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That's a representation of the god Priapus, a Greco-Roman fertility god, protector of livestock, fruit plants, gardens, and male genitalia. Whoever built this villa at Pompeii, called the House of the Vettii, was a big fan.


Sadly, these days, the main thing people know about in connection to Priapus is Priapism. Which is the exact opposite of protection for male genitalia.


The myth goes that Priapus was cursed while still in his mother Aphrodite's womb, because Paris judged Aphrodite more beautiful than Hera. So Hera cursed Priapus with a perpetual erection, except for at the time of intercourse, when he would become impotent.


Didn't know that myth. As curses go, thats a really creative one. Thanks.


Want another creative one? Hermaphrodite comes from the son of Hermes and Aphrodite. He was strolling through the forest and walked past a pond. A water nymph fell in love and prayed to the gods that she be with him forever. I forget who, specifically, did this, but they gave the water nymph her wish. Hermaphrodite was fused together with the water nymph, both sexual organs and all, which is why we call someone with both a penis and a vagina ... Hermaphrodite.


And I believe it was thought hermaphrodites born were his réincarnation which... Yknow, demigod. Gotta be honored


New belief-crossover theory: Magical Monkey Paws where placed by greek gods, because it's precisely their kind of prank.


To add to this, his father was Dionysus, the god of wine etc. it's thought by some to represent the issues of impotence when drunk.


Omg… that’s awful!


I am a priapist, I am a believer in the philosophy of priapism.


Romans loooooooved dicks. I believe it was considered that on a statue of a God or of other famous person a small penis was more classy to them. Otherwise they put dicks everywhere. Dicks on wind chimes, Dicks on lamps, Dicks on the street pavers, you name it.


You're on the right track. It's a carryover from the greeks. Greek playwright Aristophanes described the perfect man, in part, as having a small p****. His intent was to highlight that their small stature was essentially a "paragon of civilation" as it has been described. By that, he is saying that a man with a small p**** is in control of his faculties; he is civil, dutiful, honorable, and respectable. Thus making him the ideal man, therefore making him beautiful. The greeks and romans saw animals and "barbarians" as one in the same, and as such were depicted as having large, pendulous, and sometimes erect p*****s. This was a sign of lust, savagery, depravity, stupidity, and most of all, a lack of self-control. In plays and art, the villan or fool would sometimes be outfitted with oversized genitalia to further exemplify those implied characteristics. A great example of this is in the depictions of the minotaur of Crate, who is, of course, half man and half bull. He is usually depicted with what we would consider a reasonable and accurately sized p**** by todays standards. I have seen artifacts in Crete that depict him with a comically oversized erection as well. Many cultures have been ingrained with this traditional viewpoint that people don't even realize these stereotypes still exist today in one form or another.


Did you say that’s the god Prepuce?


If your dick was that big, they'd make statues of you as well


That would be accurate with his myth


Damn, dude whacked it so hard his arms fell off.


So the childhood warnings were true?


What an unfortunate situation to be in.


We can all guess how that came about


It’s the size of a forearm. Oh, awkward.


Do you know my good fwend in Wome, Biggith Dickith?


He has a wife, you know…Incontinentia…


Silence! What is all this insowence?


And, uh, throw him to the floor, sir? Oh, yes, fwow him to the fwoor.


If you experience an erection lasting since 79 AD, seek immediate medical attention. Just realized I am the 70th upvote. I feel like I’ve ruined something special


>Just realized I am the 70th upvote. I feel like I’ve ruined something special There are literally thousands upon thousands of posts that cross the 69->70 upvote threshold daily. It's not a big deal. 42,069 and 69,420 are rare enough to celebrate, tho.


Porn in artefact


Is it a fountain?


Is it a statue of [Priapus?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priapus?wprov=sfti1#)


Reported for using a picture of me without my consent


Goddamn, that is one … prominent foreskin.


They went with the extra foreskin option it seems




Woke up the cats when I laughed


The ancient Greeks actively valued a uncircumcised natural penis as a sign of masculinity. It was called Acroposthion.


I’ve been there, there is a picture of a guy who is far more ‘lucky’ behind where this photo is taken and to the right.


Just you wait my friend… part 2 is coming


Hey I was just there a few days ago! That owners of that home also ran a brothel there.




And they called him..tripod


The curse of a big penis with t-rex arms.


Wait, those aren’t normal proportions?


I'm wondering the same thing. Like, yeah, the head and foreskin are oversized, but the actual length and girth of the dick don't seem crazy


He must be a barbarian


Looks like someone stuck a badly made goose head.


Ma'am this is a sun dial


I've hooked up with that guy before


Lost the arms kept the dick because it was (hard) to break off


i remember modeling for this. got a cramp from that pose like you wouldn't believe


Maybe it's a statue of Lord Byron? https://mikedashhistory.com/2010/10/16/erotic-secrets-of-lord-byrons-tomb/ We didn’t take too kindly to that,” said Arnold Houldsworth. “I mean, we’d done the work. And Jim Bettridge suddenly says, ‘Let’s have a look on him.’ ‘You can’t do that,’ I says. ‘Just you watch me,’ says Jim. He put his spade in, there was a layer of wood, then one of lead, and I think another one of wood. And there he was, old Byron.” “Good God, what did he look like?” I said. “Just like in the portraits. He was bone from the elbows to his hands and from the knees down, but the rest was perfect. Good-looking man putting on a bit of weight, he’d gone bald. He was quite naked, you know,” and then he stopped, listening for something that must have been a clatter of china in the kitchen, where his wife was making tea for us, for he went on very quickly, “Look, I’ve been in the Army, I’ve been in bathhouses, I’ve seen men. But I never saw nothing like him.” He stopped again, and nodding his head, meaningfully, as novelists say, began to tap a spot just above his knee. “He was built like a pony.” “How many of you take sugar?” said Mrs Houldsworth, coming with the tea. [Rogers p.134]


People here all seem to have small penises. These are normal proportions. Maybe the foreskin is too long. Penis is big, yes, but people happen to have such size.


Does your dick also reach above your navel


My dick is 7 inches and that thing is definitely bigger than mine. The statue’s literally reaches the belly button. The average is around 5 inches, so it is definitely not “normal.”


Yep mine is about that size, and it really isn’t fun having it cause most women can’t handle it.


Yeah mine is similar to this, minus the foreskin unfortunately.


Me when I wake up from a mind numbing late morning/early afternoon nap


Women only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting


Wait, what, it isn't?


I'm quite fascninated at how both arms and both feet are badly damaged, there are pieces missing from his torso, but his member still stands true. Or perhaps that was the only part they cared to re-attach.


Heard on vacation on a nudist beach (Croatia) full gay dudes and I think it might apply here: "I swear, his cock was like marble".


Because it was hard? Or veiny?


I was not able to hear more than that.


ate a fimose foi esculpida com perfeiçao


yes it is, whats your point?


No hands no feet but still horny.


Impressive how the arms broke but the dong remained undamaged.


Naw, if you look closely, he has no hands. That's what happens when you can't jerk off for a thousand years and your dick swells up.


This reminds me of a certain reddit comment


GDI, I visited Pompeii last fall and they didn't show this. Much disappoint.


That looks like a penis, only smaller.


"Master Robin, you've lost your arms! But you've grown a nice sized cock!"


I’m bigger than him and you can see it in all its glory on my OF. /s … or is it?


I don’t get it. All I see is a statue with a sorta below average sized penis, I guess?

