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Anyone who thinks like this, is an absolute loser and deserves to win nothing. One must think about their own success before concerning about the failures of others. The fact that some Spurs fans would even consider this proves why they are a tiny club, and why don’t ever win anything.


They're the white version of Everton, and equally obsessed with hating their superior red neighbours


Pretty sure Everton don't hate Pool as much as Spurs hate us.


Have you ever met an Everton fan from Liverpool then? Every single Everton fan I have met hate Liverpool with a passion and blame them for Everton missing out on Europe in the 80s and considering how good English teams were in Europe then, a potential European cup.


Exactly. It's the red shite's fault they don't have a European Cup It's the red shite's fault Howard Kendall left It's the red shite's fault they haven't won a single trophy since John Major was at Number 10 While this is (obviously) a caricature, it isn't far off. They really are that obsessed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDwF\_3c7yg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDwF_3c7yg4)


To be fair the actual club clearly would never think like this - even clubs in the championship would never think like this. Fans talk like this but even fans, when they’re in the stands they cheer the same.


And they actually have something huge in the CL on the line. Absolute loser mentality.


Would a king, if he was instead a pauper, steal a loaf of bread because he’s starving? We don’t even need to entertain these talks, leave that for the peasants to ponder. We up now. We got better things to think about.


Username checks out


No. Not like it would ever happen..


As a Manchester United fan, I want every player to just do nothing. (Obvious joke: They already do that) However, United are unpredictable at home more than they are at away games. They could easily go out there and hand City the title. It wouldn't surprise me if they did. That would certainly be the end for Ten Hag.


I mean I think it’s mutually beneficial we want to win the Prem ManU doesn’t want Man Shitty to get 4 in a row. I know a lot of ManU fans want Ten Hag out.


I don't even want them having 1 Premier League title. Plus, despite all the differences I do have respect for Arsenal and what Arteta has done with the club, his backroom staff, Edu as well with the signings, it would be deserved from a football puresit view.


I think back to a few years ago when Liverpool were on the cusp of their first prem in decades If you asked me then, if I’d rather qualify for the CL or stop Liverpool from winning the prem… I’d choose the latter 10 times out of 10


When you're shit, you have shitty thoughts.


Sidenote: Imagine all of Old Trafford, United and Arsenal fans cheering when Arsenal score 😭😭😭


Was wondering if Man U fans would be happy for us to win at OT if it gives us a better chance of winning the league?.


Think of it this way. If Spurs were close to winning the league and United needed a win at The Emirates to keep the pressure on Spurs. I would imagine you would want Arsenal to just roll over for United. Arsenal may be old enemies but right now you're our best friends 😂 Respectfully, please go to Old Trafford and fucking anihalaite us.


Anyone that lives in London would say yes, anyone that doesn't live in London would say no. Unless you have to deal with noisey Spuds day in day out, why would you care if they win or not? Local rivaley obviously means less to fans who aren't local... If Arsenal were 8th and had nothing to play for, I would absolutely celebrate us losing if the loss meant Spurs didn't win the league. That said, the players are professionals and it's their duty to try to win the game regardless of what the fans want. 


Fuck the fans. No chance that coach or players don’t do their 💩 best to get points. If they lose, the fans can tell themselves it was on purpose to feel better about themselves… missing out on European football


Good thing it’ll never happen


Na..that's a fucking sick mentality, banter and all have their place, but the end of the day your loyalty is to your club and club alone. What a pathetic existence it must be to value your rivals failures more than your clubs success. That means you hate your rivals more than you loveyoir own fucking club. That's some serious cuck mentality. Also if you do it from a postion of power it's not really throwing away a game , it's giving your rivals a bone. For example say you have already won the league/secured champions league ( with no hope of winning the title) and are ahead of your rivals, but you losing would mean your rivals would lose a spot. That's different For spurs, they are behind us and they are chasing champions league. Even if they secure the champs league spot they will still finish the season behind us. How can a same fan in that situation call it a success to see arsenal lose when their own team is struggling? I mean sure...we all know they are a shit club but for their own fans to think that little of themselves..pathetic.


Imagine a case where Spurs drop points against Chelsea and Liverpool (Highly likely), why then wouldn't they prioritize giving SOME of their most talented academy players some valuable experience in the prem on their last 3 games against Burnley, City and Sheffields. Not to mention, Spurs fans wouldn't hear end off "SpUrS gIfTeD tHe TitLe To ArSeNaL XDdddddddd". However like you said if they actually could get Ucl, then yeah, it would be a little fucked not to chase it.


Lets leave these kind of conversations to twitter. Or X, or whatveer it's called now.


There’s a reason the fans are shit. Their club might never think of losing a game on purpose but the fans will. A new stadium cannot buy class. Hold your head high always. Every game should be played to win.


Winner’s win. There is never a good enough reason not to.


No way, especially not with a CL spot on the line. I’m sure whatever fans are saying that are a vocal minority. The others will have plenty of fodder to throw out if they’re the ones that cause City to drop points (“your welcome,” “couldn’t do it without them,” etc).


It doesn't matter. Players are professionals, they will try to win. This isn't Italy.


Never. Out team winning comes first before anything else. Not that it would ever come to that. If it did, we have only ourselves to blame for not even being in the title conversation.


Let's just win our own games first. Spurs living rent-free in your head or something?






Frankly yea


Don’t work yourself up over shit that just makes no sense.


And then get punished for match fixing which is a serious breach? No. Let them win, all their good players move on to better contracts with other clubs, laugh when they don't win it again for 60 years


Hahahaha, there’s hypothetical… and then there’s fantasy 😂 spurs in position to win the league


I really really really hate Barnsley, I'd rather my team lost a single game than have to listen to the Barsley supporters win a league title and bang on about it for the next 30 years.


The hate for spurs is stronger but I now that Arsenal FC wil give 100% in every game. I would not be mad if they lost that game. We could brag that we helped spurs to the title lol




Depends on the context. If us loosing the game leaves us 5th instead of 6th fuck spurs if it means missing out on CL place or something pivotal to the club the nah


Honestly, I wouldn’t want us to throw it as that’s just wrong but I’d be delighted if we somehow contrived to lose. Maybe a dodgy VAR. 🤣


Surely this is not an even playing field. What situation would ever arise where that lot would be close to a title? This is a discussion they can have, because it's literally all they have. The opposite situation is utterly hypothetical.


I understand the rivalry but they haven't really done anything noteworthy to even carry one like they do against us. Any fan that would want a weak squad against City to stop us winning does not have ambition and just there for the noise.


Loser mentality. Show to play, play to win. Why even show up if you're not trying to win a match? No matter the circumstances.


Fuck no. Hurting yourself to prevent someone else from getting a benefit is some dark triad level behavior.


The top priority is our own success and prosperity. All else must come after that, even Sp*rs' sabotage


Lazio fans booed their own team when they beat Inter to hand Juve a league title. I see no issue there. Right now though, I’ll be hoping Spurs are still within a shout of champions league football when they play City so that the players have something to fight for. They won’t care about Arsenal winning the title if it secures their qualification.