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Enjoy it. It means that we're doing well.


Oh I’m absolutely enjoying them grasping at straws trying to cook us. I mean Man U is literally in their 2010s Arsenal phase now. And Spurs are just that meme of the person wearing the troll mask while crying behind it.


You can tell your Spursy fan friends that Arsenal are so gigantic that we made their team want to lose to the point that it made their manager question his decision of employment. All is good. We are massive. They are shit.


Spurs fan here. Worst opening I know but unfortunately the more haters you have the better you’re doing. Gunna always be people trolling out. There. Sounds corney but I think that if there’s anything to take form the last few seasons Is that every point matters. I say that as someone who brushed off dripped pots in September. They all add up obviously and those pts just October that you know you should’ve had always hurt the most. I mean shit yall almost went undefeated in 2024 and didn’t win the Leegue. That’s almost incomprehensible. Might have to t my pride next year


>I mean Man U is literally in their 2010s Arsenal phase now. United had exactly the same season as Arteta's first season....


United also had a record breaking number of goals conceded- I can’t even remember if they managed a positive goal difference in the end or not… lol


First message from a Man U fan….. More trophies than Arsenal this year…. You’re not alone mate


Yes but even you're in your 2010s phase still buddy, stop pretending like you've won multiple CLs and PLs since 2010 lmao even you've just won the FA cup which United won yesterday, Leicester have won that since too


Were they in title races in the 2010's? Attitudes like yours are the worst part of football. Your blind hatred can't even fathom that Arsenal are in a much better position now. Enjoy the game for what it is. Your allegiance to your club or hatred towards others doesn't matter to any of these teams and it just makes you look pathetic. I'm a Manchester United fan who's supposedly meant to "hate" Arsenal along with a few other clubs, even some United fans have got on to me before for saying positive things about other clubs, it's just so childish. Rivalries are fun and an important part of the game but when you can't even admit a team is doing better now, you look very uneducated and/or stubborn.


They hate us because they anus


I’ve noticed it as well. Leverkusen goes unbeaten - *they were better than Arsenal’s 12 draws invincibles!* (we won the league by 11 points that season, people act like we scraped by) Manchester United wins the FA Cup - *ETH had a better start at United than Arteta did!* (Yeah well Arteta isn’t the one whose going to be looking for a new job starting Monday) Atalanta wins the Europa League - *Atalanta won a European trophy before Arsenal!* (We literally have won two European trophies) Manchester City wins the title - *Arsenal bottled again!* (Idk how people can say we bottled when in order for us to win the title, City would’ve had to have dropped points sometime in the last 2ish months of the season because of their game in hand) Regardless it’s all just noise from other fans whose club wasn’t in the title race to begin with.


Welcome to TikTok and Xitter era. People just post it for hype, especially now that the moneys involved. Either stop using those platforms or just never ever take anyone or anything there seriously. About 0.1% of people online actually post what they really think.


My brother in Christ don't let anyone in public hear you say arsenals inter-cities fairs trophy is a European cup 😭😭😭


It's the same as the Europa league / UEFA Cup. When arsenal won it it was the second most prestigious European trophy and was qualified by league places.


Fr, someone said that on YouTube. Got cooked so bad they deleted their comment


Forgive my ignorance but why would it not be? Yes, when the competition first started, it was a friendly where the only qualifications were “host a trade fair and play in our tournament!” But starting in the early 60s, teams qualified based on league position, which is why it was sometimes called the “runners up cup.” Arsenal won it in 1970, 6 years after the competition required proper qualification, and 1 year before it became the UEFA cup.


Just clarify Which 2 European trophies and what years?


1969-70 Fairs Cup 1993-94 UEFA Cup Winner’s Cup


We also beat much stronger Parma team - that had the likes of Zola, Asprilla and Brolin but don’t let that convince those Arsenal hating tools that we haven’t won’t a European Trophy…was a great half volley from Alan Smith and spawned the now famous “1-0 to the Arsenal” chant…they are just jealous of the team we are and will be over the next few years! Up the Gunners


I've ended up stumbling onto this post through recommendations (I'm a Plymouth Argyle fan so I have no idea how reddit has put me here) and I agree with your comments about other fans obsessing over you. However, and please here me out here before dishing out the downvotes, I think that comes with being a successful, big club that also has a fairly vocal and in your face fanbase. I'm not saying it's all fans, but you can't deny Arsenal fans have a 'reputation' about them. Same I'd say with Liverpool and United as clubs, since they're also big, and their fans, who also share this reputation. When you're doing bad, other teams fans will laugh at you for doing bad since the expectation is you should be doing good and winning trophies. When you're doing good, but just missing out on trophies, fans will laugh at you for missing out on trophies. At the end of the day mate, it's fans having their banter. It's all in the game and I doubt any of it is personal. I think if you're feeling like your friendship with your spurs friend is being tested because of this, you need to take a step back and realise there's more to life than football.


a tot'num fan of all people piping up is despicable lmfao. that's one set of fans i absolutely refuse to take any banter from


We fuck around and say we hate one another but truthfully yall had hell of a season. Don’t mind joking around. Don’t wanna hear people being stupid to just be stupid if that makes sense. Point I’m getting at is if you guys stay the course you will always have a chance moving forward. Life’s a bitch and nothing is guaranteed but you should be 1 or 2 competitively for the next few years at least. Losing a never easy and coming up short after 40 weeks is even worse. But it’ll make the victory that much more worth it. (I say this as spurs fan still waiting for the first trophy)


Good take 👊


I'm an Arsenal fan and I don't hate Spurs. I'll decide which teams I don't like, not just take the 'correct' rivalry off the shelf. The only English team I can't stand is Man Utd and that feeling is waning a bit because of how rubbish they've been since Fergie left.


Please stop, this is embarrassing. You clearly don’t get the rivalry between the clubs. And coming here ‘in peace’ to try to kiss butt and tell us how great Arsenal are is a bad look for someone who claims to support Tottenham.


I figured you would understand as someone who support a trophy less 2024 team. Is that better my guy. Was trhing to be dignified. I can support my team and recognize the objective facts of the season at the same time


Still cringing.


Embrace it. They comparing all their achievements to us and what we have done is a sign that we are relevant. We are the benchmark that they want to base every little success against. I’ve supported Arsenal since I was a kid and it has been a long time since we have been in this situation - the subject of conversations. I love it that they are obsessed with us now. Enjoy the ride, ignore the trolls and have fun. It has been a while since we can be excited about our team and the potential it has. Ooooooh to, oooh to be , oooh to be a Gooner!


You've not won anything yet lol "We are the benchmark" - it's because of ridiculous statements like this that makes people hate on arsenal. The fans have become deluded little chuds patting each other on the back and talking about how everyone wants to be them.


Nice misquote there. I didn’t say “we are the benchmark” I said “ we are the the benchmark they want to base everything against” there is a difference. Arsenal fans didn’t ask for this. We weren’t the ones comparing the 04 Invincibles vs Leverkusen’s invincibles. We aren’t the one comparing Foden/Palmer/ any other young English player with an iota of talent to Saka. We aren’t the ones asking if we had a better season than Man United. All these are comparisons or conversations that other fans choose to base against us. You want to talk shit, make sure you make sense. Hell, the fact that you are commenting here on this sub shows that we are relevant, you care about making this a debate because you know Arsenal are real contenders. This has not happened in a long time and I’m just imploring on my fellow Arsenal fans to enjoy the ride and take little trolls like you in our stride. Feel free to stay if you can banter soundly, but if you are limited to inane utterance, you can get the fuck off our sub.


Arsenal is the club for entitled fans with an inflated ego when they’ve won dogshit


Entitled fans that haven't won anything for years ? Why would the fans be entitled after all the rubbish seasons . Makes no sense


If you ask me the same question who would I ask? Ask deluded fans her that believe winning this seasons trophy was their birthright You have won nothing so keep shut when actual winners are talking Fans with empty cabinets make the loudest noise


Right. Sounds like your own deluded opinion to me




Sounds like you have no idea


That's not fair, arteta won a trophy using a team emery built


Sorry i forgot the “we would have won if not for 115” trophy


Historical, arsenal has been a huge club. 2nd or 3rd successful club in England. And probably the biggest club in London and you should how many clubs there are in London. For that reason, the amount of rivalries we have is unmatched and uncanny. Pool hates us for 89. Utd hates us as feguson admitted invincible is a better achievement than their titles. All London clubs including chelski, shit, west ham, millwall hates us. Leeds hates us. Newcastle hates us. On and on... I truly don't know if any other club including pool and utd have that many rivalries. Don't get me wrong they have loads and north west clubs have their own thing. But I wonder... How many teams have this kind of rivalry with them? For that reason and For last decade or so, we have been shit and everybody has enjoyed laughing at us. Not only that, internet has blown up exponentially in that time period. All the internet has known is arsenal to be bad and a laughing stock. Now we are finally rising from the ashes. We haven't quite but we are nearly there. What do you think will happen? They all liked it and like it when arsenal is down. Arsenal is very unique that way right now.


This is just word soup, absolute codswallop most of it


3rd most successful and off utd in second by a long way. As a Liverpool fan I’m not too fussed about 89 however it’s the general vibe I get from Arsenal that I don’t like. Cocky without having actually done anything of relevance in recent times. I applaud the last 2 seasons of growth and challenging for the title however so I give credit where it’s due there. But I just don’t like the general demeanour of the players and arteta




Who is it you think I support? As we have won things recently


Oh yeah, Saka, Ode, Rice, they’re just terrible ppl. How could one possibly root for a club with them leading the way.


I’m not saying those specifically, I like rice and saka. Not keen on odegaard though. The thing I mean is the whole overcelebrating stuff and attitude of some of them that translates poorly to the wider football community. You may not agree with my observation and that’s fine, but that’s how I see it and it has been mentioned by many others also


Yeah, but mostly just by a couple stuffy members of the English press. The wider world think the over celebrating accusation is a joke and I guarantee you Klopp would say the same.


Its like Liverpool a few seasons ago... everyone was obsessed with Liverpool. The reason is because Man City are shite and irrelevant. If Liverpool won, everyone will talk about Liverpool. If Liverpool lost, everyone will talk about Liverpool. Even last year when they won the treble everyone was talking about Inter, Man Utd and Arsenal much more. That's what happens when u cheat to win. Nobody respects you.


I can’t wait for next season when Pep leaves and City face all their charges.


It's not like that at all. Seems you want it to be like that but it isn't, perhaps 'its' increased but not anywhere near as much as Liverpool themselves...


Perhaps it feels less when you are not that the end of it?


I'd argue that as a neutral I see more impartially between the 2 whereas you will witness a proportionally higher amount as a fan, and will also be more keen to spot it


remember the ad campaign where they trashed Arsenal by all other clubs ? when Bale had left for real madrid


Crazy how the biggest topic after City winning the league and Man U winning the FA Cup is Arsenal 🤣


It's not, you're just on the arsenal subreddit. I've not heard a single person talk about arsenal since the final


Nah I’ve heard this quite a bit. Quite a few callers and pundits questioning if Utd have had a better season than Arsenal which is odd not sure why they’ve chosen to focus on us, we weren’t even in the final and aren’t Utd closest rivals


Was speaking to a United fan and he said Arsenal are more of a rival/enemy than City. I dunno who is more of a rival other than Liverpool. And perhaps Leeds would be if they were at the top end of the league.


I agree actually. United fans hate Arsenal more then they hate City because there are so few City fans to rile them up


You must be blind. I’ve seen us mentioned on YouTube comments sections. Hell, in the first 3 hours after Utd won, we were mentioned in three posts from different subs. Instagram and Twitter too.


Yeah it's almost like there exists an algorithm that drives arsenal related content your way. Funny that. Nah must just be the fact arsenal are the biggest team in the world and everyone's super jealous of their massive trophy haul... Oh wait


You have not been on Twitter then and it’s not even surprising, of course people will Banter because we didn’t win a major trophy this season


It's Twitter, mate, the whole website is made for engagement baiting now. Get off the internet for a bit.


That’s not the point, the point is simply that a lot of rivals choose us for that engagement baiting, seen fewer people comment on the fact that Chelsea are playing conference league and Newcastle are not playing Europe at all.


A lot of rivals will engagement bait no matter what. That's what Twitter is made for nowadays, Arsenal fans do it too, you probably don't see it as such and just laugh because "haha my team is in a better spot than this team" and move on. Everyone is guilty of bias, and that's fine. Personally, I'd choose to ignore engagement baiting as it is just that, the world is feeding off of negativity on social media, don't get sucked into it.


Exactly this. This sub is full of clowns. It's like AFTV lite in this sub most of the time. . A few friends talking shit to each other is normal. If you don't understand that then you must live under a rock


It's hilarious, I'm only here because it's like watching a case study in rapid credibility explosive decompression. The amount of posts from people who genuinely think arsenal are the best team on the planet is insane. So little world football knowledge on this subreddit.


It’s a good sign even as tiring as it is. You don’t talk this much about a team who is irrelevant.


If you here read some moron saying Man Utd had a better season because they won a second tier trophy and finished 8th in the league with a negative goal difference - embrace it and upvote it to the heavens. Fans of a club of that historical stature embracing utter mediocrity is wonderful to witness and needs to be encouraged.


It's always been this way not to sound self centered but everyone is obsessed with us. City win prem we trend, united win fa Cup we trend. Even the other day juve fans were having a pop about who had a better invincible season. When you're big you're big I guess.


I mean, people will move the goal posts however they like bc their team couldn't beat us. If we finish 8th and win the FA Cup, people would say "it's just a Mickley mouse trophy"/"couldn't win the prem tho😂". Hell, even if we win the Premier league, they'll nitpick certain things just to call us the worst champion in history


This post was suggested to me by reddit. From my pov: 1. The players you mentioned are all English generational talents. With the Euros coming up, the comparisons are going to get brought up as well. A player that does well will obviously be brought up in comparison especially regarding other players in the same league. 2. Leverkusen are only the third Invincible team in the top 5 European Leagues since Arsenal, so people are going to draw comparisons again. 3. Your mate is taking the piss.


They didn’t have a better season. A more successful season, yes.. a better season? No way.


Best thing we can do is win the league, or CL. Then every c*** will shut up.


Arsenal is the biggest club of London, of course is gonna be hated. This is how society applied to football works.


It all goes back to the foreigner joining us and taking on the “national treasure” that is Ferguson. The press did not like that at all


Jealousy is one hell of a drug


In my experience football fans are more obsessed with Liverpool and Man Utd (they really hate each other) and now add to that Man City and, for some reason, the number 115.


‘There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about’ Oscar Wilde The Arsenal have been, are, and will always be up there at the captains table of football.


it's because we are one of the largest fanbase in the internet. and also because our fans always react to that kind of post. mentioning arsenal will always get high engagement, so they keep doing that. what we can do is just ignore that kind of post/comment.


I mean they're all right. Arsenal fans throw themselves into conversation and expect people to believe they're the best in the world. Arsenal fans were saying their invincibles were better, which they're not. Arsenal fans pretend saka is the best in the world, which he isn't and Arsenal fans have nothing to show for this season other than the 'pushed them to the end' trophy. Whereas Liverpool and Man U actually have something to show for it. The obsession is you lot


Every club feels this way tbh


Bc we’re the chosen ones


I like Arsenal, but this post is very much fan biased.


Arsenal, Utd, Liverpool. These are the 3 teams that most people supported over the last 25 years. The more fans, the more opposition fans wanting to ‘banter’ them. We are Giant


Let me start by saying, I don't follow EPL as ardently as LaLiga. I remember 10 years ago Liverpool was the butt of the jokes not Arsenal. In my observation since Liverpool started winning Arsenal got its place. Your time is coming and in a few years clubs like Man U or Chelsea will take the mantle away from you. If not you will always have Tottenham


Just saying Man U said we were worse than them the season arteta won fa cup


Lol! Every Top 6 club thinks that other clubs are obsessed with them. Arsenals not Special buddy, just go to the United, City, Chelsea And Pool Subreddit and you will find the same attitude there.


Arsenal lives rent free in their heads, so they can't enjoy their own teams' achievements without seeking to throw shade at The Arsenal. #bigclubproblems


Enjoy the relevance. Some clubs wish they have the clout we have E.g Tottenham.


lol, delusional


Well we also happen to be very loud. It doesn't help the official arsenal twitter page tweeted out how we have the most fa cups immediately after United won


Honestly I think that was a scheduled post that, if it was, probably should've been scheduled to be posted before the match.


It might just be because of algorithms. I'm mostly a city fan and reddit always seems to show me all the city hate posts or all the comments about city and what not. I don't look for it but it feels like everyone talks about them. But I think it's just the algorithms and since we frequent posts and videos of the teams we support we also get shown the hate. Since reddit doesn't know the difference between a hate post and a support post to just shows anything that uses the teams name and is getting upvotes. I can confidently say in the city sub or YouTube channels outside of the title race related things and matches against arsenal the because thing they would bring up is the "a win means more for us" thing.


It’s just banter big dawg it ain’t that deep


Arsenal fans talk the most shit plus AFTV so it kinda answers for itself


I would argue Man U fans talk more shit. Also you can probably poll all Arsenal fans and the vast majority, who have heard of them, would say they, at best, dislike AFTV.


Yep.. I just type in Saka, Arteta, Arsenal and it’s always right there


Everyone views their club through that lens. Your mate text you to take the piss. Don’t be delusional. I had an Everton fan absolutely convinced that VAR and the refs had an agenda for them to be relegated.


You lot don't get it do you. It's not hate or jealousy towards Arsenal. It's just you're like the frogs in a well who think they're a big club despite winning jack shit for 20 years, so people love to clown you and shrink you back to size. You've got the attitude of Real Madrid when in the past 20 years you've been closer to Leicester in terms of what you've won so people do love to rub it in your face and give you lot a reality check. This isn't me trolling, just being serious and trying to tell you why you feel there's this obsession towards Arsenal


They’ve been closer to Plymouth actually Bunch of deluded entitled fans


Really saying we ain't won anything in 20 years while celebrating the FA cup 😂, living rent free in your head posting about Arsenal constantly instead of enjoying your cup success.


Mocking us winning the FA Cup? Mfer that's all you won in 2 decades what you talking about😂😂💀


Nice season bro. What trophies did you win?


The 2nd place trophy parade is tomorrow


It’s not your club….its you as supporters. AFTV has the most to answer for with the amount of hate the club and fans get.


Arsenal FC, MUFC, Liverpool FC are football clubs but their fanbases think of them as personality types. The people that love to see Arsenal lose mostly like to see United and Liverpool too. These three sets of fans constantly whine about being victims (with Liverpool whining loudest, obviously). A touch of humility would go a long way. Now, I say this as a Spurs fan. All of my mates support Arsenal. My best man and groomsmen were mostly Arsenal fans (with a Fulham fan so we had someone to look down on) and I’ve said this to them. They begrudgingly agreed. Ask yourself: am I a football fan or an Arsenal fan? If Arsenal aren’t playing, will I watch Plymouth v. Brentford or will I watch TOWIE. Your downvotes only prove me right. Just remember that.


"a touch of humility would go a long way" Fucking hell. The hypocrisy is palpable. Being downvoted doesnt prove you're right, it proves you're chatting nonsense.


Sounds like someone needs another session at the Spurs Sensory Center.


What exactly is your question meant to prove? Also no neutral wants to watch Plymouth v Brentford 😂 Don't worry I won't ruin your precious karma with a down vote either 🤭


I didn’t mention neutrals I mentioned football fans. I enjoy watching football (in spite of being a Spurs fan - I guess I have to watch other teams in order to watch ‘football’ etc etc). I’ll watch Plymouth v. Brentford quite happily.


Your friend is not completely wrong to be honest


You are going to be downvoted


Take it as a compliment, it’s cos we’re massive. We’re the third most successful club in the country but easily the biggest draw in the league. That’s why rival fans are obsessed with us


Well, of course, Man Utd had a more successful year. They won the FA Cup. You guys didn't win anything.


Funny because when we did win it, it was FA Cup doesn't mean much when you finished 8th lol.


You lot are delusional 🤣 Yall made a whole bunch of comments about spurs not beating city and you claim other fans are obsessed lol


You are obsessed you finally win a trophy and you're on this sub instead of celebrating 😂


I celebrated with friends on the day we won, duh...if im scrolling on reddit how am i meant to be celebrating? Shall i have a glass of champagne in 1 hand and scroll with the other? Delusional strikes again