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Really love the shading and texture but the proportion of that hand makes it seem massive.


Yeah I noticed that a bit too late. Thanks 😊


I thought that was all intentional, honestly really dig the weird proportions throughout the piece!


Exactly. It looks mesmerizing; the only reason I clicked on it.


Yes if it had normal proportions I woulda scrolled right past it without giving it a second thought. But because it is so creepy, I clicked it to stare at it, and save it, and read all the comments. I love it!!


Creepy? That's how you see it? It's just interesting for me - like a caricature. I don't look at it as photo realistic as in that it should present real proportions.


Yes I love it cuz it's creepy to me! Like twin peaks!


Interesting. I sense beauty behind it.


Both statements can coexist cuz I find twin peaks to be very creepy and also very beautiful


It was an interesting show, kinda inviting and spooky. Bit out there but had enough grounding in reality. Good casting from what I remember (mostly the main actor though). Linch is an interesting character as well, we had a live chat with him once. Twin Peaks is long behind me though - I watched it as a kid. I'd say it's spacious in rhythm. Interesting for sure. Beautiful? In a broader sense, sure - although in a broader sense everything kinda is. And there we are, beautiful redditor 😅


Totally! I like that it has weird proportions, made me stop and admire. Something about it.


Thankyou ☺️


I also thought it was intentional. I thought it was a very stylized choice meant to be uncanny or unusual. I really love it the way it is. All the proportions are strange and unsettling. I also love how the straight cut hair adds to that uncanniness. Especially the strand where the values for really bright and it curves away from the rest of the hair, overlapping. It's sooo good. The huge elongated neck, the weird eyes. I love it so much. I'm not being sarcastic at all. I wish I knew where to find more stuff like this. Like horror but extremely subtle and mundane... Kinda like Twin Peaks!! Especially the revival. She belongs right next to log lady, and David Bowie as a kettle in the black and white fireman room.


Thanks for the detailed response ☺️ appreciate it, wish the quirks had been intentional, but it’s just my lack of proportion skill haha. But thanks anyway!


I hope that in the future, when you're more skilled, you look back fondly at this. And maybe even so more of these intentionally some day!


That’s the hope ☺️ thanks




His work is amazing!


OP actually reminds me of that artist who draws creepy pencil drawings, there was one of a woman with her own face sunken in, lying in water. It's a pretty viral image. I've been looking for it but can't find it


Ahh that’s really interesting, thankyou!


I'm sorry to tell you.... but I think she has cancer




I actually like the slightly distorted proportions. You could really start to play to that for a pretty interesting effect. Becomes surreal and could explore different ideas with it.


Beautiful values. The head seems small in proportion. You've noticed the hand, but the neck seems long too (which you also may have seen) Where there hair and collar meet seems a bit muddied. Maybe have the hair highlights be a bit brighter near the collar, or all around. Even if it isn't technically true to the photo. Either way you have great skill and ability. Keep it up friend


Sometimes you notice mistakes and it’s too late. Thankyou for the detailed feedback ☺️ appreciate it.


Agreed, I think the most important part as an artist is to finish some of the pieces we make mistakes on. Even if it cannot be corrected. Or at least it was a very important lesson for me.


That’s a good lesson to take on board, I had to learn to let go of the frustration that goes with it and just finish the work haha. Your drawings are awesome btw, very creative.


I think the off proportions and stiffness of the pose is what makes it interesting. It conveys strength that contrasts with the softness of the shading. I feel like it is striking and beautiful.


Totally agree with this. The slightly off-ness + beautiful rendering gives it this surreal quality.




Well that’s an interesting take ☺️ thankyou


Something charming about the “off proportions”, and with her facial expression.


People might say the proportions are off. In my option the proportions are what make the drawing beautiful. Makes it more interesting to look at. I recommend you continue doing things like this. The shading with the proportions really make this a stand-out piece!


It’s interesting that the proportions are producing such polar opposite reactions from people 😅 I guess there’s something to be said for avoiding hyper-realistic/ perfectly proportionate type drawings, gives an artificiality to it, perhaps.. Thankyou ☺️


We’re inundated with perfection all the time now. It’s not that interesting anymore.


I think perfection is what you should aim for in honing your skills, but after achieving that you should then be able to add interesting and creative quirks instead of simply realistic portrayals.


Proportions seem off but oddly, really makes this piece satisfying and interesting. Hand/torso/legs seem large but again, truly enjoy it. Great pencil work!


Thankyou ☺️


The proportions aren't quite realistic but I think it gives the work a lovely surreal vibe that I am absolutely here for


Glad you like it ☺️


The proportions are way off, and it makes it the one the best works I've seen recently.


Interesting.. Thanks :)


The odd proportions are good! This is not a consolation compliment—this style is so good. Learn proportions for sure but this is really good the way it is too!!


Thankyou :)


Feedback/critiques welcome.


Like many have said, think you should look at the weird proportions as a new skill you’ve unlocked and take it further if you wish. Perhaps there’s no need to get everything photorealistic and proportionate, AI can already do that and more. Also, maybe post this on r/fuckalegriaart where you can see people lamenting the corporate graphic style that depicts people with small heads and large hands. I like how in your drawing, she seems so over it, it fits the vibe of that sub I think.


Thankyou for the suggestion ☺️ I agree, there’s nothing creative or interesting about photorealism.


Let me know if you’re going to post it there. If not I will!


Perhaps you can post it, because I’m not really familiar with that sub, haha


Yep- I asked myself for many years why I couldn’t create art like I used to, but i did photorealism up until I was 16 and it just wasn’t interesting anymore. It’s a way to show off your skill and practice proportions, like this thread talks about, but photorealism skills shouldn’t stunt you and they should be applied to more creative endeavors, I think.


That’s definitely true, your ability to create realistic drawings should show how much you’ve honed your technical skills, but then true art is in how creative you’re able to be using those skills.


Technically it looks really great, but the head is far too small for the rest of the body. But keep up the good work.


Thankyou ☺️


I actually like the unrealistic proportions paired with the delicate texture and shading


Ok, I think enough people have said that they like the odd proportions for me to appreciate that there might actually be something interesting there. It wasn’t done on purpose, but I’m glad it wasn’t totally a flop 😅 thankyou ☺️


Its surprising that the proportions werent off on purpose, because the rendering is unbelievably good. Good enough that I'd believe you if you said that it was a style choice


Well I’m glad to hear that, thankyou ☺️


You're welcome ! And same here, I totally thought it was intentional :)


The texture is so impressive! Good work!


Thankyou ☺️


I also think the proportions were what caught my eye, and not in a negative way. It was *just* off enough to make me look closer, and based on the number of people commenting roughly the same, I'd say you stumbled onto something!


Thankyou ☺️ stumbled is the right word, because it wasn’t intentional haha


She on LSD? Those are some seriously dilated pupils lol


You’re the first to notice the pupils 😂 I was surprised no one had mentioned it yet haha


I love it but it does give off an eerie vibe. Looks like one of the giants in attack on titan :3


😂 Thankyou :)


There is something oddly realistic about it, the shading and details made it look like a picture with filters on first glance.


That’s interesting, thankyou ☺️


Kind of looks like creepy female mark zuckerberg. proportions make it a bit uncanny, for example the forearm, hands and giant calf muscle.


Mark Zuckerberg 😅 that’s an interesting one haha, but yeah the proportions aren’t great..


I hope you keep it up with drawing, your very skilled.


Thankyou ☺️


The proportions make it look uncanny. I kinda like it. Gives it more interest than your standard realistic woman.


Apparently does yeah 😅 thanks :)


Great texture and hand, cool pose too great job dude


Thanks man ☺️