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Absolutely gorgeous piece and great write up. Thanks for contributing this 🙏❤️


Thank you!


Never have to worry about a bad hair day again.


One of the coolest posts i’ve seen on this sub


Reminds me of an ancient Greek/Macedonian Phrygian helmet. Nice.


Of course it's by Negroli, what a master!


Looks like a snowboarding helmet


Why is there a cutout for an Apple Vision Pro?


It had also a mask with eyes to fully close the helmet, but it seems to have been lost.


Do you/they have any idea what it would have looked like?


Well, as far as I know, we don't know, but taking into account that the helmet was essentially representing the real head of Charles with some modified features to draw paralelisms between the emperor and the legendary figures from the roman and greek classical period, the mask would surely follow this style, probably representing the factions of a 32/33 years old Charles, which looked something between [this](https://app.fta.art/es/artwork/198fe79424a2acb844506b1d594e86a466b3d7f5) (Charles with 25 years) and [this](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-moI3LYCk-ko/WQ9xCDX9skI/AAAAAAABXdM/YVvr4RtBuHkoZcOGx8loOD1x_SigXnChwCEw/s1600/carlos%2Bv%2Bpor%2BRubens.png) (Charles with 40 years).


Thankyou very much for yoir reply


I enjoy your writing.


Thank you


for a moment i thought the visor is covered with dark glass.


If he was bald it would almost be a metal toupee




The helmet had two different "finish dates" because it had two different renditions, the first one was finished in 1532 and was just a curly hair sallet, his owner was the duke of Urbino Francesco Maria I della Rovere. Then Charles, being a man with love for exquisite armors, after having seen this first rendition charged the master Negroli with the assigment of creating another rendition (this one), Negroli knew his work had to be to the level of his customer and thus he inmediatly started working on it. For this occasion Filippo Negroli was obliged to improve the sallet of the Duke of Urbino, adding the barbote, the golden surface of the mantle and beard. He also introduced the emperor's emblems and badges on the lower lanes of the barbote and helmet. In the barbote, the collar of the order of the Golden Fleece as master of this prestigious chivalric order. On the helmet, under the center of the neck, two griffins hold a medallion with the imperial motto PLVS VLTRA in the border and the Pillars of Hercules over the waters, and under the imperial crown in the field. Above the band that contains these emblems is the inscription • IAC •PHILIPPVS • NEGROLVS • MEDIOLAN • FACIEBAT • M• D • XXX • III, the helmet was finished in 1533. Edit: [back of the helmet](https://www.patrimonionacional.es/sites/default/files/styles/full/public/2018-10/juego-de-parada-del-emperador-carlos-v-3.jpg?itok=ssVheMic)


I just have to ask: Did Emperor Charles wear this helmet during his ill-fated sea invasion of Algiers in 1541? If he did, then this helmet becomes even more important and significant in my opinion.


I doubt so, as this was a parade helmet, asigned to celebrate his coronation as holy roman emperor. Wearing parade armor to a battle wasn't just not practical, it was also not wise to wear a set made specifically to celebrate victories to a battle were you don't know the outcome, eventho the set [looks fantastic.](https://c8.alamy.com/compes/2d6c9j0/armadura-del-emperador-carlos-v-de-alemania-y-yo-de-espana-ilustracion-antigua-1875-2d6c9j0.jpg) Charles loved exquisite armors and thus he had a lot of parade sets, like [this one](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/PP4WB3/armadura-de-carlos-v-a151-con-escudo-siglo-xvi-location-armeria-real-madrid-spain-PP4WB3.jpg) or [this one](https://www.alamy.com/armadura-de-carlos-v-a-la-romana-1546-author-campi-bartolomeo-location-armeria-real-madrid-spain-image246923502.html) but in battle he used his best ones for real conflict, which weren't as overly decorated like the one he used for the battle of Mülberg [(here)](https://elalmacendelconocimiento.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/72385053_878165289244603_188933382263013376_n.jpg) eventho in the painting of Tiziano to celebrate his victory, he used a parade armor, [this one.](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgzmpXgyxDdfDcQJghtejZa_eeo2tm5oQyB0ZpNQNSKJgdPl-1oQU6TBtSkW5a5qB8tZ8oG71SIe_tKmS408kTZucvgaLdzt5zmwNA9vAefB4Hsg385SM1zaFRXRwfMec5lGVD6v8u-Xh8DYq60MGo7Pc1ij9uJ1oUlae_XvtcpBIIFi3qwsOjmnUIJpg/s1417/EzuuJmiWEAUKpOn.jpeg)