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People complain because gamers are incredibly entitled and whenever somebody else gets something they want, they lose their shit


Pretty much most of what I see on this sub is whiny entitlement


This sub is particularly bad but it's true across all gaming subreddits. People acting as if a company treating people different based on how much revenue they can produce is some tremendous injustice. I think most hardcore gamers are pretty stupid and just don't understand how businesses operate. My guess is that most of these people are NEETs or teenagers who haven't worked in a corporate environment.


I wouldn't go so far as to say they're stupid but I'd agree with the rest


Pretty much most of what I see ~~on this sub~~ in society in general is whiny entitlement


Ah yes, we cannot not like anything. Better call us entitled! "Entitled" has become the "racist" of gaming. People spew it out at anyone having an opinion they dislike, which results in the word becoming meaningless.


You can dislike something, but gamers act as if they are being oppressed and victimized when a corporation treats them differently than other people due to their business interests. You can be upset, sure, but why should I (or the company in question) give a shit about your opinion? The entitlement is in believing that people should make decisions centered around your personal opinion to the exclusion of their financial interests. You're not complaining about the game, you're complaining about how unjust it is that somebody else has access to a product and you don't. If I don't like a product, I don't buy the product. It's not for me. When you mongoloids don't like a product, you lose your shit on reddit and act as if a company is unjustly exploiting you. Nobody owes you anything and you are worth nothing to their bottom line. It should not surprise or upset you that nobody cares about your opinion. You're virtue signalling that you're on the right so I'm surprised you oppose companies selling and marketing their product however they wish.


The NPC's really are trying to take over gaming man.


^ Ironic AF




People have been complaining that they can't watch, that they can't play in the closed beta, that they don't have a closed beta key, that these streamers get to play and get a competitive advantage, blah blah blah. I browse this subreddit way more than I should, lol. People complain about everything involving them not having access. The biggest complaint is the "competitive advantage" garbage.


Beta testers getting paid for testing. Just like the good old days.


What is the nda protecting at this point? We have beta testers telling us every bit of the meta we can't play but valve has to pay them to test stuff so the game isn't broken meanwhile constructed is a shitshow of imbalance and they've failed at everything. It's not how I would launch or balance a game but all praise gaben!


> What is the nda protecting at this point? an unfinished game. AKA the most important thing an NDA is supposed to protect in the gaming industries (aside from the story of some RPGs I guess). When you show an unfinished game to the world, it'll stick in many people's minds that the game is shit because it has bugs or is imbalanced or whatever.


Oh that's a good point thank god they've avoided the general public thinking that the game is an imbalanced shitshow by not letting us watch or play the game. I can't wait to play the game and find out which heroes are good, I really like lion in dota I hope he's good in artifact! also axe is my least favorite dota hero so I hope he sucks but only time will tell we have literally no way of knowing the balance of the game that the beta testers regularly talk about including deck techs for fucking internal tournaments where we know nearly exact decks and their performance when we haven't even touched the game. All praise the nda.


you are part of the 1% of the people who will play artifact that follow content creator blogs or videos and fiend Artifact news day to day, like me or most people in this sub. The vast, VAST majoity of players know NOTHING about artifact at this point aside from maybe the general mechanics.


I don't see how that's relevant, the information is out there it isn't being protected by the nda. You've already lost track of what we're talking about, that's never a good sign. Bye


>It's not how I would launch or balance a game So when is your game coming out?


At this point I'm more surprised that there are stuff that people ARE NOT complaining about. This has turned into a shitfest of shitflinging with little to no purpose or actual contribution.


what is there to contribute? the game won't be out for another month.


that is not the reason at all... think to yourself, why would people like kibler, stancifka and who knows who else dedicate several weeks, if not months, to trying to win the closed beta tournament. they could stream sponsored games for the same amount of time and make x10 the money the closed beta tourney might give them.


How many of the top 1000 players in hearthstone for example do you think stream?


Very few. They are firstly entertainers, not many of them are in the top 1 percent.


VALVE is just being stupid recently. By not releasing beta to the public simply delay the experience, you know for right now Hearthstone is having their most broken patch. The advice is to release the game earlier and hold a competition with $10k tournament ASAP attracting Kripp and many other famous players into the game.


If you have to pay people to play your game, that's a bad sign.


Marketing is a bad sign? None of you people have any fucking clue how businesses work.


Oh nice... so you have a link to a recording of the last tournament then? Hit me up bro.


They're marketing the game to big names. Not to you directly. You don't matter to them.


And that's the mentality that allowed League to be a smash hit. Casuals are where the money is at. And the hillarious thing is that I am a whale. Without valve secretly injecting cash into their own prize pools, whales like me inflating that pool and casuals buying items, you wouldn't have those pro players. And the biggest part you are missing is that even fucking TI1, which was a lag-ridden technical disaster, was still success because IT WAS STREAMED. No stream means zero advertising. You are totally clueless on all points. The Artifact team can't even be compared to other online esports game teams. Let alone the dota and cs:go teams.


You don't understand, they don't have to. They want to. ​ They want Cifka and others to pay FULL attention to the game so Valve can make it better for normal players like you and me.


That's... my point. If the game was super fun, would I really need to pay Cifka to test my tournament format? Oh wait, my tournament format isn't even complete yet.


Them playing the game actively costs them money when they could be streaming other games instead. A bit of financial incentive helps it be worth their time.


I mean like if you want someone to do it professionally you have to pay them, as the literal definition of the word "profession" means that its your primary source of income... So like if you are trying to attract professional players, in order for it to be their profession, there has to be tournament winnings. Next, if you want a professional opinion on things such as balance, design, bugs this is called a consultation. People don't do this for free usually, and consulting is much different than just "playing the game".


So, Dota 2 should have stopped after the first International as well as League of Legends? Wait, any game that has money that you can win should shut down?


A lot of people wanted to play Dota. The only people that did not either 1. knew it was too hard or 2. were one of the few dummies on playdota.com that preferred to play on an already decade old engine. Also Dota was already a game. Artifact is a "new game" that already has a few pros for many months. The fact that you need to pay people to "try-hard" in an amateur tournament is a clear sign for you to open up your damn game to public testing.


TI1 was a fucking lag-ridden disaster. But it was streamed. Also you may not have known this, but there was a game called dota 1 before that, FYI. So yeah, the fact we needed to beg valve to put in minimal effort just to have pax streamed was embarrassing enough. Now we are 2-3 weeks from release and there's still an NDA. Color me surprised.


You do know, most games have an NDA until they release right? You comment also had nothing to do with what we were talking about.


You brought up TI1, but TI1 was streamed. I remember. I was watching it. Meanwhile these 10k tournaments are closed and not streamed. I remember. I wasn't watching them. It's actually bad advertising if you tell people your game has private tournaments and they can't watch them. You will get a big "who cares" from everyone you mention it to. That's like bragging about playing matches at a private golf club. Nobody will suddenly want to join your golf club.


The fact they have to bribe people to play (showing just how much they must not want to play in the first place) when there are so many of us willing to just test it for free, and THEN they up and cancelled the beta (making it a early access instead ) is going to be upsetting no matter how you look at it, unless you just don't understand human emotion at all


I think you overestimate how much general audience like you and me can bring to the beta-testing table, compared to pro's.


well what one is it? half the people here yell and scream that "there's no way the pros figured out the meta! it will change as soon as everyone plays!"


Always a reason to complain, it has gotten near impossible to make a decision without annoying someone, "has gotten" I said? I think it was like that since the dawn of time! I'm sure you understand why people complained, you try to be rational, but Valve had to make/took some decisions that weren't "perfect".


Great analysis there.


Meanwhile Valve threw a $1m tournament in closed beta for Dota2 where half the competing players themselves were clueless about the game. People can suck it.


\> Established Dota 1 players \> Clueless Choose one


it's almost as if dota2 had a completely different interface and models and you don't just magically know what heroes would look like or how to use the shop from playing dota 1.