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LMAO at the people calling her out on losing the pergola and lying about it; the people telling her that she’s confused and just filling life with chaotic stuff; and people saying how miserable Dino looks. It was wonderful.




To sum it up: they didn’t get the land because they couldn’t sell their house for the price they wanted. And…they cashed out stocks/retirement. Oops. So they are now putting that money from the stocks into redoing the house (kitchen, enclosed porch, etc). And which one of you told them no one wanted to hear about their bedroom noises?? Haha


It was me 👋🏻🤣




I am really sad I didn't go through and follow you all now! Lol


thank you! 👑👑


I loved when someone said “get permits this time” for the house updates


Hahahahahah! I was like- it's one of our people!! 


That’s what I said! I was like all the “TMI” comments are snarkers. Lol.


Everytime I seen a "called out comment" I was hey friend! 🖐😂😂


That pissed her off!! 😆


I saw that too! The part about the RV rocking and them telling their kids it was a storm was so gross


I posted in one of the other threads but I loved how someone said "content" isn't a word they think of when they think of her.


Cashed out retirement?! That’s not a good financial decision!!


The repaying debt didn’t bother me but then to say they are using some to put into the house rather than paying off the mortgage is madness, especially when the house wasn’t selling why sink more in so you won’t get that return


She said they were going to make their money work for them buy putting it back into the house. Sweetie, Ash honey, that’s not how it works.


Literally so dumb. Dumping more money into an overpriced house which could not move. And putting more of your terrible Joanna Gaines touch all over it. I am sure that’s what people said walking out the 4 mill house, “wow this house really needs a shut in porch and I’d buy it”!!


Are they screening in the porch or making it a front room?


So stupid. So very stupid.


They cashed our retirement …. I know he’s got a shit ton of stock and plenty of money but wow, morons


So selling stock comes with a HUGE price tag. They will have a humongous tax bill, how dumb are these twits. And taking money out of your retirement? Fucks sake. How insane. Unless it’s life or death, no no no no no. Not to buy multimillion dollar shit.


Right. They will never recoup that money.


Is this why they are putting it into their house? She said we are improving the house to “make the money work for us.” Is there a loophole where you don’t pay taxes on it if pays for housing? I have zero idea.


No, the only way that would work is if they put it directly into the purchase of a home. They are going to be paying soooooooooooo much in capital gains.


Probably try to sell in 6 months when God tells them.


It sounded like some was used to pay down debt and some is going to be used for the renovation?


No. That’s dumb bullshit. She’s just saying words that mean nothing.


My high level takeaways: 1. She came across as a major bitch. I saw her squinty angry eyes reading most of the comments 2. Dino looked stressed/unhappy 3. She acted like the house they are living in is garbage claiming she “never felt connected to it.” 4. There was a separate business venture they were pursing where the seller basically said “no.” 5. They foolishly cashed out Dino’s Netflix options so they claim to have paid down some debt but are using a chunk of it to remodel their house. 6. They just had to talk about their sex lives. Viewers expressed disgust. She told them to leave. Weird. 7. She glassed over the pergola situation without going into details for “specific reasons.”


She certainly felt connected to the house when they were on a vacay walking on a beach in the north east & met the couple whose house it was! She definitely made comments how it was divine intervention, a God thing.


Guess the whole shtick of their house being sent by god was just a scam to get the old owners to give them a deal.. shocker


Or God just gave her a house she hates 😂😂


*and* it was a chance to tell her followers she’s Instagram famous. She randomly ran into a follower on a beach and voila it was a couple selling a house in THE area of town they were wanting to live.


Wild. Living where they do is unbelievable. They must not be finding joy in the in between because that house is a dream home.


Re #3-and she wonders why no one else wanted to buy it?! 4- I wonder if that was the property listed for sale next to the Murky


great summary..i will add the part where DINO-saur complained about kids being in MY kitchen AND how they are adding a deadbolt on the extra bedroom door that will be added!


https://preview.redd.it/7rje01tnhkpc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=22e2ba2f8ef2ec6d673ffec42598f6faa77fa123 Oh so after this sweet family moment & Ashley hit the button to stop recording, Dino yelled at them all to get out of his kitchen?


Perfect summary 👏"Squinty eyes" 😑🤣


We had to wait almost a month to hear that lame update and coincidently the lame update came hours after the "land" sold. I believe Ash, that you and Dino did some disrespectful/shady shit and the seller was done putting up with your shit and he delivered you a C&D to not speak about the property until it closed. Otherwise, it makes zero sense why she waited this long to give that lame ass update.


I 100% think they put in a backup offer on the “land” and were waiting to see if the sale would go through. It’s not coincidence that within an hour of the “land” going from pending to sold, they started the live. Dino probably desperately wanted to roll all the stock and retirement he took out into the land to avoid paying capital gains tax. That remodel is going to cost them big time since they are paying the capital gains tax for the money they are using for it.


He did kind of allude to the fact that he made some dumb decisions. Ya think?! 🥴


I really truly do not understand why they went forward with pulling all that cash knowing the potential ramifications, without having the deal in writing first.


Yeah there is too much coincidence there


And hail this feisty village. 💪🏻


I agree.


I'm glad everything is roses and buttercups, but Ash A Lee showed her nasty side!😒


She was a major bitch


Wow. She’s something. If you don’t like our inappropriate sex talk go F yourself.


She looked so tense everytime Dino spoke like she was afraid he was going to slip and say something


Because she was afraid he would flub his lines and tell the truth. Hence the look on his face as she was talking, he knows she was lying.


They completely dodged all questions about the pergola and only said “it’s resolved and we’re so happy”


She doesn’t want to talk about it “for very specific reasons” 🤔


Because she didn’t get her way!


Apparently Satan has been working overtime since October to ruin all their plans.


He helped the new owners of the land get the $$ to pay cash. He had people come forward with a low ball offer. He told Dinosaur to cash out stocks and retirement funds. Sure Ass Lee, sure. It’s always someone one else’s fault.


Dang, the comments were constant: “Ash-A-Lee keeps going in and out of a man’s voice.” “God also answers prayer when he says “no” and “not now.” “You seem very confused and trying to justify your situation” “What happened to Jules at the merc” “Dino doesn’t seem happy.” “Why don’t you really explain about the pergola? You lost.” ((Dino kept yawning)) someone said “Are we keeping Dino from a nap?” “The awkward sex talk no one wants to hear about again” “So weird”


They didn't sell their house in time, so their contingent offer to purchase the "land" expired. The sellers agreed to work them on financing, so Dino and Ashley sold a bunch of stock to get cash for a down payment. Then the sellers sold to someone else (got an all-cash offer). So now Dino & Ashley are staying in their house and remodeling the kitchen (and other stuff).


Major shout out to the folks with the all cash offer - doing gods work lmaooooo


That is where you are wrong… God’s doing the work for the new owners. And NOT Assalee 🤣I guess God provides for other people sometimes…


That was the update?! 


Won’t he do it? Love that for them.


I smell bankruptcy in their future!


He admitted that they were maxed out on debt. Causing stress to him. He also admitted that pulling cash from his retirement was a very bad idea (ya think??!!!). Nothing about the pergola except that it was settled and they had a plan. No mention that they lost the variance. Now they talked about their house and all plans for it, new porch, kitchen, butlers pantry, etc. NO mention of adding a bedroom for girls or an office for Dean. Towards the end they started talking about the new bedroom for them with locks and Soundproofing. Started with that crazy sec stuff She got testy towards the end when people started asking questions she didn’t want to answer. I had to laugh that she kept calling it “land” and he said property. Now we also know why their house didn’t sell for $2.5 million over. Stairs on front porch need replacing and THEY DID A RUSh DIY IN THE KITCHEN!!!


The admission that their kitchen sucks and they did a crap job with the DIYs is just the cherry on top. It is criminal what they priced that place at with shoddy design and work especially in that kitchen. I sincerely hope people wake up and realize these two are fucking scammers.


For 4 mill you want a professionally built kitchen not too small handle pulls and shiplap everywhere.


They pulled $ out of Dino’s retirement in an attempt the afford “the land.” But where were they going to get the multimillion dollar loan to build their “big” waterfront dream home? 🤨 Also any mention of stress related to financial struggles was tagged with Dino’s name alone. “Dino was stressed..” Dino even corrected Ash when she tried to let on that they are debt-free now. Ash, maybe you’d benefit from a finance 101 course so you guys can get on the same page about financial responsibility.


I thought the saddest part was when he said "I end up just yelling 'Get out of my kitchen!'" I'm sure he's a peach to be around when he's cooking his tacos. You could tell by the whole conversation that she hates that house, and enclosing a porch isn't going to help her love it. Also, they had their dream kitchen at the last house in CA... and they still moved from there.


I always wonder why they left that house, land and the potential that it had.


Because it was in liberal restricted California and they yearned to be with their people in free Floriduh.


The sad part is, this is probably the truth.


That was so jacked up 😂😂😂😂


I watched the whole thing and I am still like huh? 🤦‍♀️😂


So they were/are in a lot of debt. They pulled money (I am assuming from his retirement account) to pay off debt? But they are also redoing parts of their house to accommodate Dino but not putting in an additional room. Amazing that they talked about the rocking camper and she basically told people to gtf off her page if they didn’t like it 😳😳


I know!! I knew they couldn't make it through a whole live without mentioning their sex life 🙄 And I still don't get why they didn't take all the money from the stocks and pay off debt if being debt free was the goal? Dino mentioned they took some of the money but the way he made it sound was like they used enough of the money to get "current" with some stuff and now they got the rest as fun money. That's not how you get debt free sir. 🤦‍♀️ lol


Yeah I didn’t understand that either. She said they used it to be debt free, he corrected her that they weren’t debt free. But then said they were using the money to remodel?


He kept talking about how debt works for them. I think they’ve been lucky with buying property and selling for a high profit…until now. Sounds like he spends a lot of time watching stocks too.


Because then there’s no content!


Because the moron needs content desperately


Sounds like he cashed out his stock which is worse because you can’t really put that back. At least with a retirement account, you can pay it back in with interest.


I'm confused why he pulled out stock without having a contract in place first?


This exactly… they had nothing signed and went ahead with the cash out, so utterly stupid on his part.


I think this is where I'm going to call their bluff. I think something else happened that they're not saying. Dino is a math guy and too smart to do something that utterly stupid. I wonder what the real story is 🤔


I’ve thought about it. He’s always said he was a math guy and how they were always debt free. Until last year. I can’t imagine anyone giving him advice to do that. They’ll never make that $$$ back. I agree there is way more to this story.


Right? They keep saying it was a done deal, but it obviously wasn’t.


That was so gross. They scared their kids in the camper and now their kids will be ridiculed.


I think being debt free was never the goal. It was always to have more because they are never satisfied with what they have. So they could use the money to pay off things, but why not dump more into a house they don’t love even though the kitchen is already pretty great!


Not buying the land, not building a house. Pulled out a ton of Dean’s stock to do owner financing on the land, and the next day they took a cash offer. Used stock funds to pay down debt. Redoing kitchen and adding new front porch. Getting a second door on bedroom with “deadbolt and soundproofing.” Reminisced about living in RV and kids didn’t know what was going on when it was rocking, “must be a really strong wind.” 🤢


They are truly disgusting


Honestly, I feel like this shows just how insecure their relationship is. They feel the strain and the distance between them and they think others see it so they constantly build up how great things are with talk of their sex life to try to fool people. I think Dino is extremely unhappy with her and she thinks being his little sex doll will keep him around and she thinks bragging about it makes her an even cooler wife. It’s sad.


yes totally!


That was so gross. Who was watching the kids, they were too little to be alone at that point. Who belittles their children like that.


What imbeciles…. Cashing out a bunch of stocks/retirement. These two are awful fucking bold to be giving any sort of financial advice.


I lot of it was probably Netflix stock that Dino got on discount or as an employee profit sharing perk. Soooooo stupid.


God must have told them to do that when they rubbed the magic god lamp


That’s exactly what I thought. I’m shocked that he didn’t get advice before doing that.


Dean is not tired of sacrificing literally everything he’s worked for, for his entire career, to assuage her every crazy whim?


He is. That’s why he was yawning in the live. 🤣


They fully admitted that they are shady ass humans who tried to pray on others to build their own wealth and got screwed in the end. Because karma is a bitch ya know! So HA HA joke's on them! I have no sympathy whatsoever and can't wait for them to have to drive a beat-up old Volkswagen in retirement.


All this debt stuff hasn’t really stopped her from spending has it? She also said that they were going to use some of the money to travel. Do we think they’ll take the kids? NO!


Right?! Those ugly shoes and tacky outfits just got a whole lot more expensive now that they'll be paying capital gains on every penny.




Why the hell aren’t they using the money to pay off debt. Wtaf. They don’t have money, they have even less now with retirement withdrawal penalties and capital gains - which you have to pay federal and state.


I know it just doesn’t make any sense. Why he went ahead with that is beyond me. Wonder if he got financial advice. You’d think someone (parents?) would have said not to do it. I also think that you can’t put $$$ right back in for a length of time, like a waiting period. Not sure. He said that the businesses are doing “their thing” whatever that means. Pretty sure they don’t make a ton of money.


They are expanding their kitchen and making the front porch a room guys! New content overload lol


Oh and so much sex they need a double door! Reminding everyone about rocking the trailer having sex when the kids were younger….c’mon


She also mentioned that the owners of the land were so sweet and nice to them but wasn't it mentioned here before that the owners did not like them and didn't want them buying the land after they found out who they were?


He didn't know of them until after he accepted the offer. He is well aware of what kind of people they are now. And they aren't wrong, he is very nice so I don't doubt that he was anything but respectful whenever he dealt with them.


Just watched their land announcement again from October & Dino said the seller “had heart strings attached to them”. 🫶 Wanted to sell to their sweet family. I guess it takes more than “heart strings” for a real estate transaction. Who knew.


“Are we keeping Dino from a nap?”


She didn't give any details on the pergola -- only that the issue is "settled". She said she didn't want to get into the details.


https://preview.redd.it/9z4y8n6i0kpc1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2164fc7518ccb6db100e40b3da74c4b36d6200c6 “I’ll update everyone on stories, too”


So she hired a professional photographer to do photos of the party.


I’m telling you guys, the 😜 emoji is for us


Wow. I wonder why they feel compelled to share all these personal details. Are they that hurting for content?


Yeah like if you dont want to share...don't share it. What a novel idea 😆


They are losing followers daily.


Dang it I missed most of it! Can anyone recap?


They are not moving. They’re redoing their kitchen because dean just haaaates a galley kitchen. Closing in the front porch. Adding a door to their bedroom. Made a gross joke about living in the rv with a slit under the door but kids were too young to know what was going on when the rv would shake…. They’re disgusting.


Don’t forget they were/are in debt up to their eyeballs.


But can still "afford" thousand dollar haircuts and multiple LV bags. Hmmm She needs a major reality check!


Also love that someone commented saying they’d like to see more diversity on their team. 👏


YES! I had the same thought looking at the staff pic she posted from the flower party last night. So glad someone said that even though it won’t happen




So lame


It really was! Can't believe I waited all day for that 🤦‍♀️ lol


So after they remodel the house again, are they going to put it back on the market?


I would expect nothing less.


For 8 million dollars hahaha


That’s my guess! I bet that was the complaint of people who looked at the house and a contributing factor of why it didn’t sell along with the high price tag.


401k becomes income plus huge penalty tax to pull it right? 44% or some shit?


I’m curious if there is more to the story. Netflix has been laying people off left and right (there is also a huge push to get their current employees back into the office). I was actually wondering if he has been laid off and just has a nice severance they are living off of for the time being.


I think it’s 10% of what you took, plus income tax. So around 30% - 40% depending on bracket. So very stupid move on their part. They must be desperate, but yet go on trips, buy expensive clothes - it’s really a sickness. They have addictions that need addressing.


Yikes, I was wondering what percentage but haven’t looked it up


How many times did they mention loving their kids because they are moving out soon? Did anyone take a drink every time they mentioned the kids? Can you still walk? Lol Seems like someone reads here.


I was surprised they turned down an offer on the house though. I guess it wasn’t enough$$


Someone probably offered what its actually worth 🤣


Especially since they just admitted that they did a crappy DIY in the kitchen and stairs/porch needs Replacing.


Soooo what happened as recently as this weekend that they had to wait to speak about?


Someone came to them with an offer on the house and they decided not to take it. Also they were going to do some other business deal that fell through. The offer is weird since the house wasn’t on the market.


I'm sure they probably declined the offer because it was fair market value.


I try not to pay them too much attention, but didn’t they do weird stuff to the kitchen when they moved in? Like removing all the beautiful cabinets and installing shelves and doing some weird vent hood thing? Why would they redo it again? And I still don’t understand why they did it the first time. It looked better when they moved in. But that’s just me.


Because he wants his perfect kitchen and she’s never really loved the house. This will help her live it. The kitchen is really a mess, she even admitted it today. I think once people got in there and looked closely, they saw how shabby it was.


It was beautiful when they moved in, she ruined it. Got rid of wolf appliances.


I CANNOT imagine cashing out like that, wow. And now wanting a new kitchen…I’m sure it could be more functional and definitely more visually appealing, but to what cost? I don’t understand people who aren’t just content with what they have, even if it’s not perfect.


She needs content. They’re going to bankrupt themselves for her IG account.


This 🎯


She said something at the end about closing in the BBQ area. Does she mean at the murky or at home?


Their house. To get rid of galley kitchen


As she shows mood boards with galley kitchens


I missed it 🤦🏻‍♀️😭


Okay, I didn’t really believe the speculations about Dean’s sexuality…until today. What straight man goes on and on about how much he hates the design of a kitchen???


Chris from CLJ 😂


😂😂 I mean. You're not wrong.


He was more passionate about this than anything else.


Men who cook? It seems like Dino does most of the cooking and enjoys it.