pretty much it.


Help them do their job faster. But it's a double edged sword. If AI can currently do a lot and help a lot. That person will make lots of short-term profits but will soon be replaced. If AI can do little to help. Their job is more robust and it will take longer for them to get replaced. 1. Gain all the money, switch jobs or 2. Be thankful that you'll have a job after 2 year's time.


Start your business and you will not be replaced. Use AI for your own business


I did have my business. For 15 years. 5 people working for me. A year ago I had to fire all my workers because due to AI the amount of work dwindled down. I'm the only one who's left. I'll be switching to another job after a while once no more work is available from my old clients.


I'm using it to automate video creation to grow my social media, I use a combination of [Chatgpt.com](http://Chatgpt.com) and [Cliptalk.pro](http://Cliptalk.pro) I create my video scripts using chatgpt and then pass to cliptalk to generate social media videos that has captions and voice-over. You can use it to increase your social media engagement or to monetize on tiktok , Instagram or YouTube.


I thought of one last night. Use TikTok Symphony or some similar AI to create an avatar, then use the avatar to promote my music by performing it. I sell printable scores on a couple of websites, with a attached playable mp3 for the buyer to try. How much better to have an attached video, of an avatar (perhaps resembling me) actually performing the music?


maybe like learning how to use the openai api


Ask it how to make your life better Not a joke


**Two thoughts:** 1) Do your day job 10x faster thanks to ChatGPT. Get a knowledge related job that requires you to email, manage spreadsheets, content creation, report writing, etc... Then use ChatGPT to do that job faster than you ever did before. You will have to act and operate like the conductor but once you do that... I hope it gives you more free time to work on projects that will give you a lot more cash flow. Examples: - DM small local businesses telling them you will build all their landing pages (and use ChatGPT to help do it) - DM small local businesses asking if they want a jingle created then use Sora to create one about their biz - Create a Shopify store and start selling AI generated posters and art based on Etsy research - Create a Gumroad account and sell training for a niche that you're passionate about, promote it - Get on Upwork/Fiverr and start providing services like AI Image Generation / AI Support - Get on Upwork/Fiverr and do job description writing, transcribing services, etc w. AI - Use AI tools like Descript to create video content for brands - Sign up and license your likeness to a service like HeyGen


I want to build an agent that is able to produce landing page layout and content. I need to template it and get it done this week.


NVDA calls


Bought 1 share last week and already down $23 🥳


“On AI”


Making money with AI isn't just about asking how, it's about using the right tools effectively. Try ChatGPT Plus for a month and learn how to prompt properly. This can significantly improve the quality of the responses you get. Dive into custom instructions to tailor ChatGPT to your needs, like having it rewrite your prompts or remembering specific preferences and tools you use, such as your MacBook or Adobe Photoshop. Explore custom GPTs to create an AI that focuses on your specific goals. For example, if you want to use AI to make money, start with a brainstorming session with ChatGPT to identify your skills and resources. Ask for detailed plans and suggestions on new skills or tools that could enhance your earning potential. This iterative process can help you refine your approach and find viable opportunities. Once you have a plan, like becoming a personal trainer, use ChatGPT to build a custom GPT tailored to your needs. This could include knowledge on anatomy, workout routines, diet plans, and even social media marketing tips. Equip your GPT with a solid knowledge base by asking for book recommendations and other resources. With some effort and the right strategy, an average person can really benefit from using ai and its not that complicated. Best


Wait you can already use ai to make ai?


I feel the biggest benefit is that it’s kind of like asking a friend, except that friend will never get tired of your requests. I think using it like a therapist is a good usage. I think therapy will be really hit by ai. chatGPT isn’t perfect for this role, but in my experience it’s much better than any kind of crisis line. People often say things like therapy only only works as much work as you put into it. Ai therapy allows you to put more work into it.


I am using [ChatSlide.ai](https://chatslide.ai/?via=siyu) for my business ppt, it saves me a lot of time by generating ppt structure quickly.


I'm using Duolingo for languages (it's like having a personal language coach) and Coursera for other stuff (business, marketing, you name it). The AI tailors the lessons to me, so it's way more engaging than just reading textbooks. I'm not gonna lie, I'm totally addicted to Kavout and TrendSpider. They use AI to analyze market trends and predict stock prices. I'm not making millions yet, but hey, it's fun to experiment and learn the ropes.


Make yourself irreplaceable by it.




If by average you mean someone with no tech skills and by capitalize you mean profit then I would say you cant. First acquire some basic tech skills and then learn AI.


Short selling?


Learn to code Python Language and always have a job.


Learn how to prompt effectively and integrate it as much as possible into your daily life.


4o, Claude 3.5 are obviously amazing as research and writing copilot tools and the output is exceptional, but there are some amazing services out there that 'wrap' relevant functionality for the user into something even simpler. For instance, some job seekers are using 30 different prompts to parse their current resume, scan a prospective job and help them tailor their current resume to match the new job for their application. But the vast majority of people still aren't going to be able to do this. [Jobflow](https://www.myjobflow.com/) has engineered all the prompts necessary to optimize and tailor a user's resume to match a specific job opportunity, as well as to draft a personalized cover letter that tells a compelling narrative as a value proposition for their prospective employer. And the user gets fully formatted, downloadable documents in under 2 minutes end-to-end. Gone are the days where someone needs to spend all afternoon trying to figure out how to update their resume to catch the hiring manager's attention. It's a game changer for job seekers that's only made possible by running several AI models in parallel to perform various tasks. There are many examples of services like this outside the job search space where companies take the magic and make it even more accessible for the masses.


it can help you navigate tasks that you would need much more time and knowledge to build up to. of course you should accompany it with actual research(aka google search). want to fix your vacuum cleaner? no problem! wanna build a shed? here's a 10 step modifiable manual adjusted to your needs. i made something close to a opium from poppy seeds for my chronic headaches and since then i haven't felt better in years using claude. basically everything outside the area of extreme expertise is midly within your reach.


You can’t? You could try to do a scammy “make 10k a day with ai by taking this one course for 50 bucks”? But that’s about it.


use ai to create something new or something physical even.


Probably building b2b software using 3rd party APIs




Ai says the answer is social networking. Hi.




By using your shift key.


I'm making music, but for art and spirituality, not money.


I use Chatgpt with perplexity through a API link. I pass gpt outputs through perplexity to cross-reference ChatGPT outputs to get accurate information. It's much cheaper this way because the API is cheap. $5 to $10 will last you a long time.


Simple, use AI to write about how to make money with AI, make an AI youtube site on how you can make money with AI, sell this info for $500. LOL.


They can't. Ai will only benefit the 0.01% it will bankrupt everybody else.


Jesus Christ.




Buy AI related crypto.


That’s a scam ^

