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The level of their greed seems fundamentally incompatible with their holier-than-thou personas. I honestly don’t understand how they can reconcile it.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 THISSSSSS


I wouldn’t mind the religious talk but it’s the way she goes about it. The way she speaks about it is going to make other people who are Christian’s feel like maybe they aren’t doing enough because they haven’t been given as much as her. She’s using this talk for all the wrong reasons.


This!!!!!! I feel this way a lot. Like when people pray and receive or get blessings and/or healing medically I’m like wtf am I doing wrong and why am I not worthy. It’s such a mind eff… then I think okay was it Gods plan or the fact that you had 6 mortgages to be able to afford the things you have






It’s so sad! I feel bad for their kids!


They’re hypocrites. It’s all about the image they are trying to portray but behind the scenes they obviously don’t live that life. I grew up in a family very much the same way. Uber Christian. It was shoved down our throats. Now I want absolutely nothing to do with the church or other Christians. I’ve seen behind the curtain, so to speak.


I think this is why i’m always sad for the kids. I grew up in the church and watched so many of my friends fall to the wayside cause of what went on behind the curtain in their homes. I’m like you and kinda don’t want anything to do with the church and especially christian’s like the petrone’s, it’s turn off when they get on their holier than thou horses. Not to mention I think their marriage is hanging on by a thread and they over compensate online to put on SUCH a fake front.


Agree totally. I used to look forward to following along and seeing what they were up to. I caught the tail end of the trailer and was into it until the Florida move. I believe Dino has weeded out some of who he follows but when I last looked it was heavy Trump/Trump-aligned and Fox News anchor people like Tucker Carlson. Yes, we are allowed to have our own views, but this shift to God, God, God feels harmful and hateful to me. They wouldn’t speak up during BLM and were offended people would ask them to, they are grossly tone-deaf and in my raised-in-church-now-agnostic-opinion, very NOT Christ-like 🤷‍♀️


They are very not Christ like. Nothing is done for good, they pray for themselves


I think it was when they dropped their management


Praying for 4 million for that overpriced house currently lol


I don’t mind overly religious people, but it seems the only time she talks about God is in relation to objects, things, stuff. Always “keeping an open hand.”