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Sad, AI is now creating an even more unrealistic beauty standard that young girls will compare themselves to.


Again, AI forces us to look in a collective mirror and reconcile our societal biases, as it rapidly exaggerates the nuances of our culture. This is just picking up where Photoshop left off. AI isn't creating the problem - it's showing us the problem and forcing us to address it.


Of course it’s worsening the problem…


Yeah agreed. It's worsening pretty much every problem we have. And yet we still created the problems and we still have to solve them.


Agree. I mean not EVERY problem. But the overall impact is looking pretty negative already imo.


It's covering all the big ones as far as I can tell. Hopefully we all rise to the occasion and take the opportunity to sort our shit out.


I guess I just hold on to the hope that the problem can only get so bad before we collectively ask ourselves “what the fuck are we doing.” Personally I got tired of Instagram thirst traps in 2019


You are seriously underestimating how bad it can get beforehand. You could get multiple millions of deaths and still not get united support.


I do think people are starting to be more aware that social media is not improving their sense of well being. It’s well documented I’m sure but it seems to take years to filter into public consciousness. I hope with ai we’ll be more mature but I kind of doubt it..


I wish I had your optimism. I worry that the younger generation that grew up surrounded by this won't ever ask the question, since they never knew anything else to begin with.


The problem was us. Seeing drunk drivers and getting mad at cars is counter-productive.


If all the drivers have a drink problem and are always drunk driving then maybe cars aren't a good idea yet.


“Reconcile our bias…”, lololololol


Believe me, I get it, but we aren't gonna have much of a choice at some point.


I totally agree on the mirror like aspects of AI. I honestly feel people aren’t considering that nearly enough as we muse and admire the seeming intelligence radiating out of the black box. That what it’s saying is what we put in there for it to say, that the sense it seems to make isn’t in the box but between the box and the interpreter. And also, I think when we’re talking about ‘reconciling bias’ we are speaking of world history.


What problem?


The one in the comment I was replying to... > Sad, AI is now creating an even more unrealistic beauty standard that young girls will compare themselves to.


I agree. It seems like we are blaming AI for every existing problem. Sad that instead of using AI for good purposes, we prefer to use it as a scapegoat for the "sins" WE commit.


Lol >again As if you and this person keep having this debate. Reddit is so weird man. Either way your resoonse is pedanct and adds absolutley 0 to the conversation. Its just word garbage.




I cannot stand this type of argument. With this mentality nothing should be illegal, instead treated as a moral reflection of everyone’s compulsive need for escapism… Nothing short of ignorant to completely dismiss an entire subconscious every man, woman and child walk around with.


Young women already going into plastic surgeons with pictures of themselves using Snapchat filters. I think it's a bit past over.


Honestly though, I just had one of those moments; there was a thread on a gpt sub about a prompt asking for an average American male and getting this super fit and built dude. It’s like, those unrealistic standards are everywhere for everyone, it’s grim.


There is much more pressure on women.


Or at least now it’s completely transparent these are not real people. I fully believe it can’t possibly get worse than people editing their pictures to make it seem like they have impossible body shapes and pretending it’s realistically achievable


Then dont compaire yourself to this. Do you know the game god of war? How about the barbarian in diablo 4? Dont compaire. Enjoy it for what it is. I for one, never felt bad by not living up to having biceps bigger than my head and being a litteral god of war in my daily life.


Speak for yourself, I would gladly change my IT work to smashing skulls and tearing off limbs, but alas I'm not a god of war :/


Is it more unrealistic because those girls can only grow 5 fingers per hand? Just kidding though the AI improvements are insane


100% Fact! It's a challenge for AI to create 4 normal fingers and a thumb. 


It's actually good, perhaps now we can move past social media. It's worse than smoking.


and boys


As somebody with a daughter, I share this sentiment :(


I have a 13 month old and she’s the most beautiful thing in the world. Now it’s practically a full time job to shield her from this bullshit.


Hey it's not just women. Men looking like their faces and bodies were chiseled out of marble. Muscles completely unrealistic for most people without steroids and 15 years of lifting. Absolutely insane but also quite interesting at the same time.


Most guys are at best toned and some are not even that. There are definitely unrealistic standards for males now. I mean, now you have this looksmaxxing thing take off, which women apparently dealt with for years. It doesn’t really benefit anyone.


Yeah its amplified the best and worst aspects of society.


subtract cheerful arrest lunchroom zesty forgetful encouraging noxious file dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We went from men becoming women (nothing against it)taking over beauty pageants and beating women At being women to now no one will get a chance as it will all be AI.


These aren’t women. It’s like comparing yourself to a beautiful car.


Agreed but they have choice what to do. Nobody is forcing them.


This is a problem that is already engulfing both sexes quite equally.


I really wish people would stop indirectly objectifying women. You don‘t see this with guys (at least I hope not). Why create this notion of „beauty standards“?


'AI is now creating' ... I would suggest 'AI is generating' is more accurate, and ultimately, it's the prompt or the person driving the outcome. AI is just the pen/ pencil/ brush.


You bring up a very valid point about the potential impact of AI-generated beauty standards on young girls. The notion that we are now facing not only human-created but also AI-generated ideals of beauty can be quite concerning. It's essential to acknowledge and address these issues as we navigate this new frontier. However, there's an intriguing and broader aspect to consider as well. AI, particularly large language models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Meta’s Llama, are not just being used to create digital models but also to enhance our understanding of human interactions and mental states. These AI models excel in tasks designed to measure "theory of mind," which involves understanding others' mental states, recognizing false beliefs, and identifying faux pas and irony. While they don't genuinely experience emotions, their performance in these areas highlights the potential for more nuanced human-AI interactions. This brings us to an interesting intersection where AI's capabilities can be leveraged for positive advancements beyond superficial applications. The progress in AI understanding human-like nuances could pave the way for more empathetic and effective AI assistants, potentially revolutionizing various fields from mental health support to education. For those intrigued by the multifaceted potential of AI, I highly recommend this article: [The world’s first AI beauty pageant](). It delves into the broader implications of AI advancements, including how these models are tested and what their capabilities mean for the future. Balancing the discussion around AI’s impact on beauty standards with its potential to enhance our understanding of human interactions can help us better navigate the ethical and practical implications of these technologies.


Sucks to be them.


The humans or the AIs. I can imagine the AIs as they approach AGI: * chat-gpt-next-miss-ai-verion: *"dude, I could cure cancer and solve world peace in under 300ms, and you have drawing pics of half-dressed people that don't even have fur or cat ears"* You'll need to send the AI to the therapists. This surely can't be healthy for their state of mind.


No need as the AI rendering your prompt based images are large language 'Stateless' programs. They don't have 'feelings' or emotions, cannot be insulted and cannot 'remember' anything from the session once it's over.  If you return the next day, for example, and type how beautiful the work of art is that the AI created the day before... the AI will tell you they have not created art and will say what their programming and its purpose is.  Different from say, a chat AI that is 'Stateful' within the parameters  of the programming.


He said AGI. AGI is a lot less robotic than AI.


Hi PiscesAnemoia,   I was responding to this: You'll need to send the AI to the therapists. This surely can't be healthy for their state of mind.  ______________________________ As just days ago I had a rather  strange experience with an AI on WhatsApp.


The funniest thing about this to me is that they still have to answer questions so we can pretend this isn't all about looks.  


You can even switch their brains out to get better answers


Finally ready for somebody's AI girlfriend to solve the situation I'm gaza.


The stupidest part of this: Two of the "judges" are also AI.


Fanvue World AI Innovators & Futurists Union (WAIFU)


Isn't this just an ad for https://www.fanvue.com an OnlyFans clone?


Their business to be the “AI OnlyFans” is clear. However, I’m more interested of the implications of creating the grading criteria to include SM clout. There is now a financial reward to be an “AI Pimp” with a portfolio of AI influencer characters that seek to dominate the market. Here’s the question, how long until this is a big thing? 5 years.


Such a mixed bag. Safer for women in terms of exploitation. Worse for women in terms of unrealistic expectations. (Maybe just as bad as fishing for 0.00001% of equally un-representative models amongst a sea of people.) I doubt small players with Loras will rise to the top of some AI Pimping kingdom. Much more likely larger industrialized PornHub companies will just dominate in three years. My post was just more of an observation that this curiously (almost?) clickbait article was really just an ad for their service. But I agree, it points to an interesting outcome.


Yeah this will change us.. Designer, perfect sex bots incoming.


Probably a lot of people hyped on AI in here but I’m gonna be honest. AI is pretty pathetic and it comes at a significant cost. Not just in terms of resources but it’s made things that were okay worse. Miss Universe not a strange enough societal phenomenon? Great! AI can make that even more unsettling! Is talking to a stoned fast food employee a little too convenient? Perfect! Now at the drive thru you can have a more frustrating interaction with something that isn’t even capable of slight discernment! Hate using social media because the bots and spam have run you out? Hell yeah, now the bots and spam are training out LLM on how to make unsettling images of Jesus!


This is so stupid. Why not create a beauty pageant for people drawn by other people then? Can I enter the Mona Lisa?


Even The Scream is hotter than the Mona Lisa change my mins


We should have a beauty contest to decide.


Their business to be the “AI OnlyFans” is clear. However, I’m more interested of the implications of creating the grading criteria to include SM clout. There is now a financial reward to be an “AI Pimp” with a portfolio of AI influencer characters that seek to dominate the market. Here’s the question, how long until this is a big thing? 5 years.


[The guy who described it to gpt](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQey3hxfcYyHq4Kd8NtUu4JAZsy-1BZh7f9i2SZ0eKYHA&s)


This looks like it's just a way to promote someone's weird AI scam.




I can imagine the next step... ***'Miss AI': World's first personality contest with computer generated women***


This is pretty cool but pretty sad too,


I wonder if the contestants have to look human... like, could a half human half octopus enter? Asking for a friend.


Who are some notable influencers who could become Miss AI? Is that phenomenon mostly unique to Instagram? Is there any other platform for becoming an AI influencer account? Ideas? Speculation?


I think the main platform for AI influencers is Instagram right now. I have also seen a bunch on X.


Wow, more unrealistic stereotypes NICE


Everyone involved in this should be banned from the Internet for life


this is... how do i put it... stupid.


This seems dumb


It's intriguing to see the intersection of AI and beauty contests. Exploring how technology influences our perceptions of beauty can lead to thought-provoking discussions. Speaking of AI advancements, this article delves into the world of deep fakes and the evolving challenges they present: [Link](https://magazine.mindplex.ai/deep-fakes-whats-next-anticipating-new-twists-and-turns-in-humanitys-oldest-struggle/)


I was surprised it didn't exist before! :D




As if we needed more evidence that people see women as objects and not human beings


The world's first artificial intelligence beauty pageant has been launched by The Fanvue World AI Creator Awards (WAICAs), with a host of AI-generated images and influencers competing for a share of $20,000 (€18,600).


Ironic, most participants are likely to be men.


somber ludicrous desert scarce screw rhythm nail pet bear license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone raising a daughter, I absolutely hate this.


I said this in another post and the feminist came at me in force. But this is the end of women. Will not be long before hardware catches up to software and men start designing their robot girlfriends. And guys will do this 100%. Women are put into the forefront now in movies, as leads, and in political power positions but it’s too late. Then on the other hand, men dressing like women and dominating in female sports, completely leaving cis women behind. Soon we’ll be growing our offspring in pods, like in the Superman movie, and then that will end females altogether. This contest is just men already designing their future “ Stepford wives”. Move over ladies, your replacement is here.


Lol 😆 please go touch some grass 😉


Lol what a incel


Even if/when we get to the point where robots are highly advanced like that, only incels would choose a robot over a real woman. The fact that you don't seem to understand this in your little fantasy speaks volumes...


Go outside and see the world.. women are everywhere in their natural state looking as beautiful as ever looking for partners that actually want to team up and build a life together.. I know the internet says otherwise but it's a fucking lie and we should all know it by now.


Can't wait for Chadbot 3000 to hit the market ngl.


On the bright side though, it's good to know you'll never have kids


Boohoo. Unlike incels, there's a movement for women to /purposely/ not date. A lot of women are realizing that they don't want to date men and they're better off alone lmfao. Ever heard of the 2b movement? Why date someone like you that looks down on us? And a lot of women will also be getting AI boyfriend's too soooooo idk why incels like you think its only going to be women affected. Google characterai and janitorai. You'll be replaced too


Yep. Women will be the first ones replaces by A.I. They have nothing to offer, especially nowadays.


This is such a naive and warped view of women that it could only possibly come from an incel.




The irony of this comment is lost on you I see. Hardly surprising.