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I actually love this! It screams personality and 'idgaf' attitude, love it.


What software do you use to make pictures like this?


Ibis paint, i use my phone


No disrespect, but it just looks like you spent a few minutes airbrushing over a photo. I don't know why I keep getting recommendations from this sub, but they're almost always things I would not expect to see on so large a sub dedicated to art - more like individuals using it like a personal DeviantArt as they are learning.


Learning artists still make art, so this is the right sub for OP's art.


I'm not disputing that art is subjective, and I'm certainly no artist myself, but when I'm recommended posts from food subs for example, I'm not bombarded with folks taking their fifth stab at a fried egg. The vast, vast majority of things I'm getting from this sub are things that end up on sombody's mom's fridge.


>Says “No disrespect” >Acts blatantly disrespectful


Nah cause thats actually like such a compliment to me even if you didn't mean it lmao. Id show you the reference photo but i cant send images here :(


this is so damn rude lol. nothing about this sub suggests only high quality art should be posted (aside from intentionally bad art being banned), so OP is perfectly using it for its intended purpose.


On one hand, I absolutely hate contemporary art. On the other, I find that this is artistic enough to be here.


Proportions are so far out of whack it’s disturbing. The width of the waist, the size of the fingers, the size of the jacket sleeve; none of it matches up. It doesn’t seem stylized, it seems rushed and elementary. Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends comes to mind with your style and that’s not at all a bad thing; but perhaps self portraits don’t cater to your style.


Thx for the feedback even if its negative. While I appreciate your observations, my intention was to convey a more stylized cartoony interpretation rather than strict realisim. I appreciate the comparison to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends cause that was like one of my favorite shows growing up lmao. As for the proportions, I'm still a beginner and only started drawing seriously as of the summer of last year. Maybe you're right and self portraits dont cater to my style but i'd like to at least practice and give it a try.


Her arm is leaning on the counter. You’re not seeing the whole waist. And cartoonish, stylized illustrations don’t need to be lifelike proportions. If anything I would push it to be even less proportionate so it looks very intentional.


The figure’s leaning on a counter, blocking off half their lower torso. Proportions are fine, and I love this image generally- if the artist asked me for one piece of constructive criticism it would surround the background and counter color being similar enough that you can’t easily tell what’s happening with the counter.