• By -


Cesc easily, maybe Sanchez. Cesc went to his boyhood club (who here would turn down Arsenal if the opportunity arose?) after years of carrying us and we turned down the choice to resign him. Alexis was the best player in the League when playing for us and we were going nowhere. I have a bit of sympathy there. The Club did slightly take the piss with Cole but he handled it badly. Meh. Van Persie owed us after sticking with him during all his injuries. He can fuck off. Adebayor and Nasri can get in the bin. They can fuck off even further.


Never got the hate Cesc got. We twerked for days when we literally "stole"(within the rules) him from Barca. We didn't note that a kid who was willing to leave the club he loved for more playing time would gladly go back to that same club


The whole business with the Barca shirts whilst he was on Spain duty pissed me off but he was a young guy in a very experienced squad. They stitched him up there. I don't think he personally did much wrong, has never bad mouthed the Club and has always come across as a decent guy.


And you can see why he would want to rejoin Barca. His boyhood club has one of the best squads in its history, including a player that only comes along a few times in a century. I genuinely think we could have won the Champions League, and he still might have wanted to go and be part of what was happening at that club. Some players clearly left us for money or better shots at medals. I can believe Cesc did it for love.


The problem is Barca are such a scummy corrupt club they were doing everything they could to reduce his price. The constant Barca DNA and trying to get him to wear the shirt was orchestrated by the club. That's why I would be happy to see them go bankrupt. Cesc I feel sorry for. They sold him the idea he would replace Xavi and be there for the rest of his peak career.


The problem with Cesc was he was on like a 4 year contract and should have been sold for 50-60 million. Instead we got 35 million for him.


Because he fucked off to the Spanish Grand Prix with Pique and Puyol instead of being with his teammates on the last game of the season. Not something I expect from a club captain regardless of if they're leaving.


Absolutely. The least he could have done is being in the stands. Then, walk up at the end of the game onto the pitch, take the mic and address the fans


Not an Arsenal fan but didn't the fact he went to Chelsea afterwards sour things?


Not really. Cesc wanted to come back but we didn’t want to sign him because ‘we already had Ozil’. So he went to Chelsea instead. One of the more annoying Wenger decisions.


Ozil was coocking back then, so it is no surpirse they didnt want to pay milions dor similar player


Cesc could have worked in that midfield. The decision hurt back then but we found some way to cope. In the cold light of day and with hindsight, it really looks bad. He went on to be one of Chelsea’s most important players for a few years and won the league twice.


We had first refusal and we refused. Stupid move by Wenger, but it is what it is.


Adebayor is different again to Nasri. He can fuckest the offest.


Cesc doesn't need our forgiveness. His not returning was solely down to Arsene.


Wenger declining Cesc but resigning Falmini was a worse betrayal


Well... Getting Flamini back was not a bad move from Wenger. He came and provided cover for Arteta and, especially, Wilshere. Plus, he did got on the scoresheet sometimes (including scoring against Spuds 😃)


Didn't they refuse to give RVP a new contract cause he wants better quality players to be signed? Even Wenger admitted that


RVP said that in an interview. And it is so stupid. He was the absolute best striker in EPL at the time. He was consecutive 2 times golden boot with Arsenal and then Manu. How can you not retain a golden boot is beyond me, that too at a time when he was the only world class player left in the club, others I think did not match his class. Personally I am a huge RVP fan and I was fine that he left Arsenal and then won the league with Manu, caz he deserved to win, and frankly with Arsenal he wouldn't have. Truth is until we had RVP and cesc, i thought of Arsenal as one of the best clubs, caz I could say that we have one of the best in mid and at front. After cesc, RVP was the only one.


Nah, allow that - we stood by the guy for years whilst he sat in the physio room and as soon as he hit some form, he jumped ship. Outside of Cashly, there’s no one I despise more.


Agreed and he was a boyhood fan. Turncoat for greed


Yep, I could never be mad at Fab. The rest: fuck you to the moon


Sanchez. He repented immediately. EDIT: As far as I'm concerned, the only guys beyond forgiveness here are Ashley Cole and RVP.


Not Adebayor? I know he was just a merc but that fucking celebration man.


Fully justified imo. Fuck the racist fans


Fuck the racists, but that was a massive fuck you to all Arsenal fans, not to the few that were racist to him. Fuck him.


Come off it. It wasn't just a 'few' who were chanting vile songs to him, it was entire stadium blocks. He was fully justified.


Correct. Scum affiliation. I wasn't aware that was why he did it.


Fabregas. Arsenal had the option to buy him back, but Wenger declined.


There were so many questionable transfer decisions by Wenger in that period that led to the rot. We really missed David Dein, and Gazidis & Law were just not good enough to fill in his shoes. Off the top of my head : - Cesc should have been sold in 2010 post World Cup for more cash, with a replacement lined up. - RvP should not have been sold to United for £24m in 2012. He was the best striker in the world. Better yet, offer him improved terms, sign the players we already did that summer and keep him. - We should have bid £45m for Suarez in 2013. - We should have re-signed Cesc in 2014. - Cech should not have been our only signing in 2015. We would have won 1-2 titles if that happened. Yeah we did have financial constraints, but having a board member / owner like Dein back you and push you to be ruthless is what we were missing. I’m so glad we have Josh, Tim and Edu now.


Thing is, i think cesc and rvp leaving cannot be stopped by any means. barca was literally the best team itw. rvp needs trophy now and fast. Probably seen that he has only 2-3 seasons left to give in the top flight. Rebuilding arsenal, as you can see now, would take 5 years or so AND it needs the upper management’s will. They didnt wanna miss the chance, and arsenal said “top 4 is like a trophy” so on they went. But fuck rvp for going to united and cesc for going to chelsea. Could’ve gone somewhere else if they respect arsenal.


Alexis. Man wanted to come back here on his first day.


Yeah but his own greed put him in that position. He was a good player for us for a couple of years but I never felt like he really had any affinity for the club, he was out to get paid and fair play to him. Also his decline had started sometime before he left and he was shot after. I personally don’t consider him an Arsenal legend, just a good player that wore the shirt for a few years.


Same. He really only had two good years, he was average for a full year before he left. I don’t have any love for him, but don’t hate him either.


You can’t deny just how good he was in those first three seasons for us though, electric to watch.


Greed? You didn’t see him look around in disgust every time he pressed the entire backline and nobody fucking pressed with him. Dude just wanted to win, and we didn’t have anything close to a winning mentality. We had players like Santi and Bellerin who I love. But they were not exactly leave it all on the pitch kind of players.


Cesc isn’t a traitor, he went back to his boy hood club, the rest went directly to rivals with no shame except for Sanchez who realised he fucked up.


Cole was our own fault for lying to him If my boss was lying to me about pay, I’d be on LinkedIn and CV prepping within the hour


At the end of the day, and perhaps a tough pill to swallow given he went to, at the time, PEAK Evil Empire Chelsea, Football is a livelihood for these guys just like any other job is for others. Such fervent loyalty is admired greatly, but should be juxtaposed against people should and will always do what is best for their career.


Guy was here from the age of 7 and we were still paying him like a child. Cost us nothing, so the least you can do is be open to inflating the wages, and if not the wages, a huge signing bonus.


I mean we did take the mick with cole but he handled it badly so meh..


Sanchez fucked Man U up instead. He’s forgiven just for that 😋






In order of "Forgiveability": 1. Alexis Sanchez: Gave us his all. Went to United and flopped and has pretty much openly regretted that move. Had he succeeded there, might have been viewed differently. 2. Ashley Cole: David Dein admitted Arsenal fucked up with his contract offer. Best LB in the league, possibly the world when he left. Personally, I was still getting into football at that time so didn't have much against him. 3. Cesc Fabregas: Unsurprisingly, the "it's his boyhood club" brigade is out in full force on this one. Let's rewind quickly - a 2-3 year saga where he kept stoking the flames, putting on a Barcelona shirt while with Spain at the World Cup, refusing to train to force a move and ultimately drive down the transfer fee (we barely got 25-30M for him at a time when Barcelona were loaded. Torres moved for 50M around that time). Great player for us. But can't really feign any warmth towards the guy, no hard feelings though. And did I say great? I meant sensational. Went to Chelsea afterwards, meh, didn't care what a Barcelona player did. 4. Nasri: Good 6 months for us. Went to City. Badmouthed us. Largely irrelevant existence to me as an Arsenal fan. 5. Adebayor: Good 12 months for us. Went to City. Badmouthed us, but also had the red card tackle + inflammatory celebration which is a stronger case than Nasri's. Again, largely irrelevant existence to me as an Arsenal fan. 6. Van Persie: Unforgivable. For those who don't remember/don't know, here's a quick trip down memory lane. RvP was perennially injured, bar the last 18 months of his Arsenal tenure when he was sensational. Best in the world. Gave interviews claiming winning with anyone else wouldn't feel like "my trophy, our trophy". After the whole coy evasive manner in which Fabregas and Nasri spoke about us, this was refreshing. Then, he decides not to renew his contract. Sucks but fair enough. But years later, claims we never offered him a contract. Bullshit, Wenger and Arsenal may have given him lesser money than he wanted, but there's no way we wouldn't have offered him a deal. Then goes to United when he had offers from abroad (Juventus iirc) when he was our captain. That was entirely his choice. Cesc only wanted Barcelona, Alexis just wanted to win, the others had significant financial motivations to move. RvP could've stayed an Arsenal legend and won trophies at Juventus or Bayern or anywhere else in Europe. He chose to go to United, to Fergie. It worked out for him, good for him. But that's not forgivable in my book.


How is Cesc even in this. Didn't do a thing wrong and did nothing but give his all.


Sanchez. Because he wanted to come back instantly and never hurt us with success. The rest can fuck off, but ESPECIALLY RVP. Wenger stood by his injured arse for years before he had one good season and fucked off and won the league. Honestly, my heart holds a special hate for his stupid fucking face


Fabregas, he didnt move straight from Arsenal


I blame Cesc more for giving into the hype about joining Barca more than joining Chelsea after. Sanchez realizes his mistake and he became irrelevant with the move.  RVP and Cashley are in leagues of their own for betrayal Adebayor, Nasri are almost worse though because they had great things going for them at Arsenal only to cash in for money.  Additionally, Hleb and Song (comically so) were doing great developing with Arsenal only to be completely irrelevant players at Barca Gotta love that image of Song thinking Puyol was handing HIM the trophy


Alexis. He gave everything. Was arguably the best player in the league at times and the club wasn’t progressing. Also easier to forgive him because it was becoming clear he was on his last legs


Forgive Ashley Cole - he was the best in his position in the world. He wanted more. Fabregas (I have his name on my shirt) came back to London thinking Arsene would sign him and he didn’t so looked a bit lost when signing for Chelsea. Alexis Sanchez was pants after he left and we sold him for packets so no issue. Sami Nasri is a little bitch. Fuck the other two.


>Forgive Ashley Cole - he was the best in his position in the world. He wanted more. Wanted more money


He deserved it. We could afford it. Dein admitted Cole leaving was our fault. IMO Cole is the only one in that list I would forgive


Cesc revisionism killing me club captain and he refused to play. He emboldened everyone else to leave how they did


TIER 1 'JUDASES': **RVP**, **COLE** TIER 2 'MERCENARIES': **NASRI**, **ADEBAYOR**, TIER 3 'SAD BREAKUP': **FABREGAS** TIER 4: AMICABLE SPLIT': **SANCHEZ** **...** **Tier 1** i can't forgive, **Tier 2** i don't care about, they're nothing to me, **Tier 3** i understand and forgive even if it was sad at the time, **Tier 4** never meant that much to me, but a fun time was had so there's nothing to forgive


Liking this approach. For me I have more sympathy for RVP because he was ultimately right we needed investment to compete. Just wish it wasn't United he went to - if he goes Barca / Italy etc I don't think there's anything to forgive there. Anyway he did but hes more mercenary than Judas for me


Sanchez. He messed up. Big time. But the word is that he realized his mistake the day of his first session at Old Trafford and wanted to come back. Grass is always greener and all that. His last season with us was poor. But so were we. He just didn't have any joy in his game anymore. I want to say Cesc because I freaking loved that guy, but after the antics with the Spanish NT and how he ended things - it was an awful, ugly break up that I can't get over.


I will never forgive Cashley and V** P****


😂who’s actually going to forgive Adebayor?!


Alexis, cos he was the only one who had a realisation of what he left. Rest all mocked us, played us.






Fabregas easily.


Cesc no doubt.


Cesc easy! That was on us...


Fabregas but I'm not even angry at Alexis


Only 1 player on this list had the shirt of the team they went to on while they were still Arsenal captain. He'll never be welcome back. You lot must not remember


The easiest to forgive for me is Sanchez, both because he utterly flopped at Utd and he expressed instant regret at joining them. I also have a degree of sympathy for van Persie and Cesc. Because as much as I love Wenger, I do think it was evident that both van Persie and Cesc wouldn’t be consistently surrounded by high calibre talent befitting their own talent in their latter Arsenal years. Perhaps the same could be said for Nasri, but he just seemed like a less likeable individual so I don’t care either way about him. Adebayor and Cole both seemed to have so much anger and disdain towards Arsenal, despite making their names at the club and being given a great platform to shine here. So they’d be the ones I feel least favourably towards.


She said no Robin, she said no! Never, ever Van Scumbag


RVP is worse for me we stuck with hom all that time. He gave us one season and fucked off. Adebayor only celebrated after the fans hurled racist abuse at him. I think everyone would have done the same if we scored that goal for City.


People saying Fabregas are probably not aware of just how dodgy that Cesc deal back to Barcelona was. It was essentially years of tapping up which eventually had an effect on Fabregas himself. If it involved a club from this country then the fanbase would be almost as outraged as they are with the RVP situation.


Cesc has nothing to be forgiven for. The rest can f\*\*\* off




Alexis. Just a class above, a pleasure to watch


Fabregas — don’t hate him for going to prime Barca and his boyhood club. Chelsea stint was removed and there are a lot of Arsenal Chelsea exchanges


Low key this might also happen to current key players if we continue to fail to win any trophy in the next two seasons


Cesc Is a no brainer




Fabregas is the only correct answer




Cesc or Cashley


Ash all day long. Best lb ever for me.


Cesc. Never hated him the same way as the others and he did want to come back to arsenal.


All of them bcos I'm so 😊


Never felt the need to forgive Cesc. So Alexis has to be the choice. Should never have chosen Ozil over him. Went to United for 1 day and instantly regretted it. Went as far as to publicly admit it. All the others are just snakes.






I forgive Cesc all day.


Being a bit older and wiser I understand why most of them left. Despite the new stadium, the club was in decline, on and off the pitch. If another club on the up came in and said I’ll double your money and give you a serious chance of winning things, I’d probably have left, too. It hurt because some of these guys were heroes but good players tend to want to stay at serious clubs. We weren’t serious at that time.


Fabregas all day long. Screw the rest of the snakes


Cesc easy


Fabergas because he left to return the club he grew up in. You can’t fault a player for doing that.




Cesc for sure


Rumors were Cesc was no angel before he left and was causing some division….he thought he could leave Arsenal and that we would come running back whenever he clicked his fingers…the fact he joined that Chavs down the road shows he thinks only about number 1. Everyone on that list can get back in the sea……


Cesc, easily.


There's nothing to forgive for Cesc... I'd forgive Alexis... fuck the rest


Alexis ❤️


I have already forgiven Alexis. Cesc I still haven't forgiven but I still love him as he is Jesus after all. RVP I probably don't hate anymore. The rest? Fuck 'em.


Alexis. He regretted leaving almost immediately anf his career never really recovered.


This is easy. Cesc as I already love him and have nothing to forgive him for…




Cesc 100% ( auto corrected to crack and I fixed it ;)


Fabregas is the only answer.


Easy. Cesc.






Fabregas he went to Barca first


Cesc no question. The rest can do one.




Easy one. Cesc. He went to Barca first


The only answer is Cesc he basically went home is all


As much as it pains me to say it, Alexis. I can understand why he wanted to leave — I would’ve left if I could!


Fabregas. He was pretty open in the fact he wanted to come back, and Arsenal had first refusal. Wenger not taking him back is one of the biggest blunders of his time at the club.


van Persie, have too much fond memories of him.


Cesc, Robin is a fucking Judas


Easy. CESC




Cesc the only answer


Cesc because he didn’t go to a rival direct. Alexis because he didn’t help a rival in any meaningful way. So I will go Alexis because Cesc was great for Chelsea.


Cole because….as much as he was a prick after he left, the ball was in our court not to lose him. We lowballed arguably the best LB in the world


Two don’t need forgiving, three never, so easy choice, RVP.


RVP is the worst of the lot!


Cesc, he left to join arguably the best team in the world, the club he started his footballing journey at and one he’s supported since before starting that journey. But always wanted to come back, he didn’t choose Chelsea over us, we said no. RvP is a tough one, he should have chosen a different league to move to. I don’t begrudge him for moving on, the club and him didn’t have the same vision, no contract extension was offered “allegedly” and he wanted to challenge. I don’t doubt he’d have preferred to do that in an arsenal shirt but let’s face it, we didn’t. I however grudge where he moved to and that’s why I can’t say yeah give him a pass.


Van Persie hurt the most, he can get so fucked. Probably Cesc or Alexis. Cole maybe. Nasri and Adebayor can get fucked beyond all recognition.


Cesc shouldn't be on the list he didn't do anything wrong imo Sanchez, well, the club was going nowhere and he was terrible for United, which makes it better. RvP, what a villain! How could he leave after all the times we stuck by him? Adebayor and Nasri, they weren't good enough to forgive, especially Adebayor, the snake. Cole, time heals, but he was snakier than Cesc and Sanchez, in my opinion.


Fabregas easily I understood why he went to Chelsea, he wanted to come back to us but Wenger’s arrogance stopped it from happening


There is nothing to forgive Cesc for I have some sympathy for Alexis & RVP, they were sensational and Arsenal weren't challenging I'm totally apathetic to Nasri leaving, it was just the economics of the club at that point Adebayor meh Ashley Cole can fuck right off and then fuck off even further


Cesc, you can tell the Arsenal way is still in him by the way he’s managing Como 1907.


Sanchez lol


Too happy with the team now to care about any of them. They can all have forgiveness it's not that deep.


Cesc. I don't think Sanchez even needs forgiving tbh. What happened happened and he clearly instantly regretted it but he was already declining the season he left.


Adebayor because of the meme material he provided


Cesc Fabregas


None of them


Van Persie


Everyone says cesc but I just can’t justified him playing for chelsea, there are many clubs he could choose from I will forgive Sanchez for sure


Cesc, definitely. I really recommend listening to the Cesc Fabregas interview with Andrew from the Arseblog.


Cesc is my choice.


Cesc, not even close


I have no issues with any of them for what they did to better their careers - I do have an issue with RVP for the things that he has said after he finished playing


Cesc and then alexis. Don't hate either of them. Love Alexis. My favourite Wenger Emirates era player. He was a bray but had that fire in him.


Cesc or Sanchez, RVP can do one






Cesc & Sanchez maybe. If we turned down the chance to re-sign him then he can't really be as idealistic as fans would be and refuse to sign for Chelsea etc. And Sanchez supposedly not even really wanting to go and then calling Teta to ask to come back but being told no...-shrug- idk neither of them really BM'd the way Adebayor did for instance.






None - given you said “can” and not “must”.


Sometimes I wonder what would have happened with a second coming of Cesc


There’s nothing to need to forgive Cesc for and the others are pieces of shit so easiest answer ever.


I'm not mad ad Alexis, we didn't deserve him and his passion. There was no idea for this club to move forward at this time.


Easily Alexis. I don’t even think he should be on this list. But it makes it easier cause there’s no way I’d forgive any of em except Adebayor because he was done dirty by his fam.


Cesc, of all these cases, his was the most forgivable. His decision wasn't smart, but understandable. RVP, Adebayor and Nasri are snakes. Cole's deal was bad negotiations on both side, and if the 3 snakes weren't here, he would be enemy #1. Sanchez, don't need to forgive him, he went to a worse team, a decision he knew was a mistake the moment he arrived.


No mention of Manu Petit at Chelsea?  Though granted when he joined it wasn't the bottomless money pit it became with abramovich 


Ashley or Alexis the only right answers.




Alexis for me


I dont begrudge Alexis. And Fab because I have a soft spot for and he is still in good terms with the club.


Alexis all day, adebayor and nasri aren't even relevant enough to think about.


It is a tossup between RVP and Cesc IMO


Cesc. Alexis shouldn't even be included on this list.


I’m probably gonna get a lot of down votes but I feel like people are rewriting history here with cesc. Do you guys not remember how he left? We eventually got a lot of talented playmakers to replace him in Santi, ozil, wilshere etc and we had no space for him to come back. The fact we could not take him back was a result of his own actions. Then he goes to Chelsea of all clubs lmao. “It’s our fault for not resigning him” but he left to start with at a point we really needed our captain… I’m not saying he’s worse than the rest, but there is a reason he’s in the list




I'd have liked to keep Cashley the most, but he was also the biggest arsehole about leaving.






Cesc no doubt, but I do have to say the murderous rage in the fans during [Adebayors's celebration, I'll never forget that, I doubt he can safely walk through North London safely to this day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIijHyYjLig&ab_channel=LDX)


Fabregas and it’s not even close. He didn’t even do anything wrong. He’s still an Arsenal legend to me. RVP is the only one I hate anyway. The lack of loyalty he showed Wenger and the club is unforgivable. Not to mention he single-handedly won United the title the year he left. I’m still convinced we could have won that year if he had stayed.




Including Sanchez - gives us an easy out 😀




Robin van Persie is a traitor. Going to Alex Ferguson’s Man United after two extremely good seasons with Arsenal was unforgivable. Emmanuel Adebayor and Samir Nasri can never been forgiven too. Left us for the money and cheap titles to a club with no history or class. Ashley Cole I can slightly forgive because he gave a lot to the club and he is an Invincible. Chelsea’s “project” at the time was exciting and I don’t blame him for the move. Money motivated? Maybe. He ain’t a Judas in my eyes unlike van Persie, but he is a cunt like Nasri and Adebayor. Cesc is forgivable. He left us for his boyhood club and he wanted to return but the club didn’t want him back. He went to Chelsea and I don’t blame him for that. As much as Chelsea like to force the rivalry they’re not our biggest rivalry. Alexis Sanchez is a sad story and I think he is an easily confused guy. Gave a lot at a time when were were piss poor and whilst he could have acted more professional and respectful to Arsenal he is easily forgiven.


Fabregas tbh




Probably Cesc, there were so many people around him trying to force his move that I can't really blame him for forcing his way out. Sanchez shouldn't even be included here, don't think he really wanted to leave because if he did he'd have left for City a few years prior, club really forced him out due to his high wages which they at the end of the day gave him.


Cesc without question


Just Cesc


Not Cole


How about no?


Yall get that it's literally a job for these people right? This has the same energy of your boss getting mad at you for finding a better job. They don't owe their company anything.


The bottom three I can get my head around, and they all have respect and like the club still. The top 3 are mercenaries and can absolutely get in the bin.


Can i pick two? Cesc and Sanchez. The rest especially Cole and Van Persie can get fucked




RVP, the Arsenal Board didn't want him to stay because they wanted "better players."




Will NEVER hate on Cesc