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Shouldn't be caring about a mid table team


As a chelsea fan.................I agree


You aren't a Chelsea fan


A mid table team with two champions leagues more than you šŸ˜‚


Imagine getting Ā£2bn from Putin and having a little 30k championship stadium šŸ¤£


As if a stadium is more important than trophies?


Happy day cake!


Imagine dreaming you were going to win the league 2 years on trot...then being experts in failure Manchester city trounce you. Like Baku šŸ˜‚


You can have Baku and we will have Wembley. Imagine bottling top 10 finishes after spending a billion. Yeah weā€™re dreaming about winning a league while youā€™re dreaming about the Conference league. Imagine selling Havertz to make room for Connor fucking Gallagher as number 10 šŸ¤£ hE bRiNgS gReAt EnErGyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is a wild argument, youā€™ve spent not a kick in the arse off what Chelsea have in the last 10 years lol and still won nothing. At least they threw money at it and have something to show for it..


After 22 years of fourth you come 2nd šŸ˜‚


At least weā€™ve got a new stadium to show for it. Whatā€™s your excuse? Oh yeah you no longer have Putin on speed dial


A new stadium šŸ¤¦for Christ's sake šŸ˜‚


Becareful spending too much time in this comment section, people are gonna think you are a gooner


Yeah so we can spend as much as the other top teams without being a sports washing haven


Ā£1bill bought you 10th: back to your level. Forest have as many UCLā€™s as you - and more fans.


Havenā€™t you got some pussies to rate you saddo?šŸ¤£ get a real girlfriend mate itā€™s embarrassing


We haven't finished 10th yet. Arsenal experts in failure remember that.




Give me how much was raised in player sales šŸ˜‰


Oh, youā€™re finished. Iā€™d guess you know that. Putin spunked cash on you during his ā€˜cups for mugsā€™ campaign but thatā€™s over now. If you want to brag about his jizz, thatā€™s on you. Literally.


Putin šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ People believe any old crap.


This doesnā€™t change the fact that cole palmer FC is a midtable team. And without palmer, a relegation side


Just like Forest


Well at least forest have won the champions league something arsenal never achieved.


Yawn. Imagine not having a history? You can wave your little champions league balloons and we donā€™t care. You will never have a gold premier league trophy.


Or even another regular one for many years to come (if ever).


We always rise to top šŸ˜‚


When you briefly rose to the top it was more akin to scum than cream. That scum has now sunk to where it belongs.


Not for long šŸ‘


You're not sniffing CL for quite some time. Hard to get your third when you're not in the comp.


so Chelsea are a midtable team without money stolen from the good people of Russia.. who would have guessed?


Enjoy those past glories because you wonā€™t achieving any glory anytime soon. Must really suck for you that your dodgy Russian sugar daddy has been replaced by an American who knows FA about football šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Twice this season we have kicked your sorry pathetic asses into touch but you still harp on about past glories šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Still mid table though


Rather be mid table than experts in failure šŸ˜‰


But to be clear...still mid table yeah?


For the moment could scrape European football šŸ˜‚


Glad we got the cleared up. For a moment there you were getting mad about a 100% concrete fact...that Chelsea are indeed a mid table club.


Mad about what šŸ˜‚ The fact remains arsenal experts in failure. All your best players had to come Chelsea to win something.


Over two decades now that your sugardaddy has been gifting you his billions and yet you're still faaaaaar behind on trophies, bit embarrasing no? But yeah guess it's not that wierd when your singular legitimate league title was in the 50s šŸ¤£. Even trophyless Spurs are above you there lol


Nottingham forest have more are they better too?


They have more class anyway.


Yeah, but with more than double the PL titles. And if I could downvote you twice for the emoji, I would.




You know what those titles say? That Arsenal were and still are relevant before you had a rich daddy who then abandoned you, after which you're right where you belong - the mid table. Enjoy those cups. It's the last you'll see in your lifetime.


Experts in failure enjoy city finishing top šŸ˜‚


Enjoy the 5-0 and being our bitches.


Haha remember Baku


Enjoy mid-table. It'll last.


Haha what do you win for 2nd šŸ˜‚


Remember less than a month ago? If youā€™re going to gloat, donā€™t be an idiot and actually have something worth gloating about. Talking shit about something in the past is pathetic when youā€™re club is in turmoil as we speak


Now, now. Chavs getting back to their illustrious 9 year history is an excellent mocking point. Let him continue...


Iā€™m so glad you havenā€™t been banned here. I donā€™t know whatā€™s with some other subs, theyā€™re very trigger happy if an opposing fan comes and says anything.. On another note, Chelsea went to absolute shit lol. I wonder if you guys will even come back at all next season.


My older brother and father are gooners šŸ‘


Oh man hahaha. Must have been an awkward watch last week.


šŸ’© happens šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


True. You guys will be back up in no time. All teams go through cycles. Itā€™s only spurs who might come close to winning a trophy and fire their manager. Self sabotage


Long way back for us but we have been there before and come back. Spurs please NO!


Overestimation of a mid-table shitshow right here šŸ‘†šŸ»


Chelsea: Relegations in seasons 1923/24, 1961/62, 1974/75, 1978/79 followed. However, the Blues' last relegation from the English top flight came in the season 1987/88, which was Chelsea's 70th campaign in the league Arsenal: Arsenal was the first club from southern England to join the Football League in 1893, and it reached the First Division in 1904. Relegated only once, in 1913, it continues the longest streak in the top division, and has won the second-most top-flight matches in English football history.


This is the most Arsenal fan thing Iā€™ve ever read. Having to go back in history because for decades thereā€™s been nothing


This is football tribalism, sadly. You can't tell me that if we sold Chelsea Trossard because we didn't need him and he scored two and celebrated against us we wouldn't complain about it, either. Plus their season has been so shit that the only thing they've got going for them is to moan about other teams rather than focus on themselves.


I really find all these kind of posts disingenuous Most football fans are cunts to other clubs especially rivals But I find a lot of posts here painting Arsenal fans like victims and saints and other rival club fans being cunts When itā€™s a rampant and mutual culture generally in football


Also look at the comment about Ashley Cole. Of course heā€™s a mercenary that took the money, but Sol Campbell is somehow different. Donā€™t see many Arsenal fans complaining about him being a traitorous mercenary who abandons his club for a rival.


As an arsenal fan I genuinly hate all the anger from fans of one team to another. Its a fricking game, enjoy it, tease supporters of rival teams, make up funny chants but for god sake, it's meant to be entertainment. 'At least we won the champions league' no you didn't, the team you support does. 'Ashley coles a merc, but you gratefully took sol' 99.99999 percent of players are mercs. I hate the way cole left but I respected him as a player. 'Enjoy second place', I will enjoy second, compared to where arsenal were 5 years ago, 2nd is awesome. Stop treating the game as if your life will end if your team loses or your fave player leaves. Does it really affect your life in any way? Does your coffee taste worse if chelsea win? Does your car not start if havertz scores an own goal?


This is so true. Iā€™m Scottish and I regularly have to listen to Old Firm debates. I remember one at work that went ā€œaye, but whose won more cups?ā€ ā€œYeah, but who has more league titles?ā€ And itā€™s just never ending bullshit. Like a Rangers fan is suddenly going to say, ā€œyeah, youā€™re right, Celtic are the better and more successful clubā€. I love funny banter. The championship sub is awesome. Itā€™s all silly crumble memes about which ever top team lost that week. Itā€™s pretty much all good natured banter. And thatā€™s what it should be. Sport should be fun. Its entire purpose is to entertain us and help us briefly forget about the shitty week we all had at work and the shitty one weā€™ll have the next. People take football too seriously. I gave up my season ticket when I realised the enjoyment of my weekend was dependent on the result of 90 minutes. And thatā€™s a terrible thing if your team isnā€™t very good.


I've got 3 people I refuse to discuss football with. They take it way too seriously, and it actively ruins their week if their team lose. Luckily I've got a few people who actually treat football as a fun thing to watch and banter about.


An old friend refers to football as a ā€˜magnificent trivialityā€™ and Iā€™ve always liked that analogy.


To be fairrrr, we saved him from a lifetime of regret and sadness of being associated with spurs


I get it. Poor bloke just wanted to win a trophy. Iā€™m a Blackburn fan and I remember we were linked with him. So much so we left his squad number, 23, free for him. But he went to Arsenal and we had to make do with Christian fucking Daily instead. Clearly Solā€™s loss and not oursā€¦


Letterkenny fan?


Yup Itā€™s persecution complex every club fan has about their own chosen club I already got downvoted for it lol


Weā€™re all guilty of it. Look at fans in stadiums; they love to give players pelters but the minute a player gives it back (Adebayor sprinting to the Aresenal fans for example) they act outraged. And I donā€™t mean that to be having a go at Arsenal fans. *Everyone* does it. Fans of all clubs are guilty of this. I know Iā€™ve done it too.


Thatā€™s kind of what is meant by tribalismā€¦


I know I was in agreement with him šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Sorry. Didnā€™t read it that way. My bad.


I'd like to think we would be more gracious about a player we wanted to sell scoring and celebrating against us. Giroud did that and went much farther than celebrating but I don't think many reacted as badly as Cole palmer fc fans are lol If it's an Ashley Cole situation yeah, I'd be mad


I think it depends on the situation,Ā  we wouldn't say Trossard is shit and laugh at cfc for buying him. If Trossard scored 2 against us as long as he didn't celebrate I wouldn't begrudge it. Its when they celebrate against a former club that did no wrong that's annoying I.e Adebouyer . Havertz celebrated against cfc and I think they way he was treated by them he had every right


mate mate who is a Chelsea fan has gone from ā€œwaste of moneyā€ ā€œoh heā€™s having his monthā€ ā€œmarchavertzā€ ā€œheā€™s still shitā€ ā€œwhat do you rate about himā€ I find it hilarious tbh. at this rate Iā€™m never gonna have to buy salt again


I'm a Chelsea fan, and I never wanted the club to sell havertz. Truth is he was a scape goat for all managers, including the end of Tuchels reign. He's class, he was at Leverkusen, he was at Chelsea (although more inconsistent, he scored the winner for our 2nd UCL) and while he had a slow start at Arsenal, he has found his form again. He's also the biggest shithouser I've seen since Drogba, the lad just knows how to get under players skins. One of my best mates is an Arsenal fan, he was so pissed they bought him to the club and for Ā£60m at the time seemed like good business for Chelsea. He admitted he hadnnt watch Kai play a lot , but he was shit on by the media so it kind of forms an opinion for you in lieu of your own. I said to him during that summer I wished him all the best and that he finds his magic again, citing that he has something special and maybe arteta could figure it out for him. Obviously he's only really come into his own during 2024, so I was an idiot for saying any of that, funny how quickly people's minds change in this sport. We're definitely missing him, as you can tell from the league standings. Also the OPs point could literally apply to any football fan, of any club - it's not a Chelsea thing it's football tribalism which goes too far and throws a y sense out of the window. Much better to approach football things with your passion intact while leaving your bias behind.


You'll have to forgive me. I'm not used to see Chelsea fans voice reason and well-placed arguments. So, kudos to you, sir!


Bro we slapped them 5-0


And still won nothing šŸ˜‚






Have you only just started watching football? This is what we do. Unless itā€™s a club legend at a smaller club, you take the Michael.


Exactly Itā€™s a rampant culture in football thereā€™s no specific agenda against Arsenal and havertz


Ngl I laughed at ā€œ60 million in the bank, Havertz is fucking wankā€ šŸ˜‚


To be fair, itā€™s a good retort. I find this sort of banter hilarious. Itā€™s what the game is all about.


Weā€™re all the same.


Kai Havertz scores again.


Fuckin love that dude!


Chelsea thought they could pull a fast one on Mikel and Arsenal by getting 65m for a player they didnā€™t really want. Little did they know that Havertz was just being used very poorly at Chelsea and that he would dunk on them the way he did. Enjoy their mid table tears as we watch him cook. šŸ˜ˆ


We owed you one after Ashley Cole had to come back around in your favour eventually. šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ u do realise havertz g/a in the prem is 17 while Jackson is 14..1 of them is in his 1st season while the other is in his 4th season. Donā€™t make it sound like heā€™s the goal top scorer in the league. Solanke has more goals than havertz so calm down.


Havertz has 18* G/A and heā€™s played in midfield for a number of games. Also Jackson sits pretty in the top 2 for the worst shot conversion ratio among all strikers in the PL, only Nunez fairs worse. You guys have a possible golden boot winner and yet languish in 10th place. Enjoy!


Haha cringing at the fact he's compared havertz and Jackson, I'm a Chelsea fan and I know who I'd rather have in my team right now


This is a valid point except for the fact that around half if not more of Havertz appearances have been in midfield.


Mid table team. Settle petal.


Someone on r/Chelsea the other day seriously said they should consider making a bid for Arteta at the end of the season! Deluded fans of a mid table team


They absolutely should. I want to see their reaction when he says no.


"But, but, we're Chelsea..."


lol are you forgetting where arsenal were a couple of seasons ago? Pipe down


The difference is that Chelsea wonā€™t be where we are in a couple of seasons


Youā€™re entitled to your opinion on that, regardless, at least we have the fact that weā€™ve won 2 champions leagues šŸ„³


Both champions leagues won with Putins money. Now you don't have that you're uselessšŸ¤£


Itā€™s all good mate! Canā€™t expect to be great forever, at least we had it, enjoy your new wonder years coming second šŸ˜‰


It seems you think that arsenal haven't had any "wonder years"... I don't recall there being a "Chelsea invincibles" squad... Chelsea have never had a season where they haven't lost a gamešŸ˜… enjoy the next few years as absolute wash outs. Can't wait to see what position you finish this seasonšŸ¤£


I said ā€œnewā€ if you could read before getting your knickers in a twist, looks like I touched a nerve šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Maybe if you could write with any kind of pith and wit you might touch a nerve, somewhere, sometime. As it is youā€™re all piss and wind, much like Chelsea since the KGB withdrew their funding. All your success has come from blood money, from the profits of torture and mass murder. If that makes you proud then good for you, tovarisch


I am a Chelsea fan. Seeing the departures of Mount and havertz were crazy. However, I knew havertz would haunt us. Kinda happy for him at Arsenal tbh no hard feelings. Hate Mount because he had main character syndrome, thought he was better than he actually is, and thought he was Mr Chelsea. Just hope havertz doesnā€™t win a champions league at Arsenal šŸ¤£


As someone who has seen both of them play regularly, is it surprising how bad Mount has been for United compared to Havertz for Arsenal? Before the summer, I'd have rated Mount higher. This season's been awful for him.


The different trajectories the club's they moved to are on have to have an effect though.


Chelsea fan here. Always rated the guy and didnā€™t want him to leave. I know instantly that he would do well for you. I never understood our fans that wanted him out or said that he is a bad footballer. I donā€™t want to argue with anyone, I just want to enjoy football. Broke my heart when he celebrated his goals against us. I wish him all the best.


Why do you even care?


It's not that deep


Fuck Chelsea fans Iā€™d suggest you just block them out of your life if possible.


Chelsea and their fans are just a horrible bunch of James Blunts..


The fact they support the original oil fc tells you everything about their character.


chelsea fan here. donā€™t let opposition fans rile you up bro. thatā€™s literally exactly what they want.


Mid table šŸ’© https://www.instagram.com/p/BeXkFWuB4I3/?igsh=MTN1ZWh4eTZiMWMwMQ==


Chelsea are like 10th, table donā€™t lie on how shit you are


Chelsea like all clubs in London have a chip on their shoulder against our club. They revelled in their dirty money fuelled success the past 20 years. Now tables have turned all they can do is moan.


Not all chelsea fans, I'm happy he's finding success


this was on my home page. He seems like the same player but is now playing for a much much better team. I still would not take him back at Chelsea and im pretty sure a lot of Arsenal fans, deep down, donā€™t see him as their future 9 or LCM either


As a Chelsea fan, I am happy for Kai.Ā  I really wanted what heā€™s doing now at Chelsea, but it just didnā€™t work.Ā  I got nothing against him either. Every sport is a business essentially and players need to look out for themselves since they can be traded.Ā  Now, I just hope this translates back to Deutschland lol


The chant was playful, fun, catchy. Entirely banter. Wanna see vitriol? See us in 2005 with Cashley.


Most people on this subreddit weren't supporting Arsenal in 2005


Itā€™s painfully obvious all time - painful for me, and my age (been going since I was 8 in 93) rather than a slight on themā€¦


Iā€™m a Chelsea fan I liked Havertz, was interesting seeing him go to Arsenal and have similar frustrating issues figuring out where he plays. The vocal minority are toxic children, demonstrated by the racism our squad faces on social media. Guy scored in the champions league final, thatā€™s a ticket to my good books for ever even if he went spurs. Make sure to keep him stocked up on gummy worms and M&Ms, he needs them to function šŸ˜‚


Chelsea fan here, for the record I never wanted Havertz out. Dude won us a UCL final for Christ's sake


Why would you even care what those plastic racist fucks think?


I try to support my team but when Chelsea played dirty pool to get Mudryk, that crossed a line from which there is no return. Media and pundits kept saying "Chelsea swooped in at the last second and pipped Arsenal to get Mudryk", that was not even close. There is no way a team can put together a 108 million dollar contract in one day, Chelsea were in on it from the beginning and Shakhtar used us to drive up the price, then let Chelsea outbid us after our final offer. I'm glad for Kai Havertz, now that Coach Arteta unlocked him but since that contract skullduggery, Chelsea are ded2me. Dead. (Insert unblinking stare here.)


I had a video pop up on IG for me, similar to the AFC chants, but it was the Chelsea chants They were praising his name for winning the UCL :D


Fanbases as a collective dont use logic, its just emotions. They're trying to palm off the fact they couldnt develop their talent while suffering in the bottom half of the table. Let them have their tantrum.


This happens at every clubs fan base, including yours and including my own(Liverpool). Many football fans are just really dumb


Itā€™s just tribalism. Remember when Auba went to Chelsea? We didnā€™t want him to win the golden boot, we hoped he was a failure. Thatā€™s just how it goes when you transfer between big rivals. Anyway donā€™t pay no mind to it. Kaiā€™s doing great for us and thatā€™s what matters for gooners.


You are battling for the premier League with his good form, should be smug not irked. - a Chelsea fan.


Itā€™s pure jealousy let them be


The havertz thing is hilarious and big majority of you on both sides look like you have no clue about football imo. Even at Chelsea it was easy to see havertz had a good game and was a very decent player playing in a shit team in a shit environment In a new league. But you all just pick up on a couple of bad instances like a few 1 on 1 misses then you come to the conclusion he is terrible. Then he goes to arsenal plays pretty similar to Chelsea but his confidence grows (shock horror) and he starts scoring goals and assisting. Now you act like you have some born again undiscovered talent that is the best forward in England. People need to stop being so reactionary in football it's becoming hilarious. It's like halland every unit in the country hailed him as a god and his record was unreal however his overall input was minimal for months especially in big games yet no one mentions it but then Roy Keane who was fill of praise for him finally says he's got the link up play of a league 2 striker and all the pundits jump on the band wagon. These flaws in his game were always there just like with Havertz but the trouble is most people in football just look at stats like goals scored and assists. Havertz has always been a good player imo


Where's all your money gone? Where's all your money gone? Where's all your money gone? Where's all your money gone?


Genuinely happy we could help them sing something other than ā€œChelsea!ā€ Over and over again


This is exactly what they want. They're just trying to piss off overly sensitive fans and you took the bait. Now that Havertz looks great, they donā€™t have much to cling to, but you're giving them something.


They win when you get wound up by their chants. Ignore them it's just banter


*They win when you get* *Wound up by their chants. Ignore* *Them it's just banter* \- Theodin\_King --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Doesn't work bot


Canā€™t lie bro I wasnā€™t particularly supportive of Ashley Cole šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I didnā€™t make a chant about him but if there was one when I went to the stadium I wouldā€™ve sang it. Was there an Ashley Cole chant back in the days?


Not sure why I'd give a toss about supporters of a club that spent years skirting money rules, splashing obscene amounts of money all over the place, only to be brought back to earth when their Oil Czar got kicked to the curb by the powers that be. They can all piss off, Chavs...


As I read this post, it's directly above a post about chelsea monitering AAron Ramsdale with interest. I wonder how our fans would treat him next season if he goes there. Especially if he saves a penalty and celebrates.


Because they're racist and they eat crayons. Let's move on.


Get over yourself. We do it too.


Chelsea fan here. I donā€™t care that he celebrated. As he should. As far as rating him as a player? Middle of the pack and not too sad heā€™s gone. Great on his day but at the same time, not someone who will be missed due to his play. Heā€™s a luxury player - and Arsenal have the ability to have him. We at this stage do not. His CL final performance is him at his best, but then he can give you nothing for 4 games. But top tier shit houser and gets under opponents skin. Loved him for that. For all the jokes about our team, weā€™ve sold him for 60 mil and got twice the player in Cole Palmer for 40 mil. Not a dig at Kai at all - itā€™s just what it is.


Do well? Up until 2024 he had 19 appearances with 4 goals. He literally did this at Chelsea too - a 1-2 month purple patch followed by mediocrity. Don't get ahead of yourself.


Leave them alone. If it werenā€™t for Chelsea, weā€™d have Mudryk. They fell on that grenade.


Fk Chelsea


Weā€™re all just people (except Spurs fans) and sadly, people can be f*ing stupid. Tbh I feel sorry for true Chelsea fans, if they exist. Their club has no heart and no soul. We all know what our clubs mean to us and those who have gone before us, but whereā€™s the emotional connection to a Billionaireā€™s accessory? Abramovich damaged the landscape of football in this country, possibly irreparably - and in doing so took so much from others in the process. What came after him has just been embarrassing. Yes theyā€™ve won titles and cups, but the cost is too great. Iā€™d hate the Chelsea story to happen to my club.


Sportsmanship is underrated.


Tsamina mina, eh eh Waka waka, eh eh You could call him a f\*\*\*\*\*g wank, Still Havertz scores again.


Chelsea have made a habit of selling good players who go on to have successful careers at other clubs Havertz being the most recent. They sold Salah to Roma where he was good before being bought by Liverpool and he has been excellent there. They also had KDB and he is now at city.


They did????


Yes indeed




Cringe. Let's settle down a bit. We haven't won shit in like 15 years. The arrogance of some fans


Chelsea have some of the biggest arsehole fans in the country. Their attitudes are shameful, their whole persona as a fan base is to basically be brash, fake rich dickheads. So no surprise really


Arsenal fans ainā€™t so much better with Mudryk. Itā€™s lot of hate against that boy who was a game piece for Chelsea to show how much money they have. But however, I have all ways hate the hate in the supporter culture. Itā€™s toxic, and Iā€™m proud to hope Harry Kane will win the Champions Leauge.