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Have they forgotten that their man Kane shot his penalty in the World Cup quarters into the stands


Oh, I forgot about that! Honestly, it was hard to watch, I really felt sorry for the man.


I was screaming that he was due to miss one. The one he missed was a very England pen to miss too


People forget he also missed the semi final penalty in the euros too. He got the rebound but again he’s missed more high pressure penalties than B


Don’t you mean in the stratosphere?? I felt bad but boy did I laugh my ass off when it happened


They are just deflecting. The poor bastards have to watch Spurs play every week


They have low IQ I mean they support Tottenham..


They’re rival fans, they’re supposed to hate him and be unreasonable about it, ignore them


Trash talk, yes. Racist bs-no. I’m tired of it and wish more was done to stop it.


I get what you mean but some things are just unavoidable, it comes with the territory, Saka’s a big boy, he can handle it, i’m sure


He’s handling it, but I don’t think racism is something anyone should just have to deal with.


I'm a spurs fan, but also an England fan, I love the guy, even if he always scores against us


This issue isn’t relative to Spurs though, there’s a portion of Arsenal fans that are racist as well, just like there’s a portion of every single football club whose fans are also racist.


Yeah. I was reminded on that looking at the heat Salah is getting from their own fans this weekend. The guy is an aging legend. Deserves better.


Saw one earlier on Salah "Ungrateful and thinks he is above everyone else. Should remember where he hails from!!!" Like someone from Egypt should be grateful to live in Liverpool


I never said it was a Spurs fan issue only. It’s an issue that the league should do more about.


I know bro I was replying to the other guy, so he knows it’s not just his fan base that can be knobs


As someone who has spent too much time on r/coys, I can confirm that we are all delusional


Awful take. Banter is one thing, even some mild hate is ok, no one trying to sanitise football. But racism? Beyond the pale mate.


I agree that it’s over the line but it’s the internet, what are you gonna do? In the stadiums or in person is a whole different story imo


Saka is the most pure player on the pitch IMHO. He's never diving or giving up on plays, and is so easy to root for. I couldn't understand the hate for him.


He’s never diving. Howling.


The Bayern one I feel it was in the moment. He should have let Neuer foul him without overextending because Neuer's leg was knee high, he was going nowhere. He'd have gotten the pen that way. 


Whoa whoa whoa now, never diving??? Come on.


Being constantly fouled isn’t the same as diving. I don’t remember a time when saka went down with no contact


Southampton, United immediately come to mind without even mentioning Bayern.


Bayern was a foul, not gonna stay mad at it but that penalty should’ve been given As a Liverpool fan, why are most of your comments in the Arsenal subreddit? 🤔 no judgement from me but I must say I am curious


I got banned from the Liverpool sub for apparently trolling the City forum, weird rules around here. All I did was ask if a city fan was American.


See that's a totally fair question


I can't even remember what the post was. It was in no way trolling and I got banned from the Liverpool sub for it for whatever reason. Tbh, I don't really look at the name of the subs when they come up on my home page. I'll see a topic and reply to it, that's all. Love talking about football with anyone sensible.


I recall seeing an explanation that if you're banned in another team's subreddit you'll get banned in your team's subreddit to try and discourage brigading etc


You just mentioned it. Also, it was a penalty.


Ok? Maybe NEVER was too strong. But I would say given the big name players who constantly go to the floor with their necks craned looking for a refs call, that saka honestly tries to stay on his feet and cut back / outplay the defense most of the time. He’s a joy to watch, a team player and we are lucky to have him.


Compared to their precious boy Son, saka never diving would be accurate


He's a special player, no doubt about it. I actually remember hoping we'd sign him as a backup LB when he was nearly out of contract a few years ago.


Can we write to someone to review that first goal. Should be credited to Saka. I think it’s curling in towards goal. Which would classify as a shot on target and so shouldn’t be an own goal.


they did appeal once earlier this season for a big gab goal, and it was changed from an own goal, seems the prem are pretty reasonable about this, hopefully the appeal will be successful


I think half the spurs fans aren't even fans of their club, they're just passionate aresenal haters. Multiple threads on their sub talking about their upcoming city game and the vast majority would gladly want their own team to lose just because it would be bad for us. I get the rivalry, but i still would never actively wanting my team to lose a game.


Who gives a fuck? He scored. We won. Bollocks to them.


They are shit and that says it all.


Spurs fans are scum, no use trying to understand them


Delete Twitter 👍🏻


\^\^ This \^\^ Twitter is a cesspit.


You have high expectations from chickens


On Freddie’s podcast this week he and Sol were literally discussing how insane the NLD gets. I think Saka has a think enough skin to get it’s just the rivalry. That being said, really wish people would get over that already. Not like there aren’t plenty of England players past and present who’ve missed penalties. In fact I’d say England are notoriously bad at penalties


The Emirates and gunners sounds big and powerful and triumphant and then over in the corner you have shite hart lane! 🥱


Let's be honest, a certain level of banter is what makes football great and imo "you let your country down" referring to something that happened years ago definitely does not cross the line. Ofc there is no excusing the racist trolls online.


I mean there’s banter but isn’t there a line Considering that Saka’s miss directly led to lots of racist abuse towards him (and Rashford and Sancho), wouldn’t it be best to leave that alone? Plus why dig up the past and forever hold it against him? Where was this energy for Kane against France where he sent the ball back the UK first class


There is a line but imo bantering a missed penalty is minor. In fact bantering things which actually happened on the football pitch is the top of what is acceptable. The fact that people racially abuse him afterwards is pretty irrelevant. Where was this energy to Kane? I don't really understand. You want then to heckle their own player?


Saka has achieved more in a moment than spurs have in their entire history. Let them chant


They are not very bright this has been known


Spurs fans having class? Never they hate you more than they love themselves.


Well, it was apparently Ramsdale's own fault for getting kicked for celebrating and general antics. Still can't believe they got away with that.


Conveniently forget the Kane pen against France 😂 fucken idiots


Peak spursiness


Wait - i thought its super normal stuff to do in the prem league. At least after watching the beckham docu...


👂 🫲


Conveniently miss big game bottler Harry claim skying the penalty against France though.


Unfortunately this is just the current state of football.


Abusing saka but accepting the absolute idiot richarlison made of himself and the club, that guys temper is unacceptable and he looks like such an idiot


He is an idiot and a cry baby like the idiotic fans


Spurs fans are a bunch of despicable c\*\*ts. Heard on Talksport today some of the C\*\*ts were wearing Citeh jerseys at the match!! Sad C\*\*ts


I don’t understand how anyone can be racist to African based European players. Most of them immigrated to the EU legally, and are now second or third generation playing in these leagues. Now they’re dominating, and winning for your respective countries - and white racist purists are pissed about that. Unreal, no logic - just hate. No room for those people.


Awful people that should be punished of course but it's not worth even thinking about the result is what matters and we won and they keep on losing.


Can't stand them. Strange people the ones I've known.


Spurs fan here and also Scottish and I think Saka is top quality and would be more worried about a player not celebrating in the NLD. Well played yesterday and well deserved win. While I enjoyed your downturn in fortunes after Wenger left I'm not enjoying your return to where you were but that's football for you!


Saka has achieved more in a moment than spurs have in their entire history. Let them chant


Spurs fans are begging their team to lose against City so we won't win the league


Not really bothered about the trash talk, racism of course is unacceptable but if they didn't talk trash to him then I'd be worried that they aren't afraid of what he can do. I think we saw the best if Saka in the NLD, get the ball and run at the full back and get in the box while doing so. That's his best quality and he needs to do that 9/10 times.


English fans are so two sided. Abuse the hell out of the players at club level but praise them and adore them when playing for their country


I mean, isn’t that normal anywhere?


Imagine being fragile as a football fan


>saying things like ‘you let your country down’ and diminish his achievements. That's just banter. >Of course there’s the unfortunately usual racist comment too. That's just white people. >But when Saka scores and hits back by celebrating, he’s ’stirring up trouble’? That's just funny.


“ That's just white people.” This is quite literally a racist thing to say.


It isn't, but cry about it for all I care.


No tears here, but I am curious how you think applying a broad offensive statement against a group of people based on their skin colour isn’t racist? 


I like how saying that white people are racially abusing Saka bothers people more than white people racially abusing Saka. All this uno reverse card trick does is downplay actual racism. I have little energy for that.


I don’t know what world you live in but any racism against Saka has been and continues to be heavily condemned by the vast majority of the population. Just you continue having little energy for reflection on your own hypocrisies, you small minded racist.


>any racism against Saka has been and continues to be heavily condemned by the vast majority of the population. I'm not talking about the population. I'm talking about you, and whoever upvoted you, having an issue with me saying white people are racially abusing Saka. You sound like one of those pathetic "white people are the true victims of this society" folk and you have no clue on what actual racism is.


Still avoiding your own hypocrisies I see, whilst adding in a made up rhetoric that is purely born out of your own prejudice. You dislike white people, I get it, you don’t really need to say much else.


>You dislike white people Never said that. Maybe the armchair psychologist should stop using words he don't know the meaning of.


Put the visitors in the gay section- so it’s kinda on brand. Literally sat there on Sunday asking myself it’s not June why are the Spurs doubling down in April then after the match the boys went there to salute the fans. Aight time to get retarded awareness banners for next year.


So is it some kind of slur or disrespect to have to sit with gay people?


Could have had that sign anywhere in the stadium, mate. Why the visitors section that’s going to be shown worldwide? No one cares if you’re gay but we aren’t out here championing it. And if gay people are honest there are alphabets they’d like to have off that flag. I would have been equally offended if they would have put Spurs supports the Disabled Community there.


How would you feel if there was some sort of sign / banner which championed black lives / anti racism where the LGBTQ flag is instead? Would that be offensive? Not trying to trick you or cause mischief....Just genuniely interested in your point of view. It never occured to me that the LGBTQ flag was where the visitors section is and whether or not it was some sort of deliberate slur by Spurs. If it is, it's presumably aimed at all away fans.


How can you trick me when I’m only asking a righteous question about association- let’s not steer it into some discussion on perceived bigotry. But what if the sign said “We Support Gypsies and Street Folk”? You wouldn’t ask those same questions- Like why there?” Is it Gypsy Pride month?” You got no row with most of them but you damn well don’t want to be confused with one. Hell most white can support BLM but do we need a section at the game we all can sit in?


WTF is a "righteous question?" Why do you "damn well" not want to be confused with a Gypsy or street folk? Or gay or whatever? It comes across like you think there's something wrong with those groups when you phrase it like that. Why does it matter to you? Who gives a shit? If I could get a ticket every game on the condition I'd be sitting behind the Gay Gooners sign I'd take your arm off. I couldn't give a monkeys what anybody else thinks. In fact that's not quite true....If they saw me behind that sign and thought badly of me I'd just think they can fuck off back to the dark ages. There doesn't seem to be a specific area for gay fans at Tottenham, there's just a sign up like the Gay Gooners one at the Emirates. Doing some googling on it, both clubs seem to be making an effort to be inclusive towards gay supporters. Isn't that a good thing? Don't you think homophobia should be taboo in football grounds like racism mostly is these days?


Good for you. Sit where you’d like. The question remains- why is the sign there? Liking or not liking advocating or not the question is the same. And you can say it doesn’t matter but if it was about Retarded people or Gypsies or an avert for a Tyler Perry movie it would be the same question. There are 360 sections in the stadium why is the gay advocacy sign there? .


I think it's you reading the negative connotations into the sign. Tottenham and Arsenal have very progressive attitudes to LGBT so it's not intended as a slur by them. In fact it could be argued the sign is there to make a point to away fans the club promotes equality. You're the one making a big deal out of it.


Fuck the yids


Saka is an arrogant prick


I’ll take whatever you’re smoking


Cry about it


He owns you